Black people advocate for segregation

The real issue for these racist dipshits is that they're afraid to compete with black folks. They are the marginally stupid white folks, the one's who were never going much past community college or middle management anyway. It's their own mediocrity that makes them so angry.
No..You guys think that blacks aren't able to function on a level playing field without government intervention.
That's racist.
What gives you the idea that you know what's best for black people?.

But it is a paternal racism. They want to make blacks dependent on them and the government so the can count their votes each fall.

Dependent how?

Dependent on the Democratic Party to solely represent their interests. To depend on federal handouts to replace the fathers who have walked away and left bastard children uncared for.

Lol, you think it is not apparent where blacks are dependent on the government and the Democratic Party?
Wow, founder of Gunsite Academy. That's old-school. Kudos.

I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but I have had the opportunity to learn from many other icons of that generation.... Bill Wilson, Massad Ayoub, and former NYPD detective Jim Cirillo, among others.

Oh I see, you plan to do something some day besides run your mouth. What's holding you up? When do you put your plan into action?

Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
So then running your mouth must be an essential first stage in your planning. I'll bet I can guess what comes next....

Taxi driver is a great movie. Check this part out.

A lonely delusional narcissist shut in......a character you can identify with.

YOU brought up Taxi Driver, not me.

More name calling and ad homs., though.... LMAO...
I think you're projecting.

Gee whiz my mistake, I didn't know you were so sensitive about your racist insanity.

You're projecting and name calling again.
Would you care to leave me out of it and address the topic?
If all you're going to do is grandstand and try to cause distractions, there's no reason to continue talking to you.

This is what people do when their arguments don't stand on their own merits.

Yes, I know this..That's what I've been saying to you all along. Stop grandstanding and let your argument stand or fall on its' own merits..Address the topic and stop obfuscating and trying to cause distractions

If your so called arguments had any actual substance to them there might be something to address. Unfortunately you seem to have little choice but to seek refuge in racist dogma and superficial displays of childish logic. So even though you do drone on at length with mindless don't really leave me much to work with.

I've posted the things black people have been asking for...not just in Ferguson Mo. the past 2 weeks, but for the past 150 years.

I'll post them one more time. Will you address them specifically or will you continue to avoid them, disparage, make snarky off topic comments and name call?

Here. Take a shot;
They don't want white cops to patrol in their "neighborhoods. White cops are too "racist".

They want white prosecutors replaced by "blacks" to handle cases that include them. White prosecutors are too "racist".

They don't want white judges to hear cases that have "black" defendants. White judges are too "racist"

They don't want white legislators representing their districts. White legislators are too "racist".
They've rejected white leadership, laws and values en masse ...they want everyone in any official capacity to be "black".

They don't want to work for white people because they are held back in promotions and salaries....White employers are too "racist".

They don't want their children taught by white teachers. White teachers are too "racist".

In effect they want segregation for them but not for anyone else.
The OP wants people to take an obvious troll thread seriously.

Then why are you in a troll thread? You want to be a troll? You really don't have try so hard.

I'm waiting for a conservative to come along and tell the OP that he's being retarded. Think it will happen?

I think you have too much free time on your hands. Why don't you take up quilting instead? You are such a passive little bitch, you should enjoy it.
The real issue for these racist dipshits is that they're afraid to compete with black folks. They are the marginally stupid white folks, the one's who were never going much past community college or middle management anyway. It's their own mediocrity that makes them so angry.
No..You guys think that blacks aren't able to function on a level playing field without government intervention.
That's racist.
What gives you the idea that you know what's best for black people?.

But it is a paternal racism. They want to make blacks dependent on them and the government so the can count their votes each fall.

Dependent how?

Dependent on the Democratic Party to solely represent their interests. To depend on federal handouts to replace the fathers who have walked away and left bastard children uncared for.

Lol, you think it is not apparent where blacks are dependent on the government and the Democratic Party?

What percentage of people who live off of government handouts are black? What percentage of these people are reliable voters?
The OP wants people to take an obvious troll thread seriously.

Then why are you in a troll thread? You want to be a troll? You really don't have try so hard.

I'm waiting for a conservative to come along and tell the OP that he's being retarded. Think it will happen?

I think you have too much free time on your hands. Why don't you take up quilting instead? You are such a passive little bitch, you should enjoy it.

I see you've got your internet courage going again. When will you man up and admit that you are trolling?

