Blacks' Abundance In Pro Sports: Affirmative Action ?

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There are no 'black teams" the owners set the standard for what the organization stands for.
And if it is Affirmative Action which is their "standard", then what the organization stands for, is unadulterated, unmitigated racism.

It is not their "standard. Their standard is "ability and performance".

If you knew anything about professional sports, that would be obvious to you.
I believe that team owners/managers select the players who the feel will help them win. The NFL recruits and pays based on who they feel are the best qualified to represent them on the field.

And having known people who are employed in the sport as players and coaches, that is what they do.

The fact that you are attempting to find some form of anti white discrimination in one of the few professions where it is only ability that matters, makes you a race baiting asshole, and hypocrite.
Keyword in this post is "believe". You are, as usual, merely stating your belief, your speculation, your opinion. You are not stating facts, based on irrefutable evidence. In fact you haven't posted a shred of evidence to back up all these beliefs of your, since this thread began.

I "believe it" because that is what professionals in the sport say. YOU, on the other hand are once again seeking a reason to claim victimization and discrimination.

You are foolish beyond words. And should be embarrassed.
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It was clearly pointed out that AA does not factor into the NFL. Not only by me, who is a moderate that has been around professional athletes as friends, both black and white, who have played as well as coached, but a few others as well.

Even some who you would define as pro white conservatives, have also said the same thing. You just refuse to accept what is factual.
There is nothing "factual" here to say that affirmative action is not the cause of a disproportionately large number of black players in pro sports (football, basketball, boxing, etc). If there has been, I must have missed it, but I don't think so.

You simply throw your unfounded opinion into the thread here, and then claim it to be factual. It appears that you wouldn't know a real FACT, if it weighed 10 pounds, and fell on your head.

You have a strange definition for >> "clearly pointed out"
Wrong. Whites have not been the superior athletes. That's just the way it is.
YOU are wrong. Whites have clearly been superior as evidence by the Patriots' 6 Super Bowl victories, the 8 (of 13) whites with undefeated records in boxing, the best hitters and pitchers in major league baseball, the Olympics, and other sports. :biggrin:













You don't know what AA is yourself.
Those who have been victims of it, and suffer its effects ALL THEIR LIVES, are who know it the best. I'm one of them.

Due to your own mediocrity. Which is no ones fault except your own.
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I believe that team owners/managers select the players who the feel will help them win. The NFL recruits and pays based on who they feel are the best qualified to represent them on the field.

And having known people who are employed in the sport as players and coaches, that is what they do.

The fact that you are attempting to find some form of anti white discrimination in one of the few professions where it is only ability that matters, makes you a race baiting asshole, and hypocrite.
Keyword in this post is "believe". You are, as usual, merely stating your belief, your speculation, your opinion. You are not stating facts, based on irrefutable evidence. In fact you haven't posted a shred of evidence to back up all these beliefs of your, since this thread began.

You are a lying nutcase. Anything that I have stated in your stupid thread is not based soley on what ""believe". It is based on the opinions of professionals who have earned a living in the sport, which is far more than you have contributed to your own thread.

Do yourself a favor a stop making an ass out of your crazy self.
You showed exactly 1 player who played on 6 super bowl winning teams. 76 out 101 of the top players in the NFL are black. Of the 3 you showed only 1 was on that list.

AA did not make Shaquem Griffin, a young brother from Central Florida who played linebacker, bench 225 pounds 20 times with one hand and no white player in his position could do as many.. You started this and got shut down. So show us the AA clause in an NFL contract or shut the hell up.

Because you have no point.
I didn't say I had a point, dum dum. Can you read ? Try the title of the thread. Notice that it's a QUESTION ? (as is the post you quoted)

And NO, I did not show "exactly 1 player who played on 6 super bowl winning teams" I showed a whole bunch of them, who played on 6 Super Bowl winning teams. And don't be surprised if the number 6 becomes 10 in a few years. :biggrin:
Let’s not forget when the NCAA college basketball championship was between very white Wisconsin and mostly black Duke and Wisconsin was killing them until the only good white player on Duke’s team lead the black players to victory.

