Black teens kidnap And torture white teen

When did a Republican Presidential Candidate and his/her campaign whip up such a hate filled panic that led to riots, and street violence?
Er...ummm... November 2016.

What are you talking about?
Did you miss all the "hate filled panic that led to riots and street violence" that was "whipped up" by Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trumps victory in November? Do You think maybe some of that was due to the way his campaign conducted itself?

Maybe you should go back and read your own question.
I watched many of his rallies and didn't see what you saw. I saw protests because leftists cannot tolerate disagreement and as we now know some of it was being payed for. Maybe most of it. Or all of it.
Uh-Huh, you must have missed all the poor choice of words moments (remember the Hispanic Judge bullshit, the Goldstar Family, the attacks on Megyn Kelly just to name a few examples?) that the Donald had during the campaign which triggered all the racist/misogynist/<whatever "ist" flavor of the month> fixated morons on the left, that is why he and his campaign bear part of the responsibility for all the ugliness we're seeing from the (as you correctly pointed out) intolerant left wing lunatics and there confused followers, this was completely avoidable had he engaged his brain before putting his mouth in gear in those instances.
What will happen is we will get another Dillon Roof type of attack on innocent black people some time in the future in retaliation for this incident and the countless other black on white violent crimes. It's an endless cycle.

Maybe we should listen to BLM and give them a state. 5 is too many though. They don't need five states.

Why? Look what they've done to South Africa
What will happen is we will get another Dillon Roof type of attack on innocent black people some time in the future in retaliation for this incident and the countless other black on white violent crimes. It's an endless cycle.

Maybe we should listen to BLM and give them a state. 5 is too many though. They don't need five states.
Give BLM Obama's seven states and make them move there. We'll keep the other 50.
The "peaceful", "anti-racist" common regressives...

Graphic footage captured on Facebook Live shows a mentally handicapped white man being tortured in Chicago by African-American assailants as they laugh and express their disgust for white people and President-elect Donald Trump.

‘F**k Donald Trump, F**k White People!’: 4 People In Custody After Man Kidnapped, Tortured On Facebook Live

It's an open season on the Trump supporters and the lame stream media is shutting the hell up about it.

Clearly a hate crime.

Too bad conservatives don't believe there's any such thing as a hate crime.

technically there isn't. but, and I say this honestly, when someone wishes to define something as hate then it is equal all ways. So, you figure it out.

Go back and reread my post. I highlighted a portion for you.
What will happen is we will get another Dillon Roof type of attack on innocent black people some time in the future in retaliation for this incident and the countless other black on white violent crimes. It's an endless cycle.

Maybe we should listen to BLM and give them a state. 5 is too many though. They don't need five states.

Why? Look what they've done to South Africa
Because then they aren't our problem anymore. Their 'New Afrika' would be it's own sovereign nation.
What will happen is we will get another Dillon Roof type of attack on innocent black people some time in the future in retaliation for this incident and the countless other black on white violent crimes. It's an endless cycle.

Maybe we should listen to BLM and give them a state. 5 is too many though. They don't need five states.

Why? Look what they've done to South Africa
Because then they aren't our problem anymore. Their 'New Afrika' would be it's own sovereign nation.

It'd turn into the old Africa in short order
If this beating had been done to an African American by 4 whites, every liberal in the country would be outraged
Well me personally think it's time for the right to keep this posted as a sign we won't take the libturd's shit anymore. Where the fk is the anger?
What will happen is we will get another Dillon Roof type of attack on innocent black people some time in the future in retaliation for this incident and the countless other black on white violent crimes. It's an endless cycle.

Maybe we should listen to BLM and give them a state. 5 is too many though. They don't need five states.

Why? Look what they've done to South Africa
Because then they aren't our problem anymore. Their 'New Afrika' would be it's own sovereign nation.

It'd turn into the old Africa in short order
Yeah well, that'd be on them. Build a wall around New Afrika & once you attain New Afrikan citizenship you can never become an American citizen again.
I am calling on this nation to rise up and speak with one voice in condemning this vile, vitriolic, hateful movement called BlackLivesMatter
I join you in condemning this vile, vitriolic, hateful movement called BlackLivesMatter!!!!
What will happen is we will get another Dillon Roof type of attack on innocent black people some time in the future in retaliation for this incident and the countless other black on white violent crimes. It's an endless cycle.

Maybe we should listen to BLM and give them a state. 5 is too many though. They don't need five states.

Why? Look what they've done to South Africa
Because then they aren't our problem anymore. Their 'New Afrika' would be it's own sovereign nation.

It'd turn into the old Africa in short order
Yeah well, that'd be on them. Build a wall around New Afrika & once you attain New Afrikan citizenship you can never become an American citizen again.

