Black people represent 6% of the pop. yet they account for 40% of cases of unarmed death by police

The savages in Ferguson were wearing badges.

The gentle giant wasn't wearing a badge when he assaulted the clerk of the store he robbed.
He might have fit in quite well with the savages in blue had he been White. After all,the store clerk was not White and was competing with Whites by owning a store.

He might have fit in quite well with the savages in blue had he been White.

Lots of white cops stealing Swisher Sweets and choking clerks?
As kids they probably did similar things but got a pat on the wrist so it wouldn't mess up their future.

As kids they probably did similar things

You were talking about cops. Why are you talking about kids now?
We are talking about Michael Brown, who was a kid…under 21 is a kid to me. I was just saying White kids who later become cops probably did similar acts but didn't get a criminal record because of it. Some might have even gotten drunk and fought with cops, I know one who did and he is a police chief now.
Under 21 is NOT a kid. In fact, many states( watch this response) will not only charge a person as young as 16 with an adult crime, but will release the name(s) to the public.
I am glad you pointed that out. The thing is kids ( and don't refer to these as "white" areas. That is blatantly racist) who are using, also are not killing each other.

HAHAHA! You are going to lecture ME on what is racist or not? I said White areas are under policed and that is exactly what I meant and I don't see that as being racist at all. Its a fact that focuses light of the heroin epidemic occurring behind the walls of suburban "camelot." I have not even MENTIONed the meth epidemic occurring in White trailer parks and truck stops. And lets take a look at the metropolitan counties in which all of this White crime is occurring…are you ready? here we go….:View attachment 81015

How is your pic proof that white areas are under policed?
with 3 times as much crime being committed by Whites in metro counties than Blacks, you tell me where all the White crime is occurring. Are you suggesting that Whites are committing crimes in Black neighborhoods?

with 3 times as much crime being committed by Whites in metro counties than Blacks, you tell me where all the White crime is occurring.

I'd guess that whites commit crimes in the areas where they live.
So with so many arrests of whites, where is your proof that white areas are under policed?

Obviously they are under represented in prisons. There should be 3 times as many Whites in prison as Blacks.based on known criminal activity but drive through any White middle classed neighborhood and you rarely see a cop car. Just think how many more arrests might occur if those neighborhoods were as saturated by LEOs as Black neighborhoods.
He might have fit in quite well with the savages in blue had he been White. After all,the store clerk was not White and was competing with Whites by owning a store.

He might have fit in quite well with the savages in blue had he been White.

Lots of white cops stealing Swisher Sweets and choking clerks?
As kids they probably did similar things but got a pat on the wrist so it wouldn't mess up their future.

As kids they probably did similar things

You were talking about cops. Why are you talking about kids now?
We are talking about Michael Brown, who was a kid…under 21 is a kid to me. I was just saying White kids who later become cops probably did similar acts but didn't get a criminal record because of it. Some might have even gotten drunk and fought with cops, I know one who did and he is a police chief now.

We are talking about Michael Brown, who was a kid…under 21 is a kid to me.

Yes, he was a 6 ft 4 in "kid" who weighed 292 pounds and had just robbed a store and assaulted the clerk before he got his "unarmed" ass shot and killed. It ain't easy bein' a thug, yo.

When a rogue cop is killed I'd probably feel the same way. But we never know when that happens because the media doesn't delve into a cops background after he is killed. However, I am sure some bad cops have been sent to their maker after the relative of a person murdered unjustly by a cop caught up with him/her or their next victim beat them to the draw.
He might have fit in quite well with the savages in blue had he been White. After all,the store clerk was not White and was competing with Whites by owning a store.

He might have fit in quite well with the savages in blue had he been White.

Lots of white cops stealing Swisher Sweets and choking clerks?
As kids they probably did similar things but got a pat on the wrist so it wouldn't mess up their future.

As kids they probably did similar things

You were talking about cops. Why are you talking about kids now?
We are talking about Michael Brown, who was a kid…under 21 is a kid to me. I was just saying White kids who later become cops probably did similar acts but didn't get a criminal record because of it. Some might have even gotten drunk and fought with cops, I know one who did and he is a police chief now.
No we are not talking Michael brown you delusional old fool
I was…now get lost… or go on ignore..your choice/…….
He might have fit in quite well with the savages in blue had he been White.

