Blacks' Abundance In Pro Sports: Affirmative Action ?

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Wrong. It's a fact.
Yeah ? And what makes it a "fact" ? You saying so ? Now if you were God, I might accept what you say, but since you're just some :lame2:brain glunk posting in a computer forum, without a shred of evidence to back up your words, then NO, it's NOT a fact at all. It's a hunch. That's all you've got. Nothing more. And it's not even a very good hunch. :laugh:
All these reasoning why there is no discrimination against white in sport also shows why there is not discrimination in favor of asians in Math? Why not realize that different races have different traits and one just do better and certain things and that explains the difference of demographic.
But it doesn't, because it's the whites who "do better" in the NFL. So it makes you wonder why there are so few of them, compared to blacks.




The thing here is that the Patriots did not let the other team scree a touchdown in the last super bowl and all your great whites could only score 13 points The Patriots defense won this last superbowl.






Wrong. It's a fact.
Yeah ? And what makes it a "fact" ? You saying so ? Now if you were God, I might accept what you say, but since you're just some :lame2:brain glunk posting in a computer forum, without a shred of evidence to back up your words, then NO, it's NOT a fact at all. It's a hunch. That's all you've got. Nothing more. And it's not even a very good hunch. :laugh:

I don't care what you don't accept. It is a fact. I am a man who played football with friends and a brother who went pro. You are a puss filled scab crying about a sport you were not good enough to play.
The thing here is that the Patriots did not let the other team scree a touchdown in the last super bowl and all your great whites could only score 13 points The Patriots defense won this last superbowl.






Sure the defense was excellent. I give credit. But the topic of the thread doesn't relate so much to the good play of the black players, when the question is why are there so relatively few white players, when many white players have distinguished themselves in 6 Super Bowls.

It's not a comparison of white and black players. It is the white players' good performance, that is relevant to the thread OP/topic. > that brings up the question of Affirmative Action. Get it ?

It's kind of like when Hank Aaron said "I'm not comparing myself to Babe Ruth, and I never said I was better than him. I just want to be recognized for what I do."
Good point.
I don't care what you don't accept. It is a fact. I am a man who played football with friends and a brother who went pro. You are a puss filled scab crying about a sport you were not good enough to play.
Oh so now you're gonna brag about what you could do, and try to one up me, huh ?

I doubt if you could throw a football, catch one, or even execute a block. What can you do in life, that is special ? You play any musical instruments ? How many, Brother ? Or are your hands about as capable to do that as the hoofs of a horse ?

And in baseball, I could slam your pitches out of the park, from either side of the plate. In In the Pan, I could strike you out 100 times in a row (especially if you hit right handed). :biggrin:
This s the winning TD for the Patriots SB 2 years ago.


The only thing white about him was his last name. He won super bowl 51 for the Patriots.

James White

During Super Bowl LI against the Atlanta Falcons, White had 139 total yards (29 rushing, 110 receiving). He joined Roger Craig as the only running back with 100+ receiving yards in a Super Bowl and broke Denver Broncos wide receiver Demaryius Thomas's previous record for most receptions in a Super Bowl, which came in a 43–8 loss to the Seattle Seahawks in Super Bowl XLVIII, with 14. He scored three touchdowns and a two-point conversion, setting a record for points in a Super Bowl, with 20.
This s the winning TD for the Patriots SB 2 years ago.


The only thing white about him was his last name. He won super bowl 51 for the Patriots.

James White

During Super Bowl LI against the Atlanta Falcons, White had 139 total yards (29 rushing, 110 receiving). He joined Roger Craig as the only running back with 100+ receiving yards in a Super Bowl and broke Denver Broncos wide receiver Demaryius Thomas's previous record for most receptions in a Super Bowl, which came in a 43–8 loss to the Seattle Seahawks in Super Bowl XLVIII, with 14. He scored three touchdowns and a two-point conversion, setting a record for points in a Super Bowl, with 20.

What's the matter You dense ? You flunked reading comprehension ? You got eyesight trouble ? I told you this isn't about black vs white. The only reason I posted information about white players being competent, is to show a lack of reason for an overpopulation of black players.

But with you turning the thread into a black/white contest, just shows your inner racism. Get a life.
The thing here is that the Patriots did not let the other team scree a touchdown in the last super bowl and all your great whites could only score 13 points The Patriots defense won this last superbowl.






Sure the defense was excellent. I give credit. But the topic of the thread doesn't relate so much to the good play of the black players, when the question is why are there so relatively few white players, when many white players have distinguished themselves in 6 Super Bowls.

It's not a comparison of white and black players. It is the white players' good performance, that is relevant to the thread OP/topic. > that brings up the question of Affirmative Action. Get it ?

