Black teens kidnap And torture white teen

The "peaceful", "anti-racist" common regressives...

Graphic footage captured on Facebook Live shows a mentally handicapped white man being tortured in Chicago by African-American assailants as they laugh and express their disgust for white people and President-elect Donald Trump.

‘F**k Donald Trump, F**k White People!’: 4 People In Custody After Man Kidnapped, Tortured On Facebook Live

It's an open season on the Trump supporters and the lame stream media is shutting the hell up about it.

I don't know why this White guy ended up the way he did. We don't know what he might have done to provoke his attackers. It wouldn't matter to most of you anyway. All you see is a "innocent" White victim of Black violence. Well, 4 Blacks,whether they had cause or not, do NOT represent the entire Afro-American population.

If it makes you feel better, I'll post something just as bad with the exception that this time a handicapped Black kid is the victim of White toughs:
White football player accused of raping black, disabled team-mate avoids prison


"An Idaho prosecutor’s declaration that an alleged rape of a black, mentally disabled football player with a coat hanger by his white team-mate was not a sex crime and was not racially motivated has sparked mounting criticism among campaigners against sexual assault.

John RK Howard was initially charged with felony forcible sexual penetration by use of a foreign object, but on Friday, the 19-year-old reached a plea bargain that allowed him to plead guilty to a felony count of injury to a child. The deal will allow Howard to avoid prison time unless he violates his probation, the Twin Falls Times-News reported.

The October 2015 assault drew national headlines after the victim told the courtthat he had been attacked by three football team-mates and sodomized with a coat hanger in the locker room.

The victim’s family filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the high school and school officials, claiming that the school had failed to protect the student from a campaign of racial harassment by other students that culminated in the sexual assault.

The victim was called racial epithets such as “watermelon”, “chicken-eater”, and “******”, and Howard taunted the victim with a “Ku Klux Klan” song, the lawsuit alleged.

But during Friday’s hearing, the prosecutor, deputy attorney general Casey Hemmer, played down both the racial and sexual aspects of the crime, according to the Twin Falls Times-News."

Let's see how the justice system handles the perps in YOUR op. I'll bet you the prosecutor,won't downplay any aspect of that crime. He will likely go for the max.

Why can't some of these feral coons ever use one of THESE ^^ coon lovers as their victims...then I wouldn't feel so pissed off..they would get what they deserved.
the police are insisting it was a prank, not a hate crime. time to rescind all hate crime laws if these liberal prancing pansies don't apply the laws equally.
Four White thugs do that to a retarded negro kid and let's see the cops call it a "prank".
The Chicago chief of police is still reluctant to deem this a hate crime....WTF
Another "tolerant" nut-less piece of shit Liberal negro. I'm sure this was all perpetuated by 'whitey' in the fucked up minds of whacko's and negros.
These filthy, sub-human street beasts need to be treated like the dangerous animals they are...this here folks is why total equality does not and should not exist....ACT LIKE AN EQUAL TO BE TREATED LIKE AN EQUAL!
To shed a glimmer of light on things...I'm happy to see the filth keep forcing the divide to grow...they'll be at the back of the bus again in no time. These ignorant Hanimals (human animals) just can't understand they depend on us to survive, you can't continue to bite the hand that feeds you without reprocussions.
This needs to happen 20 times a day in every city. It's clear that this one time isn't enough to get the message out.
If what you want is a real war between races, then I suppose that would be a good way to start it. I mean, if some kids did that to one of my family members, I would have no problem taking out all of the family members of the kids that did it, I would of course leave those kids alone so they could live a long life thinking about how many people in their families were killed because of their rabid actions.
The surviving 'kids' would not be sentient enough to comprehend what happened or why.
They would reach age eleven and start dropping kids of their own.
You Can't Fix Ignorant, Partisan, Racist 'Stupid':

Crazy CNN Panelist Blames TRUMP For Kidnapped, Tortured White Man — ‘That Is Not A Hate Crime’ [VIDEO]

"During a panel discussion on CNN Wednesday night, Syone Sanders blamed an unlikely source for the kidnapping of a white, Chicago man who was mentally disabled.

For some reason, Sanders accused Donald Trump for forcing the four black assailants to torture their victim and record it, all while screaming, “fuck Donald Trump! F@ck white people!”

SANDERS: “That is not a hate crime,” she blindly stated. “Hate crimes are because of a person’s racial ethnicity, their religion, their gender, a disability, it isn’t your political leanings, because someone doesn’t like you’re political leanings and they do something bad to you, that is not a hate crime.”

So Sanders believes beating a white, disabled kid while screaming, “fuck Donald Trump! Fuck white people” does not meet her own defined criteria for being a 'Hate Crime'?


