Blacks' Abundance In Pro Sports: Affirmative Action ?

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White people do not turn out to specificaly support "black teams". As with any sportsfans, they turn out for their "home team" or their "favorite" team.

And since the vast majority of the teams in professional sports are "white owned" there are no "black teams"

And who robbed you of your "culture, your pride and identity"?

On a per capita basis, white males are and have been the most rewarded demographic in the country based on monetary wealth and political power since America was founded.

THe owner does not define the team, the players do.

Your denial of the fact that white fans support all, and/or vastly majority black teams is an obvious and cowardly lie.

Now you are just lying. Which even for you is an all time low.

The actions of a business owner or manager is what defines the "CULTURE" of any team or organization.

Fans come out to support the "TEAM/ORGANIZATION". They identify with the uniform and what the "TEAM/ORGANIZATION" represents to them, whether it is hometown pride or pride in what the team has accomplished.

When players suit up and show up to play, fans are not there to specifically support black players, and for you to imply that it is anything else other than that is disingenuous on your part.

You should think before making such ludicrous statements. There are no 'black teams" the owners set the standard for what the organization stands for.

Are you seriously unable to read my statements and get a clue as to their meaning?

ROFLMAO. Unfortunately for me, I have spent valuable time reading all of your statements.

But you obviously failed to understand, very simple words or phrases.

For example, you can't tell the difference between the words, "team" and "players".

Seriously. Your entire response is to a point, that I never even came close to making.

A team is united and players are individuals. Why do you resort to infantile semantics when your reasoning is exposed as being flawed?

You do not seem to understand the very simple fact that owners and managers set the tone of any business. They are the ones who determine the culture of the organization, which drives performance and loyalty.

It is based on how they support employees and how they reward them.

It is obvious that you've never managed people.
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White people turn out to support all black teams for the same reason they vote for political parties that explicitly state that they will do nothing for them or even disenfranchise them, we have been robbed of our culture, our pride and our collective identity.

You have been robbed of your mind millennial.

We all noticed that you utterly failed to address ANYTHING he said.

You lose.
There was nothing to address, because what he "said" was nonsense.

You know what would really prove that it was "nonsense" if it was?

Pointing out what was nonsense about it.

Funny, neither of you tried that obvious step.

FUnny strange NOt funny, hah hah.

It was clearly pointed out that AA does not factor into the NFL. Not only by me, who is a moderate that has been around professional athletes as friends, both black and white, who have played as well as coached, but a few others as well.

Even some who you would define as pro white conservatives, have also said the same thing. You just refuse to accept what is factual.

Well, that is kind of moving the goal posts away from what ptbw was saying,

BUT my point has been that such "reasons" for unequal outcomes is never good enough for people like you, when the shoe is on the other foot.

Different rules for different people. Based on skin color. Where have we seen this before?
The behavior I describe is visible CONSTANTLY on this site, and regularly in discussion about race in the larger world.

And it is the basis of policy in this country, policy and law.

As such, it is a valid topic of discussion.

No it is not. Your psychosis regarding "liberals" is beyond abnormal and appears to border on being an obsessive disorder.
You endlessly seek for examples of white people being neverending victims of everything, and everything is caused by someone else, who has no authority or power to victimize anyone.

Wealthy white males own the NFL, NBA and MLB. The players are selected based upon their ability to perform in one of the few environments in America where ability and performance is all that matters. If that offends your tender sensibilities, then you could always start a grassroots movement pushing for "Owners to produce equal outcome, based on relative population size".

And you would promptly be publically labled as a loon.

EVERY TIME I try to bring up "merit" in a discussion about an unequal outcome where the people underrepresented are minorities,

I am called a racist.

Is that reasonable in your mind? And if so, then why is it different when the skin in question is white?

As evidenced in this thread, the only one who has been referring to others as "racist" is you, and the idiot who started this thread.

I have asserted from the beginning of this nonsense, that professional sports is one of a very few fields where race, nepotism, cronyism and favoritism are not factors that determine who gets the job.

