black woman accused police of assault in north carolina

it would take more effort than you can muster to hurt me. as you've proven in this thread you know just enough about those rights to get a night stick up your stupid ass and wind up in jail. despite what your mom keeps telling you you ain't smart and you ain't special.
what ever you say adolf,,,
A suspicion she broke the Law, sorry this isn't 1952. What law did she suspiciously break?

We will see when she goes to Court, I know you think black folks are supposed to bow down and grin and shine because it's the cops. This is a country governed by Laws.
what court? this shit will be dropped faster than she can skin a chicken leg.
A suspicion she broke the Law, sorry this isn't 1952. What law did she suspiciously break?

We will see when she goes to Court, I know you think black folks are supposed to bow down and grin and shine because it's the cops. This is a country governed by Laws.
I would imagine the cop thought she was illegally dumping garbage.
the law doesnt support your assumption,,,

I dont need to give my OPINION on why they did it,,

In a roundabout way, that is exactly what you're doing.

You haven't come right out and said it and you probably won't but, I think you believe they were harassing this woman because she's black.
just that it was not legal and proven by the fact they didnt arrest her but let her go after stealing her property and searching it without a warrant,,

"Stealing" her property? They gave it back, didn't they?
In a roundabout way, that is exactly what you're doing.

You haven't come right out and said it and you probably won't but, I think you believe they were harassing this woman because she's black.

"Stealing" her property? They gave it back, didn't they?
sorry I am not a racist like you and know race had nothing to do with it,,,

thats why I posted a link with dozens of examples of them doing this to white people,,

sorry but you will have to use your race card somewhere else,,,
no she said she was taking picture to show it was removed,,

I see no where in the article that there was garbage there,,,

if I am wrong please show me,,
I wasnt there and didnt get a good look in the video. Regardless, there was obviously a reason he stopped her. He thought she was up to something. I know youre going to say, "he only stopped her because she is black", but i see no evidence of that, nor would it make sense. If he is just fucking with random black people all day, surely his records would show that. Still, even if it was because he is a "nazi", how the fuck do you intend to prove it? He could list a bunch of fake things he suspected her of, if he was just fucking with her because of her skin color.

"I thought she had a gun in her hand"
I wasnt there and didnt get a good look in the video. Regardless, there was obviously a reason he stopped her. He thought she was up to something. I know youre going to say, "he only stopped her because she is black", but i see no evidence of that, nor would it make sense. If he is just fucking with random black people all day, surely his records would show that. Still, even if it was because he is a "nazi", how the fuck do you intend to prove it? He could list a bunch of fake things he suspected her of, if he was just fucking with her because of her skin color.

"I thought she had a gun in her hand"
thinking it means nothing,,,,
I wasnt there and didnt get a good look in the video. Regardless, there was obviously a reason he stopped her. He thought she was up to something. I know youre going to say, "he only stopped her because she is black", but i see no evidence of that, nor would it make sense. If he is just fucking with random black people all day, surely his records would show that. Still, even if it was because he is a "nazi", how the fuck do you intend to prove it? He could list a bunch of fake things he suspected her of, if he was just fucking with her because of her skin color.

"I thought she had a gun in her hand"

Argue they do it to all. When will people get tired of having to pay people off for having their rights violated?

thinking it means nothing,,,,
If a cop stopped someone and put them in cuffs because he thought they had a gun, but they didnt, what do you think happens? The cop gets in trouble? Nope, cops can make mistakes. Once he figures out that the person doesnt have a gun, he uncuffs them and they are free to go. They will be mad of course, but there is nothing they can do about it.
If a cop stopped someone and put them in cuffs because he thought they had a gun, but they didnt, what do you think happens? The cop gets in trouble? Nope, cops can make mistakes. Once he figures out that the person doesnt have a gun, he uncuffs them and they are free to go. They will be mad of course, but there is nothing they can do about it.
now youre just makin shit up because you know your wrong,,,

nice try though,,,
Wrong about what? What do YOU think happens if a cop says you have a gun, cuffs you, then finds out that you dont have a gun and lets you go?
I asked you before what R.A.S. was,, its obvious you dont know,,,

when youve educated yourself on this get back to me,,,

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