Black Man Who Supported Trump Demands Reparations

I see Molly is posting the same stupid racist garbage.
dont worry idiot commie ! your dem masters will start promising reparations again right before the next election ...because there is one thing that dems leaders are right about ....their voting base is full of gullible idiots .
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I did, and I don't see how that post led you to that question. But be that as it may, I just threw in some easily verified facts in hopes of clarifying the discussion.
IM2 blames whites for having and selling the guns and drugs. Nobody forces anyone to use or abuse them.
IM2 blames whites for having and selling the guns and drugs. Nobody forces anyone to use or abuse them.
That is a rather simplistic and somewhat naive view of how crime works in our society. Any cop be that city, state or federal that is worth their salt will tell you that "choice" depends on the individual and circumstance. What you state can be applied to the short list of facts I previously provided. What IM2 is stating is not "blame" but a matter of fact and history. All one has to do is some honest research into how the crack epidemic came to be localized in low income/impoverished black communities to see that. It's so common knowledge that even Mario Puzo referred to it in his novel "The God Father" .... as seen in the movie when Don Corleone warns that the drug business will destroy them and is told by one of the other Don's that since drugs can be profitable in the black communities "they're animals....let them lose their souls". If you like, I can provide some links that can give you insight into how things came to be today.
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That is a rather simplistic and somewhat naive view of how crime works in our society. Any cop be that city, state or federal that is worth their salt will tell you that "choice" depends on the individual and circumstance. What you state can be applied to the short list of facts I previously provided. What IM2 is stating is not "blame" but a matter of fact and history. All one has to do is some honest research into how the crack epidemic came to be localized in low income/impoverished black communities to see that. It's so common knowledge that even Mario Puzo referred to it in his novel "The God Father" .... as seen in the movie when Don Corleone warns that the drug business will destroy them and is told by one of the other Don's that since drugs can be profitable in the black communities "they're animals....let them lose their souls". If you like, I can provide some links that can give you insight into how things came to be today.
Call it naive but everyone is responsible for their own actions. Same goes for gambling addicts, casinos won't close just to keep them from losing their money. Addictions aren't race specific.
Nice deflection.

When slavery was abolished, suddenly people of African descent were in good standing all throughout the United States and whites welcomed them into society so that they could now enjoy the same rights and liberties that whites enjoyed? OR were there a whole new set of laws created in order to return black people to a new system of pseudo-slavery in the form of black codes, Jim Crow and the convict leasing system which exploited the loophole that was intentionally written into the 13th Amendment that allowed slavery/involuntary servitude as punishment for a crime? It was no coincidence that suddenly there were a bunch of new laws that specifically targeted ONLY black people which sought to return as many of them back into slavery as possible and they did.

The hypocrisy and dishonesty on display here everyday is testament to what most non-racist people already know, that not only have the white supremacist of this nation, past and current, wreaked havoc on the lives of many black people, they then turn around and talk shit as if they're baffled at why black people have so many difficulties, when creating as many barriers for us was the goal all along.

Please, try to control yourself. Your long-assed, whiny posts are bleeding all over the forum.
I wish African Americans success. Hopefully, the majority of American people will understand that Reparations are due.

I do not give any unsolicited advice to anyone.

In Russia, nobles were a 1% minority. Peasants were the majority. Most peasants were not slaves, but 55% were unfree to various degrees until 1861. Thus, overthrowing nobility in 1917 was relatively easy.
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Perhaps you didn't understand me the first time
Sweetheart, you can't BS or stall here, as all one has to do is just click back to follow the chronology of the posts to see your folly. Clearly, ya got nothing buy insipid stubborness and think the last word in this vein is significant. A pity. Carry on.
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Exactly. Introduce me to a released slave and I'll gladly give him a hearty handshake and a dime.

The government owes us. You just have to face the fact that you won't be paying a plug nickel. And since reparations don't only cover slaver, repeating all this about finding slaves is evidence that you have a reading disorder.
WillHaftawaite said:
I'm all for any released slaves getting reparations.
Not their descendants.

You seem to ignore the last 160 years of ongoing white racism. The government owes us for that also.

I thought whitey was supposed to have a high IQ.

Since 2000, U.S. gross domestic product lost that much as a result of discriminatory practices in a range of areas, including in education and access to business loans, according to a new study by Citigroup. Specifically, the study came up with $16 trillion in lost GDP by noting four key racial gaps between African Americans and whites:

$13 trillion lost in potential business revenue because of discriminatory lending to African American entrepreneurs, with an estimated 6.1 million jobs not generated as a result

$2.7 trillion in income lost because of disparities in wages suffered by African Americans

$218 billion lost over the past two decades because of discrimination in providing housing credit

And $90 billion to $113 billion in lifetime income lost from discrimination in accessing higher education

We can state our case for reparations on these numbers that started in the year 2000. If we only take lost income from racism starting in 2000, it equals $56,250 per black person in America. And this is money owed NOW, for things done in OUR LIFETIMES.

You racists simply have no valid argument in opposition.
Sweetheart, you can't BS or stall here, as all one has to do is just click back to follow the chronology of the posts to see your folly. Clearly, ya got nothing buy insipid stubborness and think the last word in this vein is significant. A pity. Carry on.
Lol. It appears you don’t think people are responsible for their own actions. You must be IM2s best friend
The government owes us. You just have to face the fact that you won't be paying a plug nickel. And since reparations don't only cover slaver, repeating all this about finding slaves is evidence that you have a reading disorder.
As Jeanine Garafalo stated, more like"willful ignorance".
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IM2 Just a heads up....when you say "whitey" that gives the resident right wing/alt right wonks an opportunity to wail that you hate ALL white folk.....which is a convenient dodge to sidetrack the conversation. Over the years on various boards, I learned to always preface my accusations specifically to "folk of your mindset" and such....that way they can't waste time and space with BS. Otherwise, keep on keeping on! You're just making the fool out of these chumps.
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Lol. It appears you don’t think people are responsible for their own actions. You must be IM2s best friend
Actually, the chronology of the post shows your intellectual dishonesty in just ignoring what others write (or being intellectually impotent in understanding such), and thinking regurgitating your proven erroneous assertions and accusations will make them magically come true.

Hint: it doesn't.

But it seems this is all you have to offer to any true, rational debate.....and that's a piss poor reality for you. Laugh, clown, laugh.

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