That aside, what does you being called a racist IN RETURN have to do with this thread?

You asked for IT by starting IT, now you are crying "foul".

Grow up.

Your pretense that this conversation takes place in a vacuum is noted and laughed at.

No pretense. Logic and facts. Your inability to apply common sense on this topic is noted as well as dismissed.

It is not logical to ignore the way the issue of unequal outcomes are normally discussed in our society.

It is not a fact, that such racial issues are, as you claim, not political. That is simply not correct.

I made a simple point about the way that people like you, normally treat people like me on such topics.

And it is not common sense for you to refuse to discuss the massive hypocrisy revealed by your double standards.

A double standard based on skin color.
THe owner does not define the team, the players do.

Your denial of the fact that white fans support all, and/or vastly majority black teams is an obvious and cowardly lie.

Now you are just lying. Which even for you is an all time low.

The actions of a business owner or manager is what defines the "CULTURE" of any team or organization.

Fans come out to support the "TEAM/ORGANIZATION". They identify with the uniform and what the "TEAM/ORGANIZATION" represents to them, whether it is hometown pride or pride in what the team has accomplished.

When players suit up and show up to play, fans are not there to specifically support black players, and for you to imply that it is anything else other than that is disingenuous on your part.

You should think before making such ludicrous statements. There are no 'black teams" the owners set the standard for what the organization stands for.

Are you seriously unable to read my statements and get a clue as to their meaning?

ROFLMAO. Unfortunately for me, I have spent valuable time reading all of your statements.

But you obviously failed to understand, very simple words or phrases.

For example, you can't tell the difference between the words, "team" and "players".

Seriously. Your entire response is to a point, that I never even came close to making.

A team is united and players are individuals. Why do you resort to infantile semantics when your reasoning is exposed as being flawed?

You do not seem to understand the very simple fact that owners and managers set the tone of any business. They are the ones who determine the culture of the organization, which drives performance and loyalty.

It is based on how they support employees and how they reward them.

It is obvious that you've never managed people.

The fans support the teams based not of the owners, but on the players and their performance and behavior and the idea of the Team representing the fans in the sport as a whole.

The point was made the white fans have no problem supporting teams that are all, or vastly majority black.

THat is true.
You have been robbed of your mind millennial.

We all noticed that you utterly failed to address ANYTHING he said.

You lose.
There was nothing to address, because what he "said" was nonsense.

You know what would really prove that it was "nonsense" if it was?

Pointing out what was nonsense about it.

Funny, neither of you tried that obvious step.

FUnny strange NOt funny, hah hah.

It was clearly pointed out that AA does not factor into the NFL. Not only by me, who is a moderate that has been around professional athletes as friends, both black and white, who have played as well as coached, but a few others as well.

Even some who you would define as pro white conservatives, have also said the same thing. You just refuse to accept what is factual.

Well, that is kind of moving the goal posts away from what ptbw was saying,

BUT my point has been that such "reasons" for unequal outcomes is never good enough for people like you, when the shoe is on the other foot.

Different rules for different people. Based on skin color. Where have we seen this before?

I am not discussing PTBW. Like you, he is a white victim who has never experienced genuine discrimination.

I am not moving the goal posts, I am relating what I know to be facts.

Comparing a sport where millions of dollars are made and lost based on ability to motivate and perform, to mainstrean corporate America is lunacy.

White owners are not going to risk losing money due to favoring black players who "may not be as good" as white players.

That is not happening in the NFL. In fact a white former professional player in San Diego named Lance Alworth once told me,

"When we suit up, we all look the same, and if you don't do your job, NFL means
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We all noticed that you utterly failed to address ANYTHING he said.

You lose.
There was nothing to address, because what he "said" was nonsense.

You know what would really prove that it was "nonsense" if it was?

Pointing out what was nonsense about it.

Funny, neither of you tried that obvious step.

FUnny strange NOt funny, hah hah.

