Black "man" demands FREE COFFEE from Starbucks for reparations

Well, this is certainly an embarrassing man and those like him make up an embarrassing portion of the race involved, but the entire race isn't embarrassing.
There are crazies all over the place. Gator is right.
Not many races I see out there that demand free shit over and over again.

They are not even embarrassed when they demand grades standards be lowered in order to meet affirmative action quotas at universities.

They demand that. Think about that. Complete and thorugh disaster.

What an embarrassing race

Way to judge an entire race off of one low life.

At least you are not a racist or anything!

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I think the guy is a credit to his race for standing up to those slave owning racist honkies. Did you notice his back was all crooked and bent from picking all that cotton and carrying it to market.

The pathetic embarrassing crap face got it too.

What a pathetic group.
There are crazies all over the place. Gator is right.
Not many races I see out there that demand free shit over and over again.

They are not even embarrassed when they demand grades standards be lowered in order to meet affirmative action quotas at universities.

They demand that. Think about that. Complete and thorugh disaster.
That isn't all blacks but it is all liberals.
Way to judge an entire race off of one low life.

At least you are not a racist or anything!
Unfortunately, human psychology being what it is, that's the way it works for a substantial percentage of the population, Black and White, and if it doesn't operate at the conscious level there usually is a subliminal effect. A prominent example of the effect is the usual Black riot when a White cop is accused of brutality. Hundreds if not thousands of Whites are punitively affected because of the actions of one.

The institutions of slavery and Jim Crow present another prime example of subliminal vindictiveness. There are many contemporary American Blacks who harbor a profound loathing for Whites, all Whites, because of what they've been taught by foregone generations of Blacks. Outstanding examples of this condition are Black celebrities, musicians, actors, sports figures, who, ignoring their own success, use their celebrity to agitate against Whites.

What an embarrassing race

Filthy piece of’s what most of them do...pass the bill to good Americans....and the cowardly little indoctrinated Liberal girl didn’t have the balls to say....”GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU FILTHY NI**ER!”
Any of my daughters would have done exactly that...they’re fully aware of what makes a NI**ER a NI**ER and they aren’t afraid to call one out.

So your daughters would actually say that? If my son ever said anything close to that, I would have washed his mouth out with soap! What pigs!
There are crazies all over the place. Gator is right.
Not many races I see out there that demand free shit over and over again.

They are not even embarrassed when they demand grades standards be lowered in order to meet affirmative action quotas at universities.

They demand that. Think about that. Complete and thorugh disaster.
That isn't all blacks but it is all liberals.
Yeah, you should know how I love messing with the white lefty patronizing racists like gator.

They are so pathetic.

What an embarrassing race

I hear he was doing it to . demonstrate the pathetic left and their stupidity. White guilt works like a charm..... Wait until these same stupid asses screw themselves out of college, jobs, apartments, home buying all because they see themselves as such BELITTLED TRASH...

Even the blacks never stooped to that level .

What an embarrassing race

Filthy piece of’s what most of them do...pass the bill to good Americans....and the cowardly little indoctrinated Liberal girl didn’t have the balls to say....”GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU FILTHY NI**ER!”
Any of my daughters would have done exactly that...they’re fully aware of what makes a NI**ER a NI**ER and they aren’t afraid to call one out.

So your daughters would actually say that? If my son ever said anything close to that, I would have washed his mouth out with soap! What pigs!

Oh girls are enlightened, not programmed or indoctrinated and certainly not PC. They know the definition of NI**ER and the subhuman street beast depicted in the video fits the definition perfectly. You scared?
There are crazies all over the place. Gator is right.

Something tells me he is actually making fun of what happened. I believe he was making a mockery over what transpired.
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What an embarrassing race

Filthy piece of’s what most of them do...pass the bill to good Americans....and the cowardly little indoctrinated Liberal girl didn’t have the balls to say....”GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU FILTHY NI**ER!”
Any of my daughters would have done exactly that...they’re fully aware of what makes a NI**ER a NI**ER and they aren’t afraid to call one out.

So your daughters would actually say that? If my son ever said anything close to that, I would have washed his mouth out with soap! What pigs!

Oh girls are enlightened, not programmed or indoctrinated and certainly not PC. They know the definition of NI**ER and the subhuman street beast depicted in the video fits the definition perfectly. You scared?

Wonder why the term WHITE TRASH is acceptable to people. I could say that anywhere, no real prblem.

Pathetic PC world.

What an embarrassing race

Filthy piece of’s what most of them do...pass the bill to good Americans....and the cowardly little indoctrinated Liberal girl didn’t have the balls to say....”GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU FILTHY NI**ER!”
Any of my daughters would have done exactly that...they’re fully aware of what makes a NI**ER a NI**ER and they aren’t afraid to call one out.

So your daughters would actually say that? If my son ever said anything close to that, I would have washed his mouth out with soap! What pigs!

Oh girls are enlightened, not programmed or indoctrinated and certainly not PC. They know the definition of NI**ER and the subhuman street beast depicted in the video fits the definition perfectly. You scared?

Wonder why the term WHITE TRASH is acceptable to people. I could say that anywhere, no real prblem.

Pathetic PC world.


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