The white players name was Grayson Alllen.

Led by Tyus Jones and Jahlil Okafor, Duke's talented group of potential one-and-doners played like veterans down the stretch, outscoring Wisconsin by 14 points over the final 13 minutes Monday night to grit out a 68-63 victory for the program's fifth national title.

Okafor, the likely first pick in the NBA draft if he decides to leave, got outplayed by Badgers senior center
Frank Kaminsky most of the night but came through big when the pressure was highest.

The 6-foot-11 freshman made two straight buckets over Kaminsky, sandwiched between a pair of 3-pointers from Jones, to help the Blue Devils (35-4) turn a one-time nine-point deficit into an eight-point lead with 1:22 left.

A furious Wisconsin rally ensued, but it came up short. Then, it was Okafor on the bottom of a rowdy dog pile, a scene reminiscent of the last time the Final Four was Indianapolis, back in 2010 when Duke edged out Butler in another scintillating final. The Blue Devils also took one here in 1991 -- the Grant Hill, Christian Laettner squad.

"It was heaven," coach Mike Krzyzewski said of the stadium where he's now 4-0 in Final Fours. "It was really divine."

Krzyzewski now has five titles, alone in second place on the all-time list, behind only John Wooden.

Coach K did it with a collection of All-Americans -- many of whom won't be around too long.

Okafor, his buddy Jones -- who finished with 23 points and
was named MOP -- and another freshman, Justise Winslow, might all be playing at an NBA arena near you next season.

It might be wise that you do forget.
That is not what happened and the fact that ESPN is downplaying Allen’s victory speaks volumes about how real affirmative action and black favoritism is in basketball.

Grayson Allen was the only player for Duke scoring or doing anything for almost an entire half. HE is the one who got Kaminsky into foul trouble and opened up the lane for Okafor and he is the reason why Tyus got going in the 2nd half.

Without Allen Duke would have lost by double digits. This was a well known fact before Allen got cocky for his remaining years and wasted all his talent doing stupid shit.
No team in the NFL is employing AA.
Congratulations! You get an award for being the 200th person in this thread to claim NFL innocence of Affirmative Action discrimination, totally absent of any proof to support such a wild statement.

View attachment 245799

And how does one prove that something didn't happen? I have seen absolutely no proof of AA being used by the NFL.

The ONLY evidence you have of AA being used by teams is that there are a disproportionate number of black athletes on the teams (compared to the general population).
I've told you repeatedly , as many others have that there is no affirmative action regarding players in the NFL.
Sorry, you are now the 201st poster to claim NFL innocence from AA, without a shred of evidence.

The trophy goes to Winterborn. Better luck next time. :biggrin:

Evidence? You want evidence of something NOT being used? LOL!

The NFL teams start the best player. That is not AA. Unless you can offer some evidence that a white player was benched in favor of an inferior black player, there is no AA being used.
You know what would really prove that it was "nonsense" if it was?

Pointing out what was nonsense about it.

Funny, neither of you tried that obvious step.

FUnny strange NOt funny, hah hah.

It was clearly pointed out that AA does not factor into the NFL. Not only by me, who is a moderate that has been around professional athletes as friends, both black and white, who have played as well as coached, but a few others as well.

Even some who you would define as pro white conservatives, have also said the same thing. You just refuse to accept what is factual.

Well, that is kind of moving the goal posts away from what ptbw was saying,

BUT my point has been that such "reasons" for unequal outcomes is never good enough for people like you, when the shoe is on the other foot.

Different rules for different people. Based on skin color. Where have we seen this before?

I am not discussing PTBW. Like you, he is a white victim who has never experienced genuine discrimination.

I am not moving the goal posts, I am relating what I know to be facts.

Relating a sport where millions of dollars are made and lost based on ability to motivate and perform to mainstrean corporate America is lunacy. White owners are not going to risk losing money due to favoring black players who "may not be as good" as white players.

