Black people advocate for segregation

Blacks are like a race of children and will never be satisfied. If we live WITH THEM, they will complain about "racism". If we live APART FROM THEM, they will complain that we whites owe them something. The bottom line is that they are evolutionarily a completely different breed of human, and the proposal that we live as equals in a society is doomed to failure, and worse.

That same logic is in the Sexual Harassment rules the feds use and most corporations. A woman can make an anonymous complaint about you paying her too much attention, management tells you to cut it out without saying who you are supposed to not harass, lol, then the bitch complains because you are not interacting with her like everyone else and are avoiding her.

They get you no matter what you do. A guy IO know had this happen to him at Comcast, and when he complained about how unfair the process was, since he had no idea who is accusing him so how could he adjust his demeanor, they then wrote him up for being disruptive. He got another job fairly quickly and shook the dust off his feet, but still, their is no intent by the liberals to play fair here.

They hate whites and white men even more so.

Angry white guys are so burdened with so many grievances.
Wow, founder of Gunsite Academy. That's old-school. Kudos.

I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but I have had the opportunity to learn from many other icons of that generation.... Bill Wilson, Massad Ayoub, and former NYPD detective Jim Cirillo, among others.

Oh I see, you plan to do something some day besides run your mouth. What's holding you up? When do you put your plan into action?

Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
So then running your mouth must be an essential first stage in your planning. I'll bet I can guess what comes next....

Taxi driver is a great movie. Check this part out.

A lonely delusional narcissist shut in......a character you can identify with.

YOU brought up Taxi Driver, not me.

More name calling and ad homs., though.... LMAO...
I think you're projecting.

Gee whiz my mistake, I didn't know you were so sensitive about your racist insanity.

You're projecting and name calling again.
Would you care to leave me out of it and address the topic?
If all you're going to do is grandstand and try to cause distractions, there's no reason to continue talking to you.

This is what people do when their arguments don't stand on their own merits.

Do you realize that Rotigilla is making you look stupid?

No, I didn't realize that. I'm so stupid that I must have missed that part.

Apparently it is perspective. You bring up a movie, Rot responds with another slice of it, then you complain about him bringing up the movie as though that proves something about Rot when you brought the damned thing up.

That kind of thing just makes you look stupid as can be.
Blacks are like a race of children and will never be satisfied. If we live WITH THEM, they will complain about "racism". If we live APART FROM THEM, they will complain that we whites owe them something. The bottom line is that they are evolutionarily a completely different breed of human, and the proposal that we live as equals in a society is doomed to failure, and worse.

That same logic is in the Sexual Harassment rules the feds use and most corporations. A woman can make an anonymous complaint about you paying her too much attention, management tells you to cut it out without saying who you are supposed to not harass, lol, then the bitch complains because you are not interacting with her like everyone else and are avoiding her.

They get you no matter what you do. A guy IO know had this happen to him at Comcast, and when he complained about how unfair the process was, since he had no idea who is accusing him so how could he adjust his demeanor, they then wrote him up for being disruptive. He got another job fairly quickly and shook the dust off his feet, but still, their is no intent by the liberals to play fair here.

They hate whites and white men even more so.

Angry white guys are so burdened with so many grievances.

Why wouldn't we be angry about people like you hating us so much and working the system to be unjust to us?

At least we aren't burning any liquor stores yet. owe me a keyboard. I just spit coke all over this one..LMMFAO JUSTUS department.
..but that's what happens when infiltrators get on the inside and corrupt government.

As AG Holder once said, 'My people have fought far too hard and long to start wasting time with cases protecting white civil rights.'

..and the other day he decided to openly express that racial solidarity trumps a search for true justice..

"I am the attorney general but I am also a black man"

Proving he has chosen sides agenda in the Ferguson issue.

Let them have what they have been asking for all these many years. Freedom from us murderous, racist, supremacist, redneck, bigoted white people.

