Black people advocate for segregation

The white supremacists have rejected the laws of the land and compassion of the heart outstretched to them.

They will dwindle into nothingness as the millennials grow older.

Is there anything weirder than an educated person who believes that shit? I understand idiots like Shootspeders, Steve McGarret and Rotogila. But this Rikurzhen guy has a brain. What do you think happened to him?

Al you need do is refute my points. Simple. SHOW ME WHERE I AM WRONG.

What happened to me? I too was raised in liberal dogma, just like all of us, but I've also traveled the world, I've been educated, I know history, I know how to analyze situations, I understand people, and the writing is on the wall. When history shows that all multicultural societies have failed, you need to show me what exactly we're doing which is different enough from past experiments to turn predicted failure into dreamt of success.

But forget all of the above - the key point where I, and others in this thread, are different is that we've reconciled our Private Truths with our Public Truths. That's really all there is to it. Liberals in Portland love to talk about how much they value multiculturalism as they CHOOSE to live in the whitest city in America. Their private truth is that they like living in a white enclave, their PUBLIC LIE is that love multiculturalism.

Most of the people on this thread, and this includes guys like you, don't live your life true to your professed public statements. I have access to geographic mapping software where if you give me your ZIP code I can produce a map of the racial demographics of your census tract and if you give me your address I can produce a map of the racial demographics of your street. I'm pretty certain of what those maps would reveal for most of the critics in this thread.

I've not yet met one white liberal who has purposely chosen to send his kids to a school where the white population is only 10%. Think of the rich multicultural experience his kids would have at that school. Remember, multiculturalism is something that guys like you say is beneficial and enriching so we should expect guys like you to be making a beeline for these multiculturally rich schools. Your Public Lies are very at odds with your PRIVATE TRUTHS. Mine are not, mine are aligned. I care more about being honest with reality than kowtowing to liberal social fictions.

You're wasting your time..his (and several others as you can see) only purpose is to agitate and lead you around all the while wandering farther and farther off topic..
He has offered nothing but insults, name calling and evasion in every exchange we've ever had....and that's all you'll ever get...don't fall for it.
In the real would this complete segregation of races in America work?

What about Asians, and mixed-race people/couples?

Can't just give Black people 2 states and no one else live there or set foot there.

It's would be messy and brutal, that's for sure. Think of it like having cancer. If you put off dealing with it, the problem gets worse and kills you. Deal with the cancer and you suffer through the trauma and come out healthier.

What we're talking about here is something like what happened in India in 1947. The largest mass migration in history - a sorting of Hindus and Muslims into India and Pakistan. Brutal. Imagine what that region would be like if this sorting hadn't taken place. India still has problems with the residue of Muslims who remained. It's now far more peaceful between the two societies than it was historically when they were combined.

We have Fannie Mae type institutions. We had the Resolution Trust institution after the S&L blow-up. Use them. Buy up homes and businesses of people who are relocating away and sell them to people arriving.

Alternatively establish an Ottoman Empire Millet system where each community operates under it's own laws and finances.

. It refers to the separate legal courts pertaining to "personal law" under which communities (Muslim Sharia, Christian Canon law and Jewish Halakha law abiding) were allowed to rule themselves under their own system.
This way you still have geographic integration but the subsidies and such all stop. Black middle class provides welfare for black underclass, white middle class provides welfare for white underclass.

We see this kind of starting with Native American sentencing circles for troubled youths diverted out of the White Man's Justice System.

Probably the least painful way is to simply abolish government rules which distort people's choices. Restore the human right of free association, stop affirmative action in university and business, kill the EEOC, restore restrictive covenants and property rights. The problem is that the easiest solution is almost always not the best solution
This country is so messed up that it isn't even funny anymore. It isn't just one thing, but a list of things coming together to destroy certain cultures or stomp on them like they do Israel, and then trying to replace it somehow with others they think are better or worse. It's time for all to come together in an educated way, and leave all the idiot racist behind.

