black pride vs white pride

Black pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Black pride is a movement encouraging people to take pride in being black to various degrees.
The slogan has been used in the United States by African Americans to celebrate heritage and personal pride.

White pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
White pride is a slogan primarily used by white separatist, white nationalist, neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations to signal their racist or racialist viewpoints
Justin J. Moritz wrote that he tried to trademark the phrase "White Pride Country Wide" but it was denied for being offensive, despite that phrases like "Black Pride" and "Black Power" were trademarked

What is confusing you?
The double standards are fuckin pathetic.
A black person proud to be black is an encouragement. A white person proud to be white is a goddamn NAZI.
Its bullshit. And racist as fuck.
Stop whining. I used to think it was a double standard but a young girl from Pakistan pointed it out to me. Whites have nothing to be proud of because they have overcome nothing where their race has held them back.
Not in this nation, no. Whites like every other group of human beings have had their tests and have made their contributions to the world in science, art, etc. I agree that whites in America can't call minorities and liberals racist, because racism DOES mean the dominant culture believing it is superior to others. It drives me mad when the word is misused so freely. But as the OP points out, that is the meaning of the word. Maybe the real solution is to coin a new word?

That is NOT the meaning of that word.
The double standards are fuckin pathetic.
A black person proud to be black is an encouragement. A white person proud to be white is a goddamn NAZI.
Its bullshit. And racist as fuck.
Stop whining. I used to think it was a double standard but a young girl from Pakistan pointed it out to me. Whites have nothing to be proud of because they have overcome nothing where their race has held them back.
Not in this nation, no. Whites like every other group of human beings have had their tests and have made their contributions to the world in science, art, etc. I agree that whites in America can't call minorities and liberals racist, because racism DOES mean the dominant culture believing it is superior to others. It drives me mad when the word is misused so freely. But as the OP points out, that is the meaning of the word. Maybe the real solution is to coin a new word?
From my recollection nowhere have whites overcome obstacles due to their skin color. That is what Black pride is about. Overcoming despite the odds.
I understand that, but not all struggles are or were always about skin color. I have no issue whatever with Black pride. It is the current struggle here. I'm on your side, although you may not want me there.
I appreciate you being on my side. I think the point here is about skin color/race.

I'm not on your side.
Where are my reparations for my ancestors being enslaved?

The Irish were enslaved by the thousands.....where do I sign up for free money?

The argument could be made that slavery was a step up for the Irish :)
We should edit history to ensure that these poor white folks feelings arent hurt by facts
Like revisionism from the left?
Or the fact that the definition of history doesn't ring any of your bells?
Just because my great great great granddaddy traded a bucket of oranges for some African, doesn't mean I should be punished. That was hundreds of years ago
Your great granddaddy was a slave in europe then he was sent to the US and a slave here as well. Everyone knows that.
Consider the person who is a member of a minority community and who would rather join the oppressors than show any solidarity to someone of their community.

Consider that minorities are not oppressed in this society and are indeed a special protected class.
protected class. .How fuckin racist/bigoted(depending) is that?
Stop whining. I used to think it was a double standard but a young girl from Pakistan pointed it out to me. Whites have nothing to be proud of because they have overcome nothing where their race has held them back.
Not in this nation, no. Whites like every other group of human beings have had their tests and have made their contributions to the world in science, art, etc. I agree that whites in America can't call minorities and liberals racist, because racism DOES mean the dominant culture believing it is superior to others. It drives me mad when the word is misused so freely. But as the OP points out, that is the meaning of the word. Maybe the real solution is to coin a new word?
From my recollection nowhere have whites overcome obstacles due to their skin color. That is what Black pride is about. Overcoming despite the odds.
I understand that, but not all struggles are or were always about skin color. I have no issue whatever with Black pride. It is the current struggle here. I'm on your side, although you may not want me there.
I appreciate you being on my side. I think the point here is about skin color/race.

I'm not on your side.
Where are my reparations for my ancestors being enslaved?

The Irish were enslaved by the thousands.....where do I sign up for free money?

The argument could be made that slavery was a step up for the Irish :)

LOL Possibly but you don't see us whining about it.
Best post on the thread....."MLK died in vain"

Of course because white people have told themselves MLK was for everyone and not anything special for the black people. Which is exactly NOT what he was about but they have to Co-Opt him somehow. MLK was shot because....snicker...whites LOOOOVED him. That will be covered in the new revised version of history for white people.
Consider the person who is a member of a minority community and who would rather join the oppressors than show any solidarity to someone of their community.

Consider that minorities are not oppressed in this society and are indeed a special protected class.
protected class. .How fuckin racist/bigoted(depending) is that?

