black woman accused police of assault in north carolina

Actually, that isnt true. A police officer can only compel you to provide your liscence if you are suspected of committing a crime or a traffic violation, and they must "be able to reasonably articulate the crime they suspect you of".

So they couldnt say "we think you robbed a bank" if a bank wasnt robbed and there was no reason for them to believe it.
that's not how the law reads in N.C
thats what some folks

can't differentiate from. there is a difference between a cop asking for ID on the street and asking for it from a car driver. two different scenarios.
What these stupid fucking idiots dont understand is if they kept a cool head and understood the laws, they could end up with a nice lawsuit, but instead they lose their shit.

If you say, "i am not legally required to give you my ID unless you can reasonanbly articulate a crime" and the cop still demands your ID under threat of arrest, you say, "ok, i am doing this under duress and threat of imprisonment". After that, the moment you hand the cop your ID, he instantly loses his "qualified immunity" and is now subject to being sued personally, along with the police station that he works for.
the thing that disgusts me most about these keyboard nazis is they are just cowards sitting in their pajamas punching away at the keyboard instead of have the courage themselves to hold the gun to peoples heads and send their stormtroopers to do their dirty work,,
What these stupid fucking idiots dont understand is if they kept a cool head and understood the laws, they could end up with a nice lawsuit, but instead they lose their shit.

If you say, "i am not legally required to give you my ID unless you can reasonanbly articulate a crime" and the cop still demands your ID under threat of arrest, you say, "ok, i am doing this under duress and threat of imprisonment". After that, the moment you hand the cop your ID, he instantly loses his "qualified immunity" and is now subject to being sued personally, along with the police station that he works for.
you get better standing and a larger payout if they physically abuse you,, just like this lady is about to get,,
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the thing that disgusts me most about these keyboard nazis is they are just cowards sitting in their pajamas punching away at the keyboard instead of have the courage themselves to hold the gun to peoples heads and send their stormtroopers to do their dirty work,,
I spent time in the sandbox holding guns on people. I've had my fill of that shit
I spent time in the sandbox holding guns on people. I've had my fill of that shit
and now you spit on that and sit behind your keyboard telling people their rights mean nothing and submit to my overlords,,

youre a disgrace to the military,,,

now go suck adolfs dick you nazi fuck,,,
and now you spit on that and sit behind your keyboard telling people their rights mean nothing and submit to my overlords,,

youre a disgrace to the military,,,⁹

now go suck adolfs dick you nazi fuck,,,
if you hadn't let dick stand before serving you could have served as well.
I fought for the Constitution so queers like you can complain.
if you hadn't let dick stand before serving you could have served as well.
I fought for the Constitution so queers like you can complain.
you ever heard the old saying "what have you done for me lately"???

what youre doing now is pissing on the constitution and proving ex military should never be cops,,,,

tell us,, what made you turn so dark??
you ever heard the old saying "what have you done for me lately"???

what youre doing now is pissing on the constitution and proving ex military should never be cops,,,,

tell us,, what made you turn so dark??
I was born dark. And as a rule I hate fucking people. and you're reinforcing the reason why.
I was born dark. as a rule I hate fucking people. and you're reinforcing the reason why.
sorry if defending our rights listed in the constitution causes you so much hurt,,,,,

maybe you should rethink your nazi like attitude and come back to the real world where people have rights,,
Because she was black, that is nothing new.

Why did she need to get out the car is she had not broken the Law?
There was suspicion that she broke the law. Thats all that matters.

A suspicion she broke the Law, sorry this isn't 1952. What law did she suspiciously break?
If you have evidence that he was doing this because she is black, then present it to a court of law, but acting like a spoiled brat is not acceptable. That girl sucks.

We will see when she goes to Court, I know you think black folks are supposed to bow down and grin and shine because it's the cops. This is a country governed by Laws.
sorry if defending our rights listed in the constitution causes you so much hurt,,,,,

maybe you should rethink your nazi like attitude and come back to the real world where people have rights,,
it would take more effort than you can muster to hurt me. as you've proven in this thread you know just enough about those rights to get a night stick up your stupid ass and wind up in jail. despite what your mom keeps telling you you ain't smart and you ain't special.

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