I told my daughter when she went to a majority black school, that if they could not except her decent and moral culture and teachings from home, and except her for whom she was as a person in this way, then they were not her friends at all. I told her to never bend to the pressures, and she didn't. We should respect each others cultures if they are decent, moral and respectable, and we should not think that we should have to respect or tolerate a culture (i.e a drug, cult or gang culture for example), in which is not decent and respectable. This goes for all races and their made up cultures in which they produce, and then seek for others to join them or else.
Blacks are like a race of children and will never be satisfied. If we live WITH THEM, they will complain about "racism". If we live APART FROM THEM, they will complain that we whites owe them something. The bottom line is that they are evolutionarily a completely different breed of human, and the proposal that we live as equals in a society is doomed to failure, and worse.

That same logic is in the Sexual Harassment rules the feds use and most corporations. A woman can make an anonymous complaint about you paying her too much attention, management tells you to cut it out without saying who you are supposed to not harass, lol, then the bitch complains because you are not interacting with her like everyone else and are avoiding her.

They get you no matter what you do. ...

Wow, little precious, you're a victim in all kinds of ways, aren't you? You poor, poor little thing.
In the real would this complete segregation of races in America work?

What about Asians, and mixed-race people/couples?

Can't just give Black people 2 states and
What about asians?
No one said anything like "no one else live there or set foot there." made that up entirely.

We're talking about blacks and how they've been oppressed and held back by white racism all their lives.
Maybe you aren't aware of their long list of grievances? Maybe you've never heard about white racism and how it cripples them and holds them back from achieving their dreams.
Earlier in this thread..(and several times later when the agitators pretended they didn't know what I was talking about) I posted just the most recent list of grievances that they have expressed.

That list that everyone is desperately avoiding discussing.

For decades we've heard how racist we are and been called all kinds of disparaging names: now suddenly no one want to discuss white racism..they just want to call names.
Since blacks for centuries were prohibited from interacting at a positive level with white European culture, other than being racially abused, none of the far right white racists comments here are anything more than bullshit.

Yup, blacks are not going to allow whites any further control of their lives and are breaking the bindings every year.

Are you on crack or something? Black dependency is growing not falling.

That's a strong statement.

I can't help that. Single motherhood in the black community now reaches 72%+ of all births. It didn't use to be that way. A good many of these poor mothers are living on the taxpayers' dime.

Black dependency is not growing at a rate different than white dependency.

That's what I thought...
Black folks sure are lucky to have people like this guy to tell them what they want.
I'm not telling them you continue to avoid the topic and try to change the subject.
More snark and evasion.
I listed the grievances they have cited. This has nothing to do with me.
Why do you want to deny black people the things they ask for so they can be free from white racism?
I don't know what you're so upset about,
You're mistaken. I'm not.

I'm merely trying to clarify your definition of terms. Evidently when you say "them" or "black people" you mean your characterizations are based on your own personal anecdotes rather than any empirical information.

hahahaha..word games...
I posted direct quotes from black people who are expressing their desire for freedom from white racism..
This has nothing to do with me, no matter how much you try to make it that way..
Every time you dodge, it highlights the fact that you want to deny blacks their freedom to live unmolested by white racists.
Here are their requests. Can you address them?

They don't want white cops to patrol in their "neighborhoods. White cops are too "racist".

They want white prosecutors replaced by "blacks" to handle cases that include them. White prosecutors are too "racist".

They don't want white judges to hear cases that have "black" defendants. White judges are too "racist"

They don't want white legislators representing their districts. White legislators are too "racist".
They've rejected white leadership, laws and values en masse ...they want everyone in any official capacity to be "black".

They don't want to work for white people because they are held back in promotions and salaries....White employers are too "racist".

They don't want their children taught by white teachers. White teachers are too "racist".

Why would I address the requests of these individuals? Do their opinions matter more than yours? Do they represent a broad cross section of opinion among black people? If so can you supply the data?

My opinion has nothing to do with this.

Nothing to do with what?
nothing to do with your continuing evasions and efforts to run in circles. You seem afraid to discuss things that black people have said they wanted for many years now.

