Blacks' Abundance In Pro Sports: Affirmative Action ?

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We work harder so we are in better shape and can do the necessary skills better.
But you DON'T do them better. Look at the New England Patriots. They are almost entirely whites on offense + the coach. And they've won 6 Super Bowls.

Maybe if the other teams weren't overloading their teams with black players (possibly by Affirmative Action), and instead were just hiring the BEST players, then they could win a Super Bowl too. :biggrin:
Nothing that I have posted in this horseshit thread is racist.

What is utterly ridiculous is people like you who are ignorant enough to actually think that PERFORMANCE and STATISTICS based professions that are nearly 100% OWNED and MANAGED by WHITE PEOPLE is somehow victimizing other white people.

That is some of the dumbest shit I've ever read.

BTW.........If anyone here is a racist you are. It is your belief that any success in ANY endeavor by blacks is at the expense of whites.
Yes, indeed. We see what is YOUR BELIEF. That there is not affirmative action in pro sports. Just one problem. We're long way into this thread and you haven't presented anything to SHOW UPON WHAT this "BELIEF" might be based on. I don't recall seeing anything like that at all.

But if anyone has that belief, AND HAS EVIDENCE to support it, let's hear it. :biggrin:
An individual with your mindset would be a failure at any team sport.
The last time I played baseball, I hit 3 home runs (from both sides of the plate) Last time I played In the Pan, the other player surrendered, saying he couldn't hit my curve ball.

In music, I played 4 different instruments, could fill in if other band members didn't show up, and played in 3 different genres. And I don't just post pictures of Jimi Hendrix, I plug in a guitar, and play his song. Eat your heart out.
We work harder so we are in better shape and can do the necessary skills better.
But you DON'T do them better. Look at the New England Patriots. They are almost entirely whites on offense + the coach. And they've won 6 Super Bowls.

Maybe if the other teams weren't overloading their teams with black players (possibly by Affirmative Action), and instead were just hiring the BEST players, then they could win a Super Bowl too. :biggrin:

Yes we do. And you just have to live with that. The New England Patriots have won 6 Super Bowls with 6 different rosters. And each time the majority of players on the Patriots have been black..
Nearly 100% WHITE owned and MANAGED by CONSERVATIVE WHITE MALES, who are in it for the money, and therefore recruit and hire based on ability alone.

Get that through your thick head.
The results of 6 Super Bowls seems to indicate the opposite. I don't see any other evidence to point to either conclusion. (of AA or not)
Nothing that I have posted in this horseshit thread is racist.

What is utterly ridiculous is people like you who are ignorant enough to actually think that PERFORMANCE and STATISTICS based professions that are nearly 100% OWNED and MANAGED by WHITE PEOPLE is somehow victimizing other white people.

That is some of the dumbest shit I've ever read.

BTW.........If anyone here is a racist you are. It is your belief that any success in ANY endeavor by blacks is at the expense of whites.
Yes, indeed. We see what is YOUR BELIEF. That there is not affirmative action in pro sports. Just one problem. We're long way into this thread and you haven't presented anything to SHOW UPON WHAT this "BELIEF" might be based on. I don't recall seeing anything like that at all.

But if anyone has that belief, AND HAS EVIDENCE to support it, let's hear it. :biggrin:

We don't have to. Everybody but you knows players try out.
I knew John Mackey, used to hang out with him, and was at his funeral.

Hell of a man. And damn right. The absolute best tight end ever. And the rest of your post was spot on.

The New England Patriots have won 6 Super Bowls with 6 different rosters. And each time the majority of players on the Patriots have been black..
We don't have to. Everybody but you knows players try out.
And nobody has presented any EVIDENCE about WHO gets called in for a "tryout". And most players get drafted out of college teams, don't they >

Yeah, you can ignore EVIDENCE. Just float along on speculation and conjecture. But nobody has to believe it.
The New England Patriots have won 6 Super Bowls with 6 different rosters. And each time the majority of players on the Patriots have been black..
Each time the QB, the coach, and the receivers have been white + most of the offensive line. And in case you might not know, you have to score more points than the other team to win. :biggrin:

It seems to be very common to see NFL football fields and NBA courts with more blacks than all other races combined. There also has been a majority of blacks in professional boxing for many years. How does this come to be ? Since it is common for lesser qualified blacks to be hired to many types of jobs in industry generally, one might wonder if this isn't also the case with pro sports.

Are better talented, faster, stronger whites being denied opportunities, based on race ? How about Hispanics and Asians ? When is the last time you saw a Chinese, Japanese, or Korean guy on an NFL football field ? How about guys from India on a basketball court ? There are so few Asians in the most popular American sports that it's practically impossible to rate their performances.

This is not the case with Whites, however. In the top 4 pro US sports > baseball, football, basketball, and boxing, whites have proven to be as good or often better than blacks, yet still have smaller numbers there. This is despite the fact that blacks are only 13% of the US population, as compared to whites at 76%. Could affirmative action be at work here, putting blacks ahead of better qualified whites, et al races ?



Affirmative action is for minorities.
Are white people a minority?

