Black people represent 6% of the pop. yet they account for 40% of cases of unarmed death by police

You have to wonder why they run into the police so often? Could it be that young black males commit a lot of crime and are normally armed?

Then the police wouldn't be shooting "unarmed" black men, now would they?

Does it not occur to you that black neighbourhoods are over-policed. That police forces are looking for guys to pull over and ticket? Ferguson residents complained about "taxation by ticket", and the ways that the local police force targets blacks in that neighbourhood.

There are so many ways of being policed in such a way that would make black people come into contact with police that has nothing to do with young black people doing things that young white guys aren't doing.

Does it not occur to you that black neighbourhoods are over-policed.

It's almost like the police go to where the crime is occurring. Weird.
That is the problem, police do not go where the crime is occurring…that explains the heroin epidemic that is rapidly spreading through White communities.
12 Trillion dollars wasn't spent on Blacks alone, more was spent on poor Whites. Has a dent been made in White poverty since 1959?

BTW, in 1959 segregation was still rampant even though the Warren court shot the separate but equal doctrine down in 1954.

Integration was instrumental in destroying Back prosperity when dollars started to flow out of the Black community into White businesses. Blacks , losing their financial base, had to seek employment from the white community and the rest is history.

We are still pretty segregated today, and I don't see many black areas moving up in the country.

As economist Walter E Williams wrote, it's liberalism that destroyed the black community.
People need to go read "Vision of the Annointed" by Thomas Sowell..........blacks were kicking ass in 1959 and heading up the ladder until Democrats started a bullshit narrative in the 1960's leading to radical changes in public policy. Ever since, the blacks have fallen deeper and deeper into the shitter even after 12 trillion spent by our government.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: And still, they vote for the party that NEEDS them to stay in the shitter!!:spinner:
12 Trillion dollars wasn't spent on Blacks alone, more was spent on poor Whites. Has a dent been made in White poverty since 1959?

BTW, in 1959 segregation was still rampant even though the Warren court shot the separate but equal doctrine down in 1954.

Integration was instrumental in destroying Back prosperity when dollars started to flow out of the Black community into White businesses. Blacks , losing their financial base, had to seek employment from the white community and the rest is history.
Have you a point here?
Ask the guy I was responding to.
Bullshit.. You posted it. You explain it...
That is the problem, police do not go where the crime is occurring…that explains the heroin epidemic that is rapidly spreading through White communities.
I am not a liberal but I do appreciate liberalism to some extent. And like most humans, I do believe what I want to believe, just as you do. However, I am an empiricist whose belief system is gauged by evidence…not word of mouth from a person with no expertise…like you.

Yet when people post evidence (such as I did above) you refuse to believe it. But you're not a liberal. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
We have a lot of hard core progressives in here who carry, literally, tons of white guilt out the front door each day. But in most of America, people are sick and tired of the black victimhood crap. Done with many people out there have a perception of, "These people will never be satisfied!!". Most just don't talk about it unless in close company.
If there is any white guilt it exists because WHITE SOCIETY has done little on the whole to eradicate the bad apples. You know who they are but you are silent when they are elected to office or don a police uniform.

meh........only a small % of the population shares that sentiment. A vast majority of whites are quite content with "white society" s0n ( the operative term being "majority" ). That matters.......when blacks jettison the victim identity, things might change for them but not a moment sooner.:up:

Millions have "jettisoned the victim identity" but that doesn't stop cops from killing defenseless Blacks. But the dead HAVE JETTISONED THEIR VICTIM MENTALITY1
People need to go read "Vision of the Annointed" by Thomas Sowell..........blacks were kicking ass in 1959 and heading up the ladder until Democrats started a bullshit narrative in the 1960's leading to radical changes in public policy. Ever since, the blacks have fallen deeper and deeper into the shitter even after 12 trillion spent by our government.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: And still, they vote for the party that NEEDS them to stay in the shitter!!:spinner:
12 Trillion dollars wasn't spent on Blacks alone, more was spent on poor Whites. Has a dent been made in White poverty since 1959?

BTW, in 1959 segregation was still rampant even though the Warren court shot the separate but equal doctrine down in 1954.

Integration was instrumental in destroying Back prosperity when dollars started to flow out of the Black community into White businesses. Blacks , losing their financial base, had to seek employment from the white community and the rest is history.
Have you a point here?
Ask the guy I was responding to.
Bullshit.. You posted it. You explain it...
Why? The guy I was posting to didn't ask for an explanation. Read the whole context of the conversation and stop bothering me.
That is the problem, police do not go where the crime is occurring…that explains the heroin epidemic that is rapidly spreading through White communities.
I am not a liberal but I do appreciate liberalism to some extent. And like most humans, I do believe what I want to believe, just as you do. However, I am an empiricist whose belief system is gauged by evidence…not word of mouth from a person with no expertise…like you.

Yet when people post evidence (such as I did above) you refuse to believe it. But you're not a liberal. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Should I believe something just because YOU said it? Now THAT IS FUNNY!:udaman:
I find it sadly funny that many NaziCons say that race relations are worse than ever before. No shit. There are several reasons - but a few are strikingly obvious. Think about it...

that race relations are worse than ever before.

