Black "pastor" arrested for crime of watering his neighbours garden

thats what RAS is,, reasonable articulable suspicion of a crime

you cant be forced to carry ID but in alabama you are required to ID yourself with name and DOB

He gave them his name. He articulated what he was doing. Others verified it and even the person who called it in said they were wrong.

They still arrested him. There is something wrong down there.
Lol, okay. :113:
prob·a·ble cause
/ˈpräbəbəl kôz/


  1. reasonable grounds (for making a search, pressing a charge, etc.).
    "warrants allow police to detain people, but not handcuff and search them without probable cause"

Another Tommy troll post.
He was not arrested for watering the neighbors lawn.
The Police came to the area investigating a call about a suspicious vehicle. upon arrival they approached this moron who thought it was a smart thing to do to be a complete jackass to the police. Wasting their time and obstructing their investigation of the suspected vehicle trying to determine if this guy has anything to do with it. Refusing to cooperate, acting like a dick and wasting officers time in the process of an investigation is what he was arrested for.
At least get up to speed on the conversation, they were not investigating a damn suspicious vehicle.
If I were the cops and had made those observation under all those circumstances, I might ask for ID also. And if he refused, maybe I’d be fast enough on my feet to say, “ok. I understand your position. But help me out here. Can you tell me the name of the property owner neighbor of yours who asked you to do this while he is away?”

If he still wouldn’t cooperate, I’d say, “look. Maybe you’re just a good guy being a good neighbor. But I have a responsibility to do my job properly. That means I need some way to know that you’re not ‘casing the joint’ for a planned burglary. How would I explain THAT to the property owner?”

And if he still refused, yeah. I’d arrest him. Let the legal system sort it out.
Arrest him him for what?
Race was not the issue but the racist negro pretended it was. He wouldn't stop to help the officers who were just doing their job after a report, instead he was contentious and belligerent, accusing them of "racial profiling" (they weren't) and goading them to arrest him.
Yes you may be correct. Its a hug stretch of belief to think that a black man would face discrimination in Alabama.
This comment and your post title reveal you as ignorant and dishonest, and that you promote racist stereotypes. This post also exposes your fraudulent 'morality.'

No white man would ever get arrested for watering his neighbors flowers when they were out of town.
At least get up to speed on the conversation, they were not investigating a damn suspicious vehicle.
All the dumbass had to so was simply show his ID, his address would have shown he indeed lived right across the street.
How else could officers know who and why he was there?
But no, he has to act like a 3 year old having a temper tantrum and make something so simple and tiny into a situation he relaly wanted to happen. 5 seconds of fame. And the media obliged.
All the dumbass had to so was simply show his ID, his address would have shown he indeed lived right across the street.
How else could officers know who and why he was there?
But no, he has to act like a 3 year old having a temper tantrum and make something so simple and tiny into a situation he relaly wanted to happen. 5 seconds of fame. And the media obliged.

Why the fuck should he have to do that?

Do you really want to live in a country where you can be stopped at any moment and have them demand to "see your papers"?

If so I will be happy to contribute to your moving fund.

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