Ooops! Wrong asshole.
The real issue for these racist dipshits is that they're afraid to compete with black folks. They are the marginally stupid white folks, the one's who were never going much past community college or middle management anyway. It's their own mediocrity that makes them so angry.
No..You guys think that blacks aren't able to function on a level playing field without government intervention.
That's racist.
What gives you the idea that you know what's best for black people?.

But it is a paternal racism. They want to make blacks dependent on them and the government so the can count their votes each fall.

Dependent how?

Dependent on the Democratic Party to solely represent their interests. To depend on federal handouts to replace the fathers who have walked away and left bastard children uncared for.

Lol, you think it is not apparent where blacks are dependent on the government and the Democratic Party?

What percentage of people who live off of government handouts are black? What percentage of these people are reliable voters?

How about you?
Can you address the topic honestly? You keep posting in the thread but haven't once addressed the topic.
The OP wants people to take an obvious troll thread seriously.

Then why are you in a troll thread? You want to be a troll? You really don't have try so hard.

I'm waiting for a conservative to come along and tell the OP that he's being retarded. Think it will happen?

I posted things that blacks have been asking for since at least the '60's. You keep trying to make this about me..and I doubt anyone is really fooled...but that's irrelevant.

Why are you against black people obtaining the autonomy and freedom from white racism they desire?
You think as a white person you know better than they do what's best for them?

That's racist.
The OP wants people to take an obvious troll thread seriously.

Then why are you in a troll thread? You want to be a troll? You really don't have try so hard.

I'm waiting for a conservative to come along and tell the OP that he's being retarded. Think it will happen?

I posted things that blacks have been asking for since at least the '60's. You keep trying to make this about me..and I doubt anyone is really fooled...but that's irrelevant.

Why are you against black people obtaining the autonomy and freedom from white racism they desire?
You think as a white person you know better than they do what's best for them?

That's racist.

You are trolling. It isn't possible for a person who can type to be this stupid.
Wow, founder of Gunsite Academy. That's old-school. Kudos.

I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but I have had the opportunity to learn from many other icons of that generation.... Bill Wilson, Massad Ayoub, and former NYPD detective Jim Cirillo, among others.

Oh I see, you plan to do something some day besides run your mouth. What's holding you up? When do you put your plan into action?

Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
So then running your mouth must be an essential first stage in your planning. I'll bet I can guess what comes next....

Taxi driver is a great movie. Check this part out.

A lonely delusional narcissist shut in......a character you can identify with.

YOU brought up Taxi Driver, not me.

More name calling and ad homs., though.... LMAO...
I think you're projecting.

Gee whiz my mistake, I didn't know you were so sensitive about your racist insanity.

You're projecting and name calling again.
Would you care to leave me out of it and address the topic?
If all you're going to do is grandstand and try to cause distractions, there's no reason to continue talking to you.

This is what people do when their arguments don't stand on their own merits.

Yes, I know this..That's what I've been saying to you all along. Stop grandstanding and let your argument stand or fall on its' own merits..Address the topic and stop obfuscating and trying to cause distractions

If your so called arguments had any actual substance to them there might be something to address. Unfortunately you seem to have little choice but to seek refuge in racist dogma and superficial displays of childish logic. So even though you do drone on at length with mindless don't really leave me much to work with.

I've posted the things black people have been asking for...not just in Ferguson Mo. the past 2 weeks, but for the past 150 years.

I'll post them one more time. Will you address them specifically or will you continue to avoid them, disparage, make snarky off topic comments and name call?

Here. Take a shot;
They don't want white cops to patrol in their "neighborhoods. White cops are too "racist".

They want white prosecutors replaced by "blacks" to handle cases that include them. White prosecutors are too "racist".

They don't want white judges to hear cases that have "black" defendants. White judges are too "racist"

They don't want white legislators representing their districts. White legislators are too "racist".
They've rejected white leadership, laws and values en masse ...they want everyone in any official capacity to be "black".

They don't want to work for white people because they are held back in promotions and salaries....White employers are too "racist".

They don't want their children taught by white teachers. White teachers are too "racist".

Who's "They"? Did you conduct your own poll to back up the results of your comprehensive study?
Wow, founder of Gunsite Academy. That's old-school. Kudos.

I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but I have had the opportunity to learn from many other icons of that generation.... Bill Wilson, Massad Ayoub, and former NYPD detective Jim Cirillo, among others.