Lots of white cops stealing Swisher Sweets and choking clerks?
As kids they probably did similar things but got a pat on the wrist so it wouldn't mess up their future.

As kids they probably did similar things

You were talking about cops. Why are you talking about kids now?
We are talking about Michael Brown, who was a kid…under 21 is a kid to me. I was just saying White kids who later become cops probably did similar acts but didn't get a criminal record because of it. Some might have even gotten drunk and fought with cops, I know one who did and he is a police chief now.
No we are not talking Michael brown you delusional old fool
I was…now get lost… or go on ignore..your choice/…….

Lmaof old fool that a threat or promise?
I am glad you pointed that out. The thing is kids ( and don't refer to these as "white" areas. That is blatantly racist) who are using, also are not killing each other.

HAHAHA! You are going to lecture ME on what is racist or not? I said White areas are under policed and that is exactly what I meant and I don't see that as being racist at all. Its a fact that focuses light of the heroin epidemic occurring behind the walls of suburban "camelot." I have not even MENTIONed the meth epidemic occurring in White trailer parks and truck stops. And lets take a look at the metropolitan counties in which all of this White crime is occurring…are you ready? here we go….:View attachment 81015

How is your pic proof that white areas are under policed?
with 3 times as much crime being committed by Whites in metro counties than Blacks, you tell me where all the White crime is occurring. Are you suggesting that Whites are committing crimes in Black neighborhoods?

with 3 times as much crime being committed by Whites in metro counties than Blacks, you tell me where all the White crime is occurring.

I'd guess that whites commit crimes in the areas where they live.
So with so many arrests of whites, where is your proof that white areas are under policed?

Obviously they are under represented in prisons. There should be 3 times as many Whites in prison as Blacks.based on known criminal activity but drive through any White middle classed neighborhood and you rarely see a cop car. Just think how many more arrests might occur if those neighborhoods were as saturated by LEOs as Black neighborhoods.

There should be 3 times as many Whites in prison as Blacks.based on known criminal activity

Based on violent crimes, you are mistaken.

drive through any White middle classed neighborhood and you rarely see a cop car.

Not much violent crime going on in those areas.

Just think how many more arrests might occur if those neighborhoods were as saturated by LEOs as Black neighborhoods

Not many more.

Imagine how many more crimes would occur in those black neighborhoods, if all the cops were in the white neighborhoods.
We are talking about Michael Brown, who was a kid…under 21 is a kid to me. I was just saying White kids who later become cops probably did similar acts but didn't get a criminal record because of it. Some might have even gotten drunk and fought with cops, I know one who did and he is a police chief now.

Michael Brown was a drug-dealing bully and thug who used to beat the shit out of people. What goes around I guess..
NOTE: your illustration does NOT show how many of the 1111 total killed were UNARMED.
nobody actually gives a fuck about how you try to break shit down to support that idea that it's hunting season on blacks.

b/c it's a fucking lie that has led to blm now murdering the police.
I know; you RW retards don't give a fuck about anything except White power.
I am not breaking down anything, I am just pointing out the flawed premise that does not follow the present thread. And there is no evidence BLM had anything to do with the murders of those 5 officers.
Just pointing to the fact that leftist morons know that their stance is based on utter bullshit, so much lies that people are now murdering others over them.

so now you need a new line of utter bullshit to make up for your disproved bullshit so more people go out and commit murder.

but as long as it's blacks murdering whites, you're all good with it.

Yawwnnn. I don't have time to play with lying idiots…gotta go…got a train to catch…see ya!
Don't get run over....But you can lick the third rail
Wtf…another latent homo? bye…...
He might have fit in quite well with the savages in blue had he been White.

Lots of white cops stealing Swisher Sweets and choking clerks?
As kids they probably did similar things but got a pat on the wrist so it wouldn't mess up their future.

As kids they probably did similar things

You were talking about cops. Why are you talking about kids now?
We are talking about Michael Brown, who was a kid…under 21 is a kid to me. I was just saying White kids who later become cops probably did similar acts but didn't get a criminal record because of it. Some might have even gotten drunk and fought with cops, I know one who did and he is a police chief now.

We are talking about Michael Brown, who was a kid…under 21 is a kid to me.

Yes, he was a 6 ft 4 in "kid" who weighed 292 pounds and had just robbed a store and assaulted the clerk before he got his "unarmed" ass shot and killed. It ain't easy bein' a thug, yo.

