Blacks' Abundance In Pro Sports: Affirmative Action ?

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Good question. If so, they need to immediately put you in restraints, give you a frontal lobotomy and admit you to a mental ward.
In this thread, a lot has been said.

1. I have asked a question.

2. You have posted opinions, all without a shred of evidence, and then insisted that your opinions be believed.

Not hard to ascertain who is imbalanced. Ho hum. yawn****
Sports gets away with still being a meritocracy because it has worked out better for Blacks that way. If it had been that Whites were in general superior athletes, it would be a different story. That is all.
Hey dumbbell. You do know that it is whites who have been the superior athletes, don't you ? I guess you don't bother to read threads before you post in them. Try reading this one. Always better to know what you're talking about. Sheeeesh!



I'm a dumbell? What percentage of NFL, and NBA players are WHITE?
I'm a dumbell? What percentage of NFL, and NBA players are WHITE?
Yeah, you're a dumbbell, I think you heard me right.You really don't know what we're talking about here do you ?

Have you even read the OP ? Do you know what Affirmative Action is ? Got a clue what's going on here ?
Have you ever put on gloves and boxed? I doubt very seriously, because you apparantly do not understand thd rigorous training required that goes into being in top shape for ANY fight, let alone 15 tounds of fighting at a championship level.

A professional boxer at the age of 37 who has fought for over 20 years is simply not in the same physical condition as he was in the early part of his career. There is a big difference in still being competitive versus being in your prime for a fighter. Anyone who has experienced competition in the ring will tell you the same thing, you are just to stupid to understand facts.

For you to actually think that just because Walcott was a champion at the age of 37 means that he was at his peak at that age clearly illustrates that you have no clue about sports of any kind.

You are a crazy, senile, old nutcase.
Jersey Joe Walcott was the HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD when he fought Marciano. THAT is what determines prime,

Some people have to be told twice. Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle) :rolleyes:

No it does not. Walcott won the title after several atrempts, and in winning it he actually defeated an overblown lightheavyweight who was also past his own ptime. Ezzard Charles.

Jersey Joe was the beneficiary of being a champion during a mediocre era of competition. So was Marciano.

Why are you so stupid?
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No it does not. Walcott won the title after several atrempts, and in winning it he actually defeated an overblown lightheavyweight who was also past his own ptime. Ezzard Charles.

Jersey Joe was the beneficiary of being a champion during a mediocre era of competition. So was Marciano.

Why are you so stupid?
How about answering the QUESTION OF THE OP (WITH EVIDENCE) instead of just dumping a big pile of excuses for this and that, and a lot of mindless chatter.

You got anything to conclude anything about Affirmative Action, one way or the other ? After 385 posts, it's about time.
I'm a dumbell? What percentage of NFL, and NBA players are WHITE?
Yeah, you're a dumbbell, I think you heard me right.You really don't know what we're talking about here do you ?

Have you even read the OP ? Do you know what Affirmative Action is ? Got a clue what's going on here ?

Why don't you explain it to me? Why won't you answer my question about percentage? Why are you avoiding that and just insulting me with name calling? What are you hiding?
Why don't you explain it to me?
Because I have already DONE THAT many times over, all through the thread (including in the OP), and I don't cater to people who are too lazy to read a thread before they jump into it.

I'm going off the computer now, to go have breakfast. Plenty of time for you to read the OP, and a couple of dozen of my posts. Don't be lazy.
Good question. If so, they need to immediately put you in restraints, give you a frontal lobotomy and admit you to a mental ward.
In this thread, a lot has been said.

1. I have asked a question.

2. You have posted opinions, all without a shred of evidence, and then insisted that your opinions be believed.

Not hard to ascertain who is imbalanced. Ho hum. yawn****

You idiot. You posted that you "speculate" that AA benefits black players in the NFL, NBA and professional boxing.

Based on knowledge of these sports, several informed posters here have carved up and handed your dumb ass to you, and all that you have done is to deflect and deny every factual point that you have been spoon fed.

Your thread has been a great testament to your abject stupidy.
Why don't you explain it to me? Why won't you answer my question about percentage? Why are you avoiding that and just insulting me with name calling? What are you hiding?
Hiding? I wouldn't call an OP and about 100 posts "hiding", would you ? Like I said . You're a dumbbell.