And YES, beating someone bloody based on their political choice IS a 'Hate Crime'. Deciding not to acknowledge it is because 4 blacks beat up someone because they voted for Trump, deciding not to acknowledge it because Hillary hired thugs to intimidate, beat, and bloody Trump supporters during the election, does NOT make such actions any less of a 'HATE CRIME'!
Seemingly missing from my post above (for whatever weird reason) is:

"During a panel discussion on CNN Wednesday night, Syone Sanders blamed an unlikely source for the kidnapping of a white, Chicago man who was mentally disabled.

For some reason, Sanders accused Donald Trump for forcing the four black assailants to torture their victim and record it, all while screaming, “fuck Donald Trump! F@ck white people!”

SANDERS: “That is not a hate crime,” she blindly stated. “Hate crimes are because of a person’s racial ethnicity, their religion, their gender, a disability, it isn’t your political leanings, because someone doesn’t like you’re political leanings and they do something bad to you, that is not a hate crime.”

So Sanders believes beating a white, disabled kid while screaming, “fuck Donald Trump! Fuck white people” does not meet her own defined criteria for being a 'Hate Crime'?


And YES, beating someone bloody based on their political choice IS a 'Hate Crime'. Deciding not to acknowledge it is because 4 blacks beat up someone because they voted for Trump, deciding not to acknowledge it because Hillary hired thugs to intimidate, beat, and bloody Trump supporters during the election, does NOT make such actions any less of a 'HATE CRIME'!
The "peaceful", "anti-racist" common regressives...

Graphic footage captured on Facebook Live shows a mentally handicapped white man being tortured in Chicago by African-American assailants as they laugh and express their disgust for white people and President-elect Donald Trump.

‘F**k Donald Trump, F**k White People!’: 4 People In Custody After Man Kidnapped, Tortured On Facebook Live

It's an open season on the Trump supporters and the lame stream media is shutting the hell up about it.

I don't know why this White guy ended up the way he did. We don't know what he might have done to provoke his attackers. It wouldn't matter to most of you anyway. All you see is a "innocent" White victim of Black violence. Well, 4 Blacks,whether they had cause or not, do NOT represent the entire Afro-American population.

If it makes you feel better, I'll post something just as bad with the exception that this time a handicapped Black kid is the victim of White toughs:
White football player accused of raping black, disabled team-mate avoids prison


"An Idaho prosecutor’s declaration that an alleged rape of a black, mentally disabled football player with a coat hanger by his white team-mate was not a sex crime and was not racially motivated has sparked mounting criticism among campaigners against sexual assault.

John RK Howard was initially charged with felony forcible sexual penetration by use of a foreign object, but on Friday, the 19-year-old reached a plea bargain that allowed him to plead guilty to a felony count of injury to a child. The deal will allow Howard to avoid prison time unless he violates his probation, the Twin Falls Times-News reported.

The October 2015 assault drew national headlines after the victim told the courtthat he had been attacked by three football team-mates and sodomized with a coat hanger in the locker room.

The victim’s family filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the high school and school officials, claiming that the school had failed to protect the student from a campaign of racial harassment by other students that culminated in the sexual assault.

The victim was called racial epithets such as “watermelon”, “chicken-eater”, and “******”, and Howard taunted the victim with a “Ku Klux Klan” song, the lawsuit alleged.

But during Friday’s hearing, the prosecutor, deputy attorney general Casey Hemmer, played down both the racial and sexual aspects of the crime, according to the Twin Falls Times-News."

Let's see how the justice system handles the perps in YOUR op. I'll bet you the prosecutor,won't downplay any aspect of that crime. He will likely go for the max.

These kids are going to get off. You are aware of that aren't you.
Howard will serve no jail time.
The state attorney general said reports were exaggerated and an actual sexual assault didn't take place.

Of course he will get off. All he did was shove a coat hanger up a handicapped Black guy's ass. You didn't expect the prosecutor to ruin this reprobate's life by giving him a criminal record with sexual assault attached to it did you? Hell, he will grow up to be a good konservative. All this was was a little training session...RIGHT???? See how your fucked up system works???
And RW zombies complain about Black Lives Matter protesting over shit like this. This is proof that there is no justice in America for Blacks in many places but there is "Just Us" when a Black victim seeks redress after a White animal does something to him/her.

Hate to burst your bubble but I went to Church in dietrich for 25 Years and my kids went to school there.
I'm not justifying what happened. If fact I posted what happened on this forum a year ago.
But Howard was sentenced to 3 years probation by the states attorney general.
The court records are sealed, so know one actuallly knows what happened.
Did you know a federal attorney has been overlooking this case.
But to say the hanger was actuallly shoved up his ass is a bit dubious. I don't care what the news sez
A crime is a crime. Punish those responsible to the fullest extent of existing laws.

Hate crimes are stupid snowflake shit. A crime is a fucking crime.
Where are the white liberal parents of these kids?

Where are the Liberals in general? If this were white people kidnapping and torturing a black, well we know the Liberals would be screaming and demanding all over the place and the Race Baiting Hate Organisation the SPLC would be giving a press conference and screaming and demanding.

