Black Unemployment--Record Low

Obama didn't build that. Someone else made that happen. :lmao:
Trump made that happen.
With imagined non racist policies against blacks...Care to point them out?
Trump is the best thing to happen to the black race since Republicans freed the slaves.
Because he did what exactly, hired everyone of them?
I'm pretty sure that how, where and what Presidents do to get things done is not something that is made public.

It's bad enough we have Hillary selling Russia uranium, we don't need her selling the Russians Presidential top secrets.

The Russians wouldn't have had to pay for them, they would have just stolen them from her unsecure government servers.
So instead of a pat on the back of the blacks for getting jobs you dipshits want to pat a guy on the back that did nothing....Cultist are stupid..
Why would we want to pat Obama on the back?
Play stupid, it's what you are best at...

And what was Oblama's racist policies against blacks gaining employment?
Obviously Obama had no interest in helping the black race. Trump improved the lives of blacks in less than a year. Obama had eight years and accomplished nothing.

I'm assuming that you're a white racist if you're pissed at Trump for helping the black race.
Obama didn't build that. Someone else made that happen. :lmao:
Trump made that happen.
With imagined non racist policies against blacks...Care to point them out?
/-----/ OK Lambchop. I'll help you out until Mommy get's your Google fixed: Here is some interesting reading:
How Obama Failed Black Americans
William A. Darity Jr. is the Samuel DuBois Cook Professor of Public Policy, African and African American Studies, and Economics, and the director of the Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity at Duke University.
You can leave my dead Mom out of this or you can get reported..But at least you are trying to learn, too bad it's highly biased..

Apart from black dysfunction, Obama does acknowledge that ongoing discrimination is a partial factor explaining racial inequality and says that anti-discrimination enforcement is the type of black-specific measure that he can endorse. Of course, anti-discrimination laws do not operate exclusively on behalf of black folk. They really are universal measures intended to contain all forms of discrimination, and, while effective enforcement can improve black employment opportunities, it will do little to address massive, inherited racial wealth differences.
I see you didn't pre read your story because all it says is Oblama failed the black folks by not doing enough against the disparities.....You white privilege bastards are greedy...
/—-/ Sorry about your Mom.
Of all the great Trump Economic News, this is probably the best----best for America; best for everybody, except the Democratic Party whose very survival depends on keeping Blacks poor, hopeless, on welfare and drugs, and uneducated--and thus dependent on a Socialist Bolshevik State of the type that Obama ran for eight years--which kept them DOWN, DOWN, DOWN....and blaming Whitey---instead of they are so welcome to the ideals of the greatest country in the history of mankind.

Black unemployment rate falls to record low
You don't think it's made public? Yeah his itinerary is all secret code shit and the public is not allowed to view the emperor at work...What planet was you born on?
Hillary is selling shit right now, dance a little harder...
It's a shame that Hillary hadn't chosen a career in selling shit long before she chose a career in defending men who rape 12 year old girls.
Of all the great Trump Economic News, this is probably the best----best for America; best for everybody, except the Democratic Party whose very survival depends on keeping Blacks poor, hopeless, on welfare and drugs, and uneducated--and thus dependent on a Socialist Bolshevik State of the type that Obama ran for eight years--which kept them DOWN, DOWN, DOWN....and blaming Whitey---instead of they are so welcome to the ideals of the greatest country in the history of mankind.

Black unemployment rate falls to record low
So you adorate a white guy that didn't hire one black guy that was unemployed...What about telling the blacks they did a better job of not being unemployed...
Those will be downplayed.

Trump is the worst racist ever!

He is helping those he hates!!!

You bet.

I doubt there will be a Liberal-Socialist Turd that even dares to touch the Original Post....they want it gone to page two...may even be moved to Race Relations or even the Rubber Room.

The information is an existential threat to the Democrat (a/k/a Bolshevik) Party.

If Blacks realize how badly they have been used and abused by the Democrats for many years....not even educated in the rotting cities of the North run by Democrats and their corrupt Teacher's Unions for 40 plus years---what will they do?

Bringing in more illegal uneducated Mexicans in need of Welfare is getting harder to do under Trump....who puts America first, and Americans are onto the vast Democratic Voter Fraud.

What will they do?
Of all the great Trump Economic News, this is probably the best----best for America; best for everybody, except the Democratic Party whose very survival depends on keeping Blacks poor, hopeless, on welfare and drugs, and uneducated--and thus dependent on a Socialist Bolshevik State of the type that Obama ran for eight years--which kept them DOWN, DOWN, DOWN....and blaming Whitey---instead of they are so welcome to the ideals of the greatest country in the history of mankind.

