Black people advocate for segregation

Since blacks for centuries were prohibited from interacting at a positive level with white European culture, other than being racially abused, none of the far right white racists comments here are anything more than bullshit.

Yup, blacks are not going to allow whites any further control of their lives and are breaking the bindings every year.

Are you on crack or something? Black dependency is growing not falling.

That's a strong statement.
Negroes WANT segregation. They've been openly saying they did for 2 weeks in Ferguson.

Actually they've been advocating for segregation for many years. Why not accommodate them?

What? You don't believe me?

They don't want white cops to patrol in their "neighborhoods. White cops are too "racist".

They want white prosecutors replaced by "blacks" to handle cases that include them. White prosecutors are too "racist".

They don't want white judges to hear cases that have "black" defendants. White judges are too "racist"

They don't want white legislators representing their districts. White legislators are too "racist".
They've rejected white leadership, laws and values en masse ...they want everyone in any official capacity to be "black".

They don't want to work for white people because they are held back in promotions and salaries....White employers are too "racist".

They don't want their children taught by white teachers. White teachers are too "racist".

They already have the black only (no whites allowed) Congressional "Black" caucus.
(Which is really a country drunk on "diversity" where negroes demand(!) whites be "inclusive" we have a political bloc of negroes in gvt who are paid with TAXPAYER DOLLARS (translation; white people ) but they have this group that forbids white people to participate

They WANT to be segregated from let's "help" them reach their goal.

Set aside a state or 2 and make it EXCLUSIVELY black. All black politicians, all black cops, all black judges, all black prosecutors. They can set up their own businesses and have 100% black ownership and employees.

...but...they will be forced to pay their own way entirely. No welfare, no EBT, and all of their "social" "programs" and "entitlements" will be funded exclusively by blacks.

They can tax each other or hand out entitlements to each other however they interference from us white devils.

I'd even be ok with reducing tax rates for them so they can get a foothold and get a solid foundation to build their black utopia.

They've complained for generations about "racism"in EVERYTHING and being held down.
Here's their chance to soar.

It would be a win-win for both races.
We don't have to finance their dysfunction and they don't have to live under the rule of us evil white racists.
I think that already happened but it is a nation called Liberia.

We aren't talking about liberia. We're talking about the u.s. and what black americans say they want.
Liberia was created by black Americans from the U.S.A. because of what black Americans wanted.
They got what they wanted then, and Liberia is now a shithole according to criminal activity, corrupt politics and standard of living.

Are you saying that blacks can't run their own affairs without white assistance?
That's racist.

It's not racist. It's a testable statement. Go and search for a majority black city, where all institutions are majority black and where leadership of the city and institutions is black run and find a success story. Use the entire world as your data source.
It's racist to force blacks to live under the iron white fist! They want black police, schools, government, etc. This you will find on Cnn and Msnbc!

This they can find in Africa. They cannot find it here in the United States. Therefore they have to make a choice.... move, change the dynamic of their community by getting more involved in those professions, or get used to it. Three different options, for them to choose from.
Yep, if they hate America so much they can immigrate to another country - no one is stopping segregationist/white-hating blacks from leaving.

Can you name one white Anglosphere or Western European nation which liberals haven't infected with multiculturalism? Where is this mythical white nation to which these folks should go? Japanese Americans have Japan filled with Japanese. Indian-Americans have India filled with Indians. Kenyan-Americans have Kenya filled with Kenyans. Dutch-Americans have the Netherlands filled with Dutch, Moroccans, Algerians, Turks, Indonesians, Nigerians, Congolese, etc.
Since blacks for centuries were prohibited from interacting at a positive level with white European culture, other than being racially abused, none of the far right white racists comments here are anything more than bullshit.

Yup, blacks are not going to allow whites any further control of their lives and are breaking the bindings every year.

Are you on crack or something? Black dependency is growing not falling.

That's a strong statement.

I can't help that. Single motherhood in the black community now reaches 72%+ of all births. It didn't use to be that way. A good many of these poor mothers are living on the taxpayers' dime.

Is this thread serious? Are you honestly seeking a discussion of why we don't give black Americans a couple of states to run so they can finally be treated equally in this nation?

No..I'm asking why you don't want black people to have the freedoms and autonomy they have been asking for.