Your answers are all already here, and have been for days. Read them, you lazy bum.

Sports gets away with still being a meritocracy because it has worked out better for Blacks that way. If it had been that Whites were in general superior athletes, it would be a different story. That is all.
Hey dumbbell. You do know that it is whites who have been the superior athletes, don't you ? I guess you don't bother to read threads before you post in them. Try reading this one. Always better to know what you're talking about. Sheeeesh!



How many times are you going repost the same pictures to prove a point that is not true? You are mentally impaired.
Why don't you explain it to me? Why won't you answer my question about percentage? Why are you avoiding that and just insulting me with name calling? What are you hiding?
Hiding? I wouldn't call an OP and about 100 posts "hiding", would you ? Like I said . You're a dumbbell.

Your answers are all already here, and have been for days. Read them, you lazy bum.


Yeah, run away. LOSER.
No he was not. Ali had a vast amatuer career capturing numerous

championships and won a gold medal in the olympics. And when he returned home to segregated and racist Louisvile, Kentucky, he could not even get served a sandwich in his own hometown.

As far as his religious beliefs go, at least he had the principles to stand up for his beliefs and had his title stripped during his peak years.

All of that aside, you obviously do not know the real story about the joke that was the computerized fight between Ali and Marciano.

In Archie Moores own words that I heard myself. And Archie at that time was the ONLY boxer who actually fought both Ali and Marciano:

*"During the filming, they both had to go down as part of the various scripted endings of the fight.
Ali took a body punch, and sat on his stool but refused to go to the canvas, and laughed. Marciano also laughed and went down as instructed. Yes Ali asked for more money, but he asked for it because of the fact that he needed it after he was stripped of his title.

Marciano said during the filming, I have never seen that big a man with hands that fast."

*The "Heavyweight Champion" that Marciano defeated for the title was 37 year old Jersey Joe Walcott, who was knocked out by Joe Louis years earlier, and he was way past his prime. Marciano was 28 years old at the time and it took him 13 rounds and a trip to the deck to win. Jersey Joe was not a great champion. At best, he was a journeyman with an inconsistent record. When Ali won his first title he won it at 22 years old and beat Sonny Liston, who was a knockout puncher with one of the best jabs in history, and feared by everyone. Liston would would have beaten Marciano to a bloody pulp.

Ali stopped Liston in the 7th round and knocked him out in 1 round in the rematch.

The so called third rate fighter that Ali lost to was as you say, Leon Spinks. When Ali fought Spinks he had already long ago cleaned out the entire heavyweight division by beating every top contender out there. Most of whom were champions themselves. Ken Norton, Joe Frazier, George Foreman and Jimmy Ellis.

All of thse men would have towered over Marciano, cut him up and stopped him.

Ali had also beaten some great contenders who would have been champions in the weak era that Marciano fought in.

That aside, Ali beat Spinks in a rematch at the age of 36!
Nearly the age that Walcott was when he LOST his title to Marciano.

Quality of opposition and length of career are two of the most important metrics in rating a champion.

*Marcianos opposition was substandard compared to Ali"s. Ali fought and defeated fighters who are ranked as all time greats. And he beat them IN THEIR PRIME. Marciano did not defeat a single all time great during their prime fighting years.

*Marciano was the champion for 4 years and fought a total of 9 years.

*Ali was champion for 3 years in his first reign, and came back almost 4 years later after having his prime years taken away, and won his title back and held it another 4 years during one of the most competitive eras in heavyweight boxing history.

He fought a total of 20 years.

* Joe Louis statement that "Rocky would have beaten him when he was younger" was Joe being gracious. He needed money to get the IRS off his back and Rocky gave him a shot. Joe was always humble in victory and defeat. That's the kind of guy he was. The real greatest overall fighter in history, Sugar Ray Robinson told me that himself, and he grew up in Detroit around Joe.

Lastly, I am not disparaging Marciano. Winning 49 fights and losing none is commendable, no matter what. He was a nice guy and I even have his autograph, and was sad whn he died in that plane crash. But he was not the greatest heavyweight champion by any means.
But he was a good one.

Here is what the real experts say:

From THE RING: The greatest heavyweight of all time - The Ring

View attachment 245160

Over your thick head.
It seems absurd to state that the NFL favours black players when they have punished Kapernik so much. Perhaps the OP could provide some names of players who are suffering from this supposed AA ?