Now which terms do you need me to define for you this time? aren't fooling me or anyone else who is reading this thread.

It's really very sad to watch people decompensate like's too sad. I need a break, I think I'll watch a comedy on Netflix for a while, I'll come back and taunt you later.
Why do you want to deny blacks the right to be free from white racism as they have asked?

Is anyone ever actually persuaded by this kind of convoluted rhetorical nonsense? Hard to imagine anyone being quite that stupid.
The white supremacists have rejected the laws of the land and compassion of the heart outstretched to them.

They will dwindle into nothingness as the millennials grow older.

Is there anything weirder than an educated person who believes that shit? I understand idiots like Shootspeders, Steve McGarret and Rotogila. But this Rikurzhen guy has a brain. What do you think happened to him?

Al you need do is refute my points. Simple. SHOW ME WHERE I AM WRONG.

What happened to me? I too was raised in liberal dogma, just like all of us, but I've also traveled the world, I've been educated, I know history, I know how to analyze situations, I understand people, and the writing is on the wall. When history shows that all multicultural societies have failed, you need to show me what exactly we're doing which is different enough from past experiments to turn predicted failure into dreamt of success.

But forget all of the above - the key point where I, and others in this thread, are different is that we've reconciled our Private Truths with our Public Truths. That's really all there is to it. Liberals in Portland love to talk about how much they value multiculturalism as they CHOOSE to live in the whitest city in America. Their private truth is that they like living in a white enclave, their PUBLIC LIE is that love multiculturalism.

Most of the people on this thread, and this includes guys like you, don't live your life true to your professed public statements. I have access to geographic mapping software where if you give me your ZIP code I can produce a map of the racial demographics of your census tract and if you give me your address I can produce a map of the racial demographics of your street. I'm pretty certain of what those maps would reveal for most of the critics in this thread.

I've not yet met one white liberal who has purposely chosen to send his kids to a school where the white population is only 10%. Think of the rich multicultural experience his kids would have at that school. Remember, multiculturalism is something that guys like you say is beneficial and enriching so we should expect guys like you to be making a beeline for these multiculturally rich schools. Your Public Lies are very at odds with your PRIVATE TRUTHS. Mine are not, mine are aligned. I care more about being honest with reality than kowtowing to liberal social fictions.

Silliness. You are completely and intentionally disregarding the institutionalized segregation that replaced legal segregation in this nation.

Personal note......since you have brought it up. My home is multicultural.

As we 18 year old daughter is getting accustomed to her new surroundings. She is living in East Harlem and recently got assigned to a middle school in the Bronx. The school is over 90% minority. I can assure you that she isn't shying away from associating with black people. She is diving in head first.

My 25 year old son is a police officer in a city that is majority black. His immediate supervisor is black as is the Chief of. Police.

Wait 18 years old, and assigned to a middle school in the Bronx ? Shouldn't she be in high school at 17, but she is 18 years old in middle school ? Ok, but would she come home and tell you the truth if she was not wanted there, and this as according to those who wouldn't want her there if she did not conform or assimilate like they think she should in order to fit in or would they just try and make you proud no matter what hell she might go through in life ? You do know that there are a lot of blacks whom think that assimilation into a white culture is selling out don't you ? You do know that black republicans are sell out's don't you ? Are you willing for the possibility of your daughter to lose her own culture out of intimidation, and by bullying if there are those who want her to join them, and if not then get out ? Are you willing for your daughter to become a loner because she believes in her culture in which she has chosen in life, but knows that she don't fit in so she becomes dis-disillusioned and detached from the norms in her life after that ? This happens, and it happens all the time but sacrifices are made for the bigger struggle in America, and this is for the struggle for a multicultural society to work, even at the expense of those who are cast into the flames of a situation they have no control over. What about your 25 year old son whom might find that he is not wanted either in that majority black community ? Would he tell you or just deal with it as best he can, and not to make you think that you may not have warned them of these things in which they are learning about now ?