The diversity/multicultural experiment has failed..(or succeeded, depending on how you look at it.) Time to seek a different method.
Blacks are like a race of children and will never be satisfied. If we live WITH THEM, they will complain about "racism". If we live APART FROM THEM, they will complain that we whites owe them something. The bottom line is that they are evolutionarily a completely different breed of human, and the proposal that we live as equals in a society is doomed to failure, and worse.

That same logic is in the Sexual Harassment rules the feds use and most corporations. A woman can make an anonymous complaint about you paying her too much attention, management tells you to cut it out without saying who you are supposed to not harass, lol, then the bitch complains because you are not interacting with her like everyone else and are avoiding her.

They get you no matter what you do. A guy IO know had this happen to him at Comcast, and when he complained about how unfair the process was, since he had no idea who is accusing him so how could he adjust his demeanor, they then wrote him up for being disruptive. He got another job fairly quickly and shook the dust off his feet, but still, their is no intent by the liberals to play fair here.

They hate whites and white men even more so.

Angry white guys are so burdened with so many grievances.

Why wouldn't we be angry about people like you hating us so much and working the system to be unjust to us?

At least we aren't burning any liquor stores yet.

Angry white folks in America are the most privileged oppressed people in history.
Blacks are like a race of children and will never be satisfied. If we live WITH THEM, they will complain about "racism". If we live APART FROM THEM, they will complain that we whites owe them something. The bottom line is that they are evolutionarily a completely different breed of human, and the proposal that we live as equals in a society is doomed to failure, and worse.

That same logic is in the Sexual Harassment rules the feds use and most corporations. A woman can make an anonymous complaint about you paying her too much attention, management tells you to cut it out without saying who you are supposed to not harass, lol, then the bitch complains because you are not interacting with her like everyone else and are avoiding her.

They get you no matter what you do. A guy IO know had this happen to him at Comcast, and when he complained about how unfair the process was, since he had no idea who is accusing him so how could he adjust his demeanor, they then wrote him up for being disruptive. He got another job fairly quickly and shook the dust off his feet, but still, their is no intent by the liberals to play fair here.

They hate whites and white men even more so.

Angry white guys are so burdened with so many grievances.

Why wouldn't we be angry about people like you hating us so much and working the system to be unjust to us?

At least we aren't burning any liquor stores yet.

Angry white folks in America are the most privileged oppressed people in history.

Another blatant lie. You white hating ideologues have twisted our legal system against us in so many ways it would take hours to post it all.

And you are gleeful and tease us like this is of no concern to you. And of course it isn't, as your hatred for whites justifies everything you do in your mind.

Any tour through the divorce laws shows bias against men, the EEOC is biased against whites, the legal system is biased against the working class, net effect is that the working class white man gets screwed three times over, but we are supposed to be the most privileged people?

Lol please keep showing your hatred, it is illuminating.
The real issue for these racist dipshits is that they're afraid to compete with black folks. They are the marginally stupid white folks, the one's who were never going much past community college or middle management anyway. It's their own mediocrity that makes them so angry.
And we see the a few marginalized white males, threatened in their minds by women and minority males and millennials, have come to the realization that their entitlement has ended and the have to compete with everyone else.
Wow, founder of Gunsite Academy. That's old-school. Kudos.

I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but I have had the opportunity to learn from many other icons of that generation.... Bill Wilson, Massad Ayoub, and former NYPD detective Jim Cirillo, among others.

Oh I see, you plan to do something some day besides run your mouth. What's holding you up? When do you put your plan into action?

Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
So then running your mouth must be an essential first stage in your planning. I'll bet I can guess what comes next....

Taxi driver is a great movie. Check this part out.

A lonely delusional narcissist shut in......a character you can identify with.

YOU brought up Taxi Driver, not me.

More name calling and ad homs., though.... LMAO...
I think you're projecting.

Gee whiz my mistake, I didn't know you were so sensitive about your racist insanity.

You're projecting and name calling again.
Would you care to leave me out of it and address the topic?
If all you're going to do is grandstand and try to cause distractions, there's no reason to continue talking to you.

