Black people represent 6% of the pop. yet they account for 40% of cases of unarmed death by police

It's amazing RWs just blindly defend cops when it comes to black people yet will bitch and moan of the rights of armed white thugs taking over government buildings. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Black Men: 6% of Population; 40% of Unarmed People Shot to Death by Police This Year
from cnn
NOTE: your illustration does NOT show how many of the 1111 total killed were UNARMED.
nobody actually gives a fuck about how you try to break shit down to support that idea that it's hunting season on blacks.

b/c it's a fucking lie that has led to blm now murdering the police.
I know; you RW retards don't give a fuck about anything except White power.
I am not breaking down anything, I am just pointing out the flawed premise that does not follow the present thread. And there is no evidence BLM had anything to do with the murders of those 5 officers.

How more bluntly can be said to you?
I am glad you pointed that out. The thing is kids ( and don't refer to these as "white" areas. That is blatantly racist) who are using, also are not killing each other.

HAHAHA! You are going to lecture ME on what is racist or not? I said White areas are under policed and that is exactly what I meant and I don't see that as being racist at all. Its a fact that focuses light of the heroin epidemic occurring behind the walls of suburban "camelot." I have not even MENTIONed the meth epidemic occurring in White trailer parks and truck stops. And lets take a look at the metropolitan counties in which all of this White crime is occurring…are you ready? here we go….:View attachment 81015

How is your pic proof that white areas are under policed?
with 3 times as much crime being committed by Whites in metro counties than Blacks, you tell me where all the White crime is occurring. Are you suggesting that Whites are committing crimes in Black neighborhoods?
Stop with the bullshit statistics.
It's amazing RWs just blindly defend cops when it comes to black people yet will bitch and moan of the rights of armed white thugs taking over government buildings. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Black Men: 6% of Population; 40% of Unarmed People Shot to Death by Police This Year
from cnn
NOTE: your illustration does NOT show how many of the 1111 total killed were UNARMED.
nobody actually gives a fuck about how you try to break shit down to support that idea that it's hunting season on blacks.

b/c it's a fucking lie that has led to blm now murdering the police.
I know; you RW retards don't give a fuck about anything except White power.
I am not breaking down anything, I am just pointing out the flawed premise that does not follow the present thread. And there is no evidence BLM had anything to do with the murders of those 5 officers.
Just pointing to the fact that leftist morons know that their stance is based on utter bullshit, so much lies that people are now murdering others over them.

so now you need a new line of utter bullshit to make up for your disproved bullshit so more people go out and commit murder.

but as long as it's blacks murdering whites, you're all good with it.
It's amazing RWs just blindly defend cops when it comes to black people yet will bitch and moan of the rights of armed white thugs taking over government buildings. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Black Men: 6% of Population; 40% of Unarmed People Shot to Death by Police This Year

Government's own statistics prove your OP to be false. More whites are shot by police. And blacks make up a larger percent of the population.
More whites are killed in general. More blacks are killed while unarmed. That really says a lot about your stereotype of black people doesn't it? Ah nuance. It always escapes you cons.

Please show us the source for your statement that more blacks are killed while unarmed along with the link.

Does that claim include all the folks in Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, New Orleans and other cities?
Um that is the entire premise of my thread you goon.
I am glad you pointed that out. The thing is kids ( and don't refer to these as "white" areas. That is blatantly racist) who are using, also are not killing each other.

HAHAHA! You are going to lecture ME on what is racist or not? I said White areas are under policed and that is exactly what I meant and I don't see that as being racist at all. Its a fact that focuses light of the heroin epidemic occurring behind the walls of suburban "camelot." I have not even MENTIONed the meth epidemic occurring in White trailer parks and truck stops. And lets take a look at the metropolitan counties in which all of this White crime is occurring…are you ready? here we go….:View attachment 81015

How is your pic proof that white areas are under policed?
with 3 times as much crime being committed by Whites in metro counties than Blacks, you tell me where all the White crime is occurring. Are you suggesting that Whites are committing crimes in Black neighborhoods?

with 3 times as much crime being committed by Whites in metro counties than Blacks, you tell me where all the White crime is occurring.

