Black people represent 6% of the pop. yet they account for 40% of cases of unarmed death by police

I find it sadly funny that many NaziCons say that race relations are worse than ever before. No shit. There are several reasons - but a few are strikingly obvious. Think about it...

First black president

Racists more emboldened

Scared white people

Pissed off and emboldened black people

Better organized black people

More bad cops exposed by cell phones with cameras

More and better media coverage in general

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I find it sadly funny that many NaziCons say that race relations are worse than ever before. No shit. There are several reasons - but a few are strikingly obvious. Think about it...

that race relations are worse than ever before.

When you have the black president telling the black criminals that it's whitey's fault, did you think that would improve race relations?
Your request requires me to prejudge innocent people that may never commit a crime.
That statistical probability, IMHO, cannot possibly be accurate. I won't be privy to such prejudice.

In other words it would prove you wrong. Lots of typing just to say that.
Your statistical prediction doesn't prove anything except how arrogantly ignorant you are to believe that any Black person is typically X times more likely to kill than a White person just because he is Black.

This is very amusing coming from someone who supports a political ideology that has promoted programs for decades on the premise that blacks are more likely to be illiterate, unemployed, unwed mothers, etc. The fact that the programs encourage these conditions in the first place obviously eludes you.

The sad fact is that young men brought up without fathers are more likely to turn to crime. Place such young men in inner city neighborhoods which are controlled by drug gangs, and you'll find that such young men commit crimes at a far higher rate than ones raised in healthier environments. Democrats have put blacks in these inner city plantations and exploited them for decades. Pretty despicable, imo.

1.Sorry, but I have not heard of any programs that have promoted the premise that blacks are more likely to be illiterate, unemployed, unwed mothers, etc. Please expound upon your premise. What are these programs.

And what study are you citing to link crime, committed by Blacks or Whites, to illegitimacy Keep in mind the term illegitimacy does not mean a child doesn't have a father and mother in their lives.
Obviously, some Black and White families are headed by a single parent but we have to make a clear distinction between unwed cohabiting couples and single mothers. Do you have those figures?
I find it sadly funny that many NaziCons say that race relations are worse than ever before. No shit. There are several reasons - but a few are strikingly obvious. Think about it...

that race relations are worse than ever before.

When you have the black president telling the black criminals that it's whitey's fault, did you think that would improve race relations?

Obama never said that.
I find it sadly funny that many NaziCons say that race relations are worse than ever before. No shit. There are several reasons - but a few are strikingly obvious. Think about it...

that race relations are worse than ever before.

When you have the black president telling the black criminals that it's whitey's fault, did you think that would improve race relations?
Telling the truth should always improve race relations.
The key word is UNARMED> now move along!

Unarmed has nothing to do with it. If I as a citizen can use deadly force against an unarmed person, why shouldn't police?
The conversation is centered upon the question of the percentage of UNARMED people killed by police officers. It has been postulated that 40% of that figure are Black males who make up only 6% of the general population. Please keep it simple…stay with us ...

It has been postulated that 40% of that figure are Black males who make up only 6% of the general population.

How much of the criminal population do they make up?
That is irrelevant. The answer has no bearing on the killing of unarmed people by police officers.
Your request requires me to prejudge innocent people that may never commit a crime.
That statistical probability, IMHO, cannot possibly be accurate. I won't be privy to such prejudice.

In other words it would prove you wrong. Lots of typing just to say that.
Your statistical prediction doesn't prove anything except how arrogantly ignorant you are to believe that any Black person is typically X times more likely to kill than a White person just because he is Black.

This is very amusing coming from someone who supports a political ideology that has promoted programs for decades on the premise that blacks are more likely to be illiterate, unemployed, unwed mothers, etc. The fact that the programs encourage these conditions in the first place obviously eludes you.

The sad fact is that young men brought up without fathers are more likely to turn to crime. Place such young men in inner city neighborhoods which are controlled by drug gangs, and you'll find that such young men commit crimes at a far higher rate than ones raised in healthier environments. Democrats have put blacks in these inner city plantations and exploited them for decades. Pretty despicable, imo.

1.Sorry, but I have not heard of any programs that have promoted the premise that blacks are more likely to be illiterate, unemployed, unwed mothers, etc. Please expound upon your premise. What are these programs.

And what study are you citing to link crime, committed by Blacks or Whites, to illegitimacy Keep in mind the term illegitimacy does not mean a child doesn't have a father and mother in their lives.
Obviously, some Black and White families are headed by a single parent but we have to make a clear distinction between unwed cohabiting couples and single mothers. Do you have those figures?

Here's one example: Social Promotion policies which graduate functionally illiterates kids from high school. And then, the Affirmative Action programs which give them preference over better qualified students at universities, and the federally sponsored student loans that saddle them with burdens of debt after they drop out without a degree.

Yes, Progressive Compassion Destroys Lives.
Like the shooting in Minnesota or the one in Baton Rouge? We saw it live on TV. It is you who are pretending you didn't see two murders. Everyone knows those two Black men were murdered but the justice system is full of bright lawyers who will obfuscate what we saw and turn it into some fuzzy technicality that went on before the murders took place.

That's right. How silly of me. Why in fact, there is really no need for an investigation now is there? You seem to know exactly what happened. And have a trial for the officers? For what? Why waste all that time and money when instead, they could just call you for a ruling?
The actual killings were televised and need no interpretation . A trial involving police misconduct is usually a joke where witnesses are intimidated into silence or coerced somehow into changing their initial stories. But the unblinking eye of the camera doesn't lie.

