Black man threatens to white people at Taco Mac in Fulton County.

The amazing damage the demogogues (democrats and rinos and globalist marxist kabal) have done to THOSE PEOPLE is incalculable.

Looks like Obama's race war rages on. All I can say is: conceal carry wherever you go. If you're white, you're a target. Black supremacy is a growing trend, and they're much more dangerous than white supremacists have ever been.

Move to my tiny Midwestern Mayberry, where the two or three blacks who live here are fine because they are good, civilized people.

There is no ghetto in my town, unless you count the small trailer park, inhabited by low class whites.


Same here, there is no "white supremacy" threat. What few black folks and Hispanics we have are decent, respectable people and nobody hassles them. The only radio station in town plays country music 24/7, most of the bars are country music bars, and just about everyone owns a pickup truck. I live in an area that's just about as rural as you can get, 65 miles either way from a large city. If there was a threat of "white supremacy, I'd sure as hell know about it.
Same here, there is no "white supremacy" threat. What few black folks and Hispanics we have are decent, respectable people and nobody hassles them. The only radio station in town plays country music 24/7, most of the bars are country music bars, and just about everyone owns a pickup truck. I live in an area that's just about as rural as you can get, 65 miles either way from a large city. If there was a threat of "white supremacy, I'd sure as hell know about it.

I suppose that most of America, outside the population centers, is this way. And I suppose that this is the way most Americans want life to be.


I suppose that most of America, outside the population centers, is this way. And I suppose that this is the way most Americans want life to be.

If everyone would live a peaceful and contented life, what could America accomplish? If we could just focus on the good things in life, we could all live in joy. Instead, we have to worry about people who hate each other based on their race or people crying because we don't accept their mental illness as perfectly normal. All this distraction and chaos has created a giant divide. But Marxism is all about dividing. "United we stand ... divided we fall." Very few truer statements than that.
If everyone would live a peaceful and contented life, what could America accomplish? If we could just focus on the good things in life, we could all live in joy. Instead, we have to worry about people who hate each other based on their race or people crying because we don't accept their mental illness as perfectly normal. All this distraction and chaos has created a giant divide. But Marxism is all about dividing. "United we stand ... divided we fall." Very few truer statements than that.

Very well said.

Thank you.


The amazing damage the demogogues (democrats and rinos and globalist marxist kabal) have done to THOSE PEOPLE is incalculable.

So you have a tiktok of a black man threatening white folks and the world is coming to an end, but you can see a white boy murder 4 or 5 folks and injure more and it's just one little incident that really isn't a big deal.
They are good, civilized negroes who stay in their place and do as they are told.

They are good neighbors and happy people who do not steal from business owners or destroy people's property.

If that makes them "good, civilized Negroes who stay in their place and do as they are told" by your definition, so be it, racist.


They are good neighbors and happy people who do not steal from business owners or destroy people's property.

If that makes them "good, civilized Negroes who stay in their place and do as they are told" by your definition, so be it, racist.


I've come to the conclusion that Superbadbrutha isn't even black. He's probably some angry lilly-white liberal who self-identifies as being "black"

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