black pride vs white pride

The white person's predecessors repressed freedoms for the black person's predecessors. The white person's "white pride" is pride of being the repressor class. The black person's "black pride" is the pride of being the survivor of white repression.

Who is more noble? The repressor the repressed?

Is that right, you racist fuck?

I hold no particular pride over the tone of my skin. Should another, it is irrelevant to me.

BUT you racist scum demand that one should be proud of their skin and another be ashamed.

Tell you what you race baiting pimp, you point to the person in this forum who has had black slaves and I will agree that they should be ashamed. Not for their skin color, but for their acts.

Now racist bigots like you, who attack purely on the skin color of others should be just as ashamed, I know that I'm ashamed that you are an American, and that there are other Americans who share your diseased thinking.
Your response is curious and revealing. I am white, but it's not my complexion I'm proud of, it's my nation I'm proud of. And I don't think it's my place as a white man to point out white pride. What has my complexion have to do with anything other than point out that it was white folks who held black folks first as slaves and I hen as a repressed class in this nation. Whiteness for whiteness' sake is a sign of a lost and confused race who believed fervently that blackness was a sign of inferiority. Of that attitude, I am ashamed.

Stirring that pot of shame accomplishes nothing good.
What is confusing you?
The double standards are fuckin pathetic.
A black person proud to be black is an encouragement. A white person proud to be white is a goddamn NAZI.
Its bullshit. And racist as fuck.
The white person's predecessors repressed freedoms for the black person's predecessors. The white person's "white pride" is pride of being the repressor class. The black person's "black pride" is the pride of being the survivor of white repression.

Who is more noble? The repressor the repressed?
Yep. white people have NEVER been repressed or held in slavery.
If you want to make an equivalent case for white repression and slavery in this country, be my guest.
Whites were enslaved in this country but not because they were white. Repressed? Never.
Whites were ewpewssed, but not because of race but class. Check the West Virginia coal mine wars of the early 20rh century or the Homestead Pennsylvania steel workers strike, or check the events of May 4, 1970.

It's just unfortunate that the Black person has a different complexion. It makes them easy targets for repression.
What is confusing you?
The double standards are fuckin pathetic.
A black person proud to be black is an encouragement. A white person proud to be white is a goddamn NAZI.
Its bullshit. And racist as fuck.
The white person's predecessors repressed freedoms for the black person's predecessors. The white person's "white pride" is pride of being the repressor class. The black person's "black pride" is the pride of being the survivor of white repression.

Who is more noble? The repressor the repressed?
Yep. white people have NEVER been repressed or held in slavery.
If you want to make an equivalent case for white repression and slavery in this country, be my guest.
Whites were enslaved in this country but not because they were white. Repressed? Never.
vandal kingdom, Reconquista, destruction of the Byzantine empire and the mongol invasions of the Slavic people.
Nice try
The white person's predecessors repressed freedoms for the black person's predecessors. The white person's "white pride" is pride of being the repressor class. The black person's "black pride" is the pride of being the survivor of white repression.

Who is more noble? The repressor the repressed?

Is that right, you racist fuck?

I hold no particular pride over the tone of my skin. Should another, it is irrelevant to me.

BUT you racist scum demand that one should be proud of their skin and another be ashamed.

Tell you what you race baiting pimp, you point to the person in this forum who has had black slaves and I will agree that they should be ashamed. Not for their skin color, but for their acts.

Now racist bigots like you, who attack purely on the skin color of others should be just as ashamed, I know that I'm ashamed that you are an American, and that there are other Americans who share your diseased thinking.
Your response is curious and revealing. I am white, but it's not my complexion I'm proud of, it's my nation I'm proud of. And I don't think it's my place as a white man to point out white pride. What has my complexion have to do with anything other than point out that it was white folks who held black folks first as slaves and I hen as a repressed class in this nation. Whiteness for whiteness' sake is a sign of a lost and confused race who believed fervently that blackness was a sign of inferiority. Of that attitude, I am ashamed.

Stirring that pot of shame accomplishes nothing good.

It is interesting that you reject the idea that as a white person you should point out anything that Whites should be proud of

AND THEN immediately, as a white person, point out something wrong that White People did.

Indeed, you have answered your own question.

Our culture is such, now, that Whites are conditioned to NOT feel pride in our culture and heritage and our massive accomplishments, but instead to focus on the negatives and to feel shame.

It is modern liberalism that is thus "stirring the pot of shame."

This is unhealthy for a number of reasons.

The obvious solution is to reject being held responsible for past injustices and to be proud of past accomplishments.