When a rogue cop is killed I'd probably feel the same way. But we never know when that happens because the media doesn't delve into a cops background after he is killed. However, I am sure some bad cops have been sent to their maker after the relative of a person murdered unjustly by a cop caught up with him/her or their next victim beat them to the draw.
Ya know what. You aren't even worth arguing with. You spew your vile filth.
You aren't even a human being.
You are an unorganized piece of grabastic amphibian shit.
Put me on ignore.
Obviously they are under represented in prisons. There should be 3 times as many Whites in prison as Blacks.based on known criminal activity but drive through any White middle classed neighborhood and you rarely see a cop car. Just think how many more arrests might occur if those neighborhoods were as saturated by LEOs as Black neighborhoods.

That's assuming that whites commit just as many violations of the laws as blacks. Of course there is no truth to that, but your liberalism precludes you from seeing the real picture.

I've lived here for a very long time. I moved here when it was a nearly all white neighborhood. I can tell you of the big changes that took place. But sticking to your comment, violent crimes rose dramatically once blacks moved in. Up to that time, violent crime was an anomaly.

We went from one murder perhaps every ten years or more to three a year. A few years ago, I had three murders all within one mile of my home, and two of them less than 1,000 feet from my home. Businesses closed down or moved out because of all the robberies. People cleared the streets at night because it was no longer safe to walk. Good people, some who have lived here for generations moved out because it was no longer safe. My Forth of July was nothing special either. That's because my city and cities bordering mine closed down their fireworks display because they didn't want to deal with the gang fights and riots that break out whenever you have a gathering of black people.

And no, that's not to say ALL black people are like that, only that this is what happens when a neighborhood does turn black. And trying to say that blacks and whites have the same kinds of crime....just that whites don't have the police to catch them is plain ridiculous and demonstrates you have no knowledge of what you speak of.
Good camera coverage of alleys and enclaves ought to be sufficient! Cops could link up t the camera feeds through onboard computers in their cruisers and smart phones.

That's been suggested in areas where I live. Guess who protested against them? No, not conservative Republicans.
A cop on every street corner?...Then we'd see complaints such as "armed occupation"....

The left has even launched complaints that the police buy used military gear from our military to use when these lowlifes assemble for protests and riots. Their claim is that by doing so, it invites violence from the people in the protests.
HAHAHA! You are going to lecture ME on what is racist or not? I said White areas are under policed and that is exactly what I meant and I don't see that as being racist at all. Its a fact that focuses light of the heroin epidemic occurring behind the walls of suburban "camelot." I have not even MENTIONed the meth epidemic occurring in White trailer parks and truck stops. And lets take a look at the metropolitan counties in which all of this White crime is occurring…are you ready? here we go….:

Obviously they are under represented in prisons. There should be 3 times as many Whites in prison as Blacks.based on known criminal activity but drive through any White middle classed neighborhood and you rarely see a cop car. Just think how many more arrests might occur if those neighborhoods were as saturated by LEOs as Black neighborhoods.

That's assuming that whites commit just as many violations of the laws as blacks. Of course there is no truth to that, but your liberalism precludes you from seeing the real picture.

I've lived here for a very long time. I moved here when it was a nearly all white neighborhood. I can tell you of the big changes that took place. But sticking to your comment, violent crimes rose dramatically once blacks moved in. Up to that time, violent crime was an anomaly.

We went from one murder perhaps every ten years or more to three a year. A few years ago, I had three murders all within one mile of my home, and two of them less than 1,000 feet from my home. Businesses closed down or moved out because of all the robberies. People cleared the streets at night because it was no longer safe to walk. Good people, some who have lived here for generations moved out because it was no longer safe. My Forth of July was nothing special either. That's because my city and cities bordering mine closed down their fireworks display because they didn't want to deal with the gang fights and riots that break out whenever you have a gathering of black people.

And no, that's not to say ALL black people are like that, only that this is what happens when a neighborhood does turn black. And trying to say that blacks and whites have the same kinds of crime....just that whites don't have the police to catch them is plain ridiculous and demonstrates you have no knowledge of what you speak of.

Are you blind or something? I posted the FBI crime data showing that Whites commit 3 times as many crimes as Blacks in metro county areas and your conservative obstinance won't let those statistics sink in. That is all the "proof" i need. Stop lying to yourself and face the facts.