When you have the black president telling the black criminals that it's whitey's fault, did you think that would improve race relations?
Telling the truth should always improve race relations.

No shit, is that why leftists keep lying?

Stop lying on leftists….heh heh heh!
You have to wonder why they run into the police so often? Could it be that young black males commit a lot of crime and are normally armed?

Then the police wouldn't be shooting "unarmed" black men, now would they?

Does it not occur to you that black neighbourhoods are over-policed. That police forces are looking for guys to pull over and ticket? Ferguson residents complained about "taxation by ticket", and the ways that the local police force targets blacks in that neighbourhood.

There are so many ways of being policed in such a way that would make black people come into contact with police that has nothing to do with young black people doing things that young white guys aren't doing.

Does it not occur to you that black neighbourhoods are over-policed.

It's almost like the police go to where the crime is occurring. Weird.
That is the problem, police do not go where the crime is occurring…that explains the heroin epidemic that is rapidly spreading through White communities.
Are you kidding. Community policing is a mainstay in urban districts where crime is rampant.
Here's the rub. The citizens complain that the police are never around. So the next step is to put more cops on the street. And lo and behold, the citizens complain about that.
It never ends.
"Hey, we need the cops here to protect us. Just don't arrest anybody"....
Oh Gawd..........why do you think progressives are waaaaaaaaaaay under 20% in this country? Its because the connect the dots abilities are absent. Its called fringe thinking for a reason. Look at black unemployment rates over the last 8 years.....:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:.......Soetero doesn't give a shit!!

Watch CNN tonight and check out the interviews of the protestors.:deal: Quite laughable......and you kinda realize its beyond hopeless.:coffee: Yep........progressives fucked these people for over 50 years now and this is what we've got. Folks with no hope.
You have to wonder why they run into the police so often? Could it be that young black males commit a lot of crime and are normally armed?

Then the police wouldn't be shooting "unarmed" black men, now would they?

Does it not occur to you that black neighbourhoods are over-policed. That police forces are looking for guys to pull over and ticket? Ferguson residents complained about "taxation by ticket", and the ways that the local police force targets blacks in that neighbourhood.

There are so many ways of being policed in such a way that would make black people come into contact with police that has nothing to do with young black people doing things that young white guys aren't doing.

Does it not occur to you that black neighbourhoods are over-policed.

It's almost like the police go to where the crime is occurring. Weird.
That is the problem, police do not go where the crime is occurring…that explains the heroin epidemic that is rapidly spreading through White communities.
Are you kidding. Community policing is a mainstay in urban districts where crime is rampant.
Here's the rub. The citizens complain that the police are never around. So the next step is to put more cops on the street. And lo and behold, the citizens complain about that.
It never ends.
"Hey, we need the cops here to protect us. Just don't arrest anybody"....
I have to wonder why the Black on Black homicide rate is so high if police are "where the crime is."
Then the police wouldn't be shooting "unarmed" black men, now would they?

Does it not occur to you that black neighbourhoods are over-policed. That police forces are looking for guys to pull over and ticket? Ferguson residents complained about "taxation by ticket", and the ways that the local police force targets blacks in that neighbourhood.

There are so many ways of being policed in such a way that would make black people come into contact with police that has nothing to do with young black people doing things that young white guys aren't doing.

Your comment reminds me of what took place here when I was younger.

I grew up in a white suburb with a very small section of blacks on the other side of Broadway; less than a dozen streets or so.

Reading our local paper, blacks started to complain about the crime in their area, and made claim that police don't patrol in black neighborhoods. So the Mayor stepped up patrols in that black section of town.

About a year or so later, I once again was reading our local paper, and the blacks were complaining again; not because of the lack of protection, but because our courts were filled with black defendants and they made up less than 5% of our population.

It's a damned if you do damned if you don't situation for our law enforcement. If police ignore the bad guys and the neighborhood goes to hell, the blacks complain nobody is helping them. When they go to help and have to get rough with the bad guys, the blacks cry police brutality and discrimination even though the police are creating a safer environment for those people.

The Ferguson effect (as it's called) is evident across the country. Blacks have made it so police are afraid to do their job. They don't do the extras anymore. Sure, if you call them, they will respond, but they don't do traffic stops anymore. If they see a drug deal going down, they don't even bother with it as long as it's not called in by a citizen. If somebody tosses a bunch of garbage out of their car window, it's not the cops front lawn so don't even bother.

Gun and violent crime has risen in many cities since Ferguson. That means more dead blacks in a couple of months than the entire police force across the nation could produce in a years time. Blacks are clueless that they are working against their own cause.
12 Trillion dollars wasn't spent on Blacks alone, more was spent on poor Whites. Has a dent been made in White poverty since 1959?

BTW, in 1959 segregation was still rampant even though the Warren court shot the separate but equal doctrine down in 1954.

Integration was instrumental in destroying Back prosperity when dollars started to flow out of the Black community into White businesses. Blacks , losing their financial base, had to seek employment from the white community and the rest is history.

We are still pretty segregated today, and I don't see many black areas moving up in the country.

