Black Skin Privilege

squeeze berry

Gold Member
Nov 9, 2010
As it happens, the term “white skin privilege” was first popularized in the 1970s by the SDS radicals of “Weatherman,” who were carrying on a terrorist war against “Amerikkka,” a spelling designed to stigmatize the United States as a nation of Klansmen. Led by presidential friends, Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn, the Weather terrorists called on other whites to renounce their privilege and join a global race war already in progress.

In fact, for decades, at the hands of progressives white males have been the prime villains in the nation’s classrooms, and the principal targets of disapprobation and presumptive guilt in the general political culture as well. Not that long ago the nation witnessed a public scandal as racially charged as the Trayvon Martin case in the public lynching of three white male students at Duke University. Like other institutions of higher learning, Duke prides itself on its racial tolerance. There are no more sacred principles on campuses generally than racial tolerance, diversity and inclusion. As everyone knows, however, but few will take the risk to observe, these principles extend to every race but whites.

Black Skin Privilege
"There were lynchings in the Midwestern and Western states, mostly of Asians, Mexicans, and Native Americans. But it was in the South that lynching evolved into a semiofficial institution of racial terror against blacks. All across the former Confederacy, blacks who were suspected of crimes against whites—or even "offenses" no greater than failing to step aside for a white man's car or protesting a lynching—were tortured, hanged and burned to death by the thousands. In a prefatory essay in Without Sanctuary, historian Leon F. Litwack writes that between 1882 and 1968, at least 4,742 African Americans were murdered that way.

Lynching in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"There were lynchings in the Midwestern and Western states, mostly of Asians, Mexicans, and Native Americans. But it was in the South that lynching evolved into a semiofficial institution of racial terror against blacks. All across the former Confederacy, blacks who were suspected of crimes against whites—or even "offenses" no greater than failing to step aside for a white man's car or protesting a lynching—were tortured, hanged and burned to death by the thousands. In a prefatory essay in Without Sanctuary, historian Leon F. Litwack writes that between 1882 and 1968, at least 4,742 African Americans were murdered that way.

Lynching in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here are more unsettling statistics buried deep in the DOJ’s new crime report; there has been a large increase in the rate of violent victimizations for whites, Hispanics and younger people. That means white non-Hispanics and Hispanics experienced an increase in violent victimization rates, while the rate for black non-Hispanics was stable, according to the DOJ stats.

Obama DOJ: Growth in Violent Crimes Against Whites | Judicial Watch
white males have been the prime villains in the nation’s classrooms

I don't you think that could have anything to do with the fact that white men forced 20 million African people into slavery?

Holland, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, England, Denmark and the UK have an obligation to teach young people the facts of how, for almost 500 years, they perpetrated a trade of inhumanity, ignorance and hatred.

I don't think young American people need feel guilty about slavery - I think young American people should be aware of slavery.
Here are more unsettling statistics buried deep in the DOJ’s new crime report; there has been a large increase in the rate of violent victimizations for whites, Hispanics and younger people. That means white non-Hispanics and Hispanics experienced an increase in violent victimization rates, while the rate for black non-Hispanics was stable, according to the DOJ stats.

I'm sorry to hear that, and I hope more is done to ensure the crime wave comes to and end.

I'm not sorry that young white Americans have to sit and squirm on their school chairs as they hear that their forefathers not only lynched innocent people - they took pictures and sold them as postcards.
Here are more unsettling statistics buried deep in the DOJ’s new crime report; there has been a large increase in the rate of violent victimizations for whites, Hispanics and younger people. That means white non-Hispanics and Hispanics experienced an increase in violent victimization rates, while the rate for black non-Hispanics was stable, according to the DOJ stats.

I'm sorry to hear that, and I hope more is done to ensure the crime wave comes to and end.

