Black people represent 6% of the pop. yet they account for 40% of cases of unarmed death by police

What you're too dense to even acknowledge is how wrong the police conduct is. Why do you fault black peole IN GENERAL and not the police themselves?

If you don't have the opportunity (as I do) to see police in action with blacks, watch the show COPS and take notice how blacks interact with police officers compared to whites. That will pretty much tell you everything you need to know right there.
No wonder you are such an incorrigible bigot. You get all your propaganda from watching a TV show.
Whites are 6 times as likely to be murdered by another white person as by a black person

Generally speaking, white people in most cases live with other white people. Same with black people. So it makes sense that people get killed by other people in their area or within their family. That's all those statistics prove.
WELL Ca-ca- cain'tt yall all get a long? White people are supposed to be civil and respectful of life. What happened to that illusion?
No wonder you are such an incorrigible bigot. You get all your propaganda from watching a TV show.

Yes, well as we all know, liberals aren't bigoted because even if they see something happening right in front of them, they simply pretend they don't see it.
WELL Ca-ca- cain'tt yall all get a long? White people are supposed to be civil and respectful of life. What happened to that illusion?

So somehow you concluded that what whites say here (and other places) is that we don't have crime, violence or murders?
Your request requires me to prejudge innocent people that may never commit a crime.
That statistical probability, IMHO, cannot possibly be accurate. I won't be privy to such prejudice.

In other words it would prove you wrong. Lots of typing just to say that.
It's amazing RWs just blindly defend cops when it comes to black people yet will bitch and moan of the rights of armed white thugs taking over government buildings. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Black Men: 6% of Population; 40% of Unarmed People Shot to Death by Police This Year
from cnn
NOTE: your illustration does NOT show how many of the 1111 total killed were UNARMED.
I can always count on anecdotal bullshit from the RW on here to justify their racism.

racism |ˈrāˌsizəm|
the belief that all members of each race possesscharacteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.• prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior: a program to combat racism.

liberal definition
The mention of anything involving race, or otherwise pointing out the obvious about race. 2. Anything a liberal claims is racism.
WELL Ca-ca- cain'tt yall all get a long? White people are supposed to be civil and respectful of life. What happened to that illusion?

So somehow you concluded that what whites say here (and other places) is that we don't have crime, violence or murders?
Oh, you don't have to convince ME that White people are capable of wholesale murder and carnage. WW2 clearly shows that! And White domestic terrorists plagued Black communities for a century after slavery. BTW. I don't see how illegitimate births had a damn thing to do with any of that!
No wonder you are such an incorrigible bigot. You get all your propaganda from watching a TV show.

Yes, well as we all know, liberals aren't bigoted because even if they see something happening right in front of them, they simply pretend they don't see it.
Like the shooting in Minnesota or the one in Baton Rouge? We saw it live on TV. It is you who are pretending you didn't see two murders. Everyone knows those two Black men were murdered but the justice system is full of bright lawyers who will obfuscate what we saw and turn it into some fuzzy technicality that went on before the murders took place.
It's amazing RWs just blindly defend cops when it comes to black people yet will bitch and moan of the rights of armed white thugs taking over government buildings. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Black Men: 6% of Population; 40% of Unarmed People Shot to Death by Police This Year

Government's own statistics prove your OP to be false. More whites are shot by police. And blacks make up a larger percent of the population.
The key word is UNARMED> now move along!
Like the shooting in Minnesota or the one in Baton Rouge? We saw it live on TV. It is you who are pretending you didn't see two murders. Everyone knows those two Black men were murdered but the justice system is full of bright lawyers who will obfuscate what we saw and turn it into some fuzzy technicality that went on before the murders took place.

That's right. How silly of me. Why in fact, there is really no need for an investigation now is there? You seem to know exactly what happened. And have a trial for the officers? For what? Why waste all that time and money when instead, they could just call you for a ruling?
Your request requires me to prejudge innocent people that may never commit a crime.
That statistical probability, IMHO, cannot possibly be accurate. I won't be privy to such prejudice.

In other words it would prove you wrong. Lots of typing just to say that.
Your statistical prediction doesn't prove anything except how arrogantly ignorant you are to believe that any Black person is typically X times more likely to kill than a White person just because he is Black.
Oh, you don't have to convince ME that White people are capable of wholesale murder and carnage. WW2 clearly shows that! And White domestic terrorists plagued Black communities for a century after slavery. BTW. I don't see how illegitimate births had a damn thing to do with any of that!

Comparing war with street crimes. Now that's a new liberal angle.
Your statistical prediction doesn't prove anything except how arrogantly ignorant you are to believe that any Black person is typically X times more likely to kill than a White person just because he is Black.

Aw, those damned statistics again. Perhaps I shouldn't make such statements. Would you be bothered if I posted the Wiki link to it and you can read for yourself?
The key word is UNARMED> now move along!

Unarmed has nothing to do with it. If I as a citizen can use deadly force against an unarmed person, why shouldn't police?
The conversation is centered upon the question of the percentage of UNARMED people killed by police officers. It has been postulated that 40% of that figure are Black males who make up only 6% of the general population. Please keep it simple…stay with us ...
Oh, you don't have to convince ME that White people are capable of wholesale murder and carnage. WW2 clearly shows that! And White domestic terrorists plagued Black communities for a century after slavery. BTW. I don't see how illegitimate births had a damn thing to do with any of that!

Comparing war with street crimes. Now that's a new liberal angle.
It is the pathology of murder that I am addressing regardless of the venue in which it occurs. But if you want to go there, Hitler wasn't at war with the Jews…they were German citizens. Stalin's purges of his own people were not predicated upon war but upon political expediency.
Your request requires me to prejudge innocent people that may never commit a crime.
That statistical probability, IMHO, cannot possibly be accurate. I won't be privy to such prejudice.

In other words it would prove you wrong. Lots of typing just to say that.
Your statistical prediction doesn't prove anything except how arrogantly ignorant you are to believe that any Black person is typically X times more likely to kill than a White person just because he is Black.

This is very amusing coming from someone who supports a political ideology that has promoted programs for decades on the premise that blacks are more likely to be illiterate, unemployed, unwed mothers, etc. The fact that the programs encourage these conditions in the first place obviously eludes you.

The sad fact is that young men brought up without fathers are more likely to turn to crime. Place such young men in inner city neighborhoods which are controlled by drug gangs, and you'll find that such young men commit crimes at a far higher rate than ones raised in healthier environments. Democrats have put blacks in these inner city plantations and exploited them for decades. Pretty despicable, imo.
The key word is UNARMED> now move along!

Unarmed has nothing to do with it. If I as a citizen can use deadly force against an unarmed person, why shouldn't police?
The conversation is centered upon the question of the percentage of UNARMED people killed by police officers. It has been postulated that 40% of that figure are Black males who make up only 6% of the general population. Please keep it simple…stay with us ...

It has been postulated that 40% of that figure are Black males who make up only 6% of the general population.

How much of the criminal population do they make up?

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