Oh I see, you plan to do something some day besides run your mouth. What's holding you up? When do you put your plan into action?

Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
So then running your mouth must be an essential first stage in your planning. I'll bet I can guess what comes next....

Taxi driver is a great movie. Check this part out.

A lonely delusional narcissist shut in......a character you can identify with.

YOU brought up Taxi Driver, not me.

More name calling and ad homs., though.... LMAO...
I think you're projecting.

Gee whiz my mistake, I didn't know you were so sensitive about your racist insanity.

You're projecting and name calling again.
Would you care to leave me out of it and address the topic?
If all you're going to do is grandstand and try to cause distractions, there's no reason to continue talking to you.

This is what people do when their arguments don't stand on their own merits.

Yes, I know this..That's what I've been saying to you all along. Stop grandstanding and let your argument stand or fall on its' own merits..Address the topic and stop obfuscating and trying to cause distractions

If your so called arguments had any actual substance to them there might be something to address. Unfortunately you seem to have little choice but to seek refuge in racist dogma and superficial displays of childish logic. So even though you do drone on at length with mindless don't really leave me much to work with.

Lol, you think saying that makes it true?

Anyone can go back through the thread and read you deflections, lies and distortions.

lol, but I say keep it up; you exemplify why I use the word 'libtard' for you morons.

And among your many talents you know what I think too. Who knew you were clairvoyant?
Wow, founder of Gunsite Academy. That's old-school. Kudos.

I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but I have had the opportunity to learn from many other icons of that generation.... Bill Wilson, Massad Ayoub, and former NYPD detective Jim Cirillo, among others.

Oh I see, you plan to do something some day besides run your mouth. What's holding you up? When do you put your plan into action?

Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
So then running your mouth must be an essential first stage in your planning. I'll bet I can guess what comes next....

Taxi driver is a great movie. Check this part out.

A lonely delusional narcissist shut in......a character you can identify with.

YOU brought up Taxi Driver, not me.

More name calling and ad homs., though.... LMAO...
I think you're projecting.

Gee whiz my mistake, I didn't know you were so sensitive about your racist insanity.

You're projecting and name calling again.
Would you care to leave me out of it and address the topic?
If all you're going to do is grandstand and try to cause distractions, there's no reason to continue talking to you.

This is what people do when their arguments don't stand on their own merits.

Yes, I know this..That's what I've been saying to you all along. Stop grandstanding and let your argument stand or fall on its' own merits..Address the topic and stop obfuscating and trying to cause distractions

If your so called arguments had any actual substance to them there might be something to address. Unfortunately you seem to have little choice but to seek refuge in racist dogma and superficial displays of childish logic. So even though you do drone on at length with mindless don't really leave me much to work with.

I've posted the things black people have been asking for...not just in Ferguson Mo. the past 2 weeks, but for the past 150 years.

I'll post them one more time. Will you address them specifically or will you continue to avoid them, disparage, make snarky off topic comments and name call?

Here. Take a shot;
They don't want white cops to patrol in their "neighborhoods. White cops are too "racist".

They want white prosecutors replaced by "blacks" to handle cases that include them. White prosecutors are too "racist".

They don't want white judges to hear cases that have "black" defendants. White judges are too "racist"

They don't want white legislators representing their districts. White legislators are too "racist".
They've rejected white leadership, laws and values en masse ...they want everyone in any official capacity to be "black".

They don't want to work for white people because they are held back in promotions and salaries....White employers are too "racist".

They don't want their children taught by white teachers. White teachers are too "racist".

Who's "They"? Did you conduct your own poll to back up the results of your comprehensive study? a corner now and trying word games as a distraction?
When I say "them" or " they", I'm referring to black people in this particular case. (the bolded above)

Now that you understand better, can you address their requests and explain why you don't want them (black people) to achieve autonomy and freedom from white racism? They want it. Who are you to deny them?
The OP wants people to take an obvious troll thread seriously.

Then why are you in a troll thread? You want to be a troll? You really don't have try so hard.

I'm waiting for a conservative to come along and tell the OP that he's being retarded. Think it will happen?

I posted things that blacks have been asking for since at least the '60's. You keep trying to make this about me..and I doubt anyone is really fooled...but that's irrelevant.

Why are you against black people obtaining the autonomy and freedom from white racism they desire?
You think as a white person you know better than they do what's best for them?

