Blacks' Abundance In Pro Sports: Affirmative Action ?

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It seems absurd to state that the NFL favours black players when they have punished Kapernik so much. Perhaps the OP could provide some names of players who are suffering from this supposed AA ?

That one very outspoken player got punished, does not disprove the unequal outcome.

By liberals standards, unequal outcome is proof of discrimination.

That you deny that, by lib standards, is proof you are a racist. And stupid. And evul.

This is not a "lib issue" or a "racial issue". You and the idiot OP are the ones who are race baiting and repeating yourselves and sounding absurd.

If there was actually anti white discrimination in the NFL, white people would not be turning out by the thousands to attend games, every year, and the highest paid players would not be white.

White players who did not make it and were good enough to make it would speak up as well.

In fact, your god, Trump tried to buy an NFL team once, and was rejected.

We are just holding you libs to your own standards.

There is unequal outcome. That means there had to be discrimination.

You aren't arguing that whites are racially inferior are you?

I am not a "Lib" and I do not live to politicize every life scenario as you do. I have no political loyalty to any party.

You cannot find any post in this forum or on the internet where I have ever stated that ANY race is inferior on ANY level.

There are white people in my family. A sister in law and two brothers in law, and they are cared for just as much as everyone else in my family.

And that being said, I will NOT quietly accept being categorized as "racially inferior" by anyone.

And for your information professional sports is one of the few professions where individual personality, nepotism, cronyism, favoritism and especially DISCRIMINATION are not a factor. Maybe so in the front office, but definitely not on the field.

Rewards are purely performance based.

Why do you think so many pro athletes risk their health with performance enhancing substances? if something can give them an edge physically, many are willing to take the risk.

If you are not a lib, do you not see the point I am making about the standard lib way of looking at "discrimination"?
It seems absurd to state that the NFL favours black players when they have punished Kapernik so much. Perhaps the OP could provide some names of players who are suffering from this supposed AA ?

That one very outspoken player got punished, does not disprove the unequal outcome.

By liberals standards, unequal outcome is proof of discrimination.

That you deny that, by lib standards, is proof you are a racist. And stupid. And evul.

This is not a "lib issue" or a "racial issue". You and the idiot OP are the ones who are race baiting and repeating yourselves and sounding absurd.

If there was actually anti white discrimination in the NFL, white people would not be turning out by the thousands to attend games, every year, and the highest paid players would not be white.

White players who did not make it and were good enough to make it would speak up as well.

In fact, your god, Trump tried to buy an NFL team once, and was rejected.

We are just holding you libs to your own standards.

There is unequal outcome. That means there had to be discrimination.

You aren't arguing that whites are racially inferior are you?

I am not a "Lib" and I do not live to politicize every life scenario as you do. I have no political loyalty to any party.

You cannot find any post in this forum or on the internet where I have ever stated that ANY race is inferior on ANY level.

There are white people in my family. A sister in law and two brothers in law, and they are cared for just as much as everyone else in my family.

And that being said, I will NOT quietly accept being categorized as "racially inferior" by anyone.

And for your information professional sports is one of the few professions where individual personality, nepotism, cronyism, favoritism and especially DISCRIMINATION are not a factor. Maybe so in the front office, but definitely not on the field.

Rewards are purely performance based.

Why do you think so many pro athletes risk their health with performance enhancing substances? if something can give them an edge physically, many are willing to take the risk.

If you are not a lib, do you not see the point I am making about the standard lib way of looking at "discrimination"?

Nope. Because you are attempting to, and epically failing at looking at professional sports PLAYERS in a sensible manner.

NFL players are judged and placed soley based upon performance, and stats, which validates their ABILITY, and thusly determines their value to the franchise.

Not a "Lib" or "conservative" issue.

Last edited:
Sports gets away with still being a meritocracy because it has worked out better for Blacks that way. If it had been that Whites were in general superior athletes, it would be a different story. That is all.
Football boxing and basketball are ways for them to get out of the trap, it has to do with how many play the sports. Baseball they no longer play. There's no difference between
races, racist doups...
It seems to be very common to see NFL football fields and NBA courts with more blacks than all other races combined. There also has been a majority of blacks in professional boxing for many years. How does this come to be ? Since it is common for lesser qualified blacks to be hired to many types of jobs in industry generally, one might wonder if this isn't also the case with pro sports.

