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Black Women: 50% of City's Female Arrests, Only 6% of the Female Population

According to a new report from the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice African-American women in San Francisco account for 50% of the female arrests, but only make up 6% of the female population. The study points out that arrest disparities are not the result of African-Americans committing more crimes. In fact, 2012 San Francisco arrest rates for black women were lower than any time over the last 30 years. You can read the full report here.

Black Women in San Francisco Are Nearly 50 of City s Female Arrests and Only 6 of the Female Population Alternet

This thread is dedicated to arrest disproportions among black and non-black female residents of San Francisco. Everybody knows it is dangerous to be a black man when it comes to police-suspect negotiations. Turns out, black women can be a target of police's prejudice, as well.
Some of you will say Afro-Americans are more inclined to crime and therefore get what they deserve from police officers all around the country. I believe it was the case in Baltimore and Ferguson. However, it is clearly stated in the article that "arrest disparities are not the result of African-Americans committing more crimes". What is the reason for that if not stereotypical depiction of African-Americans?
Do we know the percentage of Black arrests that result in a conviction?

Do we know the percentage of non-Black arrests that result in a conviction?

Those numbers should tell us something.


I'm not sure that I trust an AlterNet article published by a SanFran NPO whose mission is to reduce the reliance upon incarceration as a remedy for social problems - not that that isn't an admirable goal - but they have far too big a dog in that fight, to be taken seriously, as an objective observer and analyst.
FBI Uniform Crime Reports contain race, arrests, prosecutions, and conviction. What is never reported is the actual number of crimes because we have no way of knowing. If we see 10 times as many arrest of blacks as whites in the reports we may assume blacks are committing 10 times the number crimes. That's an assumption and probably not a good one.

Police will always monitor more closely groups that are known to commit more crime. That's good police work but it skews the data. In other words we tend to find what we look for. So if we look harder at blacks because we know they commit more crime that whites, we will make more black arrests than looking equally at blacks and whites.. And the more arrests we make, the more we focus on blacks. Thus you may have 60% of the actual crimes being committed by blacks but because police are focusing on blacks, we may have 85% black arrests, good police work but skewed statistics.
I think your 60% mark is overly generous and am guessing that we could probably and defensibly add 10 to 20 points to that, but your point is reasonable and well-taken.
60% or whatever will increase because police will monitor blacks more closely than whites because blacks are committing more crimes than whites. Then the 60% becomes 70% then 80%.
FBI Uniform Crime Reports contain race, arrests, prosecutions, and conviction.

I have never seen prosecutions or convictions in the UCR; only arrests, race and gender. But that makes the statistical impact even worse when it comes to proportional racial comparisons. People assume ARRESTS equate to CONVICTIONS but they don't.Many arrests are unfounded and the subjects are released. Other arrestees are exonerated in a court of law. either case the statistic of their respective arrests still stand and cannot be erased.

Police have an extraordinary incentive to arrest as many Blacks as they can because:

1. it helps to feed the illusion that all Blacks are criminals. That seems to be a desirable ethos integral to the political strategies of both the GOP and the Democrats. Keeping those race based statistics fed is a top priority.

2. Many law enforcement budgets are influenced by local or area crime rates. The more arrests, the more fodder for police coffers when budget negotiations are being considered. So, when there is little crime to be found...target the blacks or Mexicans more and make that budget justification plausible on THEIR backs, not White ones.
I'm not sure the FBI does issue reports that show convictions. However, it's a data element they collect. Possibly, you have to use their data reporting tool to produce a report of convictions.

Also reported crimes are not collected by the FBI.

The statistics are probably skewed for any minority that creates a high percentage of crimes. Police have limited resources and will always target the group that has the highest crime rate which of courses increases that crime rate further. This in itself is not wrong. It's just something people should be aware of when they look at crime statistics.

But isn't the discussion about the UCR? You said it contains prosecutions and convictions. It doesn't! Even after I provided links to the FBI's UCR website in post #77 you say :"I'm not sure the FBI does issue reports that show convictions." You seem to be doubting the FBI's own website. I even took the time to post a brief excerpt of the information for those who didn't actually want to visit the site but that seems to have been in vain.