Black unemployment rate falls to record low
So you adorate a white guy that didn't hire one black guy that was unemployed...What about telling the blacks they did a better job of not being unemployed...

wtf are you talking about?
Of all the great Trump Economic News, this is probably the best----best for America; best for everybody, except the Democratic Party whose very survival depends on keeping Blacks poor, hopeless, on welfare and drugs, and uneducated--and thus dependent on a Socialist Bolshevik State of the type that Obama ran for eight years--which kept them DOWN, DOWN, DOWN....and blaming Whitey---instead of they are so welcome to the ideals of the greatest country in the history of mankind.

Black unemployment rate falls to record low
So you adorate a white guy that didn't hire one black guy that was unemployed...What about telling the blacks they did a better job of not being unemployed...
so who is gonna work at McDonalds now? im worried
Of all the great Trump Economic News, this is probably the best----best for America; best for everybody, except the Democratic Party whose very survival depends on keeping Blacks poor, hopeless, on welfare and drugs, and uneducated--and thus dependent on a Socialist Bolshevik State of the type that Obama ran for eight years--which kept them DOWN, DOWN, DOWN....and blaming Whitey---instead of they are so welcome to the ideals of the greatest country in the history of mankind.

Black unemployment rate falls to record low
So you adorate a white guy that didn't hire one black guy that was unemployed...What about telling the blacks they did a better job of not being unemployed...
so who is gonna work at McDonalds now? im worried
Of all the great Trump Economic News, this is probably the best----best for America; best for everybody, except the Democratic Party whose very survival depends on keeping Blacks poor, hopeless, on welfare and drugs, and uneducated--and thus dependent on a Socialist Bolshevik State of the type that Obama ran for eight years--which kept them DOWN, DOWN, DOWN....and blaming Whitey---instead of they are so welcome to the ideals of the greatest country in the history of mankind.

Black unemployment rate falls to record low

certainly great news

maybe they will slow down a bit

on shooting each other for awhile
Of all the great Trump Economic News, this is probably the best----best for America; best for everybody, except the Democratic Party whose very survival depends on keeping Blacks poor, hopeless, on welfare and drugs, and uneducated--and thus dependent on a Socialist Bolshevik State of the type that Obama ran for eight years--which kept them DOWN, DOWN, DOWN....and blaming Whitey---instead of they are so welcome to the ideals of the greatest country in the history of mankind.

Black unemployment rate falls to record low
So you adorate a white guy that didn't hire one black guy that was unemployed...What about telling the blacks they did a better job of not being unemployed...
so who is gonna work at McDonalds now? im worried
if blacks keep getting better jobs, leave the fast food industry, whos next? little aliens from Mars making my burgers?
Of all the great Trump Economic News, this is probably the best----best for America; best for everybody, except the Democratic Party whose very survival depends on keeping Blacks poor, hopeless, on welfare and drugs, and uneducated--and thus dependent on a Socialist Bolshevik State of the type that Obama ran for eight years--which kept them DOWN, DOWN, DOWN....and blaming Whitey---instead of they are so welcome to the ideals of the greatest country in the history of mankind.

Black unemployment rate falls to record low
So you adorate a white guy that didn't hire one black guy that was unemployed...What about telling the blacks they did a better job of not being unemployed...
so who is gonna work at McDonalds now? im worried
if blacks keep getting better jobs, leave the fast food industry, whos next? little aliens from Mars making my burgers?

automated machines

already in progress
Of all the great Trump Economic News, this is probably the best----best for America; best for everybody, except the Democratic Party whose very survival depends on keeping Blacks poor, hopeless, on welfare and drugs, and uneducated--and thus dependent on a Socialist Bolshevik State of the type that Obama ran for eight years--which kept them DOWN, DOWN, DOWN....and blaming Whitey---instead of they are so welcome to the ideals of the greatest country in the history of mankind.

Black unemployment rate falls to record low
So you adorate a white guy that didn't hire one black guy that was unemployed...What about telling the blacks they did a better job of not being unemployed...
so who is gonna work at McDonalds now? im worried
if blacks keep getting better jobs, leave the fast food industry, whos next? little aliens from Mars making my burgers?

automated machines

already in progress
im worried about aliens from mars purposely farting on my whoppers
Don’t worry, regressives will be along any minute now to complain about wages.

They bragged about the Hussein’s 8% unemployment rate, but they won’t give Republicans or President Trump credit for 4.1%.
Don’t worry, regressives will be along any minute now to complain about wages.

They bragged about the Hussein’s 8% unemployment rate, but they won’t give Republicans or President Trump credit for 4.1%.

they know the obama years sucked for everyone

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