Black man shoots white neighbors in broad daylight

I do. I haven't really in this thread because I didn't see a left leaning comment I cared to respond to. I promise I don't discriminate with my disgust for this kind of stuff.

You have a couple of them whining because it's mentioned the shooter is black was pointed out

That's an agenda
You have a couple of them whining because it's mentioned the shooter is black was pointed out

That's an agenda
They're obviously just as bad. Every time a white person does something wrong it's Trump's fault. It's stupid from both sides. If one group would just shut up and act like grownups I'm pretty confident that side would win. Lol
They're obviously just as bad. Every time a white person does something wrong it's Trump's fault. It's stupid from both sides. If one group would just shut up and act like grownups I'm pretty confident that side would win. Lol

I agree with you.
One was a 6-year old girl who didnt even ring his doorbell by mistake

Yup. Another black mass shooter to add to the ever growing list.

Police Say North Carolina Man Shot 6-Year-Old Girl and Her Family After Basketball Rolled into His Yard –Suspect Reportedly Remains at Large​


Wait for it ... wait for it ... wait for it ... the left will say that HE's the victim and will want to erect a statue in his honor.
Playing their game makes you as gross as they are. You're not justified because they do it. That's just an excuse for you to also engage is shitty behavior. You're the same as them.

I’m justified because libs play for keeps and we have to also

I guess you are a lib disguised as a fence sitter

They are thick around here
Evil is spreading.

You look at some of the things happening every single day, out of control hatred, violence, and murder ... for no good reason. It's crazy.
They're looking for him... description ya dumbass

How did the authorities lose him? Did he "slip" through their fingers? Looks like depending on the police to keep you safe doesn't work out so well.

I wonder if the police have thought of just getting a bunch of basketballs and rolling down all the streets in the neighborhood? Worked the first time in triggering the guy to come out! :smoke:
Yea we can see your motives all day on this one, but you don't have a problem with a man shooting a teenager for ringing his doorbell by mistake.

Did the kid have a flaming bag of poop?

(Just kidding ... horrible ... not funny. I'm going to hell for that one.)
I'll wait for the real Final story to come out.

Picking up Siblings at 10PM? Did not know where to go?
Very interesting.
Well I would expect nothing less from a racist POS.
If you are referring to me, go fuck yourself.

I was referting to the childhood prank from long ago of placing a flaming bag of poo on a doorstep, ringing the doorbell, and running.

I was not referring to the color of any person who may have done this...

...but thanks for stepping up and self-idrntifying as a racist yourself.
Yea we can see your motives all day on this one, but you don't have a problem with a man shooting a teenager for ringing his doorbell by mistake.
I have not excused the shooting you refer to
Several years back not far from here, in a residenrial area, on Halloween a man was driving his kids home from Trick-or-Treating when his youngest son spotted a house and asked to go to 1 more house before calling it quits.

They pulled up in the yard. The 2 boys rushed to the house. As the dad followed, the youngest child got there 1st and rang the door bell.

The front door splintered as bullets were fired through the door. The youngest son was killed, the oldest son was hit, and the father was wounded dragging his oldest son behind a car.

The house belonged to, or was inhabited by, a couple drug dealers. They thought the person who rang the doorbell was a rival group.
- A rival group ringing the door bell? As I said, these guys were drug dealers, not rocket scientists.

Evil shit. You just never know these days when something like this is going to happen. Its sad.

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