Stick to the points they have made and the things they have asked for and the reasons they have given..not things you invent.
Do you want me to repost their requests?

Yes. Cite them please. Names and dates.

The fear is palpable.

Are you going to provide the direct quotes? You said you posted them. I missed them. You then asked me if I wanted you to repost. I said yes.

Please do so.

Since blacks for centuries were prohibited from interacting at a positive level with white European culture, other than being racially abused, none of the far right white racists comments here are anything more than bullshit.

Yup, blacks are not going to allow whites any further control of their lives and are breaking the bindings every year.

Are you on crack or something? Black dependency is growing not falling.

That's a strong statement.

I can't help that. Single motherhood in the black community now reaches 72%+ of all births. It didn't use to be that way. A good many of these poor mothers are living on the taxpayers' dime.

Black dependency is not growing at a rate different than white dependency.
Since blacks for centuries were prohibited from interacting at a positive level with white European culture, other than being racially abused, none of the far right white racists comments here are anything more than bullshit.

Yup, blacks are not going to allow whites any further control of their lives and are breaking the bindings every year.

Are you on crack or something? Black dependency is growing not falling.

That's a strong statement.

I can't help that. Single motherhood in the black community now reaches 72%+ of all births. It didn't use to be that way. A good many of these poor mothers are living on the taxpayers' dime.

Black dependency is not growing at a rate different than white dependency.

Look, I didn't want to write a treatise in the last comment so I only included one example and even in that example, the rate of increase in black signal motherhood is higher than the rate of increase in white single motherhood.

Dependency on taxpayers is pretty simple to document - any instance where government funding, or government mandate, results in a transfer of wealth different from what the market would return. This includes welfare of all stripes, it includes hiring quotas, it includes small business minority favoritism (a small business runs by a black owner can win a government contract and not be the lowest bidder, so the difference between the lowest bid and the winning bid is a subsidy from taxpayers to the black business owner.)
Since blacks for centuries were prohibited from interacting at a positive level with white European culture, other than being racially abused, none of the far right white racists comments here are anything more than bullshit.

Yup, blacks are not going to allow whites any further control of their lives and are breaking the bindings every year.

Are you on crack or something? Black dependency is growing not falling.

That's a strong statement.

I can't help that. Single motherhood in the black community now reaches 72%+ of all births. It didn't use to be that way. A good many of these poor mothers are living on the taxpayers' dime.

Black dependency is not growing at a rate different than white dependency.

Look, I didn't want to write a treatise in the last comment so I only included one example and even in that example, the rate of increase in black signal motherhood is higher than the rate of increase in white single motherhood.

Dependency on taxpayers is pretty simple to document - any instance where government funding, or government mandate, results in a transfer of wealth different from what the market would return. This includes welfare of all stripes, it includes hiring quotas, it includes small business minority favoritism (a small business runs by a black owner can win a government contract and not be the lowest bidder, so the difference between the lowest bid and the winning bid is a subsidy from taxpayers to the black business owner.)

No. defined as having 50% or more of your income derived from means tested benefit programs.

You do not get to define terms that already have accepted meanings.

Political Correctness and Identity Politics have created de facto social/cultural/economic segregation.

So we're pretty much already there.



They don't want de facto segregation..they want...according to their own demands/complaints...REAL segregation where the races are physically they can be self determining with no interference from whites
we have a problem already with that scenario..,

where will we put the MULATTOS ?

With the blacks. They feel they're black anyways.

Our mulatto-in-chief and many of his hi-yellar co-conspirators sure seem to feel that way.
The white supremacists have rejected the laws of the land and compassion of the heart outstretched to them.

They will dwindle into nothingness as the millennials grow older.
Anathema is arguing that the last fifty years have been enough to eradicate the evil of slavery and segregation in preventing an integration of black and white is simply stupid: we have had a black president, a two black secretaries of state, a black chief of staff of the joint chiefs, several senators, dozens of congress people, governors, state legislators, judges, so on and so forth.

Moving forward as we continue to marginalize KKK, the NBPP, the descendants of the white citizens councils, the stormfronters and assorted vile organizations of white supremacists, matters will continue to improve.

The nice thing is that the millennials by a 95 to 5 relationship, at least, reject Anathema and the rest of those who think like him.

