Black thug executes white NYPD cop

Good stuff if he was another dirty cop. I'm thinking it may have been karma. At the very least his death was caused by dirty cops.
Wow, wow, wow.

Well, there it is, gang.

The decay continues.


There is no doubt, there will be much celebration in every inner city across this country tonight.
Probably only the city that this cop worked in if he was a dirty cop.

Nah, there will be blacks everywhere celebrating, and they won't give a fuck whether the cop was good or bad.

Blacks will always live uncivilized and by doing so they will live in filth. The problem is the fact that we have to live with them.
That's a very cruel and heartless thing to say. Humans are human, and all bleed red.
Wow, wow, wow.

Well, there it is, gang.

The decay continues.


There is no doubt, there will be much celebration in every inner city across this country tonight.
Probably only the city that this cop worked in if he was a dirty cop.

Nah, there will be blacks everywhere celebrating, and they won't give a fuck whether the cop was good or bad.

Blacks will always live uncivilized and by doing so they will live in filth. The problem is the fact that we have to live with them.
No we don't. It's called white flight and I also choose to live among whites where it's peaceful and crime is low. Indian reservations also suck ass so why live there? As far as I'm concerned they can burn down their ghettos because I choose not to live there.
Bootlicker. Have you no shame or a shred of personal dignity? :laugh:
Yep. A career criminal out after an attempted murder arrest....carry a gun in a "good neighborhood"....a cop sees something is up...tries to "protect and serve"....and is murdered.

The lefties say.....he probably deserved it.

This is the Obama legacy folks.

Asclepias and Sonny are celebrating in a barn doing 69 on each other.
why on earth do you lie so much? Neither said that. You didn't post any details and your track record of posting bullshit is well known here.

Yes they did. Asslips applauded it "if he was dirty"...and of course hes implying he is.

Sonny just said its karma. As if that cop deserved it because of what some other cop somewhere did.

You lefties brought this. Its Obama and the lefts legacy.

Dead cops and dead soldiers. This is the shit you people cherish. May karma return the favor.

Since you gave no details they were free to assume, since you started the thread, that a black man walked in on an off duty police officer brutally raping his daughter and shot the cop in the face. Your story would be "black thug kills white cop" and everyone here knows it.

A thread was done with links already. This was an update.

In THAT thread...I said he was in a coma...and the left was disappointed. ..that he wasnt dead.

Now....Asclepias and Sonny are happy hes dead.

Dead soldiers and dead cops....celebrated by the left since 2003.
I'm NEVER happy when anyone dies. I'm NEVER happy when anyone is injured.
The PC nits that are arguing with you think that if you don't offer to blow any cop in the vicinity, you are disrespecting the police. It's kind of comical.
why on earth do you lie so much? Neither said that. You didn't post any details and your track record of posting bullshit is well known here.

Yes they did. Asslips applauded it "if he was dirty"...and of course hes implying he is.

Sonny just said its karma. As if that cop deserved it because of what some other cop somewhere did.

You lefties brought this. Its Obama and the lefts legacy.

Dead cops and dead soldiers. This is the shit you people cherish. May karma return the favor.

Since you gave no details they were free to assume, since you started the thread, that a black man walked in on an off duty police officer brutally raping his daughter and shot the cop in the face. Your story would be "black thug kills white cop" and everyone here knows it.

A thread was done with links already. This was an update.

In THAT thread...I said he was in a coma...and the left was disappointed. ..that he wasnt dead.

Now....Asclepias and Sonny are happy hes dead.

Dead soldiers and dead cops....celebrated by the left since 2003.
I'm NEVER happy when anyone dies. I'm NEVER happy when anyone is injured.
The PC nits that are arguing with you think that if you don't offer to blow any cop in the vicinity, you are disrespecting the police. It's kind of comical.

No thats not what we expect.

We'll take it slow. For starters...lets get your fellow lefties to stop celebrating dead cops and implying they deserved it. Has the left stopped spitting on soldiers and cheering their deaths yet?
There is no doubt, there will be much celebration in every inner city across this country tonight.
Probably only the city that this cop worked in if he was a dirty cop.