I suspect foreign aid would drive what little economy they have :confused:
I watched many of his rallies and didn't see what you saw. I saw protests because leftists cannot tolerate disagreement and as we now know some of it was being payed for. Maybe most of it. Or all of it.
Uh-Huh, you must have missed all the poor choice of words moments (remember the Hispanic Judge bullshit, the Goldstar Family, the attacks on Megyn Kelly just to name a few examples?) that the Donald had during the campaign which triggered all the racist/misogynist/<whatever "ist" flavor of the month> fixated morons on the left, that is why he and his campaign bear part of the responsibility for all the ugliness we're seeing from the (as you correctly pointed out) intolerant left wing lunatics and there confused followers, this was completely avoidable had he engaged his brain before putting his mouth in gear in those instances.
How would any of those examples justify any violence?
Nobody claimed it justifies ANYTHING, nice attempt at straw man construction though.

it's an explanation of CAUSE AND EFFECT.

And how does it represent hate? I didn't see the hate so the hate was between your ears, don't try to play it off on others.
Of course YOU didn't see "hate", you're a partisan Saint Trump supporter, what you "saw" doesn't mean a damn thing, it's what the folks that are still somewhat objective saw and what they concluded that counts and many of those people saw flagrantly offensive remarks being made by the Donald.

Personally I couldn't care less what he says or who he offends, I didn't support him because I don't agree with his philosophy and I don't trust him.
Nice attempt at deflection. The subject was the horrific violent act and political rhetoric was cited as an underlying cause, which you endorsed!
LOL, deflection do you know what that word means? I was directly addressing cause and effect, do you have a reading problem or is the selective comprehension intentional?

You used terms like partisan Saint Trump supporter then want it to appear I'm the problem? Who do you think you're kidding?
The fact that you react so strongly to any criticism of the Donald invalidates your "who me" routine so exactly whom do you think you're kidding?

The party didn't want Trump, I voted against the party so the party animal here is YOU.
Uh-huh, how exactly did you "vote against the party"? and how exactly am I the "party animal" when I have been consistently anti-partisan all along?

And again, if you saw hate the hate belongs to you, not the one you need to pin it on.
Dear "Cannot read with comprehension to save his life" , what I saw isn't material AGAIN it's what those that remain somewhat objective saw and how they reacted to it, You should really get out and talk to some people that aren't wedded to partisan interests and who normally don't give a fuck about politics, I have and what they perceived was plenty of "hate" emanating from the Trump Campaign and that was due to numerous unforced errors on the Donald's part.
The fact that you react so strongly to any criticism of the Donald invalidates your "who me" routine so exactly whom do you think you're kidding?

No, that isn't what he is saying and you posting such nonsense is just more fake news.

What we are saying is that you the left use the Donald as an excuse for violence witnessed right here in this thread. by you! so it is you who is the fk.
My guess is that these kids didn't get their opinions of Trump from actually observing Trump.

They got their opinions from listening to others talk about Trump.

The Division Pimps continue to do their job well.
It's a plantation should see it well from your spot on the fence....
What you're too covered in mud to see is that the fence doesn't run between the Left and the Right.

It runs between the narcissistic partisan crazies and most Americans.

But that's okay, keep rolling around in it.

When did a Republican Presidential Candidate and his/her campaign whip up such a hate filled panic that led to riots, and street violence?
Never. As a thread I started called The Left has really, completely, lost its shit. clearly lays out, the Left has gone nuts over Trump's win.

While Iceweasel likes to pretend that I say everything is 50/50, his little simplistic, binary, psycho fantasy world is not real.

Yes, since everyone is screaming and no one is listening, both ends have their hands in the current widening divide. But in this case, it's pretty clear that the Left's non-stop, hate-filled frenzy played a larger role.

And, as I said in Post 26 of this very thread:
My guess is that these kids didn't get their opinions of Trump from actually observing Trump.

They got their opinions from listening to others talk about Trump.

The Division Pimps continue to do their job well.

Got it. Thank you.
It's a plantation should see it well from your spot on the fence....
What you're too covered in mud to see is that the fence doesn't run between the Left and the Right.

It runs between the narcissistic partisan crazies and most Americans.

But that's okay, keep rolling around in it.

When did a Republican Presidential Candidate and his/her campaign whip up such a hate filled panic that led to riots, and street violence?
Er...ummm... November 2016.

What are you talking about?
Did you miss all the "hate filled panic that led to riots and street violence" that was "whipped up" by Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trumps victory in November? Do You think maybe some of that was due to the way his campaign conducted itself?

Maybe you should go back and read your own question.

Trump spread no hate nor panic. That was all Hillary and hers.

That your rank and file choose to believe her nonsense and reacted accordingly is not on Trump or his.

If you disagree, please post links of Trump supporters rioting and attacking people in the street.
These 4 dindus need to do 5 years at the very least.

Kidnapping is a very serious crime. Violent assault also.

They could be looking at some very serious time.

And the longer the better.

Do any of us really think that any of these assholes will EVER change into people who have ANYTHING to offer society?

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