Black Teen Shot For Ringing The Wrong Door...What Was That In His Hand In Just Surfaced Video?

I don't know either way, and it doesn't matter. I made a joke about "assault weapons," that's all.

In a state with the castle doctrine and stand your ground a man has been arrested with no investigation for standing his ground and defending his castle.

Democrats on here suggest he's guilty because he is white and supposedly watches Foxnews. On here it's fine to be such an idiot, but prosecutors are using that "logic" also.

The parents are busy crying on TV to get their Go Fund Me loaded up. The man was 85 years old and frightened. Maybe he was assaulted by a black man before or someone tried break in his house. How much time can you give this 85 old guy?
If I knew he wasn't why would I claim it?

I posted links showing that the video is obviously someone else. First and the easiest. The shooting took place at 10 at night. So the broad daylight video you posted is obviously not the event in question. And while all black people look alike to you they don’t to the rest of us.
The parents are busy crying on TV to get their Go Fund Me loaded up. The man was 85 years old and frightened. Maybe he was assaulted by a black man before or someone tried break in his house. How much time can you give this 85 old guy?

I had a White guy sucker punch me in a bar once. Does that mean I should be afraid of all Whites? I was shot at by people. Does that mean I should be excused if I kill people?

Apparently using the exudes from you on on the right it does.
Klint Ludwig said he was disturbed by racial comments made by his grandfather in the past, including about Black people.

He said his grandfather believed in right-wing conspiracy theories and was influenced by the “fear and paranoia” stoked by some right-wing media, which was often “blaring in his living room.”

I had a White guy sucker punch me in a bar once. Does that mean I should be afraid of all Whites? I was shot at by people. Does that mean I should be excused if I kill people?

Apparently using the exudes from you on on the right it does.
Apparently you are not 85 years old and living alone. It does not matter what race he was but you are mentioning it. Lets just watch the kids GOFUNDME grow as the parents spend a lot of time on TV....
Still not the guy who was shot. How many fake videos are you going to post to try and justify the criminal actions of the fellow in question?
Nothing fake about them, dumb-ass.
They're just good examples of what is going on in Democrat cities.
They only solidify the defense for the guy who feared he was going have to deal with a home invasion.

Ask yourself, what the fuck was that kid doing ringing doorbells of the wrong homes?
Is this kid that stupid that he couldn't figure out what was the right home?
Was he fucking high and decided to ring the doorbell of the wrong place?
And why was an 84 year old man worrying about home invasions in the first place?
They said the kid went to 3 different homes after he was shot.
Nobody's asking these types of questions.
Nothing fake about them, dumb-ass.
They're just good examples of what is going on in Democrat cities.
They only solidify the defense for the guy who feared he was going have to deal with a home invasion.

Ask yourself, what the fuck was that kid doing ringing doorbells of the wrong homes?
Is this kid that stupid that he couldn't figure out what was the right home?
Was he fucking high and decided to ring the doorbell of the wrong place?
And why was an 84 year old man worrying about home invasions in the first place?
They said the kid went to 3 different homes after he was shot.
Nobody's asking these types of questions.

Because this was covered in the news stories. The kid went to the same address on a wrong street. Let’s say you punch the address into Google. The map selects the house and off you go. Only you got Street instead of Avenue. Right house number. Wrong street.

A mistake that people make. Delivery drivers make it. Cops and ambulance people make that mistake.

But you aren’t looking for that. You aren’t trying to learn what happened. You are trying to spin it so the old man is justified.

A part of the law. Reasonable fear. A phobia may mean you are terrified of black people. But a phobia is defined as an unreasonable and excessive fear.

So the cops and the prosecutors believe the actions of the old guy are unreasonable and his claimed fear was unreasonable. That means the Jury gets to decide. Would a reasonable man be sufficiently afraid in those circumstances. My personal answer is no. But I’m an old soldier. Reasonable for me is different than you.
Because this was covered in the news stories. The kid went to the same address on a wrong street. Let’s say you punch the address into Google. The map selects the house and off you go. Only you got Street instead of Avenue. Right house number. Wrong street.

A mistake that people make. Delivery drivers make it. Cops and ambulance people make that mistake.

But you aren’t looking for that. You aren’t trying to learn what happened. You are trying to spin it so the old man is justified.

A part of the law. Reasonable fear. A phobia may mean you are terrified of black people. But a phobia is defined as an unreasonable and excessive fear.

So the cops and the prosecutors believe the actions of the old guy are unreasonable and his claimed fear was unreasonable. That means the Jury gets to decide. Would a reasonable man be sufficiently afraid in those circumstances. My personal answer is no. But I’m an old soldier. Reasonable for me is different than you.
I'm not trying to justify what the old guy did.
And your explanation is horse shit.
What was a 16 year old doing at that hour going to a strange person's home?
It's pretty damned thin when you claim he was there by mistake because he didn't put street or Ave in there....because the chance of it being wrong are slim to none. Nevermind the fact that the location of either place could be miles away from where he lives.
They originally claimed that the house he went to was only half a block from his own house. How did he fuck it up so badly? Probably because he didn't. He was probably doing something he had no business doing.
I'm not trying to justify what the old guy did.
And your explanation is horse shit.
What was a 16 year old doing at that hour going to a strange person's home?
It's pretty damned thin when you claim he was there by mistake because he didn't put street or Ave in there....because the chance of it being wrong are slim to none. Nevermind the fact that the location of either place could be miles away from where he lives.
They originally claimed that the house he went to was only half a block from his own house. How did he fuck it up so badly? Probably because he didn't. He was probably doing something he had no business doing.