I'd guess that whites commit crimes in the areas where they live.
So with so many arrests of whites, where is your proof that white areas are under policed?
Then the police wouldn't be shooting "unarmed" black men, now would they?

Does it not occur to you that black neighbourhoods are over-policed. That police forces are looking for guys to pull over and ticket? Ferguson residents complained about "taxation by ticket", and the ways that the local police force targets blacks in that neighbourhood.

There are so many ways of being policed in such a way that would make black people come into contact with police that has nothing to do with young black people doing things that young white guys aren't doing.

Does it not occur to you that black neighbourhoods are over-policed.

It's almost like the police go to where the crime is occurring. Weird.
That is the problem, police do not go where the crime is occurring…that explains the heroin epidemic that is rapidly spreading through White communities.
Are you kidding. Community policing is a mainstay in urban districts where crime is rampant.
Here's the rub. The citizens complain that the police are never around. So the next step is to put more cops on the street. And lo and behold, the citizens complain about that.
It never ends.
"Hey, we need the cops here to protect us. Just don't arrest anybody"....
I have to wonder why the Black on Black homicide rate is so high if police are "where the crime is."
A cop on every street corner?...Then we'd see complaints such as "armed occupation"....

Good camera coverage of alleys and enclaves ought to be sufficient! Cops could link up t the camera feeds through onboard computers in their cruisers and smart phones.
Then the police wouldn't be shooting "unarmed" black men, now would they?

Does it not occur to you that black neighbourhoods are over-policed. That police forces are looking for guys to pull over and ticket? Ferguson residents complained about "taxation by ticket", and the ways that the local police force targets blacks in that neighbourhood.

There are so many ways of being policed in such a way that would make black people come into contact with police that has nothing to do with young black people doing things that young white guys aren't doing.

Your comment reminds me of what took place here when I was younger.

I grew up in a white suburb with a very small section of blacks on the other side of Broadway; less than a dozen streets or so.

Reading our local paper, blacks started to complain about the crime in their area, and made claim that police don't patrol in black neighborhoods. So the Mayor stepped up patrols in that black section of town.

About a year or so later, I once again was reading our local paper, and the blacks were complaining again; not because of the lack of protection, but because our courts were filled with black defendants and they made up less than 5% of our population.

It's a damned if you do damned if you don't situation for our law enforcement. If police ignore the bad guys and the neighborhood goes to hell, the blacks complain nobody is helping them. When they go to help and have to get rough with the bad guys, the blacks cry police brutality and discrimination even though the police are creating a safer environment for those people.

The Ferguson effect (as it's called) is evident across the country. Blacks have made it so police are afraid to do their job. They don't do the extras anymore. Sure, if you call them, they will respond, but they don't do traffic stops anymore. If they see a drug deal going down, they don't even bother with it as long as it's not called in by a citizen. If somebody tosses a bunch of garbage out of their car window, it's not the cops front lawn so don't even bother.

Gun and violent crime has risen in many cities since Ferguson. That means more dead blacks in a couple of months than the entire police force across the nation could produce in a years time. Blacks are clueless that they are working against their own cause.
As I previously stated.....
"Please provide more cops to protect us from the criminals. Just don't arrest anybody"
Hey......when you say FUCK YOU to any semblance of American culture, you highly up the chances of your getting your hat knocked off like the savage in Ferguson, Mo. Its just the way it personally, Im ok with that because then the typical savage cant hide and can get ejected from the streets.
The savages in Ferguson were wearing badges. The government was a de facto gang of extortionists and terrorists who looted their Black community under the color of authority.
I would riot too under those circumstances.

The savages in Ferguson were wearing badges.

The gentle giant wasn't wearing a badge when he assaulted the clerk of the store he robbed.
He might have fit in quite well with the savages in blue had he been White. After all,the store clerk was not White and was competing with Whites by owning a store.