That is not happening in the NFL. In fact a white former professional player in San Diego named Lance Alworth once told me,

"When we suit up, we all look the same, and if you don't do your job, NFL means

In every other instance I can remember of unequal outcomes, citing merit as a defense of the unequal outcome would not be accepted by people like you.

That is my point. YOur refusal to even acknowledge my point, for what it truly is,

is a sign that on some level, you cannot honestly defend your normal behavior on such issues.

The fact is that you don't have a point that makes sense. How many NFL coaches or players have you ever talked to one on one?

And, you don't know "what kind of person I am".

How would a talk with a NFL coach be relevant to my point?

And your dishonest refusal to even acknowledge my point, shows what kind of person you are.
EVERY TIME I try to bring up "merit" in a discussion about an unequal outcome where the people underrepresented are minorities,

I am called a racist.

Is that reasonable in your mind? And if so, then why is it different when the skin in question is white?

As evidenced in this thread, the only one who has been referring to others as "racist" is you, and the idiot who started this thread.

I have asserted from the beginning of this nonsense, that professional sports is one of a very few fields where race, nepotism, cronyism and favoritism are not factors that determine who gets the job.

That aside, what does you being called a racist IN RETURN have to do with this thread?

You asked for IT by starting IT, now you are crying "foul".

Grow up.

Your pretense that this conversation takes place in a vacuum is noted and laughed at.

No pretense. Logic and facts. Your inability to apply common sense on this topic is noted as well as dismissed.

It is not logical to ignore the way the issue of unequal outcomes are normally discussed in our society.

It is not a fact, that such racial issues are, as you claim, not political. That is simply not correct.

I made a simple point about the way that people like you, normally treat people like me on such topics.

And it is not common sense for you to refuse to discuss the massive hypocrisy revealed by your double standards.

A double standard based on skin color.

Are you daft? The subject matter is the NFL. Not society as a whole.

Your dishonest refusal to even acknowledge what my point is, shows what type of person you are.
You showed exactly 1 player who played on 6 super bowl winning teams. 76 out 101 of the top players in the NFL are black. Of the 3 you showed only 1 was on that list.

AA did not make Shaquem Griffin, a young brother from Central Florida who played linebacker, bench 225 pounds 20 times with one hand and no white player in his position could do as many.. You started this and got shut down. So show us the AA clause in an NFL contract or shut the hell up.

Because you have no point.
I didn't say I had a point, dum dum. Can you read ? Try the title of the thread. Notice that it's a QUESTION ? (as is the post you quoted)

And NO, I did not show "exactly 1 player who played on 6 super bowl winning teams" I showed a whole bunch of them, who played on 6 Super Bowl winning teams. And don't be surprised if the number 6 becomes 10 in a few years. :biggrin:
Let’s not forget when the NCAA college basketball championship was between very white Wisconsin and mostly black Duke and Wisconsin was killing them until the only good white player on Duke’s team lead the black players to victory.

The white players name was Grayson Alllen.

Led by Tyus Jones and Jahlil Okafor, Duke's talented group of potential one-and-doners played like veterans down the stretch, outscoring Wisconsin by 14 points over the final 13 minutes Monday night to grit out a 68-63 victory for the program's fifth national title.

Okafor, the likely first pick in the NBA draft if he decides to leave, got outplayed by Badgers senior center
Frank Kaminsky most of the night but came through big when the pressure was highest.

The 6-foot-11 freshman made two straight buckets over Kaminsky, sandwiched between a pair of 3-pointers from Jones, to help the Blue Devils (35-4) turn a one-time nine-point deficit into an eight-point lead with 1:22 left.

A furious Wisconsin rally ensued, but it came up short. Then, it was Okafor on the bottom of a rowdy dog pile, a scene reminiscent of the last time the Final Four was Indianapolis, back in 2010 when Duke edged out Butler in another scintillating final. The Blue Devils also took one here in 1991 -- the Grant Hill, Christian Laettner squad.

"It was heaven," coach Mike Krzyzewski said of the stadium where he's now 4-0 in Final Fours. "It was really divine."

