Blacks' Abundance In Pro Sports: Affirmative Action ?

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It is not their "standard. Their standard is "ability and performance".

If you knew anything about professional sports, that would be obvious to you.
You haven't presented anything to substantiate that.

whatsoever. :biggrin:
The ONLY facts you have presented are the numbers of players. That, in no way, equates to anything nefarious or unfair on the part of the NFL.
I didn't say it did. I asked a question about it.

But you are not asking a question. You are making a conclusive STATEMENT (and without a shred of evidence)

I answered the question. And unless you have evidence to the contrary, I see no reason to doubt it. The NFL rewards those who win. Those who make the decisions for the team will lose their jobs if the teams don't win. Why would someone risk a multi-million dollar salary for some politically correct nonsense?
I "believe it" because that is what professionals in the sport say. YOU, on the other hand are once again seeking a reason to claim victimization and discrimination.

You are foolish beyond words. And should be embarrassed.
I'm not looking for anything in particular. I just as much welcome those who present PROOF that there IS NOT any AA discrimination, as well as those who might present proof that it does exist.

Your problem is you haven't presented ANY proof of ANYTHING, other than an obviously, strong desire on your part for AA to be ruled out. But rule outs and rule ins only come with evidence, of which you have ZERO. :biggrin:
It was clearly pointed out that AA does not factor into the NFL. Not only by me, who is a moderate that has been around professional athletes as friends, both black and white, who have played as well as coached, but a few others as well.

Even some who you would define as pro white conservatives, have also said the same thing. You just refuse to accept what is factual.

Well, that is kind of moving the goal posts away from what ptbw was saying,

BUT my point has been that such "reasons" for unequal outcomes is never good enough for people like you, when the shoe is on the other foot.

Different rules for different people. Based on skin color. Where have we seen this before?

I am not discussing PTBW. Like you, he is a white victim who has never experienced genuine discrimination.

I am not moving the goal posts, I am relating what I know to be facts.

Relating a sport where millions of dollars are made and lost based on ability to motivate and perform to mainstrean corporate America is lunacy. White owners are not going to risk losing money due to favoring black players who "may not be as good" as white players.

That is not happening in the NFL. In fact a white former professional player in San Diego named Lance Alworth once told me,

"When we suit up, we all look the same, and if you don't do your job, NFL means

In every other instance I can remember of unequal outcomes, citing merit as a defense of the unequal outcome would not be accepted by people like you.

That is my point. YOur refusal to even acknowledge my point, for what it truly is,

is a sign that on some level, you cannot honestly defend your normal behavior on such issues.

The fact is that you don't have a point that makes sense. How many NFL coaches or players have you ever talked to one on one?

And, you don't know "what kind of person I am".

How would a talk with a NFL coach be relevant to my point?

And your dishonest refusal to even acknowledge my point, shows what kind of person you are.

Are you fucking kidding? Why WOULDN'T a discussion with an NFL coach be relevant?

They have input into who is drafted and who gets to play.

Your statement is almost like saying "I have symptoms of an illness, but would talking to a doctor be relevant"?

Some of the things that you state are unbelievable.

And "my dishonest refusal" to listen to nonsense is MY WAY of managing MY time.
You are a lying nutcase. Anything that I have stated in your stupid thread is not based soley on what ""believe". It is based on the opinions of professionals who have earned a living in the sport, which is far more than you have contributed to your own thread.

Do yourself a favor a stop making an ass out of your crazy self.
Even if you were to present these so-called "OPINIONS" of professionals, you speak of, THEY TOO, would only be opinions, and therefore not facts, that could constitute evidence.

You just openly admitted that what you claim to have to offer, is not of substance. if anybody is making an ass of himself here, it's YOU.

I "believe it" because that is what professionals in the sport say. YOU, on the other hand are once again seeking a reason to claim victimization and discrimination.

You are foolish beyond words. And should be embarrassed.
I'm not looking for anything in particular. I just as much welcome those who present PROOF that there IS NOT any AA discrimination, as well as those who might present proof that it does exist.

Your problem is you haven't presented ANY proof of ANYTHING, other than an obviously, strong desire on your part for AA to be ruled out. But rule outs and rule ins only come with evidence, of which you have ZERO. :biggrin:

You have had ample proof presented and not only by me. You just refuse to acknowledge it.