He might have fit in quite well with the savages in blue had he been White.

Lots of white cops stealing Swisher Sweets and choking clerks?
As kids they probably did similar things but got a pat on the wrist so it wouldn't mess up their future.

As kids they probably did similar things

You were talking about cops. Why are you talking about kids now?
Does it not occur to you that black neighbourhoods are over-policed.

It's almost like the police go to where the crime is occurring. Weird.
That is the problem, police do not go where the crime is occurring…that explains the heroin epidemic that is rapidly spreading through White communities.
Are you kidding. Community policing is a mainstay in urban districts where crime is rampant.
Here's the rub. The citizens complain that the police are never around. So the next step is to put more cops on the street. And lo and behold, the citizens complain about that.
It never ends.
"Hey, we need the cops here to protect us. Just don't arrest anybody"....
I have to wonder why the Black on Black homicide rate is so high if police are "where the crime is."
A cop on every street corner?...Then we'd see complaints such as "armed occupation"....

Good camera coverage of alleys and enclaves ought to be sufficient! Cops could link up t the camera feeds through onboard computers in their cruisers and smart phones.
Yeah.. And ya know what happens? The criminals shoot the cameras..
I had a friend that was a tech for Time Warner. He'd get a service call for a neighborhood outage.. Too many times he'd go up the ladder to find an aerial mounted amplifier with a bullet hole in it. The feral criminals who own the neighborhood thought the amps were cameras.
It's amazing RWs just blindly defend cops when it comes to black people yet will bitch and moan of the rights of armed white thugs taking over government buildings. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Black Men: 6% of Population; 40% of Unarmed People Shot to Death by Police This Year
from cnn
NOTE: your illustration does NOT show how many of the 1111 total killed were UNARMED.
nobody actually gives a fuck about how you try to break shit down to support that idea that it's hunting season on blacks.

b/c it's a fucking lie that has led to blm now murdering the police.
I know; you RW retards don't give a fuck about anything except White power.
I am not breaking down anything, I am just pointing out the flawed premise that does not follow the present thread. And there is no evidence BLM had anything to do with the murders of those 5 officers.

How more bluntly can be said to you?
Aw are babbling!
NOTE: your illustration does NOT show how many of the 1111 total killed were UNARMED.
nobody actually gives a fuck about how you try to break shit down to support that idea that it's hunting season on blacks.

b/c it's a fucking lie that has led to blm now murdering the police.
I know; you RW retards don't give a fuck about anything except White power.
I am not breaking down anything, I am just pointing out the flawed premise that does not follow the present thread. And there is no evidence BLM had anything to do with the murders of those 5 officers.

How more bluntly can be said to you?
Aw are babbling!
The child is upset now?
That is the problem, police do not go where the crime is occurring…that explains the heroin epidemic that is rapidly spreading through White communities.
Are you kidding. Community policing is a mainstay in urban districts where crime is rampant.
Here's the rub. The citizens complain that the police are never around. So the next step is to put more cops on the street. And lo and behold, the citizens complain about that.
It never ends.
"Hey, we need the cops here to protect us. Just don't arrest anybody"....
I have to wonder why the Black on Black homicide rate is so high if police are "where the crime is."
A cop on every street corner?...Then we'd see complaints such as "armed occupation"....

Good camera coverage of alleys and enclaves ought to be sufficient! Cops could link up t the camera feeds through onboard computers in their cruisers and smart phones.
Yeah.. And ya know what happens? The criminals shoot the cameras..
I had a friend that was a tech for Time Warner. He'd get a service call for a neighborhood outage.. Too many times he'd go up the ladder to find an aerial mounted amplifier with a bullet hole in it. The feral criminals who own the neighborhood thought the amps were cameras.
well damn, this is the 21st century, put the cameras on drones and let them fly around the dark back alleys and drug infested areas high enough to not be heard amidst the din of traffic and horns.
I am glad you pointed that out. The thing is kids ( and don't refer to these as "white" areas. That is blatantly racist) who are using, also are not killing each other.

