#BlackLivesMatters and ISIS: Both have called for violence against American police.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
It's time to call a spade a spade.

ISIS has made repeated calls for violence in the US against law enforcement, as well as media and military. They have carried out several via their followers. Modern war...fought in the minds of radicals and lone wolves who don't wear uniforms or belong to any nations military.

#BlackLivesMatter has devolved into openly calling for murder of law enforcement. Chants for dead cops. Multiple examples. Outright encouraging ambush style attacks. As we've seen over the past 6 months...these attacks are happening. As the tension keeps escalating...the National Guard presence will increase during riots. The Baltimore verdict is sure to spark a huge one. In time...attacks on military from these radicals will happen. Reverse order from how ISIS attacked military first...then police. BLM will start with police...then military. This difference is due to the order in which each group encountered the police and military. First encountered is first attacked.

So here we are. An ugly informal domestic conflict is underway. ISIS from afar. BLM from right under our noses. Both are attracting people of all races and class to join. Inevitable that some overlap is going to occur with dual membership and even cooperation. ISIS is recruiting BLM members on social media as we speak.
It's time to call a spade a spade.

ISIS has made repeated calls for violence in the US against law enforcement, as well as media and military. They have carried out several via their followers. Modern war...fought in the minds of radicals and lone wolves who don't wear uniforms or belong to any nations military.

#BlackLivesMatter has devolved into openly calling for murder of law enforcement. Chants for dead cops. Multiple examples. Outright encouraging ambush style attacks. As we've seen over the past 6 months...these attacks are happening. As the tension keeps escalating...the National Guard presence will increase during riots. The Baltimore verdict is sure to spark a huge one. In time...attacks on military from these radicals will happen. Reverse order from how ISIS attacked military first...then police. BLM will start with police...then military. This difference is due to the order in which each group encountered the police and military. First encountered is first attacked.

So here we are. An ugly informal domestic conflict is underway. ISIS from afar. BLM from right under our noses. Both are attracting people of all races and class to join. Inevitable that some overlap is going to occur with dual membership and even cooperation. ISIS is recruiting BLM members on social media as we speak.
Sounds like you racist white boys have a massive problem on your hand. You have white people in the BLM movement. What are you going to do if you dont know who you are fighting? What if ISIS and BLM join forces? Whatever will you do?

Well if you look at how these people are demanding a flag be banned, statues moved and graves dug up. You'll see there is NO difference between them and ISIS. and this Democrat party just VOTED to stand in solidarity with these black ISIS of our country. so that should tell you everything you need to know about this so called, Democrat party of Today. and it's not anything pretty. so if this is the life you want to live with this group instigating riots, lootings of mom and pop business and now getting Innocent people killed. go vote for the ISIS/democrat party of the United States
Well if you look at how these people are demanding a flag be banned, statues moved and graves dug up. You'll see there is NO difference between them and ISIS. and this Democrat party just VOTED to stand in solidarity with these black ISIS of our country. so that should tell you everything you need to know about this so called, Democrat party of Today. and it's not anything pretty. so if this is the life you want to live with this group instigating riots, lootings of mom and pop business and now getting Innocent people killed. go vote for the ISIS/democrat party of the United States

I think it's accurate to say #BlackLivesMatter is the "JV" version of ISIS. Same intent...just not as big and strong yet. Yet.
Hey, at least they're being honest.

That's the beauty of the First Amendment, it points out those who want to do harm.

well well, say it aint so. I bet that Democrat party who voted to stand with this group is thrilled about that.
As police are stalked and killed in the streets
Dems Officially Endorse Anti-Cop BlackLivesMatter Movement
By Matthew Vadum -- Bio and Archives September 2, 2015

The Democratic National Committee has officially endorsed the increasingly violent Black Lives Matter movement whose paranoid radical left-wing members accuse police nationwide of systemic anti-black racism and brutality against black suspects.

ALL of it here:
Dems Officially Endorse Anti-Cop BlackLivesMatter Movement

You go blackISISwhereonlyCertainblacklivematters. AND Take that Democrat party of snakes down with you:2up:

Yes. A frightening turn is occurring. #BlackLivesMatter and ISIS uniting. They share a common enemy.

do you recognize any limits on what you spew?

Yes. False information and lies. Those I don't spew.

Carry on reading about the inevitable cooperative merger of ISIS and #BlackLivesMatter. ISIS is recruiting them. Nation of Islam is aligned with BLM. BLM is protesting to support an ISIS terrorist in Boston. An overlap already exists.

Yes. A frightening turn is occurring. #BlackLivesMatter and ISIS uniting. They share a common enemy.

do you recognize any limits on what you spew?

Yes. False information and lies. Those I don't spew.

Carry on reading about the inevitable cooperative merger of ISIS and #BlackLivesMatter. ISIS is recruiting them. Nation of Islam is aligned with BLM. BLM is protesting to support an ISIS terrorist in Boston. An overlap already exists.

Well if you look at how these people are demanding a flag be banned, statues moved and graves dug up. You'll see there is NO difference between them and ISIS. and this Democrat party just VOTED to stand in solidarity with these black ISIS of our country. so that should tell you everything you need to know about this so called, Democrat party of Today. and it's not anything pretty. so if this is the life you want to live with this group instigating riots, lootings of mom and pop business and now getting Innocent people killed. go vote for the ISIS/democrat party of the United States

If your logic is to be accepted, then you have to accept that there is no difference between Kim Davis and her supporters and those who want Sharia Law.
When will Bucs just say shooting unarmed people for no reason a bad thing?

You mean like the #BlackLivesMatter followers who killed the Texas cop, the NYC cops, the VA reporters, the St Louis police officers, the Minnesota officer, the Mississippi officer....all those ambushed for no reason? Yeah....those are a bad thing.

Who else was shot "FOR NO REASON"???
When will Bucs just say shooting unarmed people for no reason a bad thing?

You mean like the #BlackLivesMatter followers who killed the Texas cop, the NYC cops, the VA reporters, the St Louis police officers, the Minnesota officer, the Mississippi officer....all those ambushed for no reason? Yeah....those are a bad thing.

Who else was shot "FOR NO REASON"???

Yeah like that, will you ever say the same about police. You seem really upset about shootings but only when the bullets hit cops. Oh and only when the perp isn't white.

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