This is what people do when their arguments don't stand on their own merits.

Yes, I know this..That's what I've been saying to you all along. Stop grandstanding and let your argument stand or fall on its' own merits..Address the topic and stop obfuscating and trying to cause distractions owe me a keyboard. I just spit coke all over this one..LMMFAO JUSTUS department.
..but that's what happens when infiltrators get on the inside and corrupt government.

As AG Holder once said, 'My people have fought far too hard and long to start wasting time with cases protecting white civil rights.'

..and the other day he decided to openly express that racial solidarity trumps a search for true justice..

"I am the attorney general but I am also a black man"

Proving he has chosen sides agenda in the Ferguson issue.

Let them have what they have been asking for all these many years. Freedom from us murderous, racist, supremacist, redneck, bigoted white people.

The diversity/multicultural experiment has failed..(or succeeded, depending on how you look at it.) Time to seek a different method.

Yeah, it is failing and collapsing in that silent way that cultural things do.

What percentage of whites do you think actually trust our government to be fair with whites? 45%?

They have jumped the shark with the is one and it cannot be unjumped.
Wow, founder of Gunsite Academy. That's old-school. Kudos.

I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but I have had the opportunity to learn from many other icons of that generation.... Bill Wilson, Massad Ayoub, and former NYPD detective Jim Cirillo, among others.

Oh I see, you plan to do something some day besides run your mouth. What's holding you up? When do you put your plan into action?

Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
So then running your mouth must be an essential first stage in your planning. I'll bet I can guess what comes next....

Taxi driver is a great movie. Check this part out.

A lonely delusional narcissist shut in......a character you can identify with.

YOU brought up Taxi Driver, not me.

More name calling and ad homs., though.... LMAO...
I think you're projecting.

Gee whiz my mistake, I didn't know you were so sensitive about your racist insanity.

You're projecting and name calling again.
Would you care to leave me out of it and address the topic?
If all you're going to do is grandstand and try to cause distractions, there's no reason to continue talking to you.

This is what people do when their arguments don't stand on their own merits.

Yes, I know this..That's what I've been saying to you all along. Stop grandstanding and let your argument stand or fall on its' own merits..Address the topic and stop obfuscating and trying to cause distractions

If your so called arguments had any actual substance to them there might be something to address. Unfortunately you seem to have little choice but to seek refuge in racist dogma and superficial displays of childish logic. So even though you do drone on at length with mindless don't really leave me much to work with.
The real issue for these racist dipshits is that they're afraid to compete with black folks. They are the marginally stupid white folks, the one's who were never going much past community college or middle management anyway. It's their own mediocrity that makes them so angry.

Afraid to compete? Are we the ones who have promotion test bonuses for our race or ethnicity? Are we the ones who have to have contract set asides for minorities in all federal contracts? Are we demanding race based entries inn our universities?

No, you libtards are the ones who cannot trust honest competition. You are the ones who think blacks and Hispanics cannot compete and you hate us for it.
The real issue for these racist dipshits is that they're afraid to compete with black folks. They are the marginally stupid white folks, the one's who were never going much past community college or middle management anyway. It's their own mediocrity that makes them so angry.
No..You guys think that blacks aren't able to function on a level playing field without government intervention.
That's racist.
What gives you the idea that you know what's best for black people?.
Wow, founder of Gunsite Academy. That's old-school. Kudos.

I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but I have had the opportunity to learn from many other icons of that generation.... Bill Wilson, Massad Ayoub, and former NYPD detective Jim Cirillo, among others.

Oh I see, you plan to do something some day besides run your mouth. What's holding you up? When do you put your plan into action?

Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
So then running your mouth must be an essential first stage in your planning. I'll bet I can guess what comes next....

Taxi driver is a great movie. Check this part out.

A lonely delusional narcissist shut in......a character you can identify with.

YOU brought up Taxi Driver, not me.

