black pride vs white pride

Black pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Black pride is a movement encouraging people to take pride in being black to various degrees.
The slogan has been used in the United States by African Americans to celebrate heritage and personal pride.

White pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
White pride is a slogan primarily used by white separatist, white nationalist, neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations to signal their racist or racialist viewpoints
Justin J. Moritz wrote that he tried to trademark the phrase "White Pride Country Wide" but it was denied for being offensive, despite that phrases like "Black Pride" and "Black Power" were trademarked

What is confusing you?
The double standards are fuckin pathetic.
A black person proud to be black is an encouragement. A white person proud to be white is a goddamn NAZI.
Its bullshit. And racist as fuck.
The white person's predecessors repressed freedoms for the black person's predecessors. The white person's "white pride" is pride of being the repressor class. The black person's "black pride" is the pride of being the survivor of white repression.

Who is more noble? The repressor the repressed?
Yep. white people have NEVER been repressed or held in slavery.
Sassy missed the thread where all the white people were complaining about Beyonce because it was supposed to be a "Safe place" lmao....Just overlooked I'm sure

You know, I didn't miss that thread, and can safely say you're lying, as usual.

Oh lawdy, I dun committed a micro-agression..

Just thought the Super Bowl was a safe space to unite us all and not have the silly #BlackLivesMatter bullshit shoved in our faces again.

Guess not.

There it is again...They feel shame and say others are at fault for their shame lmao

Who is "they?"

The racist left demands that whites are inferior and should feel shame. You mindless bigots spew hate 24/7 against white people, Obama Akbar.

But you're not decisive, not you race hate morons..

The Eskimos

The crack

Standard Disclaimer: I can only assume the question is "Why did CC toss out random words not associated with the subject?"
Black pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Black pride is a movement encouraging people to take pride in being black to various degrees.
The slogan has been used in the United States by African Americans to celebrate heritage and personal pride.

White pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
White pride is a slogan primarily used by white separatist, white nationalist, neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations to signal their racist or racialist viewpoints
Justin J. Moritz wrote that he tried to trademark the phrase "White Pride Country Wide" but it was denied for being offensive, despite that phrases like "Black Pride" and "Black Power" were trademarked


If you are white, you should be ashamed.

In the words of Barack Obama, god of all the left, "White just ain't right." *

White people have nothing to be proud of, according to the left and their media. It's not like we built the greatest civilization in human history or anything...

*Falsely attributed.
So far no one has answered my question. What do whites have to be proud of? What have you overcome due to being white?

How about surviving several die offs over a 1500 year period and still managing to achieve a technological advantage and take over the world?
You survived die offs because you were white? Thats stupid. All races have survived die offs. You achieved technological advantage because you were white or because people from all over the globe rescued whites from regressing back to the stone age?
There it is again...They feel shame and say others are at fault for their shame lmao

Who is "they?"

The racist left demands that whites are inferior and should feel shame. You mindless bigots spew hate 24/7 against white people, Obama Akbar.

But you're not decisive, not you race hate morons..

The Eskimos

The crack

Standard Disclaimer: I can only assume the question is "Why did CC toss out random words not associated with the subject?"

You asked who are they. I answered.

If you know the Eskimos is not the right answer then you know exactly who the "They" we are referring to. Just thought I'd be cute with you since you wanted to play dumb
Boy, racism against whites and Trump threads sure do get em riled up :lol:

OP would have you believe he's not really a white supremacist, he's just trolling for reactions. :rolleyes:

white supremacist cowards are like that, but whatcha gonna dooooooo?

The double standards are fuckin pathetic.
A black person proud to be black is an encouragement. A white person proud to be white is a goddamn NAZI.
Its bullshit. And racist as fuck.
Black pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Black pride is a movement encouraging people to take pride in being black to various degrees.
The slogan has been used in the United States by African Americans to celebrate heritage and personal pride.

White pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
White pride is a slogan primarily used by white separatist, white nationalist, neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations to signal their racist or racialist viewpoints
Justin J. Moritz wrote that he tried to trademark the phrase "White Pride Country Wide" but it was denied for being offensive, despite that phrases like "Black Pride" and "Black Power" were trademarked

What is confusing you?
The double standards are fuckin pathetic.
A black person proud to be black is an encouragement. A white person proud to be white is a goddamn NAZI.
Its bullshit. And racist as fuck.
The white person's predecessors repressed freedoms for the black person's predecessors. The white person's "white pride" is pride of being the repressor class. The black person's "black pride" is the pride of being the survivor of white repression.

Who is more noble? The repressor the repressed?
Yep. white people have NEVER been repressed or held in slavery.
When were they held in slavery because they were white?
The white person's predecessors repressed freedoms for the black person's predecessors. The white person's "white pride" is pride of being the repressor class. The black person's "black pride" is the pride of being the survivor of white repression.

