Black thug executes white NYPD cop

Sonny Clark and Asclepias.....both implying the cop deserved it somehow.

I hope both of you sorry wastes of flesh catch a slow, painful cancer. Fuck both of you pieces of shit.
Ok, no problem, I understand.............. oh, thanks for the kind words, they were totally unexpected ........................ and, I hate to mention it, but since we're close and all, my birthday is in July ........... a card will do just fine .............. have a great day, enjoy and be safe ............... again, my birthday is in July ......... a card would be nice ....
Breaking now. The white cop who was shot in the face by a black career thug has died. May God be with him and his family, and with the NYPD and all of America's brave officers.
Good stuff if he was another dirty cop. I'm thinking it may have been karma. At the very least his death was caused by dirty cops.
Wow, wow, wow.

Well, there it is, gang.

The decay continues.


This idiot thinks that if the cops enforce the laws = they're dirty. Blacks are now fighting for the destruction of our civilization.

Yep. A career criminal out after an attempted murder arrest....carry a gun in a "good neighborhood"....a cop sees something is up...tries to "protect and serve"....and is murdered.

The lefties say.....he probably deserved it.

This is the Obama legacy folks.

Asclepias and Sonny are celebrating in a barn doing 69 on each other.
why on earth do you lie so much? Neither said that. You didn't post any details and your track record of posting bullshit is well known here.
His feelings were hurt of course. Thats his tell. When his feelings get hurt he starts lying to confuse all the other idiots into supporting him.
Matter of fact....

Asclepias....sorry racist waste of flesh....on ignore.
Sonny Clark...redneck white trash who probably murders people over Alabama football games....also on ignore.

Your opinions are toxic to a civil society and you're now censored from my far more intellectual mind.

Get cancer...die slow...and rot in hell. Both of you.
Gee .. I've never had love expressed to me in such a passionate way ............... I'm at a loss for words ........... you caught me totally by surprise here .......... now that you've made it public ..... I guess you're ready to pop the question?
Breaking now. The white cop who was shot in the face by a black career thug has died. May God be with him and his family, and with the NYPD and all of America's brave officers.
Good stuff if he was another dirty cop. I'm thinking it may have been karma. At the very least his death was caused by dirty cops.
Wow, wow, wow.

Well, there it is, gang.

The decay continues.

If you brush your teeth daily your teeth wont decay.
I wish you could do that with what remains of your soul.

Now now ... no need to be nasty ..... I'm sure you didn't mean it ............. it's OK this time, but be nice from now on ........... like my mother use to say, "son, it doesn't cost one penny to be nice"............. and, you know, mom was right ... yes she was ... as right as right can be ....... bless her heart .........
Breaking now. The white cop who was shot in the face by a black career thug has died. May God be with him and his family, and with the NYPD and all of America's brave officers.
Good stuff if he was another dirty cop. I'm thinking it may have been karma. At the very least his death was caused by dirty cops.
Wow, wow, wow.

Well, there it is, gang.

The decay continues.


This idiot thinks that if the cops enforce the laws = they're dirty. Blacks are now fighting for the destruction of our civilization.

Yep. A career criminal out after an attempted murder arrest....carry a gun in a "good neighborhood"....a cop sees something is up...tries to "protect and serve"....and is murdered.

The lefties say.....he probably deserved it.

This is the Obama legacy folks.

Asclepias and Sonny are celebrating in a barn doing 69 on each other.
why on earth do you lie so much? Neither said that. You didn't post any details and your track record of posting bullshit is well known here.

Yes they did. Asslips applauded it "if he was dirty"...and of course hes implying he is.

Sonny just said its karma. As if that cop deserved it because of what some other cop somewhere did.

You lefties brought this. Its Obama and the lefts legacy.

Dead cops and dead soldiers. This is the shit you people cherish. May karma return the favor.
But, hey somehow the black thugs that do evil shit daily aren't the bad guys. The media will scream this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd resegregate and remove all the white cops from the black community if I had the power. Blacks would be happier without WHITE cops. That is a fact.

Maybe I'd give them their own small country within western Mississippi, eastern La other small areas throughout the country. This is honestly the only way I can solve this problem as they don't want to live with whites.

Many PDs tried that in the past. Only blacks in black hoods. Atlanta tried it for a month when I was there.

The response?

Racism....because the PD was only sending black cops into "the most dangerous neighborhood" while white cops got the safer hoods. I shit you not.
Sounds terrible, just plain terrible ................ what ever happened to fair play?...... Gee .. some people............
Breaking now. The white cop who was shot in the face by a black career thug has died. May God be with him and his family, and with the NYPD and all of America's brave officers.
Good stuff if he was another dirty cop. I'm thinking it may have been karma. At the very least his death was caused by dirty cops.
Wow, wow, wow.

Well, there it is, gang.

The decay continues.

If you brush your teeth daily your teeth wont decay.
I wish you could do that with what remains of your soul.

Now now ... no need to be nasty ..... I'm sure you didn't mean it ............. it's OK this time, but be nice from now on ........... like my mother use to say, "son, it doesn't cost one penny to be nice"............. and, you know, mom was right ... yes she was ... as right as right can be ....... bless her heart .........


Play your games with someone else.

