Blacks' Abundance In Pro Sports: Affirmative Action ?

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Black culture has nothing to do with this.

Seriously, it is not black culture that has us overrepresented on the field and underrepresented as coaches and upper management.
And your opinion of what IT IS that has blacks overrepresented on the field ?

We work harder so we are in better shape and can do the necessary skills better.

You admit an unequal outcome, and deny that the reason is discrimination?

By your own standards, you are racist, and evul.
I just got around to reading your gibberish because I usually avoid anything that you post. But since I know some pro athletes, I was curious what a dunce like you, who never partipated in a sport had to say on the subject. And as usual, you made a complete fool of yourself.

Every one of your points was adressed. So when dial a ride drops you off after your trip to the food bank, read the response and try to address it.

If you can.
The real "dunce" around here is the one who makes statements without the slightest knowledge of what he's talking about. I have participated in many sports, including some that you maybe don't even know existed.

So far I haven't seen a single intelligent response to the point that some pro sports (I used the NFL as a prime example)have a majority of black players, while it's not established that these are the most qualified. In fact, there is evidence to show that they may not be. This point has NOT been addressed other than a lot of jibberish, without anything really definitive, to the point of the OP.

So now that you have so efficiently made a fool of YOURself, you can either go get lost somewhere, or come back in here again, and show something of substance to show one way or the other, if the current racial composition of some pro sports, is factor of Affrimative Action, or not.

What you have proven with the OP that you don't know Jack about professional sports.
Namely football, basketball and definitely not boxing.

You have not posted a single fact about those sports,and all that you've done is to turn your already dumb shit into even dumber shit by creating yet another "woe is us....we poor white people are victims because there aren't enough of us in these sports".

White people kept blacks totally out of the upper echelon of those sports for decades in case you forgot,and when blacks were finally allowed to compete in the mainstream, team owners woke up and realized that THEY were screwing THEMSELVES because of backward racist policies that were outdated, dumbass.

It is white people who make the hiring decisions and create the contracts so go whine to them

And what "sports" have you played? Miniature Golf? Ping Pong?

The ones that I've "never heard of" are likely a figment of your imagination.
.....but according to you, IM2, and the blacks/leftists/etc, whites discriminate against blacks when hiring........???!!!
.so which is it?
If you read your own thread in a lucid moment, you will note that when I touched on boxing, I stated that in the lighter weight classes, there are and have been many good fighterrs who are not black

I have even been personal friends with a few. Alberto "Superfly" Sandoval, Bobby Chacone, Johnny Tapia, Danny 'Little Red" Lopez to name a few.

Rocky Marciano was undefeated but WAY overrated. He was very carefully managed and matched.

He never faced a big name fighter who was in his prime, and the ones that he did fight like Joe Louis, Jersey Joe Walcott, Ezzard Charles and Archie Moore were far past their peak when he fought them.

In fact, Moore and Walcott were both near 40 and knocked Marciano on his ass during their fights.

Marciano never faced any genuine up and coming black
contenders ike Sonny Liston or Eddie Machen, they both would have taken him apart, and he convienently retired without giving Floyd Patterson a shot.

There should he a footnote in his career pointing out that he was protected.

Back in the late 60's when Ali was wrongly stripped of his title there was even a computerized match that fed various stats into a program which manufactured a so called "dream match" between Ali and Marciano, which produced the ridiculous outcome of Marciano winning by a knockout with a body punch in the 13th round. Anything to keep the dream of a "Great White Hope" alive.

Boxing greats are measured by three categories. Length of career, quality of opposition and performance in championship bouts.

That being said, I've wasted more than enough time in this thread trying provide you with some common sense and some knowledge about certain sports.You don't know much at all.
What a crock. Marciano beat the heavyweight champion of the world to get his title. he would have destroyed Clay, who only got notoriety by shooting his big mouth off, and bullshitting about being against violence, because he was a Muslim. Being a Muslim is all about being IN FAVOR OF VIOLENCE. They should have drafted his ass.

As a boxer, he was good mostly . But he got beat by a 3rd rate club fighter, and lost his title to him (Leon Spinks). Marciano would have knocked Spinks out in the first round.

