Black teens kidnap And torture white teen

there is a thread on this already, not that it doesn't deserve a hundred threads!!! :eek:

Black teens kidnap And torture white teen

Absolutely it deserves 1000s of threads! These shows the utter lack of humanity of the black community! They are fucking animals.

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GH, you can NOT blame an entire race and community for the actions of these 4 delinquent monsters.

What's sad is I heard this kid knew one of the boys that did this and initially went along with them due to knowing the one kid who I presumed this white boy trusted enough to do so...only to be stabbed in the back... :( sigh....
You blame an entire race and religion. Fucking hypocrite
I believe if it had been 4 white people who treated a black person like this, it would have been all over the media a month ago and those responsible would have been in jail this whole time facing hate crime charges as well as kidnapping, aggravated assault, etc.
You're absolutely right, and that would be just the beginning.

We'd also see protest marches and wall-to-wall TV coverage. Magazine covers.

And, of course, an immediate reaction from Obama.
I believe if it had been 4 white people who treated a black person like this, it would have been all over the media a month ago and those responsible would have been in jail this whole time facing hate crime charges as well as kidnapping, aggravated assault, etc.
You're absolutely right, and that would be just the beginning.

We'd also see protest marches and wall-to-wall TV coverage. Magazine covers.

And, of course, an immediate reaction from Obama.
Not to mention a bunch of cops getting shot by BLM hooligans........

"What a Country!" --- Yakov Smirnoff
The "peaceful", "anti-racist" common regressives...

Graphic footage captured on Facebook Live shows a mentally handicapped white man being tortured in Chicago by African-American assailants as they laugh and express their disgust for white people and President-elect Donald Trump.

‘F**k Donald Trump, F**k White People!’: 4 People In Custody After Man Kidnapped, Tortured On Facebook Live

It's an open season on the Trump supporters and the lame stream media is shutting the hell up about it.

I don't know why this White guy ended up the way he did. We don't know what he might have done to provoke his attackers. It wouldn't matter to most of you anyway. All you see is a "innocent" White victim of Black violence. Well, 4 Blacks,whether they had cause or not, do NOT represent the entire Afro-American population.

If it makes you feel better, I'll post something just as bad with the exception that this time a handicapped Black kid is the victim of White toughs:
White football player accused of raping black, disabled team-mate avoids prison


"An Idaho prosecutor’s declaration that an alleged rape of a black, mentally disabled football player with a coat hanger by his white team-mate was not a sex crime and was not racially motivated has sparked mounting criticism among campaigners against sexual assault.

John RK Howard was initially charged with felony forcible sexual penetration by use of a foreign object, but on Friday, the 19-year-old reached a plea bargain that allowed him to plead guilty to a felony count of injury to a child. The deal will allow Howard to avoid prison time unless he violates his probation, the Twin Falls Times-News reported.

The October 2015 assault drew national headlines after the victim told the courtthat he had been attacked by three football team-mates and sodomized with a coat hanger in the locker room.

The victim’s family filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the high school and school officials, claiming that the school had failed to protect the student from a campaign of racial harassment by other students that culminated in the sexual assault.

The victim was called racial epithets such as “watermelon”, “chicken-eater”, and “******”, and Howard taunted the victim with a “Ku Klux Klan” song, the lawsuit alleged.

But during Friday’s hearing, the prosecutor, deputy attorney general Casey Hemmer, played down both the racial and sexual aspects of the crime, according to the Twin Falls Times-News."

Let's see how the justice system handles the perps in YOUR op. I'll bet you the prosecutor,won't downplay any aspect of that crime. He will likely go for the max.

why can't you just call it out for what it is? why is it you feel the need to compare? So you're ok with this kind of shit? See I call out the crime that is a crime white on black. Why is it you can't call out black on white crime? you're such a hypocrite it isn't funny. spppppppt
The "peaceful", "anti-racist" common regressives...

