Black Teen Shot For Ringing The Wrong Door...What Was That In His Hand In Just Surfaced Video?

It was an Accident. and perhaps the black part of the population needs to start behaving themselves so that peop;le don't shoot first and ask questions later. yes. I"M SAYING, that they are bringing this on themselves because of the actions of their more criminal minded parts of their population
No one is going to change their behavior to appease the desires of a bunch of f'king racists particularly since
the racists among your people have always been this way even when no crime(s) had actually been committed.

And your convoluted attempt to place the blame on anyone other than this cowardly racist whose pathetic life was never in danger, is as pathetic as those who blame crime victims for not having done a better job of "preventing" themselves from getting assaulted, raped and/or murdered. Victim blaming is very unbecoming.

Nor do I don't give a shit how old or how scared he was, neither condition allows him to lawfully shoot someone for merely knocking on his door.

And I'd wager that his age means that in all likelihood he lived in and remembers what it was like in the United States when racial segregation was the law of the land and shooting & killing Black people went largely unpunished.

In many respects, not a whole lot has changed.
Both of these people are victims. The shooter and the kid that got shot.
They're just acting the way they would if you put in place DAs that refuse to imprison criminals.
High crime rates create these circumstances and the results are predictable.
How in the hell is the shooter a victim, unless you're referring to possibly his parents not caring about him enough to ensure he grew up to be a good person and not a mindless racist who is scared of Black people "just because".
The problem with all of this is you're forgetting the primary reason an 84 year old man would shoot an unknown black teenager on his front porch. It's not because he's a racist.
These are the kinds of 'accidents' that happen when the leftist media spends all of it's time causing division, and creates a lawless environment as well as Soros DAs refusing to enforce the law, thus making more and more black teenagers willing to break the law.
When your society is falling apart it doesn't matter what the reason is for the accident because the root cause is the following:
  1. A lack of respect for the law and authority figures
  2. A highly charged racial environment
  3. Fear by the population
  4. A communist movement at work trying to cause chaos so they can destroy our society and then rebuild it
Whether or not the kid was up to no good isn't the issue. The issue is that he was out after dark and he got shot because his parents weren't doing their jobs. The left created the environment and now they're taking advantage of it. I wouldn't believe a God damned thing they said in any of their news reports about it.

The problem is you whip out gotcha questions. Why was he there after dark? That information was provided and all that happens is that you look incredibly ill informed by asking that question. Why was he there? How could he get an address wrong? Again information that was out there.

The address he was supposed to go to was 115th Terrace. That’s where his siblings were. Street comes up first alphabetically. So the understandable way that the mistake took place is right there for the rest of us. A simple mistake caused by alphabetical listing.

You blame his parents next. They were not doing their jobs. When I got my license I was asked to perform certain errands for my parents. They didn’t say so but in addition to getting me practice in driving it gave me responsibilities to meet. Vital for the development of a boy to a man.

I’m not the one painting him as a racist. You are. You are by your own actions. Explaining how his reaction was wise considering how dangerous Blacks are. But the reality is that is all hype. There was a less than 1% chance it was a home invasion scenario. Statistically speaking there just aren’t that many incidents.

It is a question of your basic assumptions. If someone rings my bell I assume they want something. I may take a precaution and tuck a pistol in my pocket or waistband. However because I am not a self righteous fool I know that my actions will be judged based upon reasonable man rules. And for that standard restraint is the key.

If the old man was that afraid why open the door? The inner door is a much more solid barrier between him and the perceived threat isn’t it?

Opening the door with that level of supposed fear doesn’t make sense. But it does make sense if you are aggressive. It is an act of aggression. A challenge. What are you doing on my porch? Why are you ringing my bell? Why are you disturbing me? Get the fuck out of here you little shit. Get off my land.

Maybe he imagined himself as Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino. I don’t know. I’m guessing. But the problem is that the known facts don’t match your assertions.

The reason the old man is facing charges is that his actions were not reasonable. The fear you proclaim isn’t reasonable, and that is the standard for Stand Your Ground. Your fear must be reasonable to the average man standard.

Your argument is we should be afraid. That means you know that the argument doesn’t meet that standard.
A black teen was shot for ringing the wrong doorbell.

Looks like he was carrying a weapon when he started banging on people's doors.

The media forgets to mention this.


When civilization collapses it's going to get nasty out there

The first 30 to 90 days is going to be errrrr ......messy

I'm hoping to survive till at least the warlords stage
No one is going to change their behavior to appease the desires of a bunch of f'king racists particularly since
the racists among your people have always been this way even when no crime(s) had actually been committed.

And your convoluted attempt to place the blame on anyone other than this cowardly racist whose pathetic life was never in danger, is as pathetic as those who blame crime victims for not having done a better job of "preventing" themselves from getting assaulted, raped and/or murdered. Victim blaming is very unbecoming.

Nor do I don't give a shit how old or how scared he was, neither condition allows him to lawfully shoot someone for merely knocking on his door.

And I'd wager that his age means that in all likelihood he lived in and remembers what it was like in the United States when racial segregation was the law of the land and shooting & killing Black people went largely unpunished.

In many respects, not a whole lot has changed.
you double standard is obvious.
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No one is going to change their behavior to appease the desires of a bunch of f'king racists particularly since
the racists among your people have always been this way even when no crime(s) had actually been committed.