It was clearly pointed out that AA does not factor into the NFL. Not only by me, who is a moderate that has been around professional athletes as friends, both black and white, who have played as well as coached, but a few others as well.

Even some who you would define as pro white conservatives, have also said the same thing. You just refuse to accept what is factual.

Well, that is kind of moving the goal posts away from what ptbw was saying,

BUT my point has been that such "reasons" for unequal outcomes is never good enough for people like you, when the shoe is on the other foot.

Different rules for different people. Based on skin color. Where have we seen this before?

I am not discussing PTBW. Like you, he is a white victim who has never experienced genuine discrimination.

I am not moving the goal posts, I am relating what I know to be facts.

Relating a sport where millions of dollars are made and lost based on ability to motivate and perform to mainstrean corporate America is lunacy. White owners are not going to risk losing money due to favoring black players who "may not be as good" as white players.

That is not happening in the NFL. In fact a white former professional player in San Diego named Lance Alworth once told me,

"When we suit up, we all look the same, and if you don't do your job, NFL means

In every other instance I can remember of unequal outcomes, citing merit as a defense of the unequal outcome would not be accepted by people like you.

That is my point. YOur refusal to even acknowledge my point, for what it truly is,

is a sign that on some level, you cannot honestly defend your normal behavior on such issues.
There was nothing to address, because what he "said" was nonsense.

You know what would really prove that it was "nonsense" if it was?

Pointing out what was nonsense about it.

Funny, neither of you tried that obvious step.

FUnny strange NOt funny, hah hah.

It was clearly pointed out that AA does not factor into the NFL. Not only by me, who is a moderate that has been around professional athletes as friends, both black and white, who have played as well as coached, but a few others as well.

Even some who you would define as pro white conservatives, have also said the same thing. You just refuse to accept what is factual.

Well, that is kind of moving the goal posts away from what ptbw was saying,

BUT my point has been that such "reasons" for unequal outcomes is never good enough for people like you, when the shoe is on the other foot.

Different rules for different people. Based on skin color. Where have we seen this before?

I am not discussing PTBW. Like you, he is a white victim who has never experienced genuine discrimination.

I am not moving the goal posts, I am relating what I know to be facts.

Relating a sport where millions of dollars are made and lost based on ability to motivate and perform to mainstrean corporate America is lunacy. White owners are not going to risk losing money due to favoring black players who "may not be as good" as white players.

That is not happening in the NFL. In fact a white former professional player in San Diego named Lance Alworth once told me,

"When we suit up, we all look the same, and if you don't do your job, NFL means

In every other instance I can remember of unequal outcomes, citing merit as a defense of the unequal outcome would not be accepted by people like you.

That is my point. YOur refusal to even acknowledge my point, for what it truly is,

is a sign that on some level, you cannot honestly defend your normal behavior on such issues.

The fact is that you don't have a point that makes sense. How many NFL coaches or players have you ever talked to one on one?

And, you don't know "what kind of person I am".
No it is not. Your psychosis regarding "liberals" is beyond abnormal and appears to border on being an obsessive disorder.
You endlessly seek for examples of white people being neverending victims of everything, and everything is caused by someone else, who has no authority or power to victimize anyone.

Wealthy white males own the NFL, NBA and MLB. The players are selected based upon their ability to perform in one of the few environments in America where ability and performance is all that matters. If that offends your tender sensibilities, then you could always start a grassroots movement pushing for "Owners to produce equal outcome, based on relative population size".

And you would promptly be publically labled as a loon.

EVERY TIME I try to bring up "merit" in a discussion about an unequal outcome where the people underrepresented are minorities,

I am called a racist.

Is that reasonable in your mind? And if so, then why is it different when the skin in question is white?

As evidenced in this thread, the only one who has been referring to others as "racist" is you, and the idiot who started this thread.

I have asserted from the beginning of this nonsense, that professional sports is one of a very few fields where race, nepotism, cronyism and favoritism are not factors that determine who gets the job.

That aside, what does you being called a racist IN RETURN have to do with this thread?