I'm not sorry that young white Americans have to sit and squirm on their school chairs as they hear that their forefathers not only lynched innocent people - they took pictures and sold them as postcards.
I am white and American and I know for a fact my forefathers did no such thing. Even if they had, I would not feel guilty as I have not either. If you feel guilty, that is your affair. The sanctimonious mongering of guilt with the idea if you don't feel it you are racist is pretty sleazy, at least in my opinion.
As it happens, the term “white skin privilege” was first popularized in the 1970s by the SDS radicals of “Weatherman,” who were carrying on a terrorist war against “Amerikkka,” a spelling designed to stigmatize the United States as a nation of Klansmen. Led by presidential friends, Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn, the Weather terrorists called on other whites to renounce their privilege and join a global race war already in progress.

In fact, for decades, at the hands of progressives white males have been the prime villains in the nation’s classrooms, and the principal targets of disapprobation and presumptive guilt in the general political culture as well. Not that long ago the nation witnessed a public scandal as racially charged as the Trayvon Martin case in the public lynching of three white male students at Duke University. Like other institutions of higher learning, Duke prides itself on its racial tolerance. There are no more sacred principles on campuses generally than racial tolerance, diversity and inclusion. As everyone knows, however, but few will take the risk to observe, these principles extend to every race but whites.

Black Skin Privilege

You may be surprised to learn that to some extent I agree with you on this complaint.

To say that White MEN control most of the world is not stretch.

To imagine that all White males are therefore coddled by this system is demonstrably false.

In 2011, 9.8% of non-Hispanic whites (19.2 million) lived in poverty and 4.4% in deep poverty; Poverty in the United States: A Snapshot | National Center for Law and Economic Justice

49% of those living below the offical poverty line (roughly 9, 500,000) of those folks happen to be White males.

While there is no doubt that White males are , on the whole, slightly better off than white females (again, on the whole) if one breaks down those figures by age?

YOUNG White males are , on average, now doing less well than their contemporary female counterparts in such metrics as

1. going to college
2. incomes after college
3. finding work in middle management
4. suicides
5. Life expectency

The single demographic group who most benefited from the last 30+ years of Affirmative was?

White middle class and upper middle class women.
As it happens, the term “white skin privilege” was first popularized in the 1970s by the SDS radicals of “Weatherman,” who were carrying on a terrorist war against “Amerikkka,” a spelling designed to stigmatize the United States as a nation of Klansmen. Led by presidential friends, Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn, the Weather terrorists called on other whites to renounce their privilege and join a global race war already in progress.

In fact, for decades, at the hands of progressives white males have been the prime villains in the nation’s classrooms, and the principal targets of disapprobation and presumptive guilt in the general political culture as well. Not that long ago the nation witnessed a public scandal as racially charged as the Trayvon Martin case in the public lynching of three white male students at Duke University. Like other institutions of higher learning, Duke prides itself on its racial tolerance. There are no more sacred principles on campuses generally than racial tolerance, diversity and inclusion. As everyone knows, however, but few will take the risk to observe, these principles extend to every race but whites.

Black Skin Privilege

I take it that you didn't vote for Obama? So, Romney then, right?
Here are more unsettling statistics buried deep in the DOJ’s new crime report; there has been a large increase in the rate of violent victimizations for whites, Hispanics and younger people. That means white non-Hispanics and Hispanics experienced an increase in violent victimization rates, while the rate for black non-Hispanics was stable, according to the DOJ stats.

I'm sorry to hear that, and I hope more is done to ensure the crime wave comes to and end.

I'm not sorry that young white Americans have to sit and squirm on their school chairs as they hear that their forefathers not only lynched innocent people - they took pictures and sold them as postcards.

I seriously doubt my forefathers did anything like that and while we are mentioning those thigs why not mention the black on white crime rate too?

someone else needs to squirm in their chairs
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=squeeze berry;7002858

I seriously doubt my forefathers did anything like that and while we are mentioning those thigs why not mention the black on white crime rate too?

someone else needs to squirm in their chairs

They may not have been members of your immediate family, but very obviously tens of thousands of American people were directly involved in slavery, and thousands more were involved in the KKK, lynchings and racism.