Hurts, Rik, to be known for what you are. Sux to be you.
The white supremacists have rejected the laws of the land and compassion of the heart outstretched to them.

They will dwindle into nothingness as the millennials grow older.

Is there anything weirder than an educated person who believes that shit? I understand idiots like Shootspeders, Steve McGarret and Rotogila. But this Rikurzhen guy has a brain. What do you think happened to him?
Muhammad Ali advocated it back in 1968.
Louis Farrakhan also advocated for this segregation, and the setting aside of a few states or more for African Americans only, but he wanted the whites to support it until they got upon there feet is what he wanted. It was in the paper that is still or was passed out within the black communities back in the day. I think the paper was called "The Final Call". I wonder if that paper is still circulating out there ? I had a black co-worker who used to bring it to work, and he would ask me what I thought of it. It seemed very radical to me, and I think he thought the same way also.

Even with white support it's a good idea. First do a comprehensive financial analysis of the economic life of black America. Calculate the gains produced and the losses incurred. Determine the net annual subsidy. Calculate the Net Present Value of the annual subsidies for one generation and offer a huge lump sum or a fixed rate of annual subsidy for a fixed term.

In the end, it's no more expensive for white America than the present state of affairs and it promises a end to the subsidy drain on the wealth of the nation. The lump sum payment for those who take advantage of it could be used like we see with retired Americans who cash out assets in American and live much better in cheaper cost of living countries. A lump sum of $100,000 or $200,000 or whatever the amount actually is, could set someone up with a house or a small business in another country.

He floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee.

Ali's analogy fails when applied to a kindred mammalian species like dogs, rather than to the remnants of dinosaurs. Birds might indeed be racist, but mammals possess higher level social skills.

Regardless, I personally prefer dogs; birds are pretty much assholes.
Negroes WANT segregation. They've been openly saying they did for 2 weeks in Ferguson.

Actually they've been advocating for segregation for many years. Why not accommodate them?

What? You don't believe me?


We don't.

Because you're another idiot who slithered over from StormFront.

Feel free to go back and don't let the door hit ya on the way out, cracker.
The white supremacists have rejected the laws of the land and compassion of the heart outstretched to them.

They will dwindle into nothingness as the millennials grow older.

Is there anything weirder than an educated person who believes that shit? I understand idiots like Shootspeders, Steve McGarret and Rotogila. But this Rikurzhen guy has a brain. What do you think happened to him?

Al you need do is refute my points. Simple. SHOW ME WHERE I AM WRONG.

What happened to me? I too was raised in liberal dogma, just like all of us, but I've also traveled the world, I've been educated, I know history, I know how to analyze situations, I understand people, and the writing is on the wall. When history shows that all multicultural societies have failed, you need to show me what exactly we're doing which is different enough from past experiments to turn predicted failure into dreamt of success.

But forget all of the above - the key point where I, and others in this thread, are different is that we've reconciled our Private Truths with our Public Truths. That's really all there is to it. Liberals in Portland love to talk about how much they value multiculturalism as they CHOOSE to live in the whitest city in America. Their private truth is that they like living in a white enclave, their PUBLIC LIE is that love multiculturalism.

Most of the people on this thread, and this includes guys like you, don't live your life true to your professed public statements. I have access to geographic mapping software where if you give me your ZIP code I can produce a map of the racial demographics of your census tract and if you give me your address I can produce a map of the racial demographics of your street. I'm pretty certain of what those maps would reveal for most of the critics in this thread.

I've not yet met one white liberal who has purposely chosen to send his kids to a school where the white population is only 10%. Think of the rich multicultural experience his kids would have at that school. Remember, multiculturalism is something that guys like you say is beneficial and enriching so we should expect guys like you to be making a beeline for these multiculturally rich schools. Your Public Lies are very at odds with your PRIVATE TRUTHS. Mine are not, mine are aligned. I care more about being honest with reality than kowtowing to liberal social fictions.
I think many would take their chances.

Don't need to though. Presumedly white racists already self-segregate. So unless they're just totally in love with all their neighbors I'd say that's proof-of-concept. :)
Black and White racists deserve each other, give them their own nation and watch then declare war on each other and try to wipe the other out. America would then have to intervene with the UN, or just watch as stupidity prevails as it has to all other single race states.

Yeah...hellholes like Japan!

Oh, wait..............

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