In typical Liberal fashion, whites do not matter, the Liberals are the racists, they hate white people and the white Liberals are self-hating white people.
Why should we give a shit what liberals think anymore? They have no power anymore. Their political party of democrats will be going the way of the Whig Party. They're obsolete. America has rejected the liberal ideology. What matters is what we think about black on white crime. These thugs are about to get 30 years of hard time.
Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves, remember the millenials just didn't show up.

We still have a battle to fight.
You think the millennials will show up in 2018??????????
They'll sit on their useless fat asses and play videogames.
Then when the REPs get a Supermajority in the Senate the millennials will ask: "What's a Supermajority? Like it's a Supersized burger? Like?".
Fucking dummies 'streamed' through Liberal Indoctrination Centers. "Is a duck a bird?????.... like?"
I am so angry about this. This happened a month ago and they did nothing except come up with excuses. The police chief and the commander should be fired, or recalled or whatever to get them out of that job, they obviously aren't concerned with justice or protecting people. The criminals kidnapped this person for 2 days. Forced him to drink out of the toilet bowl, cut his scalp down to the bone and used it as an ash tray. Then they posted their video on Facebook and that's the only reason the media has picked up the story at all. It went viral and people are demanding justice. I believe if it had been 4 white people who treated a black person like this, it would have been all over the media a month ago and those responsible would have been in jail this whole time facing hate crime charges as well as kidnapping, aggravated assault, etc. They will never declare this a hate crime even though it's obvious to anyone with a brain this was a hate crime against whites, you can tell that just with their language on the video. Worse this man is special needs, probably autistic. If this were one of my sons, the perpetrators would be dead. I may be in jail, but at least I would know they would never to this to another living soul. Really, arresting them a month later after saying they were just young people doing stupid stuff?!? What kind of idiot says something like that? All of these criminals are 18 or over. They are adults. Kidnapping and torture isn't just young people doing stupid stuff, it's a whole host of crimes and they should do a lot of time for this. If kidnapping has a death penalty, that should be on the table too. No excuses for these animals.
A white gang took it one step further and murdered their mentally challenged victim. This was a few years ago but I don`t recall any of you ku kluxxers posting it on this board or any other. Geez, I can`t imagine why. They set her on fire and threw her in a garbage can. Like good Christians they wrapped her up in Christmas decorations.
Murder of Jennifer Daugherty - Wikipedia
That you pull some other set of circumstances out of your ass and cry about it does not change this one.

Those attackers did not say 'Fuck Obama!' and/or 'Fuck white people!' as they killed that poor girl, so it is not comparable other than the injuries.

And at least two of those pieces of shit got the death penalty, so the crime was treated seriously, cuckface.
A white gang took it one step further and murdered their mentally challenged victim. This was a few years ago but I don`t recall any of you ku kluxxers posting it on this board or any other. Geez, I can`t imagine why. They set her on fire and threw her in a garbage can. Like good Christians they wrapped her up in Christmas decorations.
Murder of Jennifer Daugherty - Wikipedia
You're an idiot. I see nothing in that wiki article saying these subhumans were a 'white gang'.

I googled it and the main perp sure looks like one hardcore white supremacist alright! Lmao!

Jury quickly sentences killer of Greensburg woman to death

View attachment 105262
But he is white on the inside!
there is a thread on this already, not that it doesn't deserve a hundred threads!!! :eek:

Black teens kidnap And torture white teen

Absolutely it deserves 1000s of threads! These shows the utter lack of humanity of the black community! They are fucking animals.

Sent from my iPhone using
GH, you can NOT blame an entire race and community for the actions of these 4 delinquent monsters.

What's sad is I heard this kid knew one of the boys that did this and initially went along with them due to knowing the one kid who I presumed this white boy trusted enough to do so...only to be stabbed in the back... :( sigh....
Where are the white liberal parents of these kids?

Where are the Liberals in general? If this were white people kidnapping and torturing a black, well we know the Liberals would be screaming and demanding all over the place and the Race Baiting Hate Organisation the SPLC would be giving a press conference and screaming and demanding.

In typical Liberal fashion, whites do not matter, the Liberals are the racists, they hate white people and the white Liberals are self-hating white people.
Why should we give a shit what liberals think anymore? They have no power anymore. Their political party of democrats will be going the way of the Whig Party. They're obsolete. America has rejected the liberal ideology. What matters is what we think about black on white crime. These thugs are about to get 30 years of hard time.
Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves, remember the millenials just didn't show up.

We still have a battle to fight.
You think the millennials will show up in 2018??????????
They'll sit on their useless fat asses and play videogames.
Then when the REPs get a Supermajority in the Senate the millennials will ask: "What's a Supermajority? Like it's a Supersized burger? Like?".
Fucking dummies 'streamed' through Liberal Indoctrination Centers. "Is a duck a bird?????.... like?"
My millennial son does play viddy games while setting on his ass, in the sleeper cab of his semi truck that he drives to make 60K a year...

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