Black people advocate for segregation

I heard this on NPR the other day, where as there was a spokesperson/guest who complained about the mayor being white in Ferguson, and other such non-sense as this going on down there now.

A side note -I know of a situation where McDonald's has possibly been engaged in discrimination against white people or other races working at their locations in certain areas, because at lunch time the staff was virtually all black in many of the locations within our town. Now how does this happen I wonder within a supposed diverse society in which has been preached and preached and preached upon ? Does diversity not include whites ? You mean to tell me that in the hiring of people, all they could come up with was black applicants wanting to work there at these locations ?

Might be, but I wouldn't think so. The EEOC needs to investigate this is what they need to do, because something isn't right is what I think. I mean people if we are going to play fair, then let's do it always, and let's not fall back into discriminatory practices by anyone playing such a game as that. It just leads to conflict down the road, and especially when the whites had given up so much in the past in order to get away from this racism in America, and to accommodate and work with all races that are in this society now.

Beware of reverse racism, because it is as equally as bad as the racism of old.
Yep, if they hate America so much they can immigrate to another country - no one is stopping segregationist/white-hating blacks from leaving.

I'd pay for some of their passage. Another thought occurs, Kickstarter crowdsourcing to pay for the trip anywhere outside the US for segregationsists and other racist types. :)
Me too, they can leave and start their messed up dystopia some place, and leave the rest of America alone.

And where do we send useless idiots like you?
America. Stuck with me I am afraid. :tongue:
Wow, founder of Gunsite Academy. That's old-school. Kudos.

I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but I have had the opportunity to learn from many other icons of that generation.... Bill Wilson, Massad Ayoub, and former NYPD detective Jim Cirillo, among others.

Oh I see, you plan to do something some day besides run your mouth. What's holding you up? When do you put your plan into action?

Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
So then running your mouth must be an essential first stage in your planning. I'll bet I can guess what comes next....

Taxi driver is a great movie. Check this part out.

The herrenvok in America are losing, will continue to lose, and will always continue to lose.

Real America, all of the rest of us, simply sneer at the white supremacist nonsense.
As long as the PC Police refer to anyone who dares to criticize blacks and liberals in any way as "racists" and "white supremacists", the decay will continue. This is about politics, not about skin color, and they're in the way. They're part of the problem, and they don't give a crap.

I think a two state set up would be better. Blacks would get the black areas of miss, al, ga, sc, nc, va. They'd get to elect a government, president, police, constitution, and their own laws.

No white telling them what to do.

hey, some us folks in the south kind of like where we live, give em some of the fucking snow country up north and leave our warm southern states out of this ...............
The south has already begun preparations for "Negro Spring", please don't do anything to change the dynamics of that especially in the south .......
I love where I live and I'm probably farther south than you are....but if it meant racial peace and an end to the violence against whites I'd be willing to relocate. Small price to pay.
As long as the PC Police refer to anyone who dares to criticize blacks and liberals in any way as "racists" and "white supremacists", the decay will continue. This is about politics, not about skin color, and they're in the way. They're part of the problem, and they don't give a crap.


If the words didn't exist it still wouldn't change the dynamic of race relations today. It isn't about words it's about deeds/actions.
They have asked to be free from white domination for generations. Why not give them what they want?
Blacks are like a race of children and will never be satisfied. If we live WITH THEM, they will complain about "racism". If we live APART FROM THEM, they will complain that we whites owe them something. The bottom line is that they are evolutionarily a completely different breed of human, and the proposal that we live as equals in a society is doomed to failure, and worse.
As long as the PC Police refer to anyone who dares to criticize blacks and liberals in any way as "racists" and "white supremacists", the decay will continue. This is about politics, not about skin color, and they're in the way. They're part of the problem, and they don't give a crap.


If the words didn't exist it still wouldn't change the dynamic of race relations today. It isn't about words it's about deeds/actions.
They have asked to be free from white domination for generations. Why not give them what they want?

Still working the troll thread, huh? You need a real hobby.
As long as the PC Police refer to anyone who dares to criticize blacks and liberals in any way as "racists" and "white supremacists", the decay will continue. This is about politics, not about skin color, and they're in the way. They're part of the problem, and they don't give a crap.


If the words didn't exist it still wouldn't change the dynamic of race relations today. It isn't about words it's about deeds/actions.
They have asked to be free from white domination for generations. Why not give them what they want?

