BLACKOUT: Networks Ignore Report Finding Massive Waste In Iraq Reconstruction


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
Broadcast and cable news networks have largely ignored a new report which concluded that the United States' rebuilding efforts in Iraq squandered billions of dollars due to widespread fraud, abuse, and waste.

Last week, Stuart Bowen, the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, released a report concluding that of the $60 billion the U.S. has spent on reconstruction projects in Iraq following the 2003 invasion, at least $8 billion of it was "wasted."

In the five days since its release, only PBS and MSNBC have offered substantial coverage of the report.

NBC, ABC, and CBS have all ignored it during their evening newscasts (though it warranted passing mention on NBC's Today, the other networks' morning news programs also ignored the findings). Fox News' Bret Baier gave the story less than twenty seconds of coverage during Special Report.

CNN has completely ignored the report.

Though NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox News, and CNN have devoted a combined thirty five seconds to the story, PBS and MSNBC have each spent more than ten minutes discussing the report and its conclusions.

BLACKOUT: Networks Ignore Report Finding Massive Waste In Iraq Reconstruction | Blog | Media Matters for America
There was a time when the media enjoyed uncovering examples of wasteful spending in government but looking back it seems that the media only uses the term "wasteful" during republican administrations or when they can pin it on a republican. Otherwise it's business as usual.
and I just bet media matters can't find any waste in this administion to bitch about
We knew almost ten years ago that waste would be epidemic in Iraq in private reconstruction without bidding. Inevitable.

Stephanie is right to suggest we look at government's waste today in awarding contracts to the private sector.
We knew almost ten years ago that waste would be epidemic in Iraq in private reconstruction without bidding. Inevitable.

Stephanie is right to suggest we look at government's waste today in awarding contracts to the private sector.

Yeah we did know, but of course this report is still a story.

And we still have wags on here that scoff at the idea that we have corporate media. None so blind...


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