PS -why is there any talk of great white hope when 8 of the 13 undefeated boxers in boxing history were all white guys.

Here's how "weak" Marciano was (against the heavyweight champion of the world") >>>

ʙᴏxɪɴɢ ᴛʀɪᴠɪᴀ ɢᴜʏ on Twitter

Joe Louis admitted that Rocky would have beat him even in his prime. Also at 38 yrs old he was 68-2 and was still better than 95% of fighters in history.

Jack Dempsey said Marciano was the hardest puncher in history.

That's pretty good backup from the most reliable sources around.

He also broke a GOOD pro boxer's arms with gloved fists, Roland LaStarza.

He also has the highest KO rate of any heavyweight champion in history with 89%.

While filming the fantasy fight, Rocky actually floored Ali with a body shot and Ali refused to continue until he was offered a bigger cut... he also refused an actual match that Rocky challenged him to. Rocky was in his mid-40's at the time.

When the going got tough he rose to the occasion, EVERY SINGLE TIME. If that isn't heart then I don't know what is. He's been cut, outboxed and floored... always came back with the KO when he needed it. 100% is a flawless record, that means NO ONE found out how to beat him.

He beat a man that was around 250 lbs, undefeated (something like 2-0 or 4-0 I forget) and the man retired after the Rocky fight.

Beat a title contender who was something like 26-0 in just his 4th career fight... he was essentially fed to the lions so his manager could get paid.

He did all of this with the shortest reach of any heavyweight in history.

How is it possible to "overrate" this man? To do so would be on opinion alone when all facts and stats point towards greatness... and if we're talking opinion, I'll take Jack Dempsey's and Joe Louis' over some boxing fans 75 years later.

The best heavyweight fighter of all time.
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Black culture has nothing to do with this.

Seriously, it is not black culture that has us overrepresented on the field and underrepresented as coaches and upper management.
And your opinion of what IT IS that has blacks overrepresented on the field ?

We work harder so we are in better shape and can do the necessary skills better.

You admit an unequal outcome, and deny that the reason is discrimination?

By your own standards, you are racist, and evul.

By your own admission you are a white supremacist.

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There are black guys on the Pats.
It figures you give credit only to the white players.

Racist punk.
Idiot. I'm not giving credit. I'm pointing out that there are enough white players of top caliber to discount any notion that the heavy black representation is from superior ability.

Shut up when you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

Obviously there are not.

OK: the QBs are MOSTLY white. They're the BRAINS of the team. By your logic Blacks love whitey telling them what to do and making them look good.

You're an idiot!!

They are not the brains. They don’t even call their own plays.
They execute what the coaches tell them to do.

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There are black guys on the Pats.
It figures you give credit only to the white players.

Racist punk.
Idiot. I'm not giving credit. I'm pointing out that there are enough white players of top caliber to discount any notion that the heavy black representation is from superior ability.

Shut up when you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

You want me to shut up? Ain’t gonna happen.
Stop whining white boy.

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By the standards that race baiters use in every field where blacks or browns are underrepresented,

the under representation of whites relative to their share of the population,

is defacto proof of racism, and discrimination, and any denial of that can only be motivated by evulness and racism.

So, by your own rules, you have demonstrated that you are evul and "racist".
A fair assessment. Finally, an objective perspective.

From one racist punk to another.

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Black culture has nothing to do with this.

Seriously, it is not black culture that has us overrepresented on the field and underrepresented as coaches and upper management.
And your opinion of what IT IS that has blacks overrepresented on the field ?

We work harder so we are in better shape and can do the necessary skills better.

You admit an unequal outcome, and deny that the reason is discrimination?

By your own standards, you are racist, and evul.

By your own admission you are a white supremacist.

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YOu are a liar, and a race baiting piece of shit.
There are black guys on the Pats.
It figures you give credit only to the white players.

Racist punk.
Idiot. I'm not giving credit. I'm pointing out that there are enough white players of top caliber to discount any notion that the heavy black representation is from superior ability.

Shut up when you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

You want me to shut up? Ain’t gonna happen.
Stop whining white boy.