Still working the troll thread, huh? You need a real hobby.

Translation: "I hate it but I can't find anything I'm able to refute so I'll drop in and say something snarky and run away.:
Wow, founder of Gunsite Academy. That's old-school. Kudos.

I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but I have had the opportunity to learn from many other icons of that generation.... Bill Wilson, Massad Ayoub, and former NYPD detective Jim Cirillo, among others.

Oh I see, you plan to do something some day besides run your mouth. What's holding you up? When do you put your plan into action?

Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
So then running your mouth must be an essential first stage in your planning. I'll bet I can guess what comes next....

Taxi driver is a great movie. Check this part out.

A lonely delusional narcissist shut in......a character you can identify with.
Blacks are like a race of children and will never be satisfied. If we live WITH THEM, they will complain about "racism". If we live APART FROM THEM, they will complain that we whites owe them something. The bottom line is that they are evolutionarily a completely different breed of human, and the proposal that we live as equals in a society is doomed to failure, and worse.

I can see what breeding has done for you.
Wow, founder of Gunsite Academy. That's old-school. Kudos.

I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but I have had the opportunity to learn from many other icons of that generation.... Bill Wilson, Massad Ayoub, and former NYPD detective Jim Cirillo, among others.

Oh I see, you plan to do something some day besides run your mouth. What's holding you up? When do you put your plan into action?

Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
So then running your mouth must be an essential first stage in your planning. I'll bet I can guess what comes next....

Taxi driver is a great movie. Check this part out.

A lonely delusional narcissist shut in......a character you can identify with.

YOU brought up Taxi Driver, not me.

More name calling and ad homs., though.... LMAO...
I think you're projecting.
Wow, founder of Gunsite Academy. That's old-school. Kudos.

I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but I have had the opportunity to learn from many other icons of that generation.... Bill Wilson, Massad Ayoub, and former NYPD detective Jim Cirillo, among others.

Oh I see, you plan to do something some day besides run your mouth. What's holding you up? When do you put your plan into action?

Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
So then running your mouth must be an essential first stage in your planning. I'll bet I can guess what comes next....

Taxi driver is a great movie. Check this part out.

A lonely delusional narcissist shut in......a character you can identify with.

YOU brought up Taxi Driver, not me.

More name calling and ad homs., though.... LMAO...
I think you're projecting.

Gee whiz my mistake, I didn't know you were so sensitive about your racist insanity.
Wow, founder of Gunsite Academy. That's old-school. Kudos.

I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but I have had the opportunity to learn from many other icons of that generation.... Bill Wilson, Massad Ayoub, and former NYPD detective Jim Cirillo, among others.

Oh I see, you plan to do something some day besides run your mouth. What's holding you up? When do you put your plan into action?

Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
So then running your mouth must be an essential first stage in your planning. I'll bet I can guess what comes next....

Taxi driver is a great movie. Check this part out.

A lonely delusional narcissist shut in......a character you can identify with.

YOU brought up Taxi Driver, not me.

More name calling and ad homs., though.... LMAO...
I think you're projecting.

Gee whiz my mistake, I didn't know you were so sensitive about your racist insanity.

You're projecting and name calling again.
Would you care to leave me out of it and address the topic?
If all you're going to do is grandstand and try to cause distractions, there's no reason to continue talking to you.
Wow, founder of Gunsite Academy. That's old-school. Kudos.

I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but I have had the opportunity to learn from many other icons of that generation.... Bill Wilson, Massad Ayoub, and former NYPD detective Jim Cirillo, among others.

Oh I see, you plan to do something some day besides run your mouth. What's holding you up? When do you put your plan into action?

Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
So then running your mouth must be an essential first stage in your planning. I'll bet I can guess what comes next....

Taxi driver is a great movie. Check this part out.

A lonely delusional narcissist shut in......a character you can identify with.

YOU brought up Taxi Driver, not me.

More name calling and ad homs., though.... LMAO...
I think you're projecting.

Gee whiz my mistake, I didn't know you were so sensitive about your racist insanity.

You're projecting and name calling again.
Would you care to leave me out of it and address the topic?
If all you're going to do is grandstand and try to cause distractions, there's no reason to continue talking to you.

This is what people do when their arguments don't stand on their own merits.
I heard this on NPR the other day, where as there was a spokesperson/guest who complained about the mayor being white in Ferguson, and other such non-sense as this going on down there now.