Who cares what ass-lips says? He's a toxic cocktail of rancid human waste. He and Jakestarkey are both advocates of killing cops. My only prayer is when that day comes, the cops shoot them first.
You the whitemans boot licker and Buckyboy care of course. Thats why you are talking about me. Smart that you are praying for the cop. I'm no joke.
I'm praying the cops hyde you in the melon.
Speak english injun. What are you trying to say?
Here I'll draw you a picture.


I want you to be that guy on the ground. Get it now?
Good stuff if he was another dirty cop. I'm thinking it may have been karma. At the very least his death was caused by dirty cops.
Wow, wow, wow.

Well, there it is, gang.

The decay continues.


This idiot thinks that if the cops enforce the laws = they're dirty. Blacks are now fighting for the destruction of our civilization.

Yep. A career criminal out after an attempted murder arrest....carry a gun in a "good neighborhood"....a cop sees something is up...tries to "protect and serve"....and is murdered.

The lefties say.....he probably deserved it.

This is the Obama legacy folks.

Asclepias and Sonny are celebrating in a barn doing 69 on each other.
why on earth do you lie so much? Neither said that. You didn't post any details and your track record of posting bullshit is well known here.

Yes they did. Asslips applauded it "if he was dirty"...and of course hes implying he is.

Sonny just said its karma. As if that cop deserved it because of what some other cop somewhere did.

You lefties brought this. Its Obama and the lefts legacy.

Dead cops and dead soldiers. This is the shit you people cherish. May karma return the favor.

Since you gave no details they were free to assume, since you started the thread, that a black man walked in on an off duty police officer brutally raping his daughter and shot the cop in the face. Your story would be "black thug kills white cop" and everyone here knows it.
Breaking now. The white cop who was shot in the face by a black career thug has died. May God be with him and his family, and with the NYPD and all of America's brave officers.
Good stuff if he was another dirty cop. I'm thinking it may have been karma. At the very least his death was caused by dirty cops.

Unless you have proof about this particular officer STFU !
Breaking now. The white cop who was shot in the face by a black career thug has died. May God be with him and his family, and with the NYPD and all of America's brave officers.
Good stuff if he was another dirty cop. I'm thinking it may have been karma. At the very least his death was caused by dirty cops.

Unless you have proof about this particular officer STFU !
Go blow your landlord. Unless you have proof to the contrary you STFU! :laugh:
Breaking now. The white cop who was shot in the face by a black career thug has died. May God be with him and his family, and with the NYPD and all of America's brave officers.
Good stuff if he was another dirty cop. I'm thinking it may have been karma. At the very least his death was caused by dirty cops.
Wow, wow, wow.

Well, there it is, gang.

The decay continues.


There is no doubt, there will be much celebration in every inner city across this country tonight.
Breaking now. The white cop who was shot in the face by a black career thug has died. May God be with him and his family, and with the NYPD and all of America's brave officers.
Good stuff if he was another dirty cop. I'm thinking it may have been karma. At the very least his death was caused by dirty cops.

Unless you have proof about this particular officer STFU !
Go blow your landlord. Unless you have proof to the contrary you STFU! :laugh:

I am the landlord, and you sir are a asshole.
Breaking now. The white cop who was shot in the face by a black career thug has died. May God be with him and his family, and with the NYPD and all of America's brave officers.
Good stuff if he was another dirty cop. I'm thinking it may have been karma. At the very least his death was caused by dirty cops.

Unless you have proof about this particular officer STFU !
Go blow your landlord. Unless you have proof to the contrary you STFU! :laugh:

I am the landlord, and you sir are a asshole.
Sure you are. :itsok:

Too bad you think I'm an asshole. Must be rough walking around with that on your mind.
Breaking now. The white cop who was shot in the face by a black career thug has died. May God be with him and his family, and with the NYPD and all of America's brave officers.
Good stuff if he was another dirty cop. I'm thinking it may have been karma. At the very least his death was caused by dirty cops.
Wow, wow, wow.

Well, there it is, gang.

The decay continues.


There is no doubt, there will be much celebration in every inner city across this country tonight.
Probably only the city that this cop worked in if he was a dirty cop.
Good stuff if he was another dirty cop. I'm thinking it may have been karma. At the very least his death was caused by dirty cops.
Wow, wow, wow.

Well, there it is, gang.

The decay continues.


This idiot thinks that if the cops enforce the laws = they're dirty. Blacks are now fighting for the destruction of our civilization.

Yep. A career criminal out after an attempted murder arrest....carry a gun in a "good neighborhood"....a cop sees something is up...tries to "protect and serve"....and is murdered.

The lefties say.....he probably deserved it.

This is the Obama legacy folks.

Asclepias and Sonny are celebrating in a barn doing 69 on each other.
why on earth do you lie so much? Neither said that. You didn't post any details and your track record of posting bullshit is well known here.

Yes they did. Asslips applauded it "if he was dirty"...and of course hes implying he is.

Sonny just said its karma. As if that cop deserved it because of what some other cop somewhere did.

You lefties brought this. Its Obama and the lefts legacy.

Dead cops and dead soldiers. This is the shit you people cherish. May karma return the favor.
Great ... now you've got it .......... you're talking just like you've got it all together ...... such wisdom in a short period of time ......... you are definitely an inspiration ..... it's so exciting when you fire up the furnace ....... you can get on a roll like no one else ...... personally, I'm proud of you ........ now, don't let me down, ya hear .....

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