That's racist.

You are trolling. It isn't possible for a person who can type to be this stupid.

You're dodging AND trolling.
Black people have made their desires very clear for decades...and they made them very clear these past two weeks. I have nothing to do with it and this isn't about me.
Can you address the things black people have asked for and tell me why you don't want them to have them?
Wow, founder of Gunsite Academy. That's old-school. Kudos.

I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but I have had the opportunity to learn from many other icons of that generation.... Bill Wilson, Massad Ayoub, and former NYPD detective Jim Cirillo, among others.

Oh I see, you plan to do something some day besides run your mouth. What's holding you up? When do you put your plan into action?

Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
So then running your mouth must be an essential first stage in your planning. I'll bet I can guess what comes next....

Taxi driver is a great movie. Check this part out.

A lonely delusional narcissist shut in......a character you can identify with.

YOU brought up Taxi Driver, not me.

More name calling and ad homs., though.... LMAO...
I think you're projecting.

Gee whiz my mistake, I didn't know you were so sensitive about your racist insanity.

You're projecting and name calling again.
Would you care to leave me out of it and address the topic?
If all you're going to do is grandstand and try to cause distractions, there's no reason to continue talking to you.

This is what people do when their arguments don't stand on their own merits.

Yes, I know this..That's what I've been saying to you all along. Stop grandstanding and let your argument stand or fall on its' own merits..Address the topic and stop obfuscating and trying to cause distractions

If your so called arguments had any actual substance to them there might be something to address. Unfortunately you seem to have little choice but to seek refuge in racist dogma and superficial displays of childish logic. So even though you do drone on at length with mindless don't really leave me much to work with.

I've posted the things black people have been asking for...not just in Ferguson Mo. the past 2 weeks, but for the past 150 years.

I'll post them one more time. Will you address them specifically or will you continue to avoid them, disparage, make snarky off topic comments and name call?

Here. Take a shot;
They don't want white cops to patrol in their "neighborhoods. White cops are too "racist".

They want white prosecutors replaced by "blacks" to handle cases that include them. White prosecutors are too "racist".

They don't want white judges to hear cases that have "black" defendants. White judges are too "racist"

They don't want white legislators representing their districts. White legislators are too "racist".
They've rejected white leadership, laws and values en masse ...they want everyone in any official capacity to be "black".

They don't want to work for white people because they are held back in promotions and salaries....White employers are too "racist".

They don't want their children taught by white teachers. White teachers are too "racist".

Who's "They"? Did you conduct your own poll to back up the results of your comprehensive study? a corner now and trying word games as a distraction?
When I say "them" or " they", I'm referring to black people in this particular case. (the bolded above)

Now that you understand better, can you address their requests and explain why you don't want them (black people) to achieve autonomy and freedom from white racism? They want it. Who are you to deny them?

Which black people? Was there a referendum when I wasn't looking?
As long as the PC Police refer to anyone who dares to criticize blacks and liberals in any way as "racists" and "white supremacists", the decay will continue. This is about politics, not about skin color, and they're in the way. They're part of the problem, and they don't give a crap.


If the words didn't exist it still wouldn't change the dynamic of race relations today. It isn't about words it's about deeds/actions.
They have asked to be free from white domination for generations. Why not give them what they want?
Why would they (those whom want this) ask to be free from white domination ? Are the whites still dominating them ? Umm last I checked upon certain levels, that is no longer the case on many levels, and it hasn't been the case for many many years now. So what do they want, is it what you say that they say that they want ? Otherwise if this is true, then is it that they feel as if they will never make it to the top or acquire their dreams from certain levels, even though they have now done so on many levels ? So what is it that they want ? Is it to someday put whitely (those whom want this) under their foot stool, and if so is that their ( those whom want this), their over all agenda ? If we in America could understand these things, then we wouldn't be the cowards in which Holder called us when it comes to talking about racism in this nation. This may be what he meant, but even I don't know about that anymore.. We need to come together, and leave the real racist behind finally. I want to say that I have great friends in black people, but I don't know truly what they think about me now, because they might be hiding the truth in which they are really thinking, yet I truly hope not and I do hope that they are genuine in their friendships just as I have been with them.
As long as the PC Police refer to anyone who dares to criticize blacks and liberals in any way as "racists" and "white supremacists", the decay will continue. This is about politics, not about skin color, and they're in the way. They're part of the problem, and they don't give a crap.