More name calling and ad homs., though.... LMAO...
I think you're projecting.

Gee whiz my mistake, I didn't know you were so sensitive about your racist insanity.

You're projecting and name calling again.
Would you care to leave me out of it and address the topic?
If all you're going to do is grandstand and try to cause distractions, there's no reason to continue talking to you.

This is what people do when their arguments don't stand on their own merits.

Yes, I know this..That's what I've been saying to you all along. Stop grandstanding and let your argument stand or fall on its' own merits..Address the topic and stop obfuscating and trying to cause distractions

If your so called arguments had any actual substance to them there might be something to address. Unfortunately you seem to have little choice but to seek refuge in racist dogma and superficial displays of childish logic. So even though you do drone on at length with mindless don't really leave me much to work with.

Lol, you think saying that makes it true?

Anyone can go back through the thread and read you deflections, lies and distortions.

lol, but I say keep it up; you exemplify why I use the word 'libtard' for you morons.
The real issue for these racist dipshits is that they're afraid to compete with black folks. They are the marginally stupid white folks, the one's who were never going much past community college or middle management anyway. It's their own mediocrity that makes them so angry.
No..You guys think that blacks aren't able to function on a level playing field without government intervention.
That's racist.
What gives you the idea that you know what's best for black people?.

But it is a paternal racism. They want to make blacks dependent on them and the government so the can count their votes each fall.
The real issue for these racist dipshits is that they're afraid to compete with black folks. They are the marginally stupid white folks, the one's who were never going much past community college or middle management anyway. It's their own mediocrity that makes them so angry.
No..You guys think that blacks aren't able to function on a level playing field without government intervention.
That's racist.
What gives you the idea that you know what's best for black people?.

But it is a paternal racism. They want to make blacks dependent on them and the government so the can count their votes each fall.

Dependent how?
Wow, founder of Gunsite Academy. That's old-school. Kudos.

I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but I have had the opportunity to learn from many other icons of that generation.... Bill Wilson, Massad Ayoub, and former NYPD detective Jim Cirillo, among others.

Oh I see, you plan to do something some day besides run your mouth. What's holding you up? When do you put your plan into action?

Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
So then running your mouth must be an essential first stage in your planning. I'll bet I can guess what comes next....

Taxi driver is a great movie. Check this part out.

A lonely delusional narcissist shut in......a character you can identify with.

YOU brought up Taxi Driver, not me.

More name calling and ad homs., though.... LMAO...
I think you're projecting.

Gee whiz my mistake, I didn't know you were so sensitive about your racist insanity.

You're projecting and name calling again.
Would you care to leave me out of it and address the topic?
If all you're going to do is grandstand and try to cause distractions, there's no reason to continue talking to you.

This is what people do when their arguments don't stand on their own merits.

Yes, I know this..That's what I've been saying to you all along. Stop grandstanding and let your argument stand or fall on its' own merits..Address the topic and stop obfuscating and trying to cause distractions

If your so called arguments had any actual substance to them there might be something to address. Unfortunately you seem to have little choice but to seek refuge in racist dogma and superficial displays of childish logic. So even though you do drone on at length with mindless don't really leave me much to work with.

I've posted the things black people have been asking for...not just in Ferguson Mo. the past 2 weeks, but for the past 150 years.

I'll post them one more time. Will you address them specifically or will you continue to avoid them, disparage, make snarky off topic comments and name call?

Here. Take a shot;
They don't want white cops to patrol in their "neighborhoods. White cops are too "racist".

They want white prosecutors replaced by "blacks" to handle cases that include them. White prosecutors are too "racist".

They don't want white judges to hear cases that have "black" defendants. White judges are too "racist"

They don't want white legislators representing their districts. White legislators are too "racist".
They've rejected white leadership, laws and values en masse ...they want everyone in any official capacity to be "black".

They don't want to work for white people because they are held back in promotions and salaries....White employers are too "racist".

They don't want their children taught by white teachers. White teachers are too "racist".

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