I do applaud you for at least attempting to address the curse of race based statistics rationally. However, it would help if you knew what you were talking about when tackling such a sensitive issue; especially when discussing the UCR.

You've made some valid points and so have I; but, our respective speculative analyses are conjectural at best. What is needed is a DOJ investigation similar to the one conducted in Ferguson. Then the general public can get the core facts that neither you, I or anyone on USMB are privy to. Personally, I think the same racialist pathology that was ingrained in the Ferguson PD has taken root in SFPD as well.

One more thing: The article in the op specifically noted that black females did not commit more crimes but experienced an upsurge in arrests anyway . In agreement with what you said about targeting the group with the highest crime rate, we still need to understand that, according to the data collected in the UCR, a racial "crime rate" is largely created by how many arrests are made and nothing else. That means the police control it and can manipulate it at will in myriad ways.

I ask this: Why is the United States the only country to use race based Crime statistics? The relatively small number of rascals in the minority groups are used to hurt and cast suspicion on the majority who aren't criminals.
Sorry, I missed your post. You're correct, convictions don't seem to be reported. The Bureau of Justice Statistics does collect conviction data but it's not uniform and and I'm not sure it includes race.

I think we collect more racial crime data as well as other racial data because we have enshrined into law equal protection and civil rights. Unlike many countries, we actively seek to improve social conditions and to do that we need accurate data. If we see an excessive number of crime committed by blacks or other races we ask why and what can be done about it. That is certainly not the case in many countries.
Sorry, I missed your post. You're correct, convictions don't seem to be reported. The Bureau of Justice Statistics does collect conviction data but it's not uniform and and I'm not sure it includes race.

Ohh, I don't think you missed my post. You must have seen the alert and just didn't care to respond because you didn't like the linked facts I brought to the table. That's why I responded as I did... I made you an offer you couldn't ignore. Incredibly, you are still trying to skirt around the actual fact that neither convictions OR prosecutions are included in the UCR. That is puzzling since anyone following this exchange can see the truth.

Your bizarre perspective doesn't stop there: You join the chorus of those who don't care that race based crime statistics hurt the innocent, which are the majority of blacks, and is instrumental in dividing the country along racial lines. Your premise that " unlike many countries, we actively seek to improve social conditions and to do that we need accurate data" falls flat considering the general perspective among Caucasians that the "Black failure" is endemic in the Black community. That stereotypical view has been the pervasive one in your world for decades. However , when altruistic Whites initiated affirmative action to counter what your statistical data was showing, they were overwhelming met with shuts of "FOUL."

The use of racial statistics has done more to exacerbate ill treatment and resentment by Whites than the use of such data to help the black community. You cannot possibly refute that fact and hope to retain any sort of credibility here.

As my sig indicates, statistics can be used to manipulate public opinion. I'll add that the SFPD brass knows that and act on it constantly by arresting as many black females as they can. NOT BECAUSE BLACK FEMALES ARE COMMITTING MORE CRIMES, the op agrees with me on that point, BUT BECAUSE ARRESTS= HIGHER CRIME RATES FOR SMALL GROUPS PROPORTIONALLY, REGARDLESS OF THE FINAL DISPOSITION OF THE CASE!

So you can stop saying that black females in San Francisco are COMMITTING more crimes unless you have evidence to impugn the article in the op!
white woman with a knife wont get arrested because first she has to be pulled over or suspected of something for the police to even engage.

black woman with the same knife will be arrested more often for the simple fact they are pulled over or suspected of something first.

It really very simple. You cant have high arrests for people who you do not engage. If the roles were reversed where cops only stopped whites more often than blacks. Just stopped them...you'd see a correlation with the increased rates of whites in jail.

Reminds me of the old saying "You miss 100% of the shots you dont take"

Evidence please.

Evidence of what?

Oh that's right. You don't need evidence for your claims. I forgot the logic you live by.

To answer your question: Evidence of anything in the post I responded to.
Sorry, I missed your post. You're correct, convictions don't seem to be reported. The Bureau of Justice Statistics does collect conviction data but it's not uniform and and I'm not sure it includes race.