You asked for IT by starting IT, now you are crying "foul".

Grow up.

Your pretense that this conversation takes place in a vacuum is noted and laughed at.

No pretense. Logic and facts. Your inability to apply common sense on this topic is noted as well as dismissed.

It is not logical to ignore the way the issue of unequal outcomes are normally discussed in our society.

It is not a fact, that such racial issues are, as you claim, not political. That is simply not correct.

I made a simple point about the way that people like you, normally treat people like me on such topics.

And it is not common sense for you to refuse to discuss the massive hypocrisy revealed by your double standards.

A double standard based on skin color.

Are you daft? The subject matter is the NFL. Not society as a whole.
There are no 'black teams" the owners set the standard for what the organization stands for.
And if it is Affirmative Action which is their "standard", then what the organization stands for, is unadulterated, unmitigated racism.
I believe that team owners/managers select the players who the feel will help them win. The NFL recruits and pays based on who they feel are the best qualified to represent them on the field.

And having known people who are employed in the sport as players and coaches, that is what they do.

The fact that you are attempting to find some form of anti white discrimination in one of the few professions where it is only ability that matters, makes you a race baiting asshole, and hypocrite.
Keyword in this post is "believe". You are, as usual, merely stating your belief, your speculation, your opinion. You are not stating facts, based on irrefutable evidence. In fact you haven't posted a shred of evidence to back up all these beliefs of your, since this thread began.
It was clearly pointed out that AA does not factor into the NFL. Not only by me, who is a moderate that has been around professional athletes as friends, both black and white, who have played as well as coached, but a few others as well.

Even some who you would define as pro white conservatives, have also said the same thing. You just refuse to accept what is factual.
There is nothing "factual" here to say that affirmative action is not the cause of a disproportionately large number of black players in pro sports (football, basketball, boxing, etc). If there has been, I must have missed it, but I don't think so.

You simply throw your unfounded opinion into the thread here, and then claim it to be factual. It appears that you wouldn't know a real FACT, if it weighed 10 pounds, and fell on your head.

You have a strange definition for >> "clearly pointed out"
Are you daft? The subject matter is the NFL. Not society as a whole.
If it is Affirmative Action which is the cause of the gross inequality of racial population in pro sports, then this has a subject matter that far exceeds the NFL.

If this is the case, then the NFL is merely one business organization acting racist in its hiring, among thousands more throughout American society, where still today only 8 states (out of 50) have taken legal action against such discrimination.
Yeah, run away. LOSER.
Oh "run away'' huh ? HA HA HA, when I went offline, I had been posting here for 2 hours and 13 minutes. That's not running away. Nor is my return here now.

Do you mind if someone has breakfast, and does other things in their life, besides post here ? YOU are the LOSER, by posting idiocy, which I proved to be FALSE, long before your late and mindless arrival.
On a per capita basis, white males are and have been the most rewarded demographic in the country based on monetary wealth and political power since America was founded.
Another of your illustrious, 100% fragile, unsubstantiated, imaginary BELIEFS.
No team in the NFL is employing AA.
Congratulations! You get an award for being the 200th person in this thread to claim NFL innocence of Affirmative Action discrimination, totally absent of any proof to support such a wild statement.

I've told you repeatedly , as many others have that there is no affirmative action regarding players in the NFL.
Sorry, you are now the 201st poster to claim NFL innocence from AA, without a shred of evidence.

The trophy goes to Winterborn. Better luck next time. :biggrin:
Wrong. Whites have not been the superior athletes. That's just the way it is.
YOU are wrong. Whites have clearly been superior as evidence by the Patriots' 6 Super Bowl victories, the 8 (of 13) whites with undefeated records in boxing, the best hitters and pitchers in major league baseball, the Olympics, and other sports. :biggrin:













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We have stated facts, all of which are proven based on the process used to select players.
You have stated ZERO facts in answer to the OP question >> Blacks Abundance in Pro Sports: Affirmative Action ?
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