And your anecdote about Blacks moving into your neighborhood and bringing crime with them doesn't negate table 55 of the FBI report I posted. Your middle class neighborhood might have been the idyllic paradise you said it was before certain elements moved in but White criminals are committing 3 X as many crimes as Blacks in Metro areas. And are you sure it is Blacks doing the crime in your neighborhood? Or is it the new White lower class arrivals who can suddenly move into a middle class neighbor hood? Why can these formerly poor people ( black OR white) suddenly afford to live in your neighborhood?
HAHAHA! You are going to lecture ME on what is racist or not? I said White areas are under policed and that is exactly what I meant and I don't see that as being racist at all. Its a fact that focuses light of the heroin epidemic occurring behind the walls of suburban "camelot." I have not even MENTIONed the meth epidemic occurring in White trailer parks and truck stops. And lets take a look at the metropolitan counties in which all of this White crime is occurring…are you ready? here we go….:

I already posted the FBI report…. what other link do you want?…. give me something to work with. I can't read your mind.
I am glad you pointed that out. The thing is kids ( and don't refer to these as "white" areas. That is blatantly racist) who are using, also are not killing each other.

HAHAHA! You are going to lecture ME on what is racist or not? I said White areas are under policed and that is exactly what I meant and I don't see that as being racist at all. Its a fact that focuses light of the heroin epidemic occurring behind the walls of suburban "camelot." I have not even MENTIONed the meth epidemic occurring in White trailer parks and truck stops. And lets take a look at the metropolitan counties in which all of this White crime is occurring…are you ready? here we go….:View attachment 81015

How is your pic proof that white areas are under policed?
with 3 times as much crime being committed by Whites in metro counties than Blacks, you tell me where all the White crime is occurring. Are you suggesting that Whites are committing crimes in Black neighborhoods?

with 3 times as much crime being committed by Whites in metro counties than Blacks, you tell me where all the White crime is occurring.

I'd guess that whites commit crimes in the areas where they live.
So with so many arrests of whites, where is your proof that white areas are under policed?

Obviously they are under represented in prisons. There should be 3 times as many Whites in prison as Blacks.based on known criminal activity but drive through any White middle classed neighborhood and you rarely see a cop car. Just think how many more arrests might occur if those neighborhoods were as saturated by LEOs as Black neighborhoods.

Congrats the most stupidest post of the year...what crimes are committed? To loud of a lawn mower?
Are you blind or something? I posted the FBI crime data showing that Whites commit 3 times as many crimes as Blacks in metro county areas and your conservative obstinance won't let those statistics sink in. That is all the "proof" i need. Stop lying to yourself and face the facts.

And your anecdote about Blacks moving into your neighborhood and bringing crime with them doesn't negate table 55 of the FBI report I posted. Your middle class neighborhood might have been the idyllic paradise you said it was before certain elements moved in but White criminals are committing 3 X as many crimes as Blacks in Metro areas. And are you sure it is Blacks doing the crime in your neighborhood? Or is it the new White lower class arrivals who can suddenly move into a middle class neighbor hood? Why can these formerly poor people ( black OR white) suddenly afford to live in your neighborhood?

HUD in many cases. HUD targets nice areas to destroy because that's how our liberal bureaucracies work. The housing bubble was the straw that broke the camels back; banks giving loans to people with no credit check or down payment. The lowlifes came here in droves from the inner-city because as far as they were concerned, it was free housing in the burbs because they had no intent on paying for the home in the first place. It took banks years to catch up on all their foreclosures after the crash, and it's a little better now, but like a tornado that went through, sometimes it's impossible to rebuild.

Yes it is the blacks; at least that's according to our local paper. The stuff that's not in the paper I catch on my scanner. That is unless you want to make the case that we have a white lower class that have people with names like Schwaneea Jones.

Sure, white areas do have crime. But nobody moved out of the neighborhood because their tree got toilet papered. Nobody is setting up security cameras because some kid turned on their garden hose. Nobody is fear of taking evening walks in the summer because some teenager turfed a lawn.

White crimes and black crimes are different. That's why I want to see this link of yours to decipher what kind of crimes they are talking about. It can't be violent crimes; at least not according to national statistics. And you have a history here of distorting numbers to try and make your point.
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