Face the truth. Black people are better at sports than whites.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Blacks owe their ability to the genius of the slave owners selective breeding practices.
Then present evidence that proves your in more instances than ONE Superbowl and ONE team.

Look up top player stats over their careers.

If you do not understand football stats, which you likely do not, there are some here who do, that would gladly assist in helping you look like more of a dumbass.
If you had read the thread, you'd know that I've already done that.

Read Baby! Read! :biggrin:

PS - SIX Super Bowls (and recently) :rolleyes:
Apparently they don't.
They certainly do. Here's a few examples >> Roger Maris, Joe DiMaggio, Don Larsen, Ty Cobb, Cy Young, Johnny Vander Meer, Cal Ripken, Nolan Ryan, Ricky Henderson, Orel Hershiser, Pete Rose, Hank Aaron, Mickey Mantle, Babe Ruth, Ted Williams. Hundreds of others.
If you examine every Superbowl that they have been in, the same players who were the standouts in the most recent game were not the same in every game played.

How ignorant can one be?
To say something like you just said. I don't know. Pretty ignorant I guess.
"Hundreds" of players do not hold records in that sport or any other. A select few, relative to the total number of participants are the best.

That's why there is a "Hall of Fame"

And "characteristics" do not equal results.

Are you nuts?
Guess you just don't have your thinking cap on today. The original statement was >> "he did something no other player ever has done in the history of the game"

(some people need to have things spelled out for them)

OK, Here it is nice and slow. (for the slow ones among us)

1. Don Larsen - pitched a perfect game in the world series (1956), which no other player ever has done in the history of the game.

Roger Maris - hit 61 home runs in a single 162 game season, which no other (legitimate) player ever has done in the history of the game.

Joe DiMaggio - hit safely in 56 consecutive games which no other player ever has done in the history of the game.

Got it now ? :rolleyes:

I have to remember I'm talking to a dum dum.​
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An organization already exists where being a dumb and unqualified honky will always get you a leg’s called the Republican Party. :lol:

That’s true about the Republicans. It’s the opposite in the Democratic Party. If you’re a minority or a woman and stupid you move to the front of the line.

Any sellout minority or a woman moves to the front of the line in the republican party.

Really? Like whom?? Are ALL Black or Minority Conservatives sellouts? C'mon, asswipe. You know you want to call them Coconuts or Uncle Toms!!

Idiot libtarded fool!!


I live in a republican state fuckhead.

I attended a state republican party victory during a presidential election in the state capital of Kansas. It was quite by accident as we were bored and saw that across the street from where we were there was a party going on at the hotel. It just happed which was the Kansas state republican election watch party.

So we entered the party and mingled. We asked the winning candidates to work for certain concerns within the black community. Of course we got no promises and a bunch of dull unrelated stories from the newly elected national representatives but that was expected. However what was not, was the blatant begging republicans were doing for us to start attending meetings and becoming members of the party because they needed more blacks. I guess that’s outreach. I was asked if I had any political aspirations and that if I did, the republicans would make certain I could get as far as I wanted and would provide me with all the support needed.

But I am not a sellout who will deny white racism just so I can get some power.

And I am not some zero low IQ chump worth nothing like you.

So if he shoe fits that's what they will wear.

Get help for your psychosis and stay on topic

Pussy comments, girlyboy!! You're BLACK and the REPUBLICANS WANTED YOU!!! Oh that's right; you didn't want to be a coconut!! Get over your fucking victim mentality and get with those who want the Black Community to flourish!!

How the fuck is that racist you stupid prat!!?

It seems to be very common to see NFL football fields and NBA courts with more blacks than all other races combined. There also has been a majority of blacks in professional boxing for many years. How does this come to be ? Since it is common for lesser qualified blacks to be hired to many types of jobs in industry generally, one might wonder if this isn't also the case with pro sports.

Are better talented, faster, stronger whites being denied opportunities, based on race ? How about Hispanics and Asians ? When is the last time you saw a Chinese, Japanese, or Korean guy on an NFL football field ? How about guys from India on a basketball court ? There are so few Asians in the most popular American sports that it's practically impossible to rate their performances.

This is not the case with Whites, however. In the top 4 pro US sports > baseball, football, basketball, and boxing, whites have proven to be as good or often better than blacks, yet still have smaller numbers there. This is despite the fact that blacks are only 13% of the US population, as compared to whites at 76%. Could affirmative action be at work here, putting blacks ahead of better qualified whites, et al races ?



Ask yourself some questions before you rush to your bias for explanations?

Where does the NFL almost EXCLUSIVELY recruit from? --- Colleges.

How many kids want to go to college JUST primarily to play football or basketball --- not many..

What are these colleges OFFERING these kids? --- training for the NFL and 4 or 5 years out of da hood.

It's a vocational training thing. And kids who don't have academic priorities are the ones jumping for the sports scholarships. (in football/basketball) Although many can swim or golf or row or tennis without as much dedication to the teams, only the kids make the choice to BE the NFL farm team lucky dog draft pick get a chance at a career..

And the odds are NOT that great that they get a draft pick..

Hopefully, they KNOW THIS and decide to actually study for an alternate career...
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