It's kind of like when Hank Aaron said "I'm not comparing myself to Babe Ruth, and I never said I was better than him. I just want to be recognized for what I do."
Good point.

It's a comparison of white and black players. Get it ?

There is no question of AA. Get it ?
This s the winning TD for the Patriots SB 2 years ago.


The only thing white about him was his last name. He won super bowl 51 for the Patriots.

James White

During Super Bowl LI against the Atlanta Falcons, White had 139 total yards (29 rushing, 110 receiving). He joined Roger Craig as the only running back with 100+ receiving yards in a Super Bowl and broke Denver Broncos wide receiver Demaryius Thomas's previous record for most receptions in a Super Bowl, which came in a 43–8 loss to the Seattle Seahawks in Super Bowl XLVIII, with 14. He scored three touchdowns and a two-point conversion, setting a record for points in a Super Bowl, with 20.

What's the matter You dense ? You flunked reading comprehension ? You got eyesight trouble ? I told you this isn't about black vs white. The only reason I posted information about white players being competent, is to show a lack of reason for an overpopulation of black players.

But with you turning the thread into a black/white contest, just shows your inner racism. Get a life.

It seems to be very common to see NFL football fields and NBA courts with more blacks than all other races combined. There also has been a majority of blacks in professional boxing for many years. How does this come to be ? Since it is common for lesser qualified blacks to be hired to many types of jobs in industry generally, one might wonder if this isn't also the case with pro sports.

Are better talented, faster, stronger whites being denied opportunities, based on race ?
How about Hispanics and Asians ? When is the last time you saw a Chinese, Japanese, or Korean guy on an NFL football field ? How about guys from India on a basketball court ? There are so few Asians in the most popular American sports that it's practically impossible to rate their performances.

This is not the case with Whites, however. In the top 4 pro US sports > baseball, football, basketball, and boxing, whites have proven to be as good or often better than blacks, yet still have smaller numbers there. This is despite the fact that blacks are only 13% of the US population, as compared to whites at 76%. Could affirmative action be at work here, putting blacks ahead of better qualified whites, et al races ?”

This is about black and white you dumb ass. Read what you post.
So name some of these "high calibre" players who are missing out. Because at the moment you have nothing.
Very careless of you to come into a thread late, not bother to read it (so you could know what you're talking about), and then proceed blind, to make FALSE and utterly imbecile statements, because of your own careless ignorance/foolishness.

The high caliber players (25 of them) were listed in detail in Post # 132, Mr Careless, and also examples of the 6 time Super Bowl winning New England Patriots,even shown in
repeatedly in this thread, in color photos,​

Back to the reading assignment for you. :rolleyes:

PS - all this scolding for your careless stupidity, also goes to the 2 numbskulls who clicked "Thank You" for this foolish post.
I saw that post and it lists players who are actually in the NFL. It sort of means that they are not victims.

Now, have you got a list of players who have missed out because of "AA" ? Its not complicated old fellow.
This is not a "lib issue" or a "racial issue". You and the idiot OP are the ones who are race baiting and repeating yourselves and sounding absurd.

If there was actually anti white discrimination in the NFL, white people would not be turning out by the thousands to attend games, every year, and the highest paid players would not be white.

White players who did not make it and were good enough to make it would speak up as well.

In fact, your god, Trump tried to buy an NFL team once, and was rejected.
A lot of use of the word "would" in that post. Lots of speculation. What is not speculation though, is an abundance of black players in the NFL, who keep on losing to white players (the Patriots).

So why so many black players ? Why so relatively few whites ? Affirmative Action ? Anybody have any answers ? (with evidence)

This is not a "lib issue" or a "racial issue". You and the idiot OP are the ones who are race baiting and repeating yourselves and sounding absurd.

If there was actually anti white discrimination in the NFL, white people would not be turning out by the thousands to attend games, every year, and the highest paid players would not be white.

White players who did not make it and were good enough to make it would speak up as well.

In fact, your god, Trump tried to buy an NFL team once, and was rejected.
A lot of use of the word "would" in that post. Lots of speculation. What is not speculation though, is an abundance of black players in the NFL, who keep on losing to white players (the Patriots).

So why so many black players ? Why so relatively few whites ? Affirmative Action ? Anybody have any answers ? (with evidence)

*The Patriots are one team out of 32 in the league.
*The Patriots are not a "white team". They are more integrated than other teams. This Last year they, won the Superbowl and had several standout white players. So, good for them. They have won 5 other Superbowls in which every standout was not white, which you continue to fail to acknowledge.