You have implied that "whites are superior athletes" and are being held back by the possibility of AA being at work.

And it is not happening. Period.
You are a lying nutcase. Anything that I have stated in your stupid thread is not based soley on what ""believe". It is based on the opinions of professionals who have earned a living in the sport, which is far more than you have contributed to your own thread.

Do yourself a favor a stop making an ass out of your crazy self.
Even if you were to present these so-called "OPINIONS" of professionals, you speak of, THEY TOO, would only be opinions, and therefore not facts, that could constitute evidence.

You just openly admitted that what you claim to have to offer, is not of substance. if anybody is making an ass of himself here, it's YOU.

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I HAVE presented the opinions and facts of professionals. Can't you read?
Are you fucking kidding? Why WOULDN'T a discussion with an NFL coach be relevant?

They have input into who is drafted and who gets to play.

Your statement is almost like saying "I have symptoms of an illness, but would talking to a doctor be relevant"?

Some of the things that you state are unbelievable.

And "my dishonest refusal" to listen to nonsense is MY WAY of managing MY time.
Coaches are hired hands just as players are. There is no reason to believe that a coach would have knowledge of hiring methods, and if they do or don't involve AA.
I HAVE presented the opinions and facts of professionals. Can't you read?
NO. You have CLAIMED that you have the OPINIONS of professionals (without naming them), and not even people in the front office who are involved with hiring practices. How :lame2: :laugh:
Are you fucking kidding? Why WOULDN'T a discussion with an NFL coach be relevant?

They have input into who is drafted and who gets to play.

Your statement is almost like saying "I have symptoms of an illness, but would talking to a doctor be relevant"?

Some of the things that you state are unbelievable.

And "my dishonest refusal" to listen to nonsense is MY WAY of managing MY time.
Coaches are hired hands just as players are. There is no reason to believe that a coach would have knowledge of hiring methods, and if they do or don't involve AA.

Now you're just being totally stupid. Head coaches work year around during the on and off season with scouts and recruiters to succession plan.

Why would a coach not be involved in recruiting?

What is the first reason for a coach being fired?

It's for LOSING, you senile idiot.
You have had ample proof presented and not only by me. You just refuse to acknowledge it.

You have implied that "whites are superior athletes" and are being held back by the possibility of AA being at work.

And it is not happening. Period.
1. FALSE! You presented NOTHING whatsoever, and now try to take the credit for having done so. HA HA HA . You are making a laughingstock out of yourself in this thread. Maybe you could take up needlepoint. You're not to good at this forum stuff. Seriously.

2. "Implied" ? No, not hardly. I never imply, insinuate, or infer anything, ever. I stated outright, that whites have shown themselves to be superior or equal to blacks, and that therefore could not be a reason for the disproportionate numbers.

3. I DID NOT make any statement of any kind to say that being whites are "held back by the possibility of AA being at work." YOU said that, not me. I merely ASKED a QUESTION about it.

4. Again you state that AA is "not happening. Period" You can say that 10,000 times if you like, but without any evidence (as you have failed to present), you words are meaningless as a mold on a tree stump.
I HAVE presented the opinions and facts of professionals. Can't you read?
NO. You have CLAIMED that you have the OPINIONS of professionals (without naming them), and not even people in the front office who are involved with hiring practices. How :lame2: :laugh:

Here are some players names and coaches names that I know and have spoken to.

Head coaches are involved with the front office in hiring, you moron.

Marcus Allen .....HOF running back Oakland and Kansas City and personal friend

Lance Alworth.....HOF wide receiver San Diego

Terrell Owens .......former running back Denver Broncos

Tony Dungy........Former head coach

Art Shell......Former head coach and personal friend.

John Mackey.....Personal friend and HOF tight end Baltimore

Dave Lewis......former high school and college teamate, who went on to play for Tampa Bay and San Diego in the pros.

Wally Henry......former high school and college teammate who went on to play for Philadelphia.
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I "believe it" because that is what professionals in the sport say. YOU, on the other hand are once again seeking a reason to claim victimization and discrimination.

You are foolish beyond words. And should be embarrassed.
I'm not looking for anything in particular. I just as much welcome those who present PROOF that there IS NOT any AA discrimination, as well as those who might present proof that it does exist.

