black pride vs white pride

Black pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Black pride is a movement encouraging people to take pride in being black to various degrees.
The slogan has been used in the United States by African Americans to celebrate heritage and personal pride.

White pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
White pride is a slogan primarily used by white separatist, white nationalist, neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations to signal their racist or racialist viewpoints
Justin J. Moritz wrote that he tried to trademark the phrase "White Pride Country Wide" but it was denied for being offensive, despite that phrases like "Black Pride" and "Black Power" were trademarked


If you are white, you should be ashamed.

In the words of Barack Obama, god of all the left, "White just ain't right." *

White people have nothing to be proud of, according to the left and their media. It's not like we built the greatest civilization in human history or anything...

*Falsely attributed.
So far no one has answered my question. What do whites have to be proud of? What have you overcome due to being white?
Consider the person who is a member of a minority community and who would rather join the oppressors than show any solidarity to someone of their community.

Consider that minorities are not oppressed in this society and are indeed a special protected class.
protected class. .How fuckin racist/bigoted(depending) is that?

See there is the problem, they want equality but also want safe places and protected class status. It can't be both ways
What's wrong with wanting safe places? Don't you want to feel safe?

I'm not sure what you mean by safe places.

Sassy missed the thread where all the white people were complaining about Beyonce because it was supposed to be a "Safe place" lmao....Just overlooked I'm sure
Beyonce is a threat to them?
Black pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Black pride is a movement encouraging people to take pride in being black to various degrees.
The slogan has been used in the United States by African Americans to celebrate heritage and personal pride.

White pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
White pride is a slogan primarily used by white separatist, white nationalist, neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations to signal their racist or racialist viewpoints
Justin J. Moritz wrote that he tried to trademark the phrase "White Pride Country Wide" but it was denied for being offensive, despite that phrases like "Black Pride" and "Black Power" were trademarked


If you are white, you should be ashamed.

In the words of Barack Obama, god of all the left, "White just ain't right." *

White people have nothing to be proud of, according to the left and their media. It's not like we built the greatest civilization in human history or anything...

*Falsely attributed.
So far no one has answered my question. What do whites have to be proud of? What have you overcome due to being white?
White privilege. We're proud of that.
Consider the person who is a member of a minority community and who would rather join the oppressors than show any solidarity to someone of their community.

Consider that minorities are not oppressed in this society and are indeed a special protected class.
protected class. .How fuckin racist/bigoted(depending) is that?

See there is the problem, they want equality but also want safe places and protected class status. It can't be both ways
What's wrong with wanting safe places? Don't you want to feel safe?

I'm not sure what you mean by safe places.

Sassy missed the thread where all the white people were complaining about Beyonce because it was supposed to be a "Safe place" lmao....Just overlooked I'm sure
The whining of whites is reaching a crescendo. The racist ones will rupture an artery in their heads if this goes on much longer. They need some sort of victory. :laugh:
Black pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Black pride is a movement encouraging people to take pride in being black to various degrees.
The slogan has been used in the United States by African Americans to celebrate heritage and personal pride.

White pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
White pride is a slogan primarily used by white separatist, white nationalist, neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations to signal their racist or racialist viewpoints
Justin J. Moritz wrote that he tried to trademark the phrase "White Pride Country Wide" but it was denied for being offensive, despite that phrases like "Black Pride" and "Black Power" were trademarked


If you are white, you should be ashamed.

In the words of Barack Obama, god of all the left, "White just ain't right." *

White people have nothing to be proud of, according to the left and their media. It's not like we built the greatest civilization in human history or anything...

*Falsely attributed.
So far no one has answered my question. What do whites have to be proud of? What have you overcome due to being white?

Not only did I answer it, but the post you just "responded to" pointed out that we built the "greatest civilization in human history".

So why are you lying?
Consider that minorities are not oppressed in this society and are indeed a special protected class.
protected class. .How fuckin racist/bigoted(depending) is that?

See there is the problem, they want equality but also want safe places and protected class status. It can't be both ways
What's wrong with wanting safe places? Don't you want to feel safe?

I'm not sure what you mean by safe places.

Sassy missed the thread where all the white people were complaining about Beyonce because it was supposed to be a "Safe place" lmao....Just overlooked I'm sure
Beyonce is a threat to them?

Apparently her negro dance moves, dance team and style was super offensive to them and they said the SB was supposed to be a safe place. I think when it came on a big Michael Clark Duncan negro was holding their eyes open and they werent allowed to look away. The Horror!:eek:
There it is again...They feel shame and say others are at fault for their shame lmao

Who is "they?"

The racist left demands that whites are inferior and should feel shame. You mindless bigots spew hate 24/7 against white people, Obama Akbar.

But you're not divisive, not you race hate morons..
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"what have whites done"
Stupidest fuckin question of the day.
And that even includes Bonzis threads!
Black pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Black pride is a movement encouraging people to take pride in being black to various degrees.
The slogan has been used in the United States by African Americans to celebrate heritage and personal pride.

White pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
White pride is a slogan primarily used by white separatist, white nationalist, neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations to signal their racist or racialist viewpoints
Justin J. Moritz wrote that he tried to trademark the phrase "White Pride Country Wide" but it was denied for being offensive, despite that phrases like "Black Pride" and "Black Power" were trademarked

What is confusing you?
The double standards are fuckin pathetic.
A black person proud to be black is an encouragement. A white person proud to be white is a goddamn NAZI.
Its bullshit. And racist as fuck.
The white person's predecessors repressed freedoms for the black person's predecessors. The white person's "white pride" is pride of being the repressor class. The black person's "black pride" is the pride of being the survivor of white repression.

Who is more noble? The repressor the repressed?
Black pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Black pride is a movement encouraging people to take pride in being black to various degrees.
The slogan has been used in the United States by African Americans to celebrate heritage and personal pride.

White pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
White pride is a slogan primarily used by white separatist, white nationalist, neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations to signal their racist or racialist viewpoints
Justin J. Moritz wrote that he tried to trademark the phrase "White Pride Country Wide" but it was denied for being offensive, despite that phrases like "Black Pride" and "Black Power" were trademarked


If you are white, you should be ashamed.

In the words of Barack Obama, god of all the left, "White just ain't right." *

White people have nothing to be proud of, according to the left and their media. It's not like we built the greatest civilization in human history or anything...

*Falsely attributed.
So far no one has answered my question. What do whites have to be proud of? What have you overcome due to being white?

How about surviving several die offs over a 1500 year period and still managing to achieve a technological advantage and take over the world?
Boy, racism against whites and Trump threads sure do get em riled up :lol:

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