And your convoluted attempt to place the blame on anyone other than this cowardly racist whose pathetic life was never in danger, is as pathetic as those who blame crime victims for not having done a better job of "preventing" themselves from getting assaulted, raped and/or murdered. Victim blaming is very unbecoming.

Nor do I don't give a shit how old or how scared he was, neither condition allows him to lawfully shoot someone for merely knocking on his door.

And I'd wager that his age means that in all likelihood he lived in and remembers what it was like in the United States when racial segregation was the law of the land and shooting & killing Black people went largely unpunished.

In many respects, not a whole lot has changed.

I'm not trying to justify what the old guy did.
And your explanation is horse shit.
What was a 16 year old doing at that hour going to a strange person's home?
That was explained. He was picking up his siblings and he got the address wrong.
I get addresses wrong all the time, even with the new technology.
Thankfully, no one shoots me for my trouble.

The problem with all of this is you're forgetting the primary reason an 84 year old man would shoot an unknown black teenager on his front porch. It's not because he's a racist.

Um, his own relatives say he's racist.

Klint Ludwig, a grandson of retired aircraft mechanic Andrew Lester, told the Times that his grandfather had frequently made anti-Black, anti-gay, and anti-immigrant remarks, and that he become estranged from his grandfather when Lester began spouting right-wing conspiracy theories.

Oh, wait, his ex-wife says he was crazy, too.

The ex-wife of the octogenarian charged with shooting Ralph Yarl said he was prone to violence during their troubled 14-year marriage — and that it “doesn’t surprise” her that he pulled a gun on the teenage boy when the child mistakenly showed up at his address.
When did this incident morph from knocking on the door at the wrong address into a home invasion?

Why do you all have this need to exaggerate and embellish the actual event into something entirely different?
To be real about this...nobody is getting the full story. They still haven't released the manifesto of the Nashville shooter. Why is that?
Because the FBI is hiding something once again.
Any time the national media is involved in one of these incidents, the media or the authorities are hiding something.

Ask yourself why the cops let the shooter go home.
Probably because the real evidence proves the shooting was justified.

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To be real about this...nobody is getting the full story. They still haven't released the manifesto of the Nashville shooter. Why is that?
Because the FBI is hiding something once again.
Any time the national media is involved in one of these incidents the media or the authorities are hiding something.

Ask yourself why the cops let the shooter go home.
Probably because the real evidence proves the shooting was justified.

Um, because he posted bail.. that's why they let him go home.

This old fuck better hope he dies before his case comes up, because the brothers are going to have some surprises for him when he gets to prison... heh, heh. heh...
Someone knocking on your door is not the equivalent of someone attempting to break in or actually breaking in.

If you're inside of your home and your front door is locked, you're not in imminent danger, which is a requirement for using lethal force and claiming self-defense.

If you have to open your front door in order to confront and shoot the person who had simply knocked on your door sans any threat(s) of violence, hell or even if they did make threats of violence then again, you weren't in danger of an imminent threat.

As long as you stay inside of your locked home until the police arrive and remove the person from your property if they won't leave voluntarily, then you're not in danger of an imminent threat that would allow you to shoot and kill a person who is knocking on your door and then CLAIM self defense.

You would think that after all of this time and all of the different shootings we've witnessed in the last 5 years since I've been a member of this site, that you all would be a little more knowledgeable about what constitutes a lawful self defense action.
I'm still waiting for all of the evidence to come out on this, not just what the biased media is reporting.
We've had so many media hoaxes in the last few years that I'm not willing to accept anything they report unless it's with a little skepticism. You idiots keep swallowing their lies without a second thought.
I'm still waiting for all of the evidence to come out on this, not just what the biased media is reporting.
We've had so many media hoaxes in the last few years that I'm not willing to accept anything they report unless it's with a little skepticism. You idiots keep swallowing their lies without a second thought.

We have the truth.

A good kid got an address wrong, and a violent old racist (according to his own family members) shot him for no good reason.
We have the truth.

A good kid got an address wrong, and a violent old racist (according to his own family members) shot him for no good reason.
I am reluctant to fall into this trap. The kid is dead and should not be, he was killed by a gun owner. I don't think being racist or not is significant.
We have the truth.

A good kid got an address wrong, and a violent old racist (according to his own family members) shot him for no good reason.

I don’t see anyone speaking out against the kid. By all accounts an exceptional student, musician and good citizen.

I also don’t see anyone flocking to the defense of the old man. Most of his family admits he was an angry racist who spouted extreme RW rhetoric. I don’t see any neighbors defending him
We just don't know he was a racist, we do know he was afraid. Too much Fox doesn't make you a racist. Just afraid.
I am reluctant to fall into this trap. The kid is dead and should not be, he was killed by a gun owner. I don't think being racist or not is significant.

It all comes down to motive……fear

Did he fear a legitimate threat or a perceived threat based on race ?
I'm still waiting for all of the evidence to come out on this, not just what the biased media is reporting.
We've had so many media hoaxes in the last few years that I'm not willing to accept anything they report unless it's with a little skepticism. You idiots keep swallowing their lies without a second thought.

I sometimes just drop my jaw and marvel at the fact that the filthy leftist cult rubes still just don't get this.

Sometimes I'm driving down the highway and I have to turn off the radio and just ruminate on the fact that, yes, they really are that stupid.


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