For being proud of past accomplishments is completely harmless,

while allowing yourself to be held responsible for past sins often carries a very high price.
Black pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Black pride is a movement encouraging people to take pride in being black to various degrees.
The slogan has been used in the United States by African Americans to celebrate heritage and personal pride.

White pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
White pride is a slogan primarily used by white separatist, white nationalist, neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations to signal their racist or racialist viewpoints
Justin J. Moritz wrote that he tried to trademark the phrase "White Pride Country Wide" but it was denied for being offensive, despite that phrases like "Black Pride" and "Black Power" were trademarked


If you are white, you should be ashamed.

In the words of Barack Obama, god of all the left, "White just ain't right." *

White people have nothing to be proud of, according to the left and their media. It's not like we built the greatest civilization in human history or anything...

*Falsely attributed.
So far no one has answered my question. What do whites have to be proud of? What have you overcome due to being white?

How about surviving several die offs over a 1500 year period and still managing to achieve a technological advantage and take over the world?
You survived die offs because you were white? Thats stupid. All races have survived die offs. You achieved technological advantage because you were white or because people from all over the globe rescued whites from regressing back to the stone age?

No, you're stupid. I said Europe survived die offs. You came back "you did it because you're white?". Whites did survive that and managed to kick a little ass along the way. You asked and you were answered. What have your people done? I already know the answer, it's Nothing.
Black pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Black pride is a movement encouraging people to take pride in being black to various degrees.
The slogan has been used in the United States by African Americans to celebrate heritage and personal pride.

White pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
White pride is a slogan primarily used by white separatist, white nationalist, neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations to signal their racist or racialist viewpoints
Justin J. Moritz wrote that he tried to trademark the phrase "White Pride Country Wide" but it was denied for being offensive, despite that phrases like "Black Pride" and "Black Power" were trademarked


If you are white, you should be ashamed.

In the words of Barack Obama, god of all the left, "White just ain't right." *

White people have nothing to be proud of, according to the left and their media. It's not like we built the greatest civilization in human history or anything...

*Falsely attributed.
So far no one has answered my question. What do whites have to be proud of? What have you overcome due to being white?

How about surviving several die offs over a 1500 year period and still managing to achieve a technological advantage and take over the world?
You survived die offs because you were white? Thats stupid. All races have survived die offs. You achieved technological advantage because you were white or because people from all over the globe rescued whites from regressing back to the stone age?

No, you're stupid. I said Europe survived die offs. You came back "you did it because you're white?". Whites did survive that and managed to kick a little ass along the way. You asked and you were answered. What have your people done? I already know the answer, it's Nothing.
Its stupid to say europe survived die offs because they were white. Other races survived die offs and they werent white. How did whites manage to kick ass? Is that a reference to my point that genocide and murder is among the causes of your white pride? My people taught your people to be civilized...twice just for starters. However, thats not the point so stop deflecting.
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The white person's predecessors repressed freedoms for the black person's predecessors. The white person's "white pride" is pride of being the repressor class. The black person's "black pride" is the pride of being the survivor of white repression.

Who is more noble? The repressor the repressed?

Is that right, you racist fuck?

I hold no particular pride over the tone of my skin. Should another, it is irrelevant to me.

BUT you racist scum demand that one should be proud of their skin and another be ashamed.

Tell you what you race baiting pimp, you point to the person in this forum who has had black slaves and I will agree that they should be ashamed. Not for their skin color, but for their acts.

Now racist bigots like you, who attack purely on the skin color of others should be just as ashamed, I know that I'm ashamed that you are an American, and that there are other Americans who share your diseased thinking.
Your response is curious and revealing. I am white, but it's not my complexion I'm proud of, it's my nation I'm proud of. And I don't think it's my place as a white man to point out white pride. What has my complexion have to do with anything other than point out that it was white folks who held black folks first as slaves and I hen as a repressed class in this nation. Whiteness for whiteness' sake is a sign of a lost and confused race who believed fervently that blackness was a sign of inferiority. Of that attitude, I am ashamed.

Stirring that pot of shame accomplishes nothing good.
It gives them something to ease their inferiority complex.
If you are white, you should be ashamed.

In the words of Barack Obama, god of all the left, "White just ain't right." *

White people have nothing to be proud of, according to the left and their media. It's not like we built the greatest civilization in human history or anything...

*Falsely attributed.
So far no one has answered my question. What do whites have to be proud of? What have you overcome due to being white?

How about surviving several die offs over a 1500 year period and still managing to achieve a technological advantage and take over the world?
You survived die offs because you were white? Thats stupid. All races have survived die offs. You achieved technological advantage because you were white or because people from all over the globe rescued whites from regressing back to the stone age?