I agree that black-on-white crime could be taught in school, but it has to be done within the context of a greater history.
=squeeze berry;7002858

I seriously doubt my forefathers did anything like that and while we are mentioning those thigs why not mention the black on white crime rate too?

someone else needs to squirm in their chairs

They may not have been members of your immediate family, but very obviously tens of thousands of American people were directly involved in slavery, and thousands more were involved in the KKK, lynchings and racism.

I agree that black-on-white crime could be taught in school, but it has to be done within the context of a greater history.
Look, it's insisting all blacks feel guilty for the murder of that baby in Georgia and the thousands of other murders, rapes and so on that blacks commit in obscenely high rates today. Likewise, very few whites owned slaves, fewer were involved in the trade and an infinitesimally small number ever lynched anyone. With that in mind, I suggest you take your guilt mongering and shove it where the sun don't shine, and I mean Finland in the summer, not winter.
Meathead -

Responsibility is not the same as guilt.

The people of Holland, Portugal, Sweden etc should all be aware of what their forefathers did, and take responsibility at a societal level for that (in the sense of understanding it and not denying it). That does not mean they need feel guilt or any kind of personal responsibility.

very few whites owned slaves, fewer were involved in the trade

We may have a different understanding the term "few".

Some 600 shipments of slaves sailed to what is now the US, I believe. Consider how many people were involved as crews, bankers, ship owners and ship builders, as legislators who backed the trade and the many people who bought slaves - including some founding fathers.
white males have been the prime villains in the nation’s classrooms

I don't you think that could have anything to do with the fact that white men forced 20 million African people into slavery?

Holland, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, England, Denmark and the UK have an obligation to teach young people the facts of how, for almost 500 years, they perpetrated a trade of inhumanity, ignorance and hatred.

I don't think young American people need feel guilty about slavery - I think young American people should be aware of slavery.
yeah if i was a slave i'd be pissed off too !! we need to free the slaves in America now !!:doubt:
Here are more unsettling statistics buried deep in the DOJ’s new crime report; there has been a large increase in the rate of violent victimizations for whites, Hispanics and younger people. That means white non-Hispanics and Hispanics experienced an increase in violent victimization rates, while the rate for black non-Hispanics was stable, according to the DOJ stats.

I'm sorry to hear that, and I hope more is done to ensure the crime wave comes to and end.

I'm not sorry that young white Americans have to sit and squirm on their school chairs as they hear that their forefathers not only lynched innocent people - they took pictures and sold them as postcards.
typical racist remark.
Yidnar -

What about my statement do you find historically inaccurate?
saying you have no problem with white kids squirming in their seats means that you are a racist thats all .i have a friend who was murdered in a robbery by 3 black men !! i hold their children responsible for his death .
Yidnar -

What about my statement do you find historically inaccurate?
saying you have no problem with white kids squirming in their seats means that you are a racist thats all .i have a friend who was murdered in a robbery by 3 black men !! i hold their children responsible for his death .
this is true story !! but in reality i do not hold their children responsible for his death even though their kids are more directly related to the evil bastards than i am to my great,great,great grand father !! so i guess i am not as racist as you are !!:eusa_eh:
yidnar said:
;7013832saying you have no problem with white kids squirming in their seats means that you are a racist thats all ..

No, it means that either did nor read, or did not understand, what was posted.

I am white, btw.
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Here are more unsettling statistics buried deep in the DOJ’s new crime report; there has been a large increase in the rate of violent victimizations for whites, Hispanics and younger people. That means white non-Hispanics and Hispanics experienced an increase in violent victimization rates, while the rate for black non-Hispanics was stable, according to the DOJ stats.

I'm sorry to hear that, and I hope more is done to ensure the crime wave comes to and end.

I'm not sorry that young white Americans have to sit and squirm on their school chairs as they hear that their forefathers not only lynched innocent people - they took pictures and sold them as postcards.
am i reading the second sentence in your post wrong ??:doubt:

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