The justice system is corrupt and has given law enforcement agents license to kill poor Whites and Blacks with impunity since it's inception.
I find it sadly funny that many NaziCons say that race relations are worse than ever before. No shit. There are several reasons - but a few are strikingly obvious. Think about it...

that race relations are worse than ever before.

When you have the black president telling the black criminals that it's whitey's fault, did you think that would improve race relations?
Telling the truth should always improve race relations.

And Obama's lies made things worse.
The key word is UNARMED> now move along!

Unarmed has nothing to do with it. If I as a citizen can use deadly force against an unarmed person, why shouldn't police?
The conversation is centered upon the question of the percentage of UNARMED people killed by police officers. It has been postulated that 40% of that figure are Black males who make up only 6% of the general population. Please keep it simple…stay with us ...

It has been postulated that 40% of that figure are Black males who make up only 6% of the general population.

How much of the criminal population do they make up?
That is irrelevant. The answer has no bearing on the killing of unarmed people by police officers.

If black males make up 50% of the criminals, what portion of the unarmed criminals killed by police officers should be black males?
Your statistical prediction doesn't prove anything except how arrogantly ignorant you are to believe that any Black person is typically X times more likely to kill than a White person just because he is Black.

Aw, those damned statistics again. Perhaps I shouldn't make such statements. Would you be bothered if I posted the Wiki link to it and you can read for yourself?
As long as the WIKI article is cited so that I can look up the references!
If black leaders wanted to get serious about this crap, they'd make sure that in the neighborhoods of the savages, adults would go around wearing something like this >>


Don't pull shit when you get pulled over. Simple. And don't dress like a fucking gangsta or you might get your face shot off.........fucking duh........if I drive around dressed all the time like a fucking green baret because I want to be proud of my Irish ancestry and get pulled over, probably gonna be some problems!!:coffee:duh...........stop the duh.:bye1:
I find it sadly funny that many NaziCons say that race relations are worse than ever before. No shit. There are several reasons - but a few are strikingly obvious. Think about it...

that race relations are worse than ever before.

When you have the black president telling the black criminals that it's whitey's fault, did you think that would improve race relations?
Telling the truth should always improve race relations.

And Obama's lies made things worse.
How can anything be worse than the first half of the 20th Century for Blacks?
You have to wonder why they run into the police so often? Could it be that young black males commit a lot of crime and are normally armed?

Then the police wouldn't be shooting "unarmed" black men, now would they?

Does it not occur to you that black neighbourhoods are over-policed. That police forces are looking for guys to pull over and ticket? Ferguson residents complained about "taxation by ticket", and the ways that the local police force targets blacks in that neighbourhood.

There are so many ways of being policed in such a way that would make black people come into contact with police that has nothing to do with young black people doing things that young white guys aren't doing.
If black leaders wanted to get serious about this crap, they'd make sure that in the neighborhoods of the savages, adults would go around wearing something like this >>

Don't pull shit when you get pulled over. Simple. And don't dress like a fucking gangsta or you might get your face shot off.........fucking duh........if I drive around dressed all the time like a fucking green baret because I want to be proud of my Irish ancestry and get pulled over, probably gonna be some problems!!:coffee:duh...........stop the duh.:bye1:

So much for FREEDOM in America…DUH!
The actual killings were televised and need no interpretation . A trial involving police misconduct is usually a joke where witnesses are intimidated into silence or coerced somehow into changing their initial stories. But the unblinking eye of the camera doesn't lie.

The justice system is corrupt and has given law enforcement agents license to kill poor Whites and Blacks with impunity since it's inception.

Too bad you didn't live closer to where I'm at. You could have told the jury in the 12 year old police shooting that the video (used to clear the officers) needed no interpretation. Believe it or not, they spent hours going through the video frame by frame with an expert video technician telling them what they were looking at.
We have a lot of hard core progressives in here who carry, literally, tons of white guilt out the front door each day. But in most of America, people are sick and tired of the black victimhood crap. Done with many people out there have a perception of, "These people will never be satisfied!!". Most just don't talk about it unless in close company.
I can always count on anecdotal bullshit from the RW on here to justify their racism.

racism |ˈrāˌsizəm|
the belief that all members of each race possesscharacteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.• prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior: a program to combat racism.

liberal definition
The mention of anything involving race, or otherwise pointing out the obvious about race. 2. Anything a liberal claims is racism.

Be careful RFC, clarifying what racism is, or isn't, is also a racism.
The actual killings were televised and need no interpretation . A trial involving police misconduct is usually a joke where witnesses are intimidated into silence or coerced somehow into changing their initial stories. But the unblinking eye of the camera doesn't lie.

The justice system is corrupt and has given law enforcement agents license to kill poor Whites and Blacks with impunity since it's inception.
View attachment 81001

Too bad you didn't live closer to where I'm at. You could have told the jury in the 12 year old police shooting that the video (used to clear the officers) needed no interpretation. Believe it or not, they spent hours going through the video frame by frame with an expert video technician telling them what they were looking at.
who was the video technician, Geaux4it or Shootspeeders? Maybe it was David Duke or a Klan sympathizer.

I choose not to believe it!
We have a lot of hard core progressives in here who carry, literally, tons of white guilt out the front door each day. But in most of America, people are sick and tired of the black victimhood crap. Done with it

Correct. Good Morning How Are You is racist to a leftist. It's just the way their minds work. Perhaps someday we'll be able to figure it out.

I hope I never get into a serious relationship with a liberal woman. I couldn't stand being woken up in the middle of the night with a crazy screaming RACISM! RACISM! while frantically looking under the bed, in the closet, and pulling up the covers and bedding.

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