Black Teen Shot For Ringing The Wrong Door...What Was That In His Hand In Just Surfaced Video?

Actual proof is using your own eyes and your common-sense.
Something that seems to be in short supply on the left.

The left has tried this nonsense with Tryvon Martin. They floated old pictures of the kid when he was younger trying to pass him off as an innocent kid. But this time we have a recent video of him attempting home invasions.
Give us a link saying this is Ralph Yarl.
I never said it was a video of the actual shooting.
I said it was a video of him banging on doors holding an assault-weapon.

If the cops were doing their jobs there would be videos in the neighborhood of this.
My ring system shows every report of a crime or a reported crime in my neighborhood.
The cops can find out who is pictured in videos committing crimes at what time of day it was and cross-reference it with GPS signals from cell-phones in the area at that time.

But the purpose of this media story is to scare people into thinking that stopping a home invasion would result in them being thrown in prison for the rest of their lives.
Even the Twitter chick that you linked to didn't say it was Ralph Yarl.
So there is 162 post on this thread. Keeping in mind when you repeat a lie often many posts in was it the RWers really started to believe?
They had sent it to their friends and family before they were done reading the headline.
Even the Twitter chick that you linked to didn't say it was Ralph Yarl.
She didn't have to.
She illustrated what the shooter was thinking.
This is a typical home invasion.
Black teen holding a gun waiting for the owner to open their door.
Try telling me that this isn't a possibility.
She didn't have to.
She illustrated what the shooter was thinking.
This is a typical home invasion.
Black teen holding a gun waiting for the owner to open their door.
Try telling me that this isn't a possibility.
You fucked up, mudwhistle. You try to fool us all into believing this is Ralph Yarl and you only fooled your conservatives numbnuts, and even your fellow dumbass friends are starting to realize it's not him.
She didn't have to.
She illustrated what the shooter was thinking.
This is a typical home invasion.
Black teen holding a gun waiting for the owner to open their door.
Try telling me that this isn't a possibility.
I was wondering how long it would take for you to backtrack
You fucked up, mudwhistle. You try to fool us all into believing this is Ralph Yarl and you only fooled your conservatives numbnuts, and even your fellow dumbass friends are starting to realize it's not him.
You still haven't proved it's not a video of Ralph Yahl.

I've noticed how you folks seem to think that showing a picture of Trump getting his picture taken with a racist is proof he's a racist, yet when Democrats are seen with the same racist it proves nothing.
If you didn't have double-standards you wouldn't have any standards at all.

You can't prove that isn't Ralph Yahl.....and it would provide a good explanation why the cops released the shooter.
I'm just waiting for more proof to come out that this innocent little angel is really a thug like they proved with Trayvon Martin.
If a strange black guy shows up at your door after dark these days chances are his up to no good.
And if you're 84 years old living on your own your eye sight isn't what it used to be, and neither is your mind.
He was probably scared. Why was he scared? Because we've been seeing teenage blacks committing violent crimes all over America.
My answer for that is that if you want to change that perception stop breaking the law.
We cannot ignore the Elephant in the room, but you liberals seem to always do.

Millions of old people are afraid to answer a door late at night

They respond by not answering the door and calling the police.
Shooting is not a response
You still haven't proved it's not a video of Ralph Yahl.

I've noticed how you folks seem to think that showing a picture of Trump getting his picture taken with a racist is proof he's a racist, yet when Democrats are seen with the same racist it proves nothing.
If you didn't have double-standards you wouldn't have any standards at all.

You can't prove that isn't Ralph Yahl.....and it would provide a good explanation why the cops released the shooter.
I'm just waiting for more proof to come out that this innocent little angel is really a thug like they proved with Trayvon Martin.
The burden is on you to prove it is Ralph Yarl. You gave us no link saying it is Ralph Yarl.
Now you're doing damage control because you're embarrassed, asking others to these prove something that zero news outlets have covered. Even OANN or Fox News or Newsmax haven't said anything about your Yarl hoax.
The burden is on you to prove it is Ralph Yarl. You gave us no link saying it is Ralph Yarl.
Now you're doing damage control because you're embarrassed.
But this stuff works real well in the bowles of the RWNM where they get all this stuff.
The burden is on you to prove it is Ralph Yarl. You gave us no link saying it is Ralph Yarl.
Now you're doing damage control because you're embarrassed, asking others to these prove something that zero news outlets have covered. Even OANN or Fox News or Newsmax haven't said anything about your Yarl hoax.
No. You're the asshole making the claim he's not in the video. The burden is on you.
I figure a few months after they get what they want out of this story, the truth will come out, just like the way they've done with Trayvon Martin, George Floyd, and every other hoax they've committed.

No. You're the asshole making the claim he's not in the video. The burden is on you.
I figure a few months after they get what they want out of this story, the truth will come out, just like the way they've done with Trayvon Martin, George Floyd, and every other hoax they've committed.

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Wrong. The burden is on you to provide a link tha states that this guy is Ralph Yarl.
You made it up.
Zero such links so far.
No. You're the asshole making the claim he's not in the video. The burden is on you.
I figure a few months after they get what they want out of this story, the truth will come out, just like the way they've done with Trayvon Martin, George Floyd, and every other hoax they've committed.

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This new standard of proof that the Right demands is interesting. Make an outrageous claim, and then when challenged demand that the other party prove it is untrue. No wonder Fox had so much trouble in the Dominion Suit, they kept waiting for Dominion to be required to prove the election wasn’t stolen and they were not hacked.

I guess it was a big surprise when the court required Fox to be able to back up their claims. Imagine the surprise when the claim of everyone knows wasn’t judged to be sufficient.

So my question is this. If I make any pills outrageous claim, do you have to disprove it? Or do I have to prove it is true?

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