HAHAHA! You are going to lecture ME on what is racist or not? I said White areas are under policed and that is exactly what I meant and I don't see that as being racist at all. Its a fact that focuses light of the heroin epidemic occurring behind the walls of suburban "camelot." I have not even MENTIONed the meth epidemic occurring in White trailer parks and truck stops. And lets take a look at the metropolitan counties in which all of this White crime is occurring…are you ready? here we go….:View attachment 81015

How is your pic proof that white areas are under policed?
with 3 times as much crime being committed by Whites in metro counties than Blacks, you tell me where all the White crime is occurring. Are you suggesting that Whites are committing crimes in Black neighborhoods?
Stop with the bullshit statistics.
The FBI UCR is the RW bible… now you want to call it BS when the stats don't go your way.
The savages in Ferguson were wearing badges. The government was a de facto gang of extortionists and terrorists who looted their Black community under the color of authority.
I would riot too under those circumstances.

The savages in Ferguson were wearing badges.

The gentle giant wasn't wearing a badge when he assaulted the clerk of the store he robbed.
He might have fit in quite well with the savages in blue had he been White. After all,the store clerk was not White and was competing with Whites by owning a store.

He might have fit in quite well with the savages in blue had he been White.

Lots of white cops stealing Swisher Sweets and choking clerks?
As kids they probably did similar things but got a pat on the wrist so it wouldn't mess up their future.

As kids they probably did similar things

You were talking about cops. Why are you talking about kids now?
We are talking about Michael Brown, who was a kid…under 21 is a kid to me. I was just saying White kids who later become cops probably did similar acts but didn't get a criminal record because of it. Some might have even gotten drunk and fought with cops, I know one who did and he is a police chief now.
It's amazing RWs just blindly defend cops when it comes to black people yet will bitch and moan of the rights of armed white thugs taking over government buildings. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Black Men: 6% of Population; 40% of Unarmed People Shot to Death by Police This Year
from cnn
NOTE: your illustration does NOT show how many of the 1111 total killed were UNARMED.
nobody actually gives a fuck about how you try to break shit down to support that idea that it's hunting season on blacks.

b/c it's a fucking lie that has led to blm now murdering the police.
I know; you RW retards don't give a fuck about anything except White power.
I am not breaking down anything, I am just pointing out the flawed premise that does not follow the present thread. And there is no evidence BLM had anything to do with the murders of those 5 officers.
Just pointing to the fact that leftist morons know that their stance is based on utter bullshit, so much lies that people are now murdering others over them.

so now you need a new line of utter bullshit to make up for your disproved bullshit so more people go out and commit murder.

but as long as it's blacks murdering whites, you're all good with it.

Yawwnnn. I don't have time to play with lying idiots…gotta go…got a train to catch…see ya!
Are you kidding. Community policing is a mainstay in urban districts where crime is rampant.
Here's the rub. The citizens complain that the police are never around. So the next step is to put more cops on the street. And lo and behold, the citizens complain about that.
It never ends.
"Hey, we need the cops here to protect us. Just don't arrest anybody"....
I have to wonder why the Black on Black homicide rate is so high if police are "where the crime is."
A cop on every street corner?...Then we'd see complaints such as "armed occupation"....

Good camera coverage of alleys and enclaves ought to be sufficient! Cops could link up t the camera feeds through onboard computers in their cruisers and smart phones.
Yeah.. And ya know what happens? The criminals shoot the cameras..
I had a friend that was a tech for Time Warner. He'd get a service call for a neighborhood outage.. Too many times he'd go up the ladder to find an aerial mounted amplifier with a bullet hole in it. The feral criminals who own the neighborhood thought the amps were cameras.
well damn, this is the 21st century, put the cameras on drones and let them fly around the dark back alleys and drug infested areas high enough to not be heard amidst the din of traffic and horns.
Can you be any more ridiculous..Or are you a litigator for the ACLU looking to run up a whole bunch of billable hours?
The savages in Ferguson were wearing badges.