Nah, there will be blacks everywhere celebrating, and they won't give a fuck whether the cop was good or bad.

Blacks will always live uncivilized and by doing so they will live in filth. The problem is the fact that we have to live with them.
No we don't. It's called white flight and I also choose to live among whites where it's peaceful and crime is low. Indian reservations also suck ass so why live there? As far as I'm concerned they can burn down their ghettos because I choose not to live there.
Bootlicker. Have you no shame or a shred of personal dignity? :laugh:
No, but what I do have is a nice 5 bedroom house, a lawn and neatly manicured landscaping, and a pool in a nice neighborhood with lots of friendly white people.

Oh and no shootings, vandalism and crime. Yeah, we opted out of that.
Probably only the city that this cop worked in if he was a dirty cop.

Nah, there will be blacks everywhere celebrating, and they won't give a fuck whether the cop was good or bad.

Blacks will always live uncivilized and by doing so they will live in filth. The problem is the fact that we have to live with them.
No we don't. It's called white flight and I also choose to live among whites where it's peaceful and crime is low. Indian reservations also suck ass so why live there? As far as I'm concerned they can burn down their ghettos because I choose not to live there.
Bootlicker. Have you no shame or a shred of personal dignity? :laugh:
No, but what I do have is a nice 5 bedroom house, a lawn and neatly manicured landscaping, and a pool in a nice neighborhood with lots of friendly white people.

Oh and no shootings, vandalism and crime. Yeah, we opted out of that.
Only five bedrooms? White people normally take good care of their pets. Good boy boot licker.
This is a war. Thugs and police are enemies. It's time the police start acting like it. Even if the fight is taken extra judicially.

It extends far further then thugs and police...I am not saying all blacks want war against whites, but a large percentage of them do.

They want revenge and they don't care how poorly they live as they do it.
Let's see how many of the PC Police condemn, without qualification, the hate expressed by these lefties here.


Asclepias and Sonny Clark said the dead cop deserved it.

I put both on ignore. Their opinions are toxic to a civil society. Karma will get them both in time.
Acidophiles and Sunny Clunk love tossing salad.
This is a war. Thugs and police are enemies. It's time the police start acting like it. Even if the fight is taken extra judicially.

It extends far further then thugs and police...I am not saying all blacks want war against whites, but a large percentage of them do.

They want revenge and they don't care how poorly they live as they do it.
That wins the award for the dumbest post of the day.
Assclips...I see you trying to respond. But I censored you. Your toxic views dont belong in a civil society. You and Sonny can 69 each other in your filthy hood.
The thread title is inaccurate. It should say: Another Celebration of Obama's Racial Healing Results in a Dead Cop.
Sonny Clark and Asclepias.....both implying the cop deserved it somehow.

I hope both of you sorry wastes of flesh catch a slow, painful cancer. Fuck both of you pieces of shit.

The cop didn't deserve it.

You imply everyone killed by a cop deserved it, which is actually worse and shows your propensity to support fascism.

i wonder if these posters had the same standards for those nutjobs at the bundy ranch...
Assclips...I see you trying to respond. But I censored you. Your toxic views dont belong in a civil society. You and Sonny can 69 each other in your filthy hood.
As if we need your permission ...... pleeeeeease .............. hey, the next day that you stay home from grade school, I hope your mother is there to keep you from being so ugly and unruly to adults.
Assclips...I see you trying to respond. But I censored you. Your toxic views dont belong in a civil society. You and Sonny can 69 each other in your filthy hood.
Just post Shut UP NEGRO like you want to Bucky.

Well...I censored a white trash redneck too.

So are you and those guys ordering a gay cake for your "Another Dead Cop" party? What kind of games and events do you lefties have at your dead cop/dead troops parties?
Sonny Clark and Asclepias.....both implying the cop deserved it somehow.

I hope both of you sorry wastes of flesh catch a slow, painful cancer. Fuck both of you pieces of shit.

The cop didn't deserve it.

You imply everyone killed by a cop deserved it, which is actually worse and shows your propensity to support fascism.

i wonder if these posters had the same standards for those nutjobs at the bundy ranch...
Of course not.

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