Black student admits hanging ‘White Only,’ ‘Black Only’ signs near school bathrooms, water fountains

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Yeah, I'm sure she had no idea the kind of circus she would kick off by doing this. Sadly, it probably won't open any of the students' eyes who showed up at this meeting about the problems caused by knee jerk hysteria

And then, Ashley Powell, a black graduate student, stood up in the meeting to admit she had hung the signs, claiming it was part of an “art project,” The Buffalo News reports.

Students were reportedly “outraged” and “walked out” of the meeting. Other students denounced Powell’s project as “racist” and “an act of terrorism.”

Black student admits hanging ‘White Only,’ ‘Black Only’ signs near school bathrooms, water fountains
Yeah, I'm sure she had no idea the kind of circus she would kick off by doing this. Sadly, it probably won't open any of the students' eyes who showed up at this meeting about the problems caused by knee jerk hysteria

And then, Ashley Powell, a black graduate student, stood up in the meeting to admit she had hung the signs, claiming it was part of an “art project,” The Buffalo News reports.

Students were reportedly “outraged” and “walked out” of the meeting. Other students denounced Powell’s project as “racist” and “an act of terrorism.”

Black student admits hanging ‘White Only,’ ‘Black Only’ signs near school bathrooms, water fountains

MOrons, everyone mentioned in the article is a variant of moron.

You can't presume that kids/young people do something like this for the same motivations an adult would. Some of us are old enough to remember these signs when they were real. And if not we've been had at least a modicum of historical context. My first impression reading the title was here's a kid trying something for the same reason some of the posts here exist --- to see what would happen and how it would "feel". After all, for them this is a temporal abstraction.

And this is confirmed in the article:
According to the News, “the project was for a 400-level art class titled ‘Instillation: Urban Space.’ Powell said the goal of the signs and project was to see what people’s reactions would be to them.”​
Yeah, I'm sure she had no idea the kind of circus she would kick off by doing this. Sadly, it probably won't open any of the students' eyes who showed up at this meeting about the problems caused by knee jerk hysteria

And then, Ashley Powell, a black graduate student, stood up in the meeting to admit she had hung the signs, claiming it was part of an “art project,” The Buffalo News reports.

Students were reportedly “outraged” and “walked out” of the meeting. Other students denounced Powell’s project as “racist” and “an act of terrorism.”

Black student admits hanging ‘White Only,’ ‘Black Only’ signs near school bathrooms, water fountains

MOrons, everyone mentioned in the article is a variant of moron.

You can't presume that kids/young people do something like this for the same reason an adult would. Some of us are old enough to remember these signs when they were real. And if not we've been had at least a modicum of historical context. My first impression reading the title was here's a kid trying something for the same reason some of the posts here exist --- to see what would happen and how it would "feel".

And this is confirmed in the article:
According to the News, “the project was for a 400-level art class titled ‘Instillation: Urban Space.’ Powell said the goal of the signs and project was to see what people’s reactions would be to them.”​

I'm not even sure what you think I was presuming.

I read the article. I took the student at her word.

She is moron for thinking that that would be a good idea.

THe students that knee jerked and assumed that it was a racist who did it, are morons.

THe students who thought is was racist even after she gave her moronic art reason are morons.

THe university that let the matter drop because it was art were morons.
Yeah, I'm sure she had no idea the kind of circus she would kick off by doing this. Sadly, it probably won't open any of the students' eyes who showed up at this meeting about the problems caused by knee jerk hysteria

And then, Ashley Powell, a black graduate student, stood up in the meeting to admit she had hung the signs, claiming it was part of an “art project,” The Buffalo News reports.

Students were reportedly “outraged” and “walked out” of the meeting. Other students denounced Powell’s project as “racist” and “an act of terrorism.”

Black student admits hanging ‘White Only,’ ‘Black Only’ signs near school bathrooms, water fountains

MOrons, everyone mentioned in the article is a variant of moron.

You can't presume that kids/young people do something like this for the same reason an adult would. Some of us are old enough to remember these signs when they were real. And if not we've been had at least a modicum of historical context. My first impression reading the title was here's a kid trying something for the same reason some of the posts here exist --- to see what would happen and how it would "feel".

And this is confirmed in the article:
According to the News, “the project was for a 400-level art class titled ‘Instillation: Urban Space.’ Powell said the goal of the signs and project was to see what people’s reactions would be to them.”​

I'm not even sure what you think I was presuming.