Krzyzewski now has five titles, alone in second place on the all-time list, behind only John Wooden.

Coach K did it with a collection of All-Americans -- many of whom won't be around too long.

Okafor, his buddy Jones -- who finished with 23 points and
was named MOP -- and another freshman, Justise Winslow, might all be playing at an NBA arena near you next season.

It might be wise that you do forget.
That is not what happened and the fact that ESPN is downplaying Allen’s victory speaks volumes about how real affirmative action and black favoritism is in basketball.

Grayson Allen was the only player for Duke scoring or doing anything for almost an entire half. HE is the one who got Kaminsky into foul trouble and opened up the lane for Okafor and he is the reason why Tyus got going in the 2nd half.

Without Allen Duke would have lost by double digits. This was a well known fact before Allen got cocky for his remaining years and wasted all his talent doing stupid shit.

Wrong. Whites have not been the superior athletes. That's just the way it is.
YOU are wrong. Whites have clearly been superior as evidence by the Patriots' 6 Super Bowl victories, the 8 (of 13) whites with undefeated records in boxing, the best hitters and pitchers in major league baseball, the Olympics, and other sports. :biggrin:














The Pittsburgh Steelers have won 6 super bowls. They have a black coach. Their top players have been black throughout their history. Your argument has no merit based on the performances on the field.

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Wrong. Whites have not been the superior athletes. That's just the way it is.
YOU are wrong. Whites have clearly been superior as evidence by the Patriots' 6 Super Bowl victories, the 8 (of 13) whites with undefeated records in boxing, the best hitters and pitchers in major league baseball, the Olympics, and other sports. :biggrin:

Absolute nonsense.

First of all, athletes earn their places based on individual ability and production.

Second of all, and more importantly, what black players have replaced white players who were better? That is the important question, not how many black players there are.
We have stated facts, all of which are proven based on the process used to select players.
You have stated ZERO facts in answer to the OP question >> Blacks Abundance in Pro Sports: Affirmative Action ?

The ONLY facts you have presented are the numbers of players. That, in no way, equates to anything nefarious or unfair on the part of the NFL.
The Pittsburgh Steelers have won 6 super bowls. They have a black coach. Their top players have been black throughout their history. Your argument has no merit based on the performances on the field.

HA HA HA HA HA. Boy, are you dumb. Only ONE of the 6 Super Bowl winning coaches of the Steelers was black (Mike Tomlin). 5 of the 6 were white (Chuck Noll and Bill Cowher)

Top Steelers players have been black ? Wrong again. >> All-time Passing Leader: Ben Roethlisberger 4,616/7,168, 56,194 yds, 363 TD Second to him >> Terry Bradshaw.

Winningest Coach: Chuck Noll 193-148-1

All-time Scoring Leader: Gary Anderson 1,343 points

Not to smear Hank Aaron as a great baseball hitter that he was, but his records are a function of his # 1 most AT BATS. Percentagewise he doesn't not compare to really great hitters.

His lifetime batting average was .305

Ty Cobb - .367
Ted Williams - .344
Babe Ruth - .342
Lou Gehrig - .340
Stan Musial - .331
Wade Boggs - .328
Joe DiMaggio - .325

Also the home run averages of these guys was much higher than Aaron's.
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The ONLY facts you have presented are the numbers of players. That, in no way, equates to anything nefarious or unfair on the part of the NFL.
I didn't say it did. I asked a question about it.

But you are not asking a question. You are making a conclusive STATEMENT (and without a shred of evidence)
First of all, athletes earn their places based on individual ability and production.

Second of all, and more importantly, what black players have replaced white players who were better? That is the important question, not how many black players there are.
Sure, "athletes earn their places based on individual ability and production". And that is exactly what all the white undefeated boxers have done, all the white top baseball hitters, all the white Olympic gold medal winners, and all the many white players of the New England Patriots.

The disproportion of black players to white players is important, as a question about Affirmative Action, not who the players involved are, black or white. :biggrin:
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