See there is the problem, they want equality but also want safe places and protected class status. It can't be both ways
We should edit history to ensure that these poor white folks feelings arent hurt by facts
Like revisionism from the left?
Or the fact that the definition of history doesn't ring any of your bells?
Just because my great great great granddaddy traded a bucket of oranges for some African, doesn't mean I should be punished. That was hundreds of years ago

Oh, and you're soooo punished right now. Look at you... Flailing about
Not in this nation, no. Whites like every other group of human beings have had their tests and have made their contributions to the world in science, art, etc. I agree that whites in America can't call minorities and liberals racist, because racism DOES mean the dominant culture believing it is superior to others. It drives me mad when the word is misused so freely. But as the OP points out, that is the meaning of the word. Maybe the real solution is to coin a new word?
From my recollection nowhere have whites overcome obstacles due to their skin color. That is what Black pride is about. Overcoming despite the odds.
I understand that, but not all struggles are or were always about skin color. I have no issue whatever with Black pride. It is the current struggle here. I'm on your side, although you may not want me there.
I appreciate you being on my side. I think the point here is about skin color/race.

I'm not on your side.
Where are my reparations for my ancestors being enslaved?

The Irish were enslaved by the thousands.....where do I sign up for free money?

The argument could be made that slavery was a step up for the Irish :)

LOL Possibly but you don't see is whining about it.
Or any other enslaved class...
Stop whining. I used to think it was a double standard but a young girl from Pakistan pointed it out to me. Whites have nothing to be proud of because they have overcome nothing where their race has held them back.
Not in this nation, no. Whites like every other group of human beings have had their tests and have made their contributions to the world in science, art, etc. I agree that whites in America can't call minorities and liberals racist, because racism DOES mean the dominant culture believing it is superior to others. It drives me mad when the word is misused so freely. But as the OP points out, that is the meaning of the word. Maybe the real solution is to coin a new word?
From my recollection nowhere have whites overcome obstacles due to their skin color. That is what Black pride is about. Overcoming despite the odds.
I understand that, but not all struggles are or were always about skin color. I have no issue whatever with Black pride. It is the current struggle here. I'm on your side, although you may not want me there.
I appreciate you being on my side. I think the point here is about skin color/race.

I'm not on your side.
Where are my reparations for my ancestors being enslaved?

The Irish were enslaved by the thousands.....where do I sign up for free money?

The argument could be made that slavery was a step up for the Irish :)
Cave monkeys are never on my side. I'm not surprised.
And now its about burning innocent peoples lives down and social justice.
MLK died in vain

Why don't you explain why you think he is wrong?

Because you can't?
Why dont you explain what whites have done that they should be proud of? This should be interesting.

Built the modern world.
No other races built the modern world? :laugh:

Even if that were true we had to teach you how to do it.

Correct. Other races had at best a supporting role in the process.

THe Industrial Revolution didn't start in the African Jungle.
Not in this nation, no. Whites like every other group of human beings have had their tests and have made their contributions to the world in science, art, etc. I agree that whites in America can't call minorities and liberals racist, because racism DOES mean the dominant culture believing it is superior to others. It drives me mad when the word is misused so freely. But as the OP points out, that is the meaning of the word. Maybe the real solution is to coin a new word?
From my recollection nowhere have whites overcome obstacles due to their skin color. That is what Black pride is about. Overcoming despite the odds.
I understand that, but not all struggles are or were always about skin color. I have no issue whatever with Black pride. It is the current struggle here. I'm on your side, although you may not want me there.
I appreciate you being on my side. I think the point here is about skin color/race.

I'm not on your side.
Where are my reparations for my ancestors being enslaved?

The Irish were enslaved by the thousands.....where do I sign up for free money?

The argument could be made that slavery was a step up for the Irish :)
Cave monkeys are never on my side. I'm not surprised.

Good to see you're above it all bro.
Consider the person who is a member of a minority community and who would rather join the oppressors than show any solidarity to someone of their community.

Consider that minorities are not oppressed in this society and are indeed a special protected class.
protected class. .How fuckin racist/bigoted(depending) is that?

See there is the problem, they want equality but also want safe places and protected class status. It can't be both ways
What's wrong with wanting safe places? Don't you want to feel safe?

I'm not sure what you mean by safe places.
Just show these super sensitive whites a copy of Gone with the Wind and tell them thats how it was. Throw in some dancing negroes and they should be cool....They LOOOVE dancing Negroes
Black pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Black pride is a movement encouraging people to take pride in being black to various degrees.
The slogan has been used in the United States by African Americans to celebrate heritage and personal pride.

White pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
White pride is a slogan primarily used by white separatist, white nationalist, neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations to signal their racist or racialist viewpoints
Justin J. Moritz wrote that he tried to trademark the phrase "White Pride Country Wide" but it was denied for being offensive, despite that phrases like "Black Pride" and "Black Power" were trademarked


If you are white, you should be ashamed.

In the words of Barack Obama, god of all the left, "White just ain't right." *

White people have nothing to be proud of, according to the left and their media. It's not like we built the greatest civilization in human history or anything...

*Falsely attributed.
Consider the person who is a member of a minority community and who would rather join the oppressors than show any solidarity to someone of their community.

Consider that minorities are not oppressed in this society and are indeed a special protected class.
protected class. .How fuckin racist/bigoted(depending) is that?

See there is the problem, they want equality but also want safe places and protected class status. It can't be both ways
What's wrong with wanting safe places? Don't you want to feel safe?

I'm not sure what you mean by safe places.

Sassy missed the thread where all the white people were complaining about Beyonce because it was supposed to be a "Safe place" lmao....Just overlooked I'm sure

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