That one very outspoken player got punished, does not disprove the unequal outcome.

By liberals standards, unequal outcome is proof of discrimination.

That you deny that, by lib standards, is proof you are a racist. And stupid. And evul.

This is not a "lib issue" or a "racial issue". You and the idiot OP are the ones who are race baiting and repeating yourselves and sounding absurd.

If there was actually anti white discrimination in the NFL, white people would not be turning out by the thousands to attend games, every year, and the highest paid players would not be white.

White players who did not make it and were good enough to make it would speak up as well.

In fact, your god, Trump tried to buy an NFL team once, and was rejected.
White people turn out to support all black teams for the same reason they vote for political parties that explicitly state that they will do nothing for them or even disenfranchise them, we have been robbed of our culture, our pride and our collective identity.

White people do not turn out to specificaly support "black teams". As with any sportsfans, they turn out for their "home team" or their "favorite" team.

And since the vast majority of the teams in professional sports are "white owned" there are no "black teams"

And who robbed you of your "culture, your pride and identity"?

On a per capita basis, white males are and have been the most rewarded demographic in the country based on monetary wealth and political power since America was founded.
Yes, NFL teams are businesses. And their product is winning. Who has a better business model, the New England Patriots or the Cleveland Browns?
Perhaps the Patriots do, since they are more balanced racially, don't appear to be employing AA, and clearly have superior athletes (at least on offense), enabling them to win 6 super bowls.

No team in the NFL is employing AA.
No it does not. Walcott won the title after several atrempts, and in winning it he actually defeated an overblown lightheavyweight who was also past his own ptime. Ezzard Charles.

Jersey Joe was the beneficiary of being a champion during a mediocre era of competition. So was Marciano.

Why are you so stupid?
How about answering the QUESTION OF THE OP (WITH EVIDENCE) instead of just dumping a big pile of excuses for this and that, and a lot of mindless chatter.

You got anything to conclude anything about Affirmative Action, one way or the other ? After 385 posts, it's about time.

I've told you repeatedly , as many others have that there is no affirmative action regarding players in the NFL.

You imagining it to be so just illustrates the level of stupid that you will sink to in order to prove the existence of something that is not there.

You need to be in therapy.....indefinitely.
Sports gets away with still being a meritocracy because it has worked out better for Blacks that way. If it had been that Whites were in general superior athletes, it would be a different story. That is all.
Hey dumbbell. You do know that it is whites who have been the superior athletes, don't you ? I guess you don't bother to read threads before you post in them. Try reading this one. Always better to know what you're talking about. Sheeeesh!



Wrong. Whites have not been the superior athletes. That's just the way it is.
Good question. If so, they need to immediately put you in restraints, give you a frontal lobotomy and admit you to a mental ward.
In this thread, a lot has been said.

1. I have asked a question.

2. You have posted opinions, all without a shred of evidence, and then insisted that your opinions be believed.

Not hard to ascertain who is imbalanced. Ho hum. yawn****

We have stated facts, all of which are proven based on the process used to select players.
I'm a dumbell? What percentage of NFL, and NBA players are WHITE?
Yeah, you're a dumbbell, I think you heard me right.You really don't know what we're talking about here do you ?

Have you even read the OP ? Do you know what Affirmative Action is ? Got a clue what's going on here ?

You don't know what AA is yourself.
Have you ever put on gloves and boxed? I doubt very seriously, because you apparantly do not understand thd rigorous training required that goes into being in top shape for ANY fight, let alone 15 tounds of fighting at a championship level.

A professional boxer at the age of 37 who has fought for over 20 years is simply not in the same physical condition as he was in the early part of his career. There is a big difference in still being competitive versus being in your prime for a fighter. Anyone who has experienced competition in the ring will tell you the same thing, you are just to stupid to understand facts.

For you to actually think that just because Walcott was a champion at the age of 37 means that he was at his peak at that age clearly illustrates that you have no clue about sports of any kind.

You are a crazy, senile, old nutcase.
Jersey Joe Walcott was the HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD when he fought Marciano. THAT is what determines prime,

Some people have to be told twice. Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle) :rolleyes:

Do us all a favor and STFU.

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