Black "pastor" arrested for crime of watering his neighbours garden

Not until several minutes later did the lady appear.
Again, all this dumbass had to do was show an ID - situation over that instant.
But he chose to escalate it. He chose to start yelling and acting like a 3 year old.
Then he starts calling the cops names. The idiot stood right there and told the WHITE neighbor.. "you're good just a mistake" and then turns to the cops and calls them racist.

- I was pulled over for not wearing a seat belt. While the cop went back to his cruiser, another cop pulls up... lights flashing.. and blocks the front of my truck. And then yet ANOTHER cop pulls up and blocks the passenger side. I am sitting here in a public parking lot - people everywhere and I am completely surrounded by cop cars, lights flashing. I get pissed off.
I got into a little shouting match with the asshole cops standing around me. Why the fuck are you all here over a damn seat belt violation?? YOU realize you have me completely surrounded looking like a damn drug dealer right now. is this fun for you? You get off on this??"
I got a ticket and threatened to take me downtown. I was mad, furious by this time, but calmer heads prevailed. I knew I wasn't the one with the power here. I had 2 choices... not back down... and go to jail on some trumped up charge... or back down and go about my day.
I backed down.
Was I right to be pissed off. Hell yes. What these assholes did to me was dead wrong. Treating me like a criminal over a damn seat belt violation. But I have a brain.

Why did you call them names?
I do, because I live in an ID upon request state. Only a moron, or a crook would do otherwise.

What a shitty state you live in.

I do not carry it when walking my dog.

I do not carry it on bike rides

I do not carry it while running

I do not carry it while at the gym.

I live a free country and refuse to show my papers upon demand.
Is that a crime?
Most people don't bring their ID when walking across the street to a friend's house to water.

Pretty sure the cop could have ran his name and saw that he lived across the street.

It takes a real asshole of a neighbor to call the cops like that. It takes an even dumber cop to

make an arrest about it.

PS: The OP is racist!
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Most people don't bring their ID when going to a friend's house to water.

Pretty sure the cop could have ran his name and saw that he lived across the street.

It takes a real asshole of a neighbor to call the cops like that.

If I were a cop, I would be pissed off that I was called to investigate some guy watering his neighbors flowers.

When the guy said he lived across the street and was doing a favor for someone on vacation, I would have said….Thank you, have a nice day
you are not under arrest when you get a speeding ticket
I argued this too. Unfortunately Progressive Hunter is partially correct. At least 3 states (Connecticut, Washington & Indiana) refer to the issuance of a traffic ticket or summary citation as a "non-custodial arrest" (an oxymoron if there ever was one).
I had never heard of this (and I was a Criminal Justice major); it is not listed in Black's Law Dictionary or one of the few text books I kept from college - Criminal Law & Procedure (Scheb & Scheb). Nevertheless it does appear to be a thing in those 3 states.
So, to Progressive Hunter: I hereby retract my statement that you are stupid and a dumbass (though whether or not you are a jackass remains to be seen).
That being said, in no other state that I could find is a traffic stop an "arrest".
Yo all are mad at the wrong person.
If you want to blame someone, blame the neighbor who called 911 telling the police there is a prowler next door.
What the hell do you expect the police to do??

If the police arrive at a situation they were led to believe a robbery is going on - you think if the people there just say :i didn't do anything" the police should just walk away?? So you like how right now crime is getting so bad that companies are closing their stores because they keep getting robbed over and over again?
You like how stores are now putting items near the door behind lock and key trying to prevent smash and grabs that the police have been instructed to do nothing.
A neighbor called the police saying there is a person they don't recognize prowling around a house they know is empty.
That is who you should be blaming. And this dumbass who all he had to do was show them an ID and they would have walked away.
They were told he was someone a neighbor did not recognize.
The neighbor was probably that shut in Nazi Head of the HOA that calls code enforcement on everybody in the neighborhood. They were about to call the HOA because the friend's grass was turning brown and the man foiled their plan! :omg:
Why did you call them names?
Because I was angry.
But I am smart and mature enough to realize I didn't have the power in this situation. And if anyone was going to lose - it was going to be me. Not a doubt in my mind if I kept arguing back and not cooperating = my ass would have been in handcuffs. 100%
Was that cop racist against whites?
No? Why not?
That is the difference. For every black person mistreated or a victim of police over stepping their authority - there are at least 10 white people treated the same.
I assure you - if you and I wanted to get into "link wars"... you link a video of some black person getting harassed by the police - I can link 5 white people getting harassed.
The only victim here - is likely going to be the white woman who called 911 in the first place.
Unfortunately for her, her face is now plastered all over the internet. Everyone is calling her a racist because they want her to be a racist. The WANT to assume she called 911 because the dude is black.
As sure as I am sitting here, this woman is going to be victimized. Respected (undeservedly) black leaders in the area have already called her a racist. She is no doubt going to be visited numerous times in the following days. Her social media accounts, as soon as people learn who she is, is going to be plastered by 10,000s of people calling her every name in the book. She will be called ugly, whore, slut, bitch, **** - you name it. Guarantee it.
All she did was call the police because she saw a person she didn't recognize walking around her neighbors house.
And what will happen to her is going to far and away be more than what she deserves.

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