Who is more noble? The repressor the repressed?

Is that right, you racist fuck?

I hold no particular pride over the tone of my skin. Should another, it is irrelevant to me.

BUT you racist scum demand that one should be proud of their skin and another be ashamed.

Tell you what you race baiting pimp, you point to the person in this forum who has had black slaves and I will agree that they should be ashamed. Not for their skin color, but for their acts.

Now racist bigots like you, who attack purely on the skin color of others should be just as ashamed, I know that I'm ashamed that you are an American, and that there are other Americans who share your diseased thinking.
There it is again...They feel shame and say others are at fault for their shame lmao

Who is "they?"

The racist left demands that whites are inferior and should feel shame. You mindless bigots spew hate 24/7 against white people, Obama Akbar.

But you're not decisive, not you race hate morons..

The Eskimos

The crack

Standard Disclaimer: I can only assume the question is "Why did CC toss out random words not associated with the subject?"

You asked who are they. I answered.

If you know the Eskimos is not the right answer then you know exactly who the "They" we are referring to. Just thought I'd be cute with you since you wanted to play dumb
The white racists started something they cant finish so they are deflecting. So far not one white person has told me what they have to be proud of because they are white. The facts are that their only accomplishments involve genocide, war, murder, lying, and slavery that can be contributed to them being white.
how is this statement is not true..?

White pride is a slogan primarily used by white separatist, white nationalist, neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations to signal their racist or racialist viewpoints

WTF History?

Just because there have been countless heinous acts committed in the name of White Pride doesnt mean history should be taken into account here. Things can mean something other than their....uh, meaning? :itsok:


How is this statement not true, Rati?

Black pride is a slogan primarily used by black separatist, black nationalist, neo-Communist and black supremacist organizations to signal their racist or racialist viewpoints
cowards use sock puppets to hide their racism from their imaginary e-friends...
how is this statement is not true..?

White pride is a slogan primarily used by white separatist, white nationalist, neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations to signal their racist or racialist viewpoints
I am proud to be white and I am none of those. Try again?
What are you proud of? Be specific.
Whites are the most civilized peoples on earth.
A shorter list would be "what am I NOT proud of?"

Good one. No seriously. Be specific.
how is this statement is not true..?

White pride is a slogan primarily used by white separatist, white nationalist, neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations to signal their racist or racialist viewpoints
I am proud to be white and I am none of those. Try again?
What are you proud of? Be specific.
Whites are the most civilized peoples on earth.
A shorter list would be "what am I NOT proud of?"

Good one. No seriously. Be specific.

He was serious.

I gave you a short and not inclusive answer with "the modern world".

And you are pretending that your questions have not been answered.

YOu are not fooling anyone, except perhaps yourself.
Black pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Black pride is a movement encouraging people to take pride in being black to various degrees.
The slogan has been used in the United States by African Americans to celebrate heritage and personal pride.

White pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
White pride is a slogan primarily used by white separatist, white nationalist, neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations to signal their racist or racialist viewpoints
Justin J. Moritz wrote that he tried to trademark the phrase "White Pride Country Wide" but it was denied for being offensive, despite that phrases like "Black Pride" and "Black Power" were trademarked

What is confusing you?
The double standards are fuckin pathetic.
A black person proud to be black is an encouragement. A white person proud to be white is a goddamn NAZI.
Its bullshit. And racist as fuck.
The white person's predecessors repressed freedoms for the black person's predecessors. The white person's "white pride" is pride of being the repressor class. The black person's "black pride" is the pride of being the survivor of white repression.

Who is more noble? The repressor the repressed?
Yep. white people have NEVER been repressed or held in slavery.
If you want to make an equivalent case for white repression and slavery in this country, be my guest.
Black pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Black pride is a movement encouraging people to take pride in being black to various degrees.
The slogan has been used in the United States by African Americans to celebrate heritage and personal pride.

White pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
White pride is a slogan primarily used by white separatist, white nationalist, neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations to signal their racist or racialist viewpoints
Justin J. Moritz wrote that he tried to trademark the phrase "White Pride Country Wide" but it was denied for being offensive, despite that phrases like "Black Pride" and "Black Power" were trademarked

What is confusing you?
The double standards are fuckin pathetic.
A black person proud to be black is an encouragement. A white person proud to be white is a goddamn NAZI.
Its bullshit. And racist as fuck.
The white person's predecessors repressed freedoms for the black person's predecessors. The white person's "white pride" is pride of being the repressor class. The black person's "black pride" is the pride of being the survivor of white repression.

Who is more noble? The repressor the repressed?
Yep. white people have NEVER been repressed or held in slavery.
If you want to make an equivalent case for white repression and slavery in this country, be my guest.
Whites were enslaved in this country but not because they were white. Repressed? Never.

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