Holy shit. She is there for work. Fucking losers think you have a "gotchya" and you can't help yourselves.

Are you a "race realist" as well?
Black folks sure are lucky to have people like this guy to tell them what they want.
I'm not telling them you continue to avoid the topic and try to change the subject.
More snark and evasion.
I listed the grievances they have cited. This has nothing to do with me.
Why do you want to deny black people the things they ask for so they can be free from white racism?

Who's they? Which black people? Have "they" been designated to represent the views of all black people? Or is that your job?
Negroes WANT segregation. They've been openly saying they did for 2 weeks in Ferguson.

Actually they've been advocating for segregation for many years. Why not accommodate them?

What? You don't believe me?


We don't.

Because you're another idiot who slithered over from StormFront.

Feel free to go back and don't let the door hit ya on the way out, cracker.

You've never experienced white racism?
He has now.
I don't know what you're so upset about,
You're mistaken. I'm not.

I'm merely trying to clarify your definition of terms. Evidently when you say "them" or "black people" you mean your characterizations are based on your own personal anecdotes rather than any empirical information.

hahahaha..word games...
I posted direct quotes from black people who are expressing their desire for freedom from white racism..
This has nothing to do with me, no matter how much you try to make it that way..
Every time you dodge, it highlights the fact that you want to deny blacks their freedom to live unmolested by white racists.
Here are their requests. Can you address them?

They don't want white cops to patrol in their "neighborhoods. White cops are too "racist".

They want white prosecutors replaced by "blacks" to handle cases that include them. White prosecutors are too "racist".

They don't want white judges to hear cases that have "black" defendants. White judges are too "racist"

They don't want white legislators representing their districts. White legislators are too "racist".
They've rejected white leadership, laws and values en masse ...they want everyone in any official capacity to be "black".

They don't want to work for white people because they are held back in promotions and salaries....White employers are too "racist".

They don't want their children taught by white teachers. White teachers are too "racist".

Why would I address the requests of these individuals? Do their opinions matter more than yours? Do they represent a broad cross section of opinion among black people? If so can you supply the data?

My opinion has nothing to do with this.

Nothing to do with what?
nothing to do with your continuing evasions and efforts to run in circles. You seem afraid to discuss things that black people have said they wanted for many years now.

Now which terms do you need me to define for you this time? aren't fooling me or anyone else who is reading this thread.

It's really very sad to watch people decompensate like's too sad. I need a break, I think I'll watch a comedy on Netflix for a while, I'll come back and taunt you later.
Why do you want to deny blacks the right to be free from white racism as they have asked?

Is anyone ever actually persuaded by this kind of convoluted rhetorical nonsense? Hard to imagine anyone being quite that stupid.

I'm not trying to persuade anyone you continue to purposely distort...I'm saying the list of grievances they have should be addressed.
To refuse to acknowledge and discuss the very things blacks THEMSELVES have asked for is racist.
Black folks sure are lucky to have people like this guy to tell them what they want.
I'm not telling them you continue to avoid the topic and try to change the subject.
More snark and evasion.
I listed the grievances they have cited. This has nothing to do with me.
Why do you want to deny black people the things they ask for so they can be free from white racism?

Cited? Where? Who have you cited?
Do me a favor and give me a link to the study.


Happy reading.

The Center For Equal Opportunity? Outstanding!

Is that study peer reviewed?

What's your problem? The University of Maryland doesn't dispute the data - it's their data. They don't dispute their special programs.

You apparently don't understand how peer review works. This isn't developing new knowledge. Are FBI Crime Statistics peer reviewed?

Every institution of higher learning has affirmative action programs, so it amounts to career suicide to criticize such programs from within. These leaves those on the outside. We see the same with government spending. Bureaucrats NEVER advocate that their own departments cut spending and fire government employees. Outside critics have to look at government budgets and staff effectiveness and analyze the situation.

The data is real. If these guys were cooking up data U of M would have screamed to the high heavens.

Do you honestly feel that you've somehow invalidated the study? Really?

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