*Use of the word/phrase "would be" is directly related to what "would be happening" as backlash in the NFL players ranks and among the fan base if there was preferential treatment being extended to black players. Which is not happening.

You do understand that for every action there is a reaction, don't you?
I don't care what you don't accept. It is a fact. I am a man who played football with friends and a brother who went pro. You are a puss filled scab crying about a sport you were not good enough to play.
Oh so now you're gonna brag about what you could do, and try to one up me, huh ?

I doubt if you could throw a football, catch one, or even execute a block. What can you do in life, that is special ? You play any musical instruments ? How many, Brother ? Or are your hands about as capable to do that as the hoofs of a horse ?

And in baseball, I could slam your pitches out of the park, from either side of the plate. In In the Pan, I could strike you out 100 times in a row (especially if you hit right handed). :biggrin:

You are a 70 something year old struggling recluse who is obsessed with Affirmative Action to the point of attempting to show evidence of it in one of the few professions where it does not exist.

I doubt that you can strike out anyone, hit a homerun, shoot a basketball or throw a football and I would bet my life that you sure as hell have never put on gloves and gotten into a ring to face another man.

I've been in and around sports for my entire life with collegiate athletes as well as professionals. Two nephews, and several good friends played and coached in the NFL.

Quite a few friends that I met from my own time in golden glove and aau competition went on
5o hecome professional boxers and trainers.

You do not speak the language of or have the knowledge of someone who has ever participated
competitively in team sports on any level.

This thread and your statements in it prove that. You talk about the Patriots being a "white team" that "black teams keep losing to"? There are no more white teams in the NFL since it desegregated decades ago.

Have you been in a coma? This is a picture of New Englands 2018 defensive know, the ones who held the Rams to 3 points?

They look pretty dark to be on a "white team". Don't they?

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It seems absurd to state that the NFL favours black players when they have punished Kapernik so much. Perhaps the OP could provide some names of players who are suffering from this supposed AA ?

That one very outspoken player got punished, does not disprove the unequal outcome.

By liberals standards, unequal outcome is proof of discrimination.

That you deny that, by lib standards, is proof you are a racist. And stupid. And evul.

This is not a "lib issue" or a "racial issue". You and the idiot OP are the ones who are race baiting and repeating yourselves and sounding absurd.

If there was actually anti white discrimination in the NFL, white people would not be turning out by the thousands to attend games, every year, and the highest paid players would not be white.

White players who did not make it and were good enough to make it would speak up as well.

In fact, your god, Trump tried to buy an NFL team once, and was rejected.

We are just holding you libs to your own standards.

There is unequal outcome. That means there had to be discrimination.

You aren't arguing that whites are racially inferior are you?
If you read your own thread in a lucid moment, you will note that when I touched on boxing, I stated that in the lighter weight classes, there are and have been many good fighterrs who are not black

I have even been personal friends with a few. Alberto "Superfly" Sandoval, Bobby Chacone, Johnny Tapia, Danny 'Little Red" Lopez to name a few.

Rocky Marciano was undefeated but WAY overrated. He was very carefully managed and matched.

He never faced a big name fighter who was in his prime, and the ones that he did fight like Joe Louis, Jersey Joe Walcott, Ezzard Charles and Archie Moore were far past their peak when he fought them.

In fact, Moore and Walcott were both near 40 and knocked Marciano on his ass during their fights.

Marciano never faced any genuine up and coming black
contenders ike Sonny Liston or Eddie Machen, they both would have taken him apart, and he convienently retired without giving Floyd Patterson a shot.

There should he a footnote in his career pointing out that he was protected.

Back in the late 60's when Ali was wrongly stripped of his title there was even a computerized match that fed various stats into a program which manufactured a so called "dream match" between Ali and Marciano, which produced the ridiculous outcome of Marciano winning by a knockout with a body punch in the 13th round. Anything to keep the dream of a "Great White Hope" alive.

Boxing greats are measured by three categories. Length of career, quality of opposition and performance in championship bouts.

That being said, I've wasted more than enough time in this thread trying provide you with some common sense and some knowledge about certain sports.You don't know much at all.
What a crock. Marciano beat the heavyweight champion of the world to get his title. he would have destroyed Clay, who only got notoriety by shooting his big mouth off, and bullshitting about being against violence, because he was a Muslim. Being a Muslim is all about being IN FAVOR OF VIOLENCE. They should have drafted his ass.

As a boxer, he was good mostly . But he got beat by a 3rd rate club fighter, and lost his title to him (Leon Spinks). Marciano would have knocked Spinks out in the first round.

PS -why is there any talk of great white hope when 8 of the 13 undefeated boxers in boxing history were all white guys.