No, you're stupid. I said Europe survived die offs. You came back "you did it because you're white?". Whites did survive that and managed to kick a little ass along the way. You asked and you were answered. What have your people done? I already know the answer, it's Nothing.
Its stupid to say europe survived die offs because they were white. Other races survived die offs and they werent white. How did whites manage to kick ass? Is that a reference to my point that genocide and murder is among the cause of your pride? My people taught your people to be civilized...twice just for starters. However, thats not the point so stop deflecting.
Tell that to Africans.
So far no one has answered my question. What do whites have to be proud of? What have you overcome due to being white?

How about surviving several die offs over a 1500 year period and still managing to achieve a technological advantage and take over the world?
You survived die offs because you were white? Thats stupid. All races have survived die offs. You achieved technological advantage because you were white or because people from all over the globe rescued whites from regressing back to the stone age?

No, you're stupid. I said Europe survived die offs. You came back "you did it because you're white?". Whites did survive that and managed to kick a little ass along the way. You asked and you were answered. What have your people done? I already know the answer, it's Nothing.
Its stupid to say europe survived die offs because they were white. Other races survived die offs and they werent white. How did whites manage to kick ass? Is that a reference to my point that genocide and murder is among the cause of your pride? My people taught your people to be civilized...twice just for starters. However, thats not the point so stop deflecting.
Tell that to Africans.
I dont have to. They are the ones that informed me and showed me the proof.
The white person's predecessors repressed freedoms for the black person's predecessors. The white person's "white pride" is pride of being the repressor class. The black person's "black pride" is the pride of being the survivor of white repression.

Who is more noble? The repressor the repressed?
You're an idiot. My family hasn't owned slaves unless it was back in Roman days, may have been slaves themselves. Many blacks in the US (about 40% last I heard) do not come from North American slaves. You exemplify the problem and why so many are stuck on stupid, they think they are a race instead of a person.
Your response is curious and revealing. I am white,

I don't give a fuck what color you are, you are a race baiting pimp.

You judge others on the color of their skin, that is not my way.

I judge others on their character, and let's face it, you have none.

but it's not my complexion I'm proud of, it's my nation I'm proud of. And I don't think it's my place as a white man to point out white pride. What has my complexion have to do with anything other than point out that it was white folks who held black folks first as slaves and I hen as a repressed class in this nation. Whiteness for whiteness' sake is a sign of a lost and confused race who believed fervently that blackness was a sign of inferiority. Of that attitude, I am ashamed.

Stirring that pot of shame accomplishes nothing good.

But blackness for blackness sake is sign of superiority?


Racist fuck.
Over a million Blacks have gone to war to keep a country free that enslaved and jim crowed them.

I suppose you were enslaved? Were you forced to wok in the hot sun and pick cotton?
Why would you think I was enslaved? Why would you think I was forced to work in the hot sun and pick cotton?

You have stated that you were a soldier and in post #152 you stated that over a million Blacks had gone to war that had been enslaved. I simply had to conclude that you were one of the million that had been enslaved but had gone to war.
Over a million Blacks have gone to war to keep a country free that enslaved and jim crowed them.

I suppose you were enslaved? Were you forced to wok in the hot sun and pick cotton?
Why would you think I was enslaved? Why would you think I was forced to work in the hot sun and pick cotton?

You have stated that you were a soldier and in post #152 you stated that over a million Blacks had gone to war that had been enslaved. I simply had to conclude that you were one of the million that had been enslaved but had gone to war.
No stupid. Read the post again to locate your error.
Over a million Blacks have gone to war to keep a country free that enslaved and jim crowed them.

I suppose you were enslaved? Were you forced to wok in the hot sun and pick cotton?
Why would you think I was enslaved? Why would you think I was forced to work in the hot sun and pick cotton?

You have stated that you were a soldier and in post #152 you stated that over a million Blacks had gone to war that had been enslaved. I simply had to conclude that you were one of the million that had been enslaved but had gone to war.
No stupid. Read the post again to locate your error.

So, then the real truth of it is that you're just another Black racist.
Over a million Blacks have gone to war to keep a country free that enslaved and jim crowed them.

I suppose you were enslaved? Were you forced to wok in the hot sun and pick cotton?
Why would you think I was enslaved? Why would you think I was forced to work in the hot sun and pick cotton?

You have stated that you were a soldier and in post #152 you stated that over a million Blacks had gone to war that had been enslaved. I simply had to conclude that you were one of the million that had been enslaved but had gone to war.
No stupid. Read the post again to locate your error.

So, then the real truth of it is that you're just another Black racist.
If that makes you feel better...sure.

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