If the words didn't exist it still wouldn't change the dynamic of race relations today. It isn't about words it's about deeds/actions.
They have asked to be free from white domination for generations. Why not give them what they want?
Why would they (those whom want this) ask to be free from white domination ? Are the whites still dominating them ? Umm last I checked upon certain levels, that is no longer the case on many levels, and it hasn't been the case for many many years now. So what do they want, is it what you say that they say that they want ? Otherwise if this is true, then is it that they feel as if they will never make it to the top or acquire their dreams from certain levels, even though they have now done so on many levels ? So what is it that they want ? Is it to someday put whitely (those whom want this) under their foot stool, and if so is that their ( those whom want this), their over all agenda ? If we in America could understand these things, then we wouldn't be the cowards in which Holder called us when it comes to talking about racism in this nation. This may be what he meant, but even I don't know about that anymore.. We need to come together, and leave the real racist behind finally. I want to say that I have great friends in black people, but I don't know truly what they think about me now, because they might be hiding the truth in which they are really thinking, yet I truly hope not and I do hope that they are genuine in their friendships just as I have been with them.

Essentially what most Americans believe.
Wow, founder of Gunsite Academy. That's old-school. Kudos.

I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but I have had the opportunity to learn from many other icons of that generation.... Bill Wilson, Massad Ayoub, and former NYPD detective Jim Cirillo, among others.

Oh I see, you plan to do something some day besides run your mouth. What's holding you up? When do you put your plan into action?

Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
So then running your mouth must be an essential first stage in your planning. I'll bet I can guess what comes next....

Taxi driver is a great movie. Check this part out.

A lonely delusional narcissist shut in......a character you can identify with.

YOU brought up Taxi Driver, not me.

More name calling and ad homs., though.... LMAO...
I think you're projecting.

Gee whiz my mistake, I didn't know you were so sensitive about your racist insanity.

You're projecting and name calling again.
Would you care to leave me out of it and address the topic?
If all you're going to do is grandstand and try to cause distractions, there's no reason to continue talking to you.

This is what people do when their arguments don't stand on their own merits.

Yes, I know this..That's what I've been saying to you all along. Stop grandstanding and let your argument stand or fall on its' own merits..Address the topic and stop obfuscating and trying to cause distractions

If your so called arguments had any actual substance to them there might be something to address. Unfortunately you seem to have little choice but to seek refuge in racist dogma and superficial displays of childish logic. So even though you do drone on at length with mindless don't really leave me much to work with.

I've posted the things black people have been asking for...not just in Ferguson Mo. the past 2 weeks, but for the past 150 years.

I'll post them one more time. Will you address them specifically or will you continue to avoid them, disparage, make snarky off topic comments and name call?

Here. Take a shot;
They don't want white cops to patrol in their "neighborhoods. White cops are too "racist".

They want white prosecutors replaced by "blacks" to handle cases that include them. White prosecutors are too "racist".

They don't want white judges to hear cases that have "black" defendants. White judges are too "racist"

They don't want white legislators representing their districts. White legislators are too "racist".
They've rejected white leadership, laws and values en masse ...they want everyone in any official capacity to be "black".

They don't want to work for white people because they are held back in promotions and salaries....White employers are too "racist".

They don't want their children taught by white teachers. White teachers are too "racist".

Who's "They"? Did you conduct your own poll to back up the results of your comprehensive study? a corner now and trying word games as a distraction?
When I say "them" or " they", I'm referring to black people in this particular case. (the bolded above)

Now that you understand better, can you address their requests and explain why you don't want them (black people) to achieve autonomy and freedom from white racism? They want it. Who are you to deny them?

Which black people? Was there a referendum when I wasn't looking?

more obfuscation and dodging...Why can't you discuss the topic and the reasons black people have given for the way they feel?

Referendum? think blacks need to consult with you before they make their desires known?
That's racist.

Ok..I'm done with you.

You're a racist and want to deny black people the very things they have been asking for all these years.
And we see the a few marginalized white males, threatened in their minds by women and minority males and millennials, have come to the realization that their entitlement has ended and the have to compete with everyone else.

No we don't. We can just burn the whole thing down and leave the motherfuckers with nothing.
As long as the PC Police refer to anyone who dares to criticize blacks and liberals in any way as "racists" and "white supremacists", the decay will continue. This is about politics, not about skin color, and they're in the way. They're part of the problem, and they don't give a crap.