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i like that you don't deny, that you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

And you can shove your racist slur up your ass.
By the standards that race baiters use in every field where blacks or browns are underrepresented,

the under representation of whites relative to their share of the population,

is defacto proof of racism, and discrimination, and any denial of that can only be motivated by evulness and racism.

So, by your own rules, you have demonstrated that you are evul and "racist".
A fair assessment. Finally, an objective perspective.

From one racist punk to another.

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Said the racist.
This is near the top of the dumbest OPs I have ever read. Affirmative action plays no part in why blacks are so highly represented in pro sports. It has to do with black culture. I’ll bet you didn’t know that Jews used to dominate professional basketball.

One more thing- boxing is NOT one of the 4 major sports in this country by any metric. Hockey is the 4th major sport and there are very few blacks that play.......because of culture.

By country/region - Biggest Global Sports
United States

1. American Football

2. Basketball

3. Baseball

4. Ice Hockey

5. Golf

6. Nascar

7. Tennis

8. Soccer

9. Boxing

10. Mixed Martial Arts
Sorry to have to tell you this but your retort didn't even budge the OP one inch. You said >> "Affirmative action plays no part in why blacks are so highly represented in pro sports." Oh you don't think so, huh ? Well, as far as your post is concerned, all we have is what you THINK, because you haven't offered a shred of evidence to support what you say.

At this point, all we have is a majority of black players in the league, but the best ones teaming up offensively (the New England Patriots) are overwhelmingly white. Sure does present a case for affirmative action going on in this league.

As for your illustrious list, based on "sports covered in main news sections and prominence of headlines" (so you link claims), Gosh, who could ever argue with Michael Brown now, right ?

Right now anyone reading this is saying > "Who the hell is Michael Brown ?" The only Michael Brown most people ever heard of, was the big dummy who got himself blown to bits in Ferguson, Missouri, by attacking a cop.

Thank you for posting here protectionist. You serve as a good reminder that if a jack ass and a pig are allowed to breed, shit like you will happen. I like the way you wear your troll hair.
It seems absurd to state that the NFL favours black players when they have punished Kapernik so much. Perhaps the OP could provide some names of players who are suffering from this supposed AA ?
Stop crying. You don't even know what AA is. You must perform to get a job as a player.
Doesn't look like it. I can't forget that one guy in a playoff game, who missed a pass to him in the end zone - when the ball bounced off his head. You can bet Hall of Fame Edelman would have caught that pass. He didn't get hired by Affirmative Action.
If you read your own thread in a lucid moment, you will note that when I touched on boxing, I stated that in the lighter weight classes, there are and have been many good fighterrs who are not black

I have even been personal friends with a few. Alberto "Superfly" Sandoval, Bobby Chacone, Johnny Tapia, Danny 'Little Red" Lopez to name a few.

Rocky Marciano was undefeated but WAY overrated. He was very carefully managed and matched.

He never faced a big name fighter who was in his prime, and the ones that he did fight like Joe Louis, Jersey Joe Walcott, Ezzard Charles and Archie Moore were far past their peak when he fought them.

In fact, Moore and Walcott were both near 40 and knocked Marciano on his ass during their fights.

Marciano never faced any genuine up and coming black
contenders ike Sonny Liston or Eddie Machen, they both would have taken him apart, and he convienently retired without giving Floyd Patterson a shot.

There should he a footnote in his career pointing out that he was protected.

Back in the late 60's when Ali was wrongly stripped of his title there was even a computerized match that fed various stats into a program which manufactured a so called "dream match" between Ali and Marciano, which produced the ridiculous outcome of Marciano winning by a knockout with a body punch in the 13th round. Anything to keep the dream of a "Great White Hope" alive.

Boxing greats are measured by three categories. Length of career, quality of opposition and performance in championship bouts.

That being said, I've wasted more than enough time in this thread trying provide you with some common sense and some knowledge about certain sports.You don't know much at all.
What a crock. Marciano beat the heavyweight champion of the world to get his title. he would have destroyed Clay, who only got notoriety by shooting his big mouth off, and bullshitting about being against violence, because he was a Muslim. Being a Muslim is all about being IN FAVOR OF VIOLENCE. They should have drafted his ass.