Again you have to read some of the news. Not all of the stories. Just some of it. His Momma asked him to go pick up his siblings. She is the one who sent the address.

I’m guessing things have changed. In the old days we read the information and then asked questions about what wasn’t covered. We didn’t start asking questions before we read because then we looked dumb for not reading.

Look I’ve posted this link twice. I’m going to post it again. It gives you a basic overview so you don’t sound so dumb.

In the evening hours of April 13, Yarl had been sent to pick up his siblings from an address in the 1100 block of NE 115th Terrace. He mistakenly went to a home less than a block away on NE 115th Street and rang the doorbell. Investigators allege that Lester shot Yarl twice through the house's front glass door. The Kansas City Police Department responded to reports of a shooting near the home a little before 10 p.m. Neighbors had found Yarl lying injured in the street and called police, who found Yarl with at least two gunshot wounds to the head and arm.[7]

You started the thread with a bogus video. When that was apparent to everyone you dug up another one to try and justify the irrational and unreasonable response of the homeowner.

My Friend. You could have avoided painting yourself in such unflattering colors if you had done a little research. This thread could have ended if you had read a couple of the many links posted to show you the error of your thinking.
Again you have to read some of the news. Not all of the stories. Just some of it. His Momma asked him to go pick up his siblings. She is the one who sent the address.

I’m guessing things have changed. In the old days we read the information and then asked questions about what wasn’t covered. We didn’t start asking questions before we read because then we looked dumb for not reading.

Look I’ve posted this link twice. I’m going to post it again. It gives you a basic overview so you don’t sound so dumb.

In the evening hours of April 13, Yarl had been sent to pick up his siblings from an address in the 1100 block of NE 115th Terrace. He mistakenly went to a home less than a block away on NE 115th Street and rang the doorbell. Investigators allege that Lester shot Yarl twice through the house's front glass door. The Kansas City Police Department responded to reports of a shooting near the home a little before 10 p.m. Neighbors had found Yarl lying injured in the street and called police, who found Yarl with at least two gunshot wounds to the head and arm.[7]

You started the thread with a bogus video. When that was apparent to everyone you dug up another one to try and justify the irrational and unreasonable response of the homeowner.

My Friend. You could have avoided painting yourself in such unflattering colors if you had done a little research. This thread could have ended if you had read a couple of the many links posted to show you the error of your thinking.
The problem with all of this is you're forgetting the primary reason an 84 year old man would shoot an unknown black teenager on his front porch. It's not because he's a racist.
These are the kinds of 'accidents' that happen when the leftist media spends all of it's time causing division, and creates a lawless environment as well as Soros DAs refusing to enforce the law, thus making more and more black teenagers willing to break the law.
When your society is falling apart it doesn't matter what the reason is for the accident because the root cause is the following:
  1. A lack of respect for the law and authority figures
  2. A highly charged racial environment
  3. Fear by the population
  4. A communist movement at work trying to cause chaos so they can destroy our society and then rebuild it
Whether or not the kid was up to no good isn't the issue. The issue is that he was out after dark and he got shot because his parents weren't doing their jobs. The left created the environment and now they're taking advantage of it. I wouldn't believe a God damned thing they said in any of their news reports about it.
Let's face it folks....after seeing all of the blacks committing crimes in our cities, can you really blame old people for being afraid when some strange black kid shows up at their door?

This is simply a predictable side-effect of a society that refuses to enforce the law.
Someone knocking on your door is not the equivalent of someone attempting to break in or actually breaking in.

If you're inside of your home and your front door is locked, you're not in imminent danger, which is a requirement for using lethal force and claiming self-defense.

If you have to open your front door in order to confront and shoot the person who had simply knocked on your door sans any threat(s) of violence, hell or even if they did make threats of violence then again, you weren't in danger of an imminent threat.

As long as you stay inside of your locked home until the police arrive and remove the person from your property if they won't leave voluntarily, then you're not in danger of an imminent threat that would allow you to shoot and kill a person who is knocking on your door and then CLAIM self defense.

You would think that after all of this time and all of the different shootings we've witnessed in the last 5 years since I've been a member of this site, that you all would be a little more knowledgeable about what constitutes a lawful self defense action.
But the purpose of this media story is to scare people into thinking that stopping a home invasion would result in them being thrown in prison for the rest of their lives.
When did this incident morph from knocking on the door at the wrong address into a home invasion?

Why do you all have this need to exaggerate and embellish the actual event into something entirely different?

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