Here's how "weak" Marciano was (against the heavyweight champion of the world") >>>

ʙᴏxɪɴɢ ᴛʀɪᴠɪᴀ ɢᴜʏ on Twitter

Joe Louis admitted that Rocky would have beat him even in his prime. Also at 38 yrs old he was 68-2 and was still better than 95% of fighters in history.

Jack Dempsey said Marciano was the hardest puncher in history.

That's pretty good backup from the most reliable sources around.

He also broke a GOOD pro boxer's arms with gloved fists, Roland LaStarza.

He also has the highest KO rate of any heavyweight champion in history with 89%.

While filming the fantasy fight, Rocky actually floored Ali with a body shot and Ali refused to continue until he was offered a bigger cut... he also refused an actual match that Rocky challenged him to. Rocky was in his mid-40's at the time.

When the going got tough he rose to the occasion, EVERY SINGLE TIME. If that isn't heart then I don't know what is. He's been cut, outboxed and floored... always came back with the KO when he needed it. 100% is a flawless record, that means NO ONE found out how to beat him.

He beat a man that was around 250 lbs, undefeated (something like 2-0 or 4-0 I forget) and the man retired after the Rocky fight.

Beat a title contender who was something like 26-0 in just his 4th career fight... he was essentially fed to the lions so his manager could get paid.

He did all of this with the shortest reach of any heavyweight in history.

How is it possible to "overrate" this man? To do so would be on opinion alone when all facts and stats point towards greatness... and if we're talking opinion, I'll take Jack Dempsey's and Joe Louis' over some boxing fans 75 years later.

The best heavyweight fighter of all time.

No he was not. Ali had a vast amatuer career capturing numerous

championships and won a gold medal in the olympics. And when he returned home to segregated and racist Louisvile, Kentucky, he could not even get served a sandwich in his own hometown.

As far as his religious beliefs go, at least he had the principles to stand up for his beliefs and had his title stripped during his peak years.

All of that aside, you obviously do not know the real story about the joke that was the computerized fight between Ali and Marciano.

In Archie Moores own words that I heard myself. And Archie at that time was the ONLY boxer who actually fought both Ali and Marciano:

*"During the filming, they both had to go down as part of the various scripted endings of the fight.
Ali took a body punch, and sat on his stool but refused to go to the canvas, and laughed. Marciano also laughed and went down as instructed. Yes Ali asked for more money, but he asked for it because of the fact that he needed it after he was stripped of his title.

Marciano said during the filming, I have never seen that big a man with hands that fast."

*The "Heavyweight Champion" that Marciano defeated for the title was 37 year old Jersey Joe Walcott, who was knocked out by Joe Louis years earlier, and he was way past his prime. Marciano was 28 years old at the time and it took him 13 rounds and a trip to the deck to win. Jersey Joe was not a great champion. At best, he was a journeyman with an inconsistent record. When Ali won his first title he won it at 22 years old and beat Sonny Liston, who was a knockout puncher with one of the best jabs in history, and feared by everyone. Liston would would have beaten Marciano to a bloody pulp.

Ali stopped Liston in the 7th round and knocked him out in 1 round in the rematch.

The so called third rate fighter that Ali lost to was as you say, Leon Spinks. When Ali fought Spinks he had already long ago cleaned out the entire heavyweight division by beating every top contender out there. Most of whom were champions themselves. Ken Norton, Joe Frazier, George Foreman and Jimmy Ellis.

All of thse men would have towered over Marciano, cut him up and stopped him.

Ali had also beaten some great contenders who would have been champions in the weak era that Marciano fought in.

That aside, Ali beat Spinks in a rematch at the age of 36!
Nearly the age that Walcott was when he LOST his title to Marciano.

Quality of opposition and length of career are two of the most important metrics in rating a champion.

*Marcianos opposition was substandard compared to Ali"s. Ali fought and defeated fighters who are ranked as all time greats. And he beat them IN THEIR PRIME. Marciano did not defeat a single all time great during their prime fighting years.

*Marciano was the champion for 4 years and fought a total of 9 years.

*Ali was champion for 3 years in his first reign, and came back almost 4 years later after having his prime years taken away, and won his title back and held it another 4 years during one of the most competitive eras in heavyweight boxing history.

He fought a total of 20 years.

* Joe Louis statement that "Rocky would have beaten him when he was younger" was Joe being gracious. He needed money to get the IRS off his back and Rocky gave him a shot. Joe was always humble in victory and defeat. That's the kind of guy he was. The real greatest overall fighter in history, Sugar Ray Robinson told me that himself, and he grew up in Detroit around Joe.