I read the article. I took the student at her word.

She is moron for thinking that that would be a good idea.

THe students that knee jerked and assumed that it was a racist who did it, are morons.

THe students who thought is was racist even after she gave her moronic art reason are morons.

THe university that let the matter drop because it was art were morons.

You're missing the point. The question isn't whether it's a "good" or "bad" idea. It was an investigative idea. It's done to see what would happen. And it surely taught something about that.

The description of "art project" is appropriate here too. Art is supposed to challenge perceptions. This clearly did.
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As I said in a previous thread about this -

Its our history.

Smart girl and the reactions are very telling.
Yeah, I'm sure she had no idea the kind of circus she would kick off by doing this. Sadly, it probably won't open any of the students' eyes who showed up at this meeting about the problems caused by knee jerk hysteria

And then, Ashley Powell, a black graduate student, stood up in the meeting to admit she had hung the signs, claiming it was part of an “art project,” The Buffalo News reports.

Students were reportedly “outraged” and “walked out” of the meeting. Other students denounced Powell’s project as “racist” and “an act of terrorism.”

Black student admits hanging ‘White Only,’ ‘Black Only’ signs near school bathrooms, water fountains

MOrons, everyone mentioned in the article is a variant of moron.

You can't presume that kids/young people do something like this for the same reason an adult would. Some of us are old enough to remember these signs when they were real. And if not we've been had at least a modicum of historical context. My first impression reading the title was here's a kid trying something for the same reason some of the posts here exist --- to see what would happen and how it would "feel".

And this is confirmed in the article:
According to the News, “the project was for a 400-level art class titled ‘Instillation: Urban Space.’ Powell said the goal of the signs and project was to see what people’s reactions would be to them.”​

I'm not even sure what you think I was presuming.

I read the article. I took the student at her word.

She is moron for thinking that that would be a good idea.

THe students that knee jerked and assumed that it was a racist who did it, are morons.

THe students who thought is was racist even after she gave her moronic art reason are morons.

THe university that let the matter drop because it was art were morons.

You're missing the point. The question isn't whether it's a "good" or "bad" idea. It was an investigative idea. It's done to see what would happen. And it surely taught something about that.

It did not show what she wanted it to show.

She did not understand what it showed.

It showed nothing that anyone paying any attention didn't already know.

OUr college campuses are dominated by PC leftists who are as open minded as Stalin and twice as cuddly. Any hint of deviation or even the appearance of deviation from the Lefty party line is met with a social lynching.

She played some strong cards in her defense "art" and "non-white suffering", so she might survive.
Yeah, I'm sure she had no idea the kind of circus she would kick off by doing this. Sadly, it probably won't open any of the students' eyes who showed up at this meeting about the problems caused by knee jerk hysteria

And then, Ashley Powell, a black graduate student, stood up in the meeting to admit she had hung the signs, claiming it was part of an “art project,” The Buffalo News reports.

Students were reportedly “outraged” and “walked out” of the meeting. Other students denounced Powell’s project as “racist” and “an act of terrorism.”

Black student admits hanging ‘White Only,’ ‘Black Only’ signs near school bathrooms, water fountains

MOrons, everyone mentioned in the article is a variant of moron.

You can't presume that kids/young people do something like this for the same reason an adult would. Some of us are old enough to remember these signs when they were real. And if not we've been had at least a modicum of historical context. My first impression reading the title was here's a kid trying something for the same reason some of the posts here exist --- to see what would happen and how it would "feel".

And this is confirmed in the article:
According to the News, “the project was for a 400-level art class titled ‘Instillation: Urban Space.’ Powell said the goal of the signs and project was to see what people’s reactions would be to them.”​

I'm not even sure what you think I was presuming.

I read the article. I took the student at her word.

She is moron for thinking that that would be a good idea.

THe students that knee jerked and assumed that it was a racist who did it, are morons.

THe students who thought is was racist even after she gave her moronic art reason are morons.

THe university that let the matter drop because it was art were morons.

You're missing the point. The question isn't whether it's a "good" or "bad" idea. It was an investigative idea. It's done to see what would happen. And it surely taught something about that.

It did not show what she wanted it to show.

She did not understand what it showed.

It showed nothing that anyone paying any attention didn't already know.