Your problem is you haven't presented ANY proof of ANYTHING, other than an obviously, strong desire on your part for AA to be ruled out. But rule outs and rule ins only come with evidence, of which you have ZERO. :biggrin:

You have had ample proof presented and not only by me. You just refuse to acknowledge it.

You have implied that "whites are superior athletes" and are being held back by the possibility of AA being at work.

And it is not happening. Period.
1. FALSE! You presented NOTHING whatsoever, and now try to take the credit for having done so. HA HA HA . You are making a laughingstock out of yourself in this thread. Maybe you could take up needlepoint. You're not to good at this forum stuff. Seriously.

2. "Implied" ? No, not hardly. I never imply, insinuate, or infer anything, ever. I stated outright, that whites have shown themselves to be superior or equal to blacks, and that therefore could not be a reason for the disproportionate numbers.

3. I DID NOT make any statement of any kind to say that being whites are "held back by the possibility of AA being at work." YOU said that, not me. I merely ASKED a QUESTION about it.

4. Again you state that AA is "not happening. Period" You can say that 10,000 times if you like, but without any evidence (as you have failed to present), you words are meaningless as a mold on a tree stump.

And how have whites shown themselves to be superior?
You racist fuck.

You are nuts. Read your own thread. I have no time to engage in your insanity.

You need professional help.
Now you're just being totally stupid. Head coaches work year around during the on and off season with scouts and recruiters to succession plan.

Why would a coach not be involved in recruiting?

What is the first reason for a coach being fired?

It's for LOSING, you senile idiot.
:puhleeze:Your posts are getting worse and worse. Coaches get fired for not employing good strategy on the field. Hiring is done by upper management.

All your sorry attempts to bamboozle the readers into thinking there is no AA, are falling on their face. :laugh: :rolleyes-41:
And how have whites shown themselves to be superior?
You racist fuck.

You are nuts. Read your own thread. I have no time to engage in your insanity.

You need professional help.
Everyone reading this thread has seen evidence of whites being equal to or superior to blacks in athletic performance, and even in color pictures. I'm not going to lower myself to you silly level of scatterbrained discourse.

Oh, the race card again ? HA HA HA. It died out with the OJ Simpson trial 24 years ago. :slap:
Now you're just being totally stupid. Head coaches work year around during the on and off season with scouts and recruiters to succession plan.

Why would a coach not be involved in recruiting?

What is the first reason for a coach being fired?

It's for LOSING, you senile idiot.
:puhleeze:Your posts are getting worse and worse. Coaches get fired for not employing good strategy on the field. Hiring is done by upper management.

All your sorry attempts to bamboozle the readers into thinking there is no AA, are falling on their face. :laugh: :rolleyes-41:

I could not care less what "the readers" think. You have been spoon fed enough information about how the NFL works but you lack the intelligence to understand it.

Answer this question, you retard.....

What is typically the end result of not "employing good strategy on the field" as you say?


You are the most mentally inept individual to ever post here.
Here are some players names and coaches names that I know and have spoken to.

Head coaches are involved with the front office in hiring, you moron.

Marcus Allen .....HOF running back Oakland and Kansas City and personal friend

Lance Alworth.....HOF wide receiver San Diego

Terrell Owens .......former running back Denver Broncos

Tony Dungy........Former head coach

Art Shell......Former head coach and personal friend.

John Mackey.....Personal friend and HOF tight end Baltimore

Dave Lewis......former high school and college teamate, who went on to play for Tampa Bay and San Diego in the pros.

Wally Henry......former high high school and college teammate who went on to play for Philadelphia.
All irrelevant. You have no proof of anything. What do you expect ? For us to take this all on faith ?

Even if you had a VIDEO of team owners claiming that they don't employ Affirmative Action, that still wouldn't be proof. They could (and probably would) be lying.

And a lot of people reading this are probably thinking > "he doesn't even know the towel kid"

What is typically the end result of not "employing good strategy on the field" as you say?


You are the most mentally inept individual to ever post here.
That is what I just TOLD YOU, dum dum.

You were the one who was saying they get fired because of recruiting or scouting or some other looney idea.

OK, I've reached my tolerance of talking to an idiot. Gonna go have dinner now. Think about that needlepoint suggestion. Or knitting mittens. :badgrin:
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