Black youth steal 50 iPhones at an Oakland store, and nobody does anything about it.

Yep, right along with not bring the victim of racism and discrimination. Also being mainstreamed into American society when you have the right color skin doesn't hurt either.
The "right color skin" for what ?
  • College admissions ?
  • College financial aid ?
  • Job hiring ?
  • Job promotions ?
  • Business loans ?

  • The right skin color for all these is BLACK (beneficiaries of affirmative action) You don't know ?
When have black folks ever said if you break the law you shouldn't be held accountable?

How about when whites break the law they be held equally accountable and not receive probation while the black criminal is sent to prison.

How about we have one Justice System for everyone.
CNN/MSNBC/PBS standard
59 years of AFFIRMATIVE ACTION discrimination, with blacks as the beneficiaries, and whites as the victims. Among other panders and ass kissing favors.

59 years, and you have to ask ? Why would that be ?
How is that idiot when white women have benefitted more from it than anyone. AA has never helped the folks it was designed to.
The "right color skin" for what ?
  • College admissions ?
  • College financial aid ?
  • Job hiring ?
  • Job promotions ?
  • Business loans ?

  • The right skin color for all these is BLACK (beneficiaries of affirmative action) You don't know ?
Not just business loans, but business contracts with the government.
The "right color skin" for what ?
  • College admissions ?
  • College financial aid ?
  • Job hiring ?
  • Job promotions ?
  • Business loans ?

  • The right skin color for all these is BLACK (beneficiaries of affirmative action) You don't know ?
So why haven't black folks benefitted from it?

Lowest college admissions.
Lowest employment rate
Lowest job promotion rate
Denied business loans 7 times out of 10

Your racist babble doesn't add up.

Go to any major college and 90% of the black student body is athletes.
How is that idiot when white women have benefitted more from it than anyone. AA has never helped the folks it was designed to.
There’s more white women in the country, but the likelihood of black women benefitting from favoritism is much greater. If a black woman and a white woman go up for admission to an Ivy League college, with the white woman having higher grades and better scores, the black woman gets picked.
Oh, please. Your lib leaders are bending over backwards to keep violent blacks out of prison while sending whites trying to protect people from them TO prison, like the white Marine on the subway against the violent repeat black offender.

The reason property crime is skyrocketing - shoplifting, carjackings, burglary, larceny, etc., - is because libs on going soft on black criminals.

Time we have one justice system for all - and that extends to Democrats and Republicans.
True. Examples abound of black and minorities being let go after commiting vicious crimes. How about the 5 migrant creeps that soft-on-crime New York DA Alvin Bragg let walk out scott free, after attacking 2 cops ?

And how about Derek Chauvin being wrongly convicted of killing George Floyd, when the medical examiner was coerced into giving a false report ?

And hew about Michael Slager serving years in prison for shooting Walter Scott (so they could avoid rioting in N.Charleston, SC and appease a majority black voting constituency ?

And how about Micheal Dunn, railroaded in the shooting of Jordan Davis ?

And how about Betty Shelby, white Tulsa OK cop, who got charged with first degree manslaughter for shooting an "unarmed" black guy, Terrence Crutcher ? The Tulsa chapter of Black Lives Matter held a protest outside the courthouse.

And how about Jeronimo Yanez, Hispanic cop, who got charged with charged with second-degree manslaughter, and two counts of dangerous discharge of a firearm, for hooting a black guy, Philando Castille ?

I could go on and on here.
So why is it always fat, ugly white women who march in the civil rights riots with BLM and the rest? I mean....where are the babes at these events?
I’ve noticed that. My theory is these women have always been rejected and are desperate for a sense of “belonging.” It’s the same reason the Moonies (1970s) succeeded with the college kids lacking in confidence.
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Black folks are reserved 10% of business contracts while you get the other 90%. I guess it isn't fair until whites get 100%.
You got your numbers wrong. And why should the government be forced to award a lucrative contract to a black-owned company when a competing white one offers better value and competence?

I knew a black guy who started a consulting business and was getting million-dollar contracts hand over fist from the Feds. In five years, he went from two employees to 30. The gravy train lasted 8 years, and then his time as being favored was up. He went bankrupt in two years after that - just couldn’t compete.
There’s more white women in the country, but the likelihood of black women benefitting favoritism is much greater. If a black woman and a white woman go up for admission to an Ivy League college, with the white woman having higher grades and better scores, the black woman gets picked.
Black woman are the lowest paid in this country. Proven by the US Department of Labor and Pew Research.

Why do you keep spreading these racist lies and you never bring anything to support those lies.
Blacks are overrepresented big time when it comes to crimes

As said in another thread, white youth have a problem with mass school shootings. Any honest, white person can acknowledge that. Any honest American can acknowledge that we have problems in this country. So the left-wing and BLM supporters have to acknowledge a problem that a segment of black youth have.

See, this isn’t just a black youth problem. It’s an American problem. Because we have weak and an app politicians, who cannot call out these issues for what they are. And we have Hollywood and the media that is also extremely problematic toward these issues.

No doubt that the sense of entitlement, the BLM narrative and The false propaganda narrative that “America has an evil racist history” is influencing young black men to commit crimes because after all, if they think they’re living in a country with a racist evil history, then they are entitled to commit in crimes in their mind.

Many "school shootings" and "mass shootings" (Pulse and Las Vegas) have been staged to advance the gun control agenda.
Black woman are the lowest paid in this country. Proven by the US Department of Labor and Pew Research.

Why do you keep spreading these racist lies and you never bring anything to support those lies.
Maybe they’re paid the least because they have a lot of kids with no husband and aren’t in the workforce continually, building up experience.

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