Graphic footage captured on Facebook Live shows a mentally handicapped white man being tortured in Chicago by African-American assailants as they laugh and express their disgust for white people and President-elect Donald Trump.

‘F**k Donald Trump, F**k White People!’: 4 People In Custody After Man Kidnapped, Tortured On Facebook Live

It's an open season on the Trump supporters and the lame stream media is shutting the hell up about it.

Chicago is as good a place as any to begin the push back and massacre of radical black terrorists. Like the patriots back in Concord...stand your ground, shoot to kill and start the revolt.
The "peaceful", "anti-racist" common regressives...

Graphic footage captured on Facebook Live shows a mentally handicapped white man being tortured in Chicago by African-American assailants as they laugh and express their disgust for white people and President-elect Donald Trump.

‘F**k Donald Trump, F**k White People!’: 4 People In Custody After Man Kidnapped, Tortured On Facebook Live

It's an open season on the Trump supporters and the lame stream media is shutting the hell up about it.

Chicago is as good a place as any to begin the push back and massacre of radical black terrorists. Like the patriots back in Concord...stand your ground, shoot to kill and start the revolt.

The leftists don't realize this but they own it
This is no big deal. Whites do this type of things to blacks all the time. Get over it
Not really.
Yes, really
Nope. Not really.
They learned this behavior from white people. White people are to blame for what happened here. This whole thing is on Trump and his supporters and I want an apology.

Each time I read one of your comments you up the stupid level
This is no big deal. Whites do this type of things to blacks all the time. Get over it
Not really.
Yes, really
Nope. Not really.
They learned this behavior from white people. White people are to blame for what happened here. This whole thing is on Trump and his supporters and I want an apology.
No, humans have been kidnapping and torturing people in every racial and ethnic group in every region of the world since before recorded times. You're just a brainwashed lemming.
there is a thread on this already, not that it doesn't deserve a hundred threads!!! :eek:

Black teens kidnap And torture white teen

Absolutely it deserves 1000s of threads! These shows the utter lack of humanity of the black community! They are fucking animals.

Sent from my iPhone using
GH, you can NOT blame an entire race and community for the actions of these 4 delinquent monsters.

What's sad is I heard this kid knew one of the boys that did this and initially went along with them due to knowing the one kid who I presumed this white boy trusted enough to do so...only to be stabbed in the back... :( sigh....
But we can blame an all too large demographic within that race for these assholes.
It's a plantation should see it well from your spot on the fence....
What you're too covered in mud to see is that the fence doesn't run between the Left and the Right.

It runs between the narcissistic partisan crazies and most Americans.

But that's okay, keep rolling around in it.

When did a Republican Presidential Candidate and his/her campaign whip up such a hate filled panic that led to riots, and street violence?
Er...ummm... November 2016.

What are you talking about?
Did you miss all the "hate filled panic that led to riots and street violence" that was "whipped up" by Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trumps victory in November? Do You think maybe some of that was due to the way his campaign conducted itself?

Maybe you should go back and read your own question.
right? The ones with the signs that said trump is not my president. Those groups right? And the ones with the signs that said fk trump those supporters.
The "peaceful", "anti-racist" common regressives...

Graphic footage captured on Facebook Live shows a mentally handicapped white man being tortured in Chicago by African-American assailants as they laugh and express their disgust for white people and President-elect Donald Trump.

‘F**k Donald Trump, F**k White People!’: 4 People In Custody After Man Kidnapped, Tortured On Facebook Live

It's an open season on the Trump supporters and the lame stream media is shutting the hell up about it.

Clearly a hate crime.

Too bad conservatives don't believe there's any such thing as a hate crime.

technically there isn't. but, and I say this honestly, when someone wishes to define something as hate then it is equal all ways. So, you figure it out.
What will happen is we will get another Dillon Roof type of attack on innocent black people some time in the future in retaliation for this incident and the countless other black on white violent crimes. It's an endless cycle.

Maybe we should listen to BLM and give them a state. 5 is too many though. They don't need five states.

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