OUr college campuses are dominated by PC leftists who are as open minded as Stalin and twice as cuddly. Any hint of deviation or even the appearance of deviation from the Lefty party line is met with a social lynching.

She played some strong cards in her defense "art" and "non-white suffering", so she might survive.

So you completely missed the point altogether.
None of this has anything to do with Joe Stalin. Or "leftists". Or even "PC". It's a social experiment. Which apparently flies over your head in its predisposition to comic book fantasies of commies.

Yeah, I'm sure she had no idea the kind of circus she would kick off by doing this. Sadly, it probably won't open any of the students' eyes who showed up at this meeting about the problems caused by knee jerk hysteria

MOrons, everyone mentioned in the article is a variant of moron.

You can't presume that kids/young people do something like this for the same reason an adult would. Some of us are old enough to remember these signs when they were real. And if not we've been had at least a modicum of historical context. My first impression reading the title was here's a kid trying something for the same reason some of the posts here exist --- to see what would happen and how it would "feel".

And this is confirmed in the article:
According to the News, “the project was for a 400-level art class titled ‘Instillation: Urban Space.’ Powell said the goal of the signs and project was to see what people’s reactions would be to them.”​

I'm not even sure what you think I was presuming.

I read the article. I took the student at her word.

She is moron for thinking that that would be a good idea.

THe students that knee jerked and assumed that it was a racist who did it, are morons.

THe students who thought is was racist even after she gave her moronic art reason are morons.

THe university that let the matter drop because it was art were morons.

You're missing the point. The question isn't whether it's a "good" or "bad" idea. It was an investigative idea. It's done to see what would happen. And it surely taught something about that.

It did not show what she wanted it to show.

She did not understand what it showed.

It showed nothing that anyone paying any attention didn't already know.

OUr college campuses are dominated by PC leftists who are as open minded as Stalin and twice as cuddly. Any hint of deviation or even the appearance of deviation from the Lefty party line is met with a social lynching.

She played some strong cards in her defense "art" and "non-white suffering", so she might survive.

So you completely missed the point altogether.
None of this has anything to do with Joe Stalin. Or "leftists". Or even "PC". It's a social experiment. Which apparently flies over your head in its predisposition to comic book fantasies of commies.


Fine then. YOu tell me, what was the point?
Yeah, I'm sure she had no idea the kind of circus she would kick off by doing this. Sadly, it probably won't open any of the students' eyes who showed up at this meeting about the problems caused by knee jerk hysteria

MOrons, everyone mentioned in the article is a variant of moron.

You can't presume that kids/young people do something like this for the same reason an adult would. Some of us are old enough to remember these signs when they were real. And if not we've been had at least a modicum of historical context. My first impression reading the title was here's a kid trying something for the same reason some of the posts here exist --- to see what would happen and how it would "feel".

And this is confirmed in the article:
According to the News, “the project was for a 400-level art class titled ‘Instillation: Urban Space.’ Powell said the goal of the signs and project was to see what people’s reactions would be to them.”​

I'm not even sure what you think I was presuming.

I read the article. I took the student at her word.

She is moron for thinking that that would be a good idea.

THe students that knee jerked and assumed that it was a racist who did it, are morons.

THe students who thought is was racist even after she gave her moronic art reason are morons.

THe university that let the matter drop because it was art were morons.

You're missing the point. The question isn't whether it's a "good" or "bad" idea. It was an investigative idea. It's done to see what would happen. And it surely taught something about that.

It did not show what she wanted it to show.

She did not understand what it showed.

It showed nothing that anyone paying any attention didn't already know.

OUr college campuses are dominated by PC leftists who are as open minded as Stalin and twice as cuddly. Any hint of deviation or even the appearance of deviation from the Lefty party line is met with a social lynching.

She played some strong cards in her defense "art" and "non-white suffering", so she might survive.

So you completely missed the point altogether.
None of this has anything to do with Joe Stalin. Or "leftists". Or even "PC". It's a social experiment. Which apparently flies over your head in its predisposition to comic book fantasies of commies.

Coral is a little slow. You have to excuse him. Weird how he thinks people seeing a "whites only" sign as racist is something unusual.

"My work directly involves black trauma and non-white suffering. I do not believe that there can be social healing without first coming to terms with and expressing our own pain, rage, and trauma.”
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You can't presume that kids/young people do something like this for the same reason an adult would. Some of us are old enough to remember these signs when they were real. And if not we've been had at least a modicum of historical context. My first impression reading the title was here's a kid trying something for the same reason some of the posts here exist --- to see what would happen and how it would "feel".