If the words didn't exist it still wouldn't change the dynamic of race relations today. It isn't about words it's about deeds/actions.
They have asked to be free from white domination for generations. Why not give them what they want?
Why would they (those whom want this) ask to be free from white domination ? Are the whites still dominating them ? Umm last I checked upon certain levels, that is no longer the case on many levels, and it hasn't been the case for many many years now. So what do they want, is it what you say that they say that they want ? Otherwise if this is true, then is it that they feel as if they will never make it to the top or acquire their dreams from certain levels, even though they have now done so on many levels ? So what is it that they want ? Is it to someday put whitely (those whom want this) under their foot stool, and if so is that their ( those whom want this), their over all agenda ? If we in America could understand these things, then we wouldn't be the cowards in which Holder called us when it comes to talking about racism in this nation. This may be what he meant, but even I don't know about that anymore.. We need to come together, and leave the real racist behind finally. I want to say that I have great friends in black people, but I don't know truly what they think about me now, because they might be hiding the truth in which they are really thinking, yet I truly hope not and I do hope that they are genuine in their friendships just as I have been with them.

The OP lists the things they have been asking for. Can you address the things black people say they want and tell me why you think they shouldn't be allowed to pursue their goals?
Wow, founder of Gunsite Academy. That's old-school. Kudos.

I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but I have had the opportunity to learn from many other icons of that generation.... Bill Wilson, Massad Ayoub, and former NYPD detective Jim Cirillo, among others.

Oh I see, you plan to do something some day besides run your mouth. What's holding you up? When do you put your plan into action?

Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
So then running your mouth must be an essential first stage in your planning. I'll bet I can guess what comes next....

Taxi driver is a great movie. Check this part out.

A lonely delusional narcissist shut in......a character you can identify with.

YOU brought up Taxi Driver, not me.

More name calling and ad homs., though.... LMAO...
I think you're projecting.

Gee whiz my mistake, I didn't know you were so sensitive about your racist insanity.

You're projecting and name calling again.
Would you care to leave me out of it and address the topic?
If all you're going to do is grandstand and try to cause distractions, there's no reason to continue talking to you.

This is what people do when their arguments don't stand on their own merits.

Yes, I know this..That's what I've been saying to you all along. Stop grandstanding and let your argument stand or fall on its' own merits..Address the topic and stop obfuscating and trying to cause distractions

If your so called arguments had any actual substance to them there might be something to address. Unfortunately you seem to have little choice but to seek refuge in racist dogma and superficial displays of childish logic. So even though you do drone on at length with mindless don't really leave me much to work with.

I've posted the things black people have been asking for...not just in Ferguson Mo. the past 2 weeks, but for the past 150 years.

I'll post them one more time. Will you address them specifically or will you continue to avoid them, disparage, make snarky off topic comments and name call?

Here. Take a shot;
They don't want white cops to patrol in their "neighborhoods. White cops are too "racist".

They want white prosecutors replaced by "blacks" to handle cases that include them. White prosecutors are too "racist".

They don't want white judges to hear cases that have "black" defendants. White judges are too "racist"

They don't want white legislators representing their districts. White legislators are too "racist".
They've rejected white leadership, laws and values en masse ...they want everyone in any official capacity to be "black".

They don't want to work for white people because they are held back in promotions and salaries....White employers are too "racist".

They don't want their children taught by white teachers. White teachers are too "racist".

Who's "They"? Did you conduct your own poll to back up the results of your comprehensive study? a corner now and trying word games as a distraction?
When I say "them" or " they", I'm referring to black people in this particular case. (the bolded above)

Now that you understand better, can you address their requests and explain why you don't want them (black people) to achieve autonomy and freedom from white racism? They want it. Who are you to deny them?

Which black people? Was there a referendum when I wasn't looking?

more obfuscation and dodging...Why can't you discuss the topic and the reasons black people have given for the way they feel?

Referendum? think blacks need to consult with you before they make their desires known?
That's racist.

Ok..I'm done with you.

You're a racist and want to deny black people the very things they have been asking for all these years.

I don't know what you're so upset about, I'm merely trying to clarify your definition of terms. Evidently when you say "them" or "black people" you mean your characterizations are based on your own personal anecdotes rather than any empirical information. Well that certainly is all very interesting, thank you for sharing.

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