Black teens kidnap And torture white teen

The public outcry forced their hand. Hate crime charges filed.

'The public outcry forced their hand'? No one should have had to FORCE anyone's hands. 4 Blacks kidnapped and beat a white while screaming 'F* White People'! As several journalists have pointed out, if THIS is not an example of a 'hate Crime' there never has been one. EVER!

Can you imagine if 4 whites kidnapped and beat a black person while screaming, 'F* Black People'?!

Jesse Jackson, al Sharpton, Barak Obama, the NAACP, BLM, The NBPs, and more would have come screaming - there would be marches by now - the streets of Chicago (and other cities throughout the US) would be besieged by protestors, there would be looting, buildings/shops in flames, more shooting/murders in Chicago, etc....

There would be NO question of whether THAT was a hate crime or not. Funny how that all changes when the victim is WHITE.
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Wow, hate crime charges. Got to admit, I didn't think they had the balls to make the charge.

Hope these pricks get the max and they rot in prison.
They're next in line for a last minute pardon by our outgoing racist president.
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I get so sick of white people being called racist. I never see the KKK show up anywhere! Only the BLM &Black Panthers. Total BS- hypocrisy!!
CPD has charged Brittany & Tanishia Covington, Jordan Hill, & Tesfaye Cooper w/Hate Crime, as well as several other charges.
The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.
I do see some encouragement on Facebook. This happened in my backyard so the story is being posted all over Facebook.

The BLACK people who are commenting are saying we should lock them up and throw away the key. Black Chicagoans seem utterly outrage about this. That is very encouraging in my book.

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I love it when bad things happen to stupid people

How stupid is it to broadcast your crime live on Facebook?

Cops will never catch us now

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