And this is confirmed in the article:
According to the News, “the project was for a 400-level art class titled ‘Instillation: Urban Space.’ Powell said the goal of the signs and project was to see what people’s reactions would be to them.”​

I'm not even sure what you think I was presuming.

I read the article. I took the student at her word.

She is moron for thinking that that would be a good idea.

THe students that knee jerked and assumed that it was a racist who did it, are morons.

THe students who thought is was racist even after she gave her moronic art reason are morons.

THe university that let the matter drop because it was art were morons.

You're missing the point. The question isn't whether it's a "good" or "bad" idea. It was an investigative idea. It's done to see what would happen. And it surely taught something about that.

It did not show what she wanted it to show.

She did not understand what it showed.

It showed nothing that anyone paying any attention didn't already know.

OUr college campuses are dominated by PC leftists who are as open minded as Stalin and twice as cuddly. Any hint of deviation or even the appearance of deviation from the Lefty party line is met with a social lynching.

She played some strong cards in her defense "art" and "non-white suffering", so she might survive.

So you completely missed the point altogether.
None of this has anything to do with Joe Stalin. Or "leftists". Or even "PC". It's a social experiment. Which apparently flies over your head in its predisposition to comic book fantasies of commies.

Coral is a little slow. You have to excuse him. Weird how he thinks people seeing a "whites only" sign as racist is something unusual.

"My work directly involves black trauma and non-white suffering. I do not believe that there can be social healing without first coming to terms with and expressing our own pain, rage, and trauma.”

Segregation was a long time ago.

We're kind of bored hearing about it.
I'm not even sure what you think I was presuming.

I read the article. I took the student at her word.

She is moron for thinking that that would be a good idea.

THe students that knee jerked and assumed that it was a racist who did it, are morons.

THe students who thought is was racist even after she gave her moronic art reason are morons.

THe university that let the matter drop because it was art were morons.

You're missing the point. The question isn't whether it's a "good" or "bad" idea. It was an investigative idea. It's done to see what would happen. And it surely taught something about that.

It did not show what she wanted it to show.

She did not understand what it showed.

It showed nothing that anyone paying any attention didn't already know.

OUr college campuses are dominated by PC leftists who are as open minded as Stalin and twice as cuddly. Any hint of deviation or even the appearance of deviation from the Lefty party line is met with a social lynching.

She played some strong cards in her defense "art" and "non-white suffering", so she might survive.

So you completely missed the point altogether.
None of this has anything to do with Joe Stalin. Or "leftists". Or even "PC". It's a social experiment. Which apparently flies over your head in its predisposition to comic book fantasies of commies.

Coral is a little slow. You have to excuse him. Weird how he thinks people seeing a "whites only" sign as racist is something unusual.

"My work directly involves black trauma and non-white suffering. I do not believe that there can be social healing without first coming to terms with and expressing our own pain, rage, and trauma.”

Segregation was a long time ago.

We're kind of bored hearing about it.
No one cares what you are bored hearing about. Did you really think she thought about you?

White Only sign at University of Buffalo. (Campus Reform)

Students at the University of Buffalo were outraged after “White Only” signs were posted above certain bathrooms on campus. The students said the signs were a “hate crime, an act of terrorism.”
ABC27 reported:

Students at the University at Buffalo found signs reading “White Only” posted near restrooms and water fountains Wednesday morning.

“It brought up feelings of the past of a past that our generation has never seen which I think is why it was so shocking for us to see,” said Micah Oliver, the President for the Black Student Union.

He said emotions were running high as the club had more than 100 students turn out to their regular meeting Wednesday night to discuss the signs.

“There was fear expressed, anger, disappointment – all of that,” said Oliver.

A University at Buffalo spokesperson released this statement to News 4 —

“After an initial investigation by University Police, it has been determined that the signs posted in Clemens Hall were part of a student art project. The University is continuing to review this matter through appropriate university policies and procedures.”
Fake Hate: Black Graduate Student Admits to Hanging Racist "White Only" Signs on Campus - The Gateway Pundit

Just in case you needed another reason to hate liberals more today than you did yesterday.

Fucking pathetic race baiting piles of shit on the left.

Anyone surprised?

My guess is the spin will include, "big deal, he didn't mean anything bad by it".
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