Lastly, I am not disparaging Marciano. Winning 49 fights and losing none is commendable, no matter what. He was a nice guy and I even have his autograph, and was sad whn he died in that plane crash. But he was not the greatest heavyweight champion by any means.
But he was a good one.

Here is what the real experts say:

From THE RING: The greatest heavyweight of all time - The Ring
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It seems absurd to state that the NFL favours black players when they have punished Kapernik so much. Perhaps the OP could provide some names of players who are suffering from this supposed AA ?

That one very outspoken player got punished, does not disprove the unequal outcome.

By liberals standards, unequal outcome is proof of discrimination.

That you deny that, by lib standards, is proof you are a racist. And stupid. And evul.

This is not a "lib issue" or a "racial issue". You and the idiot OP are the ones who are race baiting and repeating yourselves and sounding absurd.

If there was actually anti white discrimination in the NFL, white people would not be turning out by the thousands to attend games, every year, and the highest paid players would not be white.

White players who did not make it and were good enough to make it would speak up as well.

In fact, your god, Trump tried to buy an NFL team once, and was rejected.

We are just holding you libs to your own standards.

There is unequal outcome. That means there had to be discrimination.

You aren't arguing that whites are racially inferior are you?

I am not a "Lib" and I do not live to politicize every life scenario as you do. I have no political loyalty to any party.

You cannot find any post in this forum or on the internet where I have ever stated that ANY race is inferior on ANY level.

There are white people in my family. A sister in law and two brothers in law, and they are cared for just as much as everyone else in my family.

And that being said, I will NOT quietly accept being categorized as "racially inferior" by anyone.

And for your information professional sports is one of the few professions where individual personality, nepotism, cronyism, favoritism and especially DISCRIMINATION are not a factor. Maybe so in the front office, but definitely not on the field.

Rewards are purely performance based.

Why do you think so many pro athletes risk their health with performance enhancing substances? if something can give them an edge physically, many are willing to take the risk.
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I'm pointing out that there are enough white players of top caliber to discount any notion that the heavy black representation is from superior ability.
OK. So what you're saying is that the white owners and coaches of the NFL are saying "Hey. We have better white players than black players. But we are gong to play the black players and lose more games and have let's chance of winning the super bowl"
I'm pointing out that there are enough white players of top caliber to discount any notion that the heavy black representation is from superior ability.
OK. So what you're saying is that the white owners and coaches of the NFL are saying "Hey. We have better white players than black players. But we are gong to play the black players and lose more games and have let's chance of winning the super bowl"

That's the bottom line. And the fact is that practically 100% of the owners are conservative white males. And what matters most to them is MONEY.

if they could win championships with malignant midgets that are lepers, they would do so.
Marciano....protected by ducking the best competition

Ali.......fought all comers and ducked no one. He defeated opposition that would have murdered short, slow Marciano.

You don't know shit about boxing or fighters or football.
Dumbass. He knocked out the heavyweight CHAMPION of the world ( and damn near killed him with one punch) And Clay lost to guys (ex, Leon Spinks) who would have lasted one minute with Marciano. Back to the drawing board for you.
and get back on topic.

Rocky Marciano The Punch - Bing video
Ali was too fast and mobile to get caught often enough by Rocky and if he did catch him, it's probably the solidest chin of all time Rocky would be hitting. I don’t totally dismiss a Marciano win because the hardest Ali was dropped was by Henry Cooper’s left hook. So Rocky could for sure have hurt Ali and if Frazier could get to Ali there’s no reason Marciano couldn’t

But Rocky never fought anybody that had the movement like Ali did. That was as slick as Ali was. Marciano was able to get inside against Joe Louis, Ezzard Charles, Archie Moore and Jersey Joe but compared to Ali those guys are slow as molasses.

All in all Ali had way too much ring IQ for Marciano. Rocky doesn't do much better than Chuvalo,
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I don't care what you don't accept. It is a fact. I am a man who played football with friends and a brother who went pro. You are a puss filled scab crying about a sport you were not good enough to play.
Oh so now you're gonna brag about what you could do, and try to one up me, huh ?

I doubt if you could throw a football, catch one, or even execute a block. What can you do in life, that is special ? You play any musical instruments ? How many, Brother ? Or are your hands about as capable to do that as the hoofs of a horse ?

And in baseball, I could slam your pitches out of the park, from either side of the plate. In In the Pan, I could strike you out 100 times in a row (especially if you hit right handed). :biggrin:

You'd be sorely disappointed at what would happen to you on a baseball field. Not only did I play football, I played rugby at an all star level. You're a loser. That's why you are 92 and crying about affirmative action.
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