Ohh, I don't think you missed my post. You must have seen the alert and just didn't care to respond because you didn't like the linked facts I brought to the table. That's why I responded as I did... I made you an offer you couldn't ignore. Incredibly, you are still trying to skirt around the actual fact that neither convictions OR prosecutions are included in the UCR. That is puzzling since anyone following this exchange can see the truth.

Your bizarre perspective doesn't stop there: You join the chorus of those who don't care that race based crime statistics hurt the innocent, which are the majority of blacks, and is instrumental in dividing the country along racial lines. Your premise that " unlike many countries, we actively seek to improve social conditions and to do that we need accurate data" falls flat considering the general perspective among Caucasians that the "Black failure" is endemic in the Black community. That stereotypical view has been the pervasive one in your world for decades. However , when altruistic Whites initiated affirmative action to counter what your statistical data was showing, they were overwhelming met with shuts of "FOUL."

The use of racial statistics has done more to exacerbate ill treatment and resentment by Whites than the use of such data to help the black community. You cannot possibly refute that fact and hope to retain any sort of credibility here.

As my sig indicates, statistics can be used to manipulate public opinion. I'll add that the SFPD brass knows that and act on it constantly by arresting as many black females as they can. NOT BECAUSE BLACK FEMALES ARE COMMITTING MORE CRIMES, the op agrees with me on that point, BUT BECAUSE ARRESTS= HIGHER CRIME RATES FOR SMALL GROUPS PROPORTIONALLY, REGARDLESS OF THE FINAL DISPOSITION OF THE CASE!

So you can stop saying that black females in San Francisco are COMMITTING more crimes unless you have evidence to impugn the article in the op!
At best your post is bizarre.
Sorry, I missed your post. You're correct, convictions don't seem to be reported. The Bureau of Justice Statistics does collect conviction data but it's not uniform and and I'm not sure it includes race.

Ohh, I don't think you missed my post. You must have seen the alert and just didn't care to respond because you didn't like the linked facts I brought to the table. That's why I responded as I did... I made you an offer you couldn't ignore. Incredibly, you are still trying to skirt around the actual fact that neither convictions OR prosecutions are included in the UCR. That is puzzling since anyone following this exchange can see the truth.

Your bizarre perspective doesn't stop there: You join the chorus of those who don't care that race based crime statistics hurt the innocent, which are the majority of blacks, and is instrumental in dividing the country along racial lines. Your premise that " unlike many countries, we actively seek to improve social conditions and to do that we need accurate data" falls flat considering the general perspective among Caucasians that the "Black failure" is endemic in the Black community. That stereotypical view has been the pervasive one in your world for decades. However , when altruistic Whites initiated affirmative action to counter what your statistical data was showing, they were overwhelming met with shuts of "FOUL."

The use of racial statistics has done more to exacerbate ill treatment and resentment by Whites than the use of such data to help the black community. You cannot possibly refute that fact and hope to retain any sort of credibility here.

As my sig indicates, statistics can be used to manipulate public opinion. I'll add that the SFPD brass knows that and act on it constantly by arresting as many black females as they can. NOT BECAUSE BLACK FEMALES ARE COMMITTING MORE CRIMES, the op agrees with me on that point, BUT BECAUSE ARRESTS= HIGHER CRIME RATES FOR SMALL GROUPS PROPORTIONALLY, REGARDLESS OF THE FINAL DISPOSITION OF THE CASE!

So you can stop saying that black females in San Francisco are COMMITTING more crimes unless you have evidence to impugn the article in the op!
At best your post is bizarre.

What is bizarre about it? IS it the part where I showed explicitly that your knowledge of the UCR is minimal at best?
Or, is it the part where I implicated you as a proponent of race based crime statistics that hurt the majority of decent blacks rather than helping them? Show me where anything I said is bizarre or not true!

I doubt you will respond because your own thinly veiled bigotry has been exposed. I believe you meant well, but, the angle with which you were looking down your nose at Black women and their alleged "criminality" was a bit too sharp for me!

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