Black Men for Trump because they have been persecuted just like Trump but for decades...

The entire RICO thingy. The funniest part is you leftists actually believe it’s legitimate.
That's not the funny part...

The funny thing is that Grifty chose to pull that bit of idiocy in a state where the federal RICO statute was modified to deal with a local issue, making it easier for prosecutors to convict..
It's more to make left wingers uncomfortable. If y'all lose chunks of the black vote you're in trouble.

Also maybe we'll get to see that Democrats are just as racist towards black people that don't vote for their side.

I imagine the Democrat explanation for this will be something along the lines of him being manipulated by the right wing and that he doesn't actually know how to think for himself.
Leftists aren’t Democrats; leftists agree that Trump is being hunted like a witch.
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Asked why he was there protesting in favor of Trump, the man said: “You wanna know why I’m here to support President Trump? Because they done did a black man like this for decades. Making up charges. I know Trump is innocent. I support Trump against this corrupt two-tier justice system, that’s why I’m here to show my support as a black man for Trump, and I’m wearing my shirt ‘Niggas 4 Trump 2024’ – and I mean that,” he said.

Just like I’ve been saying. Democrats for decades have been misusing the judicial system against people they don’t like. A President has a right to challenge an election.

Seeing this all over social media today. One black man after another with Trump's mugshot behind him, saying "I've never voted before" or "I've always voted Democrat" but now saying they're voting Trump.

They messed up, folks.

Seeing this all over social media today. One black man after another with Trump's mugshot behind him, saying "I've never voted before" or "I've always voted Democrat" but now saying they're voting Trump.

They messed up, folks.

Talk about overplaying their hand. The Left know they cannot win on policies.
Uh, yes.

Does this conversation get any more interesting?

Mac you might need a whole case of pacifiers. After this political disaster, they're not going to risk any more. The trial either won't happen or Trump will win. Because they can't risk this again.

We tried to tell you how utterly corrupt the entire thing is but you wanted to obsess and whine about Trump. Again, Suck on a pacifier if you can't handle it, idk

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