Black Trump Supporter DESTROYS Race Baiting CNN Reporter

George Soros (the Jew{?}) has stirred up
Soros is total 100% scum. I did not know he was Jewish till you mentioned that, as I know he worked for the Nazis in Hungary in deporting Jews to the death camps and seizing their property.

George Soros - Wikipedia

Soros was 13 years old in March 1944 when Nazi Germany occupied Hungary.[20] When Jewish children were barred from attending school by the Nazis, Soros and the other schoolchildren were made to report to the Judenrat ("Jewish Council"), which had been established during the occupation. Soros later described this time to writer Michael Lewis:

The Jewish Council asked the little kids to hand out the deportation notices. I was told to go to the Jewish Council. And there I was given these small slips of paper.... It said report to the rabbinical seminary at 9 am... And I was given this list of names. I took this piece of paper to my father. He instantly recognized it. This was a list of Hungarian Jewish lawyers. He said, "You deliver the slips of paper and tell the people that if they report they will be deported.[21]

Soros did not return to that job and his family purchased documents to say that they were Christians, thereby allowing them to survive the war. Later that year, at age 14, Soros lived with and posed as the Christian godson of an official of the fascist Hungarian government's Ministry of Agriculture. The official was at one point ordered to inventory the remaining contents of the estate of wealthy Jewish families. Rather than leave Soros alone in the city, the official brought him along and Soros participated in this action.[22] Soros has stated that he helped in the confiscation of Jewish property on multiple occasions, but that he felt no feeling of guilt for his actions, explaining: "In a funny way, it's just like in markets - that if I weren't there... someone else would be taking it away anyhow... So I had no sense of guilt".[23] Of the Nazi occupation of Hungary, Soros would write in 2000 (in the foreword to the publication of his father's autobiography): "It is a sacrilegious thing to say, but these ten months were one of the happiest times in my life".[24] Soros said that he "grew up in a Jewish, anti-Semitic home," and that his parents were "uncomfortable with their religious roots." They changed their name fromSchwartz ("black" in German) to Soros (a successor in Hungarian) in 1936 to disassociate themselves from the Jewish community.
When Soros was asked why he helped the Nazis exterminate the Jews his answer was: "If I didn't do it someone else would have". Seriously.
Soros is a vile animal and I am not sure he even has a soul.

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