Man open fires on family after ball rolls on his lawn

What exactly should they say given what we know and do not know at this point.? Pretend that you're the press secretary or a speech writer. Lets see how smart you are. Or are not.
Yikes Brother it is a clear-cut hate crime that occurred in Chicago one that white woman was attacked by 20 Black people. Be presidential Biden , be vice presidential Kamala Harris, and be a good press secretary for Karine Jean Pierre ….. but who knows if they will even be grilled about it from the media , much of the media is fake and they don’t give a damn about America they are only appeasing to left extremists.

As for this thread Joe Biden already invited the young black boy was shot by a white man for knocking on the door. Now we have a case where a white family were shot by a black man for nothing for a ball rolling on the black man’s lawn . OK it’s a similar story so Joe Biden needs to show America he’s not a racist and that he cares about white people and Black people , this is an opportunity to speak up let’s see what he says or doesn’t say. I suppose we should expect much considering his anti-American history in the past few years. Boy Joe Biden’s changed a lot remember when he said he was against gay marriage 15 years ago then all of a sudden recently he said that back in the 1960s he was not against gay marriage.

Now I also believe it’s possible that Biden has dementia and he is being told what to do by far left wing extremists.
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Did the white guy lawfully own the gun?
Talk about knee-jerk reaction! Bofecal, you need to be on some fucking meds. I say this with a heavy heart, as I know that it will be the taxpayers who will, unfortunately, have to pay for your meds. But, I mean, we are already paying for your needles methadone. So what's a little more, right?
At least the county is far enough away from Charlotte that the perp might get no bond and some real time.

Hopefully he offs himself first and saves everyone some trouble.

Is charlotte another black dystopian city
This one could turn out to be revenge motivated, as opposed to being motivated by America's culture of killing and continuous wars.

If blacks are going to try to compete, they will be making a big mistake.

Most interesting about this one is the possibility that the revenge/revenge killings could start as a result of this one.

We are seeing the increased safety of more guns.
wanna bet he isnt a legal gun owner ? wanna bet that he's a convicted felon thats not supposed to legally own a gun ?
Why is his skin color relevant? He behaved just as the old guy in MIssouri and the guy in NY and the guy in TX did.
his skin color isnt relevant ... why is the skin color of the 84 yr old shooter relevant ? according to the leftwing msm its very relevant .
his skin color isnt relevant ... why is the skin color of the 84 yr old shooter relevant ? according to the leftwing msm its very relevant .
did you think I care who gets the blame?

l see no halfway measures working and so it's calling for society in america to collapse, and then turn into the long predicted slaughter by gun.
Is charlotte another black dystopian city
Most NC crime is centered in Mecklenburg county (Charlotte) and other dem-run cities across the state.....It's a county that went for Tater 66.3%.....It has nearly triple the national average of blacks at 33% and the attendant black crime problems.

Gaston county went to Trump by the same margin.....Gaston Co. is mostly a bedroom community for Charlotte but it looks as if black crime is overflowing into it.....It's black population is 19%.
did you think I care who gets the blame?

l see no halfway measures working and so it's calling for society in america to collapse, and then turn into the long predicted slaughter by gun.
long predicted slaughter by gun ??? do you want to disarm all law abiding Americans because criminals commit crimes ?
long predicted slaughter by gun ??? do you want to disarm all law abiding Americans because criminals commit crimes ?
I'm actually thinking that the only way out for America now would be to allow armed criminals to go about their business, without interference by vigilantes.

I would save a lot of lives and be enormously cost effective! Seriously!

I don't see any possibility of attitudes toward black people being possible to change.

Social responsibility is foreign to Americans on account of racism has been tolerated for too long and it's become America's way of life.

Instead of rage, convince me that social change is still possible?
Social responsibility is foreign to Americans on account of racism

what are you babbling about? 162million Americans get up and go to work (many with families). No one is racist but the MSM and Sharpetounge Blacks. No one has time to be racist with 2 hour commutes, kids, meals, doctors, haircuts, shopping, insurance, bills, car-service....on and on and on it goes. never ending burden to sustain.
what are you babbling about? 162million Americans get up and go to work (many with families). No one is racist but the MSM and Sharpetounge Blacks. No one has time to be racist with 2 hour commutes, kids, meals, doctors, haircuts, shopping, insurance, bills, car-service....on and on and on it goes. never ending burden to sustain.
Racism isn't only a white people's problem in America. It's been tolerated for so long now that it permeates through American society Ralph.
Only polite replies will receive a reply. Leave the attempts to insult out of it!

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