As economist Walter E Williams wrote, it's liberalism that destroyed the black community.
Black upward mobility is seen in the numbers of blacks that move out of their urban surroundings and into the suburbs.
You have to wonder why they run into the police so often? Could it be that young black males commit a lot of crime and are normally armed?

Then the police wouldn't be shooting "unarmed" black men, now would they?

Does it not occur to you that black neighbourhoods are over-policed. That police forces are looking for guys to pull over and ticket? Ferguson residents complained about "taxation by ticket", and the ways that the local police force targets blacks in that neighbourhood.

There are so many ways of being policed in such a way that would make black people come into contact with police that has nothing to do with young black people doing things that young white guys aren't doing.

Does it not occur to you that black neighbourhoods are over-policed.

It's almost like the police go to where the crime is occurring. Weird.
That is the problem, police do not go where the crime is occurring…that explains the heroin epidemic that is rapidly spreading through White communities.
I am glad you pointed that out. The thing is kids ( and don't refer to these as "white" areas. That is blatantly racist) who are using, also are not killing each other.
Gotta tell ya...I grew up in a typical suburban environment. And in it, we had pot heads. people using acid, coke, mushrooms and a host of other crap. The police were on to the dealers. I knew plenty of people who did time for drug pedaling. Some did state time.
So please. Just because you don't hear or read about it, does not mean it isn't going on....The absence of violence and mayhem is the reason the news media stays away.
Think about it. Do you really think a tv news editor is going to want a reporter to cover a drug bust where some jerk gets caught with a few ounces of smack, or a story where two drug dealers decide to shoot it out?
I find it sadly funny that many NaziCons say that race relations are worse than ever before. No shit. There are several reasons - but a few are strikingly obvious. Think about it...

that race relations are worse than ever before.

When you have the black president telling the black criminals that it's whitey's fault, did you think that would improve race relations?
Telling the truth should always improve race relations.

No shit, is that why leftists keep lying?

Stop lying on leftists….heh heh heh!

s0n I admire your passion but you might as well be sitting on a stool naked in the middle of Siberia screaming "fire".........that's how few concur with your sentiments. Bottom line leadership changes the tune or this shit gets worse. The Bernie types are unelectable in America thank God..........

And look at the top asshole now in the black leadership Islamic guy shoots up a club and the kneejerk is we have to wait as long as it takes for it to be determined its "terrorism"!! But a black gets shot, within a couple of hours its "racism" every fucking time.:funnyface::funnyface:......its gotten beyond stoopid!:gay:Broadens the divide such that in 2016, we got a lot of hate out there.........and Soetero can take a lot of credit for it!!!:2up:
I am glad you pointed that out. The thing is kids ( and don't refer to these as "white" areas. That is blatantly racist) who are using, also are not killing each other.

HAHAHA! You are going to lecture ME on what is racist or not? I said White areas are under policed and that is exactly what I meant and I don't see that as being racist at all. Its a fact that focuses light of the heroin epidemic occurring behind the walls of suburban "camelot." I have not even MENTIONed the meth epidemic occurring in White trailer parks and truck stops. And lets take a look at the metropolitan counties in which all of this White crime is occurring…are you ready? here we go….:
I find it sadly funny that many NaziCons say that race relations are worse than ever before. No shit. There are several reasons - but a few are strikingly obvious. Think about it...

that race relations are worse than ever before.

When you have the black president telling the black criminals that it's whitey's fault, did you think that would improve race relations?
Telling the truth should always improve race relations.

No shit, is that why leftists keep lying?

Stop lying on leftists….heh heh heh!

What exactly have I lied about?

Martin Luther King, Jr removes a burned cross from his yard, with his son, in 1960.

Gee, we've come a long way since 1960. Not...
I find it sadly funny that many NaziCons say that race relations are worse than ever before. No shit. There are several reasons - but a few are strikingly obvious. Think about it...

that race relations are worse than ever before.

When you have the black president telling the black criminals that it's whitey's fault, did you think that would improve race relations?
Telling the truth should always improve race relations.

No shit, is that why leftists keep lying?

Stop lying on leftists….heh heh heh!

What exactly have I lied about?
Lying about leftist randomly lying as if conservatives don't lie at all.
Billy-boy, blacks are 13% of our population.
Yup, the total black population, male and female, is about 13% but a proper reading of the OP tells the attentive reader that the author of the OP was speaking to the 6% BLACK MALE population, which is about 50% of the total black population.

As you know, that is not what he typed into the headline. Was he intentionally being foolish or is he that way naturally.
I am glad you pointed that out. The thing is kids ( and don't refer to these as "white" areas. That is blatantly racist) who are using, also are not killing each other.

HAHAHA! You are going to lecture ME on what is racist or not? I said White areas are under policed and that is exactly what I meant and I don't see that as being racist at all. Its a fact that focuses light of the heroin epidemic occurring behind the walls of suburban "camelot." I have not even MENTIONed the meth epidemic occurring in White trailer parks and truck stops. And lets take a look at the metropolitan counties in which all of this White crime is occurring…are you ready? here we go….:View attachment 81015


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