The gentle giant wasn't wearing a badge when he assaulted the clerk of the store he robbed.
He might have fit in quite well with the savages in blue had he been White. After all,the store clerk was not White and was competing with Whites by owning a store.

He might have fit in quite well with the savages in blue had he been White.

Lots of white cops stealing Swisher Sweets and choking clerks?
As kids they probably did similar things but got a pat on the wrist so it wouldn't mess up their future.

As kids they probably did similar things

You were talking about cops. Why are you talking about kids now?
We are talking about Michael Brown, who was a kid…under 21 is a kid to me. I was just saying White kids who later become cops probably did similar acts but didn't get a criminal record because of it. Some might have even gotten drunk and fought with cops, I know one who did and he is a police chief now.
No we are not talking Michael brown you delusional old fool
NOTE: your illustration does NOT show how many of the 1111 total killed were UNARMED.
nobody actually gives a fuck about how you try to break shit down to support that idea that it's hunting season on blacks.

b/c it's a fucking lie that has led to blm now murdering the police.
I know; you RW retards don't give a fuck about anything except White power.
I am not breaking down anything, I am just pointing out the flawed premise that does not follow the present thread. And there is no evidence BLM had anything to do with the murders of those 5 officers.
Just pointing to the fact that leftist morons know that their stance is based on utter bullshit, so much lies that people are now murdering others over them.

so now you need a new line of utter bullshit to make up for your disproved bullshit so more people go out and commit murder.

but as long as it's blacks murdering whites, you're all good with it.

Yawwnnn. I don't have time to play with lying idiots…gotta go…got a train to catch…see ya!
Don't get run over....But you can lick the third rail
I am glad you pointed that out. The thing is kids ( and don't refer to these as "white" areas. That is blatantly racist) who are using, also are not killing each other.

HAHAHA! You are going to lecture ME on what is racist or not? I said White areas are under policed and that is exactly what I meant and I don't see that as being racist at all. Its a fact that focuses light of the heroin epidemic occurring behind the walls of suburban "camelot." I have not even MENTIONed the meth epidemic occurring in White trailer parks and truck stops. And lets take a look at the metropolitan counties in which all of this White crime is occurring…are you ready? here we go….:View attachment 81015

How is your pic proof that white areas are under policed?
with 3 times as much crime being committed by Whites in metro counties than Blacks, you tell me where all the White crime is occurring. Are you suggesting that Whites are committing crimes in Black neighborhoods?
Stop with the bullshit statistics.
The FBI UCR is the RW bible… now you want to call it BS when the stats don't go your way.
Those are not the COMPLETE statistics.
And if you wanted to be honest, you'd have done the correct and responsible thing by posting a link for the perusal of others.
Instead, you couch your statement and then make a claim.
No link equals bullshit.
The savages in Ferguson were wearing badges.

The gentle giant wasn't wearing a badge when he assaulted the clerk of the store he robbed.
He might have fit in quite well with the savages in blue had he been White. After all,the store clerk was not White and was competing with Whites by owning a store.

He might have fit in quite well with the savages in blue had he been White.

Lots of white cops stealing Swisher Sweets and choking clerks?
As kids they probably did similar things but got a pat on the wrist so it wouldn't mess up their future.

As kids they probably did similar things

You were talking about cops. Why are you talking about kids now?
We are talking about Michael Brown, who was a kid…under 21 is a kid to me. I was just saying White kids who later become cops probably did similar acts but didn't get a criminal record because of it. Some might have even gotten drunk and fought with cops, I know one who did and he is a police chief now.

We are talking about Michael Brown, who was a kid…under 21 is a kid to me.

Yes, he was a 6 ft 4 in "kid" who weighed 292 pounds and had just robbed a store and assaulted the clerk before he got his "unarmed" ass shot and killed. It ain't easy bein' a thug, yo.

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