A side note -I know of a situation where McDonald's has possibly been engaged in discrimination against white people or other races working at their locations in certain areas, because at lunch time the staff was virtually all black in many of the locations within our town. Now how does this happen I wonder within a supposed diverse society in which has been preached and preached and preached upon ? Does diversity not include whites ? You mean to tell me that in the hiring of people, all they could come up with was black applicants wanting to work there at these locations ?

Might be, but I wouldn't think so. The EEOC needs to investigate this is what they need to do, because something isn't right is what I think. I mean people if we are going to play fair, then let's do it always, and let's not fall back into discriminatory practices by anyone playing such a game as that. It just leads to conflict down the road, and especially when the whites had given up so much in the past in order to get away from this racism in America, and to accommodate and work with all races that are in this society now.

Beware of reverse racism, because it is as equally as bad as the racism of old.

That is one of those odd things. I don't know how many times, when I was a college student, that Iapplied for jobs at such places and they would have an all black or all Hispanic staff smack dab in the middle of a town that is 90% white.

Plainly, the EEOC, the Justus department and the libtards in general are totally OK with discrimination against whites. IT is only discrimination against minorities that they are concerned about.

As AG Holder once said, 'My people have fought far too hard and long to start wasting time with cases protecting white civil rights.'

And that is not racism?
Wow, founder of Gunsite Academy. That's old-school. Kudos.

I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but I have had the opportunity to learn from many other icons of that generation.... Bill Wilson, Massad Ayoub, and former NYPD detective Jim Cirillo, among others.

Oh I see, you plan to do something some day besides run your mouth. What's holding you up? When do you put your plan into action?

Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
So then running your mouth must be an essential first stage in your planning. I'll bet I can guess what comes next....

Taxi driver is a great movie. Check this part out.

A lonely delusional narcissist shut in......a character you can identify with.

YOU brought up Taxi Driver, not me.

More name calling and ad homs., though.... LMAO...
I think you're projecting.

Gee whiz my mistake, I didn't know you were so sensitive about your racist insanity.

You're projecting and name calling again.
Would you care to leave me out of it and address the topic?
If all you're going to do is grandstand and try to cause distractions, there's no reason to continue talking to you.

This is what people do when their arguments don't stand on their own merits.

Do you realize that Rotigilla is making you look stupid?
Blacks are like a race of children and will never be satisfied. If we live WITH THEM, they will complain about "racism". If we live APART FROM THEM, they will complain that we whites owe them something. The bottom line is that they are evolutionarily a completely different breed of human, and the proposal that we live as equals in a society is doomed to failure, and worse.

That same logic is in the Sexual Harassment rules the feds use and most corporations. A woman can make an anonymous complaint about you paying her too much attention, management tells you to cut it out without saying who you are supposed to not harass, lol, then the bitch complains because you are not interacting with her like everyone else and are avoiding her.

They get you no matter what you do. A guy IO know had this happen to him at Comcast, and when he complained about how unfair the process was, since he had no idea who is accusing him so how could he adjust his demeanor, they then wrote him up for being disruptive. He got another job fairly quickly and shook the dust off his feet, but still, their is no intent by the liberals to play fair here.

They hate whites and white men even more so.
Wow, founder of Gunsite Academy. That's old-school. Kudos.

I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but I have had the opportunity to learn from many other icons of that generation.... Bill Wilson, Massad Ayoub, and former NYPD detective Jim Cirillo, among others.

Oh I see, you plan to do something some day besides run your mouth. What's holding you up? When do you put your plan into action?

Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
So then running your mouth must be an essential first stage in your planning. I'll bet I can guess what comes next....

Taxi driver is a great movie. Check this part out.

A lonely delusional narcissist shut in......a character you can identify with.

YOU brought up Taxi Driver, not me.

More name calling and ad homs., though.... LMAO...
I think you're projecting.

Gee whiz my mistake, I didn't know you were so sensitive about your racist insanity.

You're projecting and name calling again.
Would you care to leave me out of it and address the topic?
If all you're going to do is grandstand and try to cause distractions, there's no reason to continue talking to you.

This is what people do when their arguments don't stand on their own merits.

Do you realize that Rotigilla is making you look stupid?

No, I didn't realize that. I'm so stupid that I must have missed that part.

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