Black "pastor" arrested for crime of watering his neighbours garden

The only victim here - is likely going to be the white woman who called 911 in the first place.
Unfortunately for her, her face is now plastered all over the internet. Everyone is calling her a racist because they want her to be a racist. The WANT to assume she called 911 because the dude is black.
As sure as I am sitting here, this woman is going to be victimized. Respected (undeservedly) black leaders in the area have already called her a racist. She is no doubt going to be visited numerous times in the following days. Her social media accounts, as soon as people learn who she is, is going to be plastered by 10,000s of people calling her every name in the book. She will be called ugly, whore, slut, bitch, **** - you name it. Guarantee it.
All she did was call the police because she saw a person she didn't recognize walking around her neighbors house.
And what will happen to her is going to far and away be more than what she deserves.
You reap what you sow
What a shitty state you live in.

I do not carry it when walking my dog.

I do not carry it on bike rides

I do not carry it while running

I do not carry it while at the gym.

I live a free country and refuse to show my papers upon demand.
YOUR state is a show upon request state. Do you live in a shitty state?

You should carry your ID anytime you're outside your property for several reasons, not just because it's the law that you have to show it when requested by law enforcement. What if something happened and you had to go to the ER? Your ID can tell them how to contact your family, your blood type, if you're an organ donor.

What if, for some reason, you became disoriented and couldn't find your way home and couldn't tell EMTs, or LEOs what you're address is, or how to contact your family?

With my ID, I also have a laminated card with the names and numbers of my wife, my kids and my mom.

Why anyone would knowingly risk becoming a John Doe is beyond me.
She created the situation by overreacting to a non-issue
Does that mean she deserves what is highly likely to happen to her in the coming week or two?
This situation most likely went like this...
Woman sees someone walking around her neighbors house, she knows is on vacation. She watches the dude for a few seconds and doesn't recognize him. She calls the police, probably could have walked outside and hollered over, but can you really blame her? With all of the violence/crime happening? Or maybe she should have kept looking for a while and maybe recognized the man, or seen he started to water plants and let it go. Probably. But she didn't.
The police get the call, the officers that arrive have not one single clue about what is actually occurring. All they know is a neighbor said there is a man prowling around she doesn't recognoze.
What are the police supposed to do?
Do you think they have never arrived at a crime scene and everyone starts acting all innocent? You think this is new?? No guilty person has ever acted innocent or claimed to be doing something innocent?
How are they supposed to know?
Easy - ask for that persons ID. If they supply it... situation is over. Done.
Or the person can start claiming their rights, start getting angry with them, start calling them names... and wind up in handcuffs.
Black or white - there are 100,000s of videos on YouTube just like this with both white and black people being stupid.
Really? were you required to show them if asked?
you once started a thread here about how you were going to call the authorities on your neighbors for hosting a backyard something or other with some friends, ya even gave us the whole lecture on civic duty during a pandemic.
YOUR state is a show upon request state. Do you live in a shitty state?

Yeah, it is pretty shitty!

You should carry your ID anytime you're outside your property for several reasons, not just because it's the law that you have to show it when requested by law enforcement. What if something happened and you had to go to the ER? Your ID can tell them how to contact your family, your blood type, if you're an organ donor.

What if, for some reason, you became disoriented and couldn't find your way home and couldn't tell EMTs, or LEOs what you're address is, or how to contact your family?

I have one of these on my running shoes and biking shoes. Shoe ID 19mm

Been using these since they came out 20 plus years ago.

But I doubt the cops would consider that an ID

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