As a boxer, he was good mostly . But he got beat by a 3rd rate club fighter, and lost his title to him (Leon Spinks). Marciano would have knocked Spinks out in the first round.

PS -why is there any talk of great white hope when 8 of the 13 undefeated boxers in boxing history were all white guys.

Here's how "weak" Marciano was (against the heavyweight champion of the world") >>>

ʙᴏxɪɴɢ ᴛʀɪᴠɪᴀ ɢᴜʏ on Twitter

Joe Louis admitted that Rocky would have beat him even in his prime. Also at 38 yrs old he was 68-2 and was still better than 95% of fighters in history.

Jack Dempsey said Marciano was the hardest puncher in history.

That's pretty good backup from the most reliable sources around.

He also broke a GOOD pro boxer's arms with gloved fists, Roland LaStarza.

He also has the highest KO rate of any heavyweight champion in history with 89%.

While filming the fantasy fight, Rocky actually floored Ali with a body shot and Ali refused to continue until he was offered a bigger cut... he also refused an actual match that Rocky challenged him to. Rocky was in his mid-40's at the time.

When the going got tough he rose to the occasion, EVERY SINGLE TIME. If that isn't heart then I don't know what is. He's been cut, outboxed and floored... always came back with the KO when he needed it. 100% is a flawless record, that means NO ONE found out how to beat him.

He beat a man that was around 250 lbs, undefeated (something like 2-0 or 4-0 I forget) and the man retired after the Rocky fight.

Beat a title contender who was something like 26-0 in just his 4th career fight... he was essentially fed to the lions so his manager could get paid.

He did all of this with the shortest reach of any heavyweight in history.

How is it possible to "overrate" this man? To do so would be on opinion alone when all facts and stats point towards greatness... and if we're talking opinion, I'll take Jack Dempsey's and Joe Louis' over some boxing fans 75 years later.

The best heavyweight fighter of all time.

Ali won an olympic gold medal. That's how he got notoriety.

Ali would have beat the shit out of Marciano.

Superior hand speed.
I base my opinion, which is correct on actual contact with professional players and coaches. I have relatives that have played the sport

Some are black and some are white. These people know team owners and were actually on the field.

They are not senile, shut in headcases who sit around dreaming up conspiracy theories.

Owners care about one thing.....winning. And race is NOT a factor. Nor has it been since the league was desegregated.

Do you see me whining about all of the great black players who never got an opportunity because of blatent racism?

You have an obsession bordering on a mental illness regarding AA.

It does not exist on the player level in the NFL.
You don't know that. When you state what you don't know, it's equivalent to lying.

Hey, what happened to your Jimi Hendrix avatar.? What's the matter Kat ? Not a Hendrix fan any more ? Feel weak that he could do what you can't ? > Play the guitar.
Thank you for posting here protectionist. You serve as a good reminder that if a jack ass and a pig are allowed to breed, shit like you will happen. I like the way you wear your troll hair.
Worthless good for nothing, personally-attacking, troll post, from an idiot.

As for my posting here, you're welcome.:biggrin:
It seems absurd to state that the NFL favours black players when they have punished Kapernik so much. Perhaps the OP could provide some names of players who are suffering from this supposed AA ?
How would anyone know that ? They're the ones who never got to the team. The unknowns.

But notice how you're talking in the sense that there IS Affirmative Action, in the hiring. I never said there was. I just posed the question. Looks like you might have just answered it (in the affirmative).
Stop crying. You don't even know what AA is. You must perform to get a job as a player.
Doesn't look like it. I can't forget that one guy in a playoff game, who missed a pass to him in the end zone - when the ball bounced off his head. You can bet Hall of Fame Edelman would have caught that pass. He didn't get hired by Affirmative Action.


"You can bet Hall of Fame Edelman would have caught that pass. He didn't get hired by Affirmative Action."

And neither dd anyone else on the field. Stop crying.

Because your whole life has been Affirmative Action white man.
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