Are better talented, faster, stronger whites being denied opportunities, based on race ? How about Hispanics and Asians ? When is the last time you saw a Chinese, Japanese, or Korean guy on an NFL football field ? How about guys from India on a basketball court ? There are so few Asians in the most popular American sports that it's practically impossible to rate their performances.

This is not the case with Whites, however. In the top 4 pro US sports > baseball, football, basketball, and boxing, whites have proven to be as good or often better than blacks, yet still have smaller numbers there. This is despite the fact that blacks are only 13% of the US population, as compared to whites at 76%. Could affirmative action be at work here, putting blacks ahead of better qualified whites, et al races ?



You have to be the most ignorant ass on the planet. While it is true that the majority of the players in the NBA and NFL are black, it was not always that way. It was not until the middle of the 20th century that black players began to represent larger numbers in those sports.

"The Whitest Huddle of Any Team in the League"

Even now, the highest paid players in the NFL are white. And of course the owners are nearly 100% white, and the vast majority of front office positions are occupied by white males.
These are the only two owners of color in the NFL

The average NFL player has a career that lasts 4 years, and earns between 4.5 to 5.0 million per season, and while the NBA players have slightly longer careers and earn a little more,
it is the team owners who earn the most money. The upper echelon players earn more money over time in product endorsements than they earn playing the sport if they are fortunate enough to get a deal.

And in spite of the fact that it galls an idiot like you, the vast majority of the fans who purchase tickets are white males. Do you actually think that they pay for season tickets to see black players who are the beneficiaries of favoritism at the expense of other white males?

Are you actually stupid enough to believe that any team owner would risk THEIR own wealth in the name of favoring black players through Affirmative Action?

As far as professional boxing goes, black world champions in the heavyweight class were non existent until Jack Johnson became the first in history. Mainly due to cowardly white males who would not "cross the color line" and risk losing to a black opponent.

When he won the title, race riots ensued all over America over a "N*****" beating up a white man" and invalidating the so called physical superiority of the white race.

If you examine ALL of the weight classes in professional boxing today, black fighters are NOT the majority in the lighter weight classes below the welterweight division.

Boxing fans pay big money to see the best fighters fight, and they normally don't care what race the fighter is, as long as they get what they came to see.

You surpassed your own very high bar of idiocy with this stupid shit.

it was not always that way.
You surpassed your own very high bar of idiocy with this stupid shit.

If you have anything of substance, like a REAL fact to contribute for a change, feel free to post it.

I won't hold my breath.
....blacks less than 13% of the population but over 70% players are black = DISCRIMINATION against whites
hahahahhahahahahahaha THERE'S your facts
Bologna. Whites don't want to play football at that speed LOL
By the standards that race baiters use in every field where blacks or browns are underrepresented,

the under representation of whites relative to their share of the population,

is defacto proof of racism, and discrimination, and any denial of that can only be motivated by evulness and racism.

So, by your own rules, you have demonstrated that you are evul and "racist".
A fair assessment. Finally, an objective perspective.

From one racist punk to another.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Said the racist.

It seems your obsession with me is still in effect.
Get therapy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dude. i like responded to you two or three times, and you're playing the "obsession" card?

LOL!!! You lose, lefty racist.
That one very outspoken player got punished, does not disprove the unequal outcome.

By liberals standards, unequal outcome is proof of discrimination.

That you deny that, by lib standards, is proof you are a racist. And stupid. And evul.

This is not a "lib issue" or a "racial issue". You and the idiot OP are the ones who are race baiting and repeating yourselves and sounding absurd.

If there was actually anti white discrimination in the NFL, white people would not be turning out by the thousands to attend games, every year, and the highest paid players would not be white.

White players who did not make it and were good enough to make it would speak up as well.

In fact, your god, Trump tried to buy an NFL team once, and was rejected.

We are just holding you libs to your own standards.

There is unequal outcome. That means there had to be discrimination.

You aren't arguing that whites are racially inferior are you?

I am not a "Lib" and I do not live to politicize every life scenario as you do. I have no political loyalty to any party.

You cannot find any post in this forum or on the internet where I have ever stated that ANY race is inferior on ANY level.

There are white people in my family. A sister in law and two brothers in law, and they are cared for just as much as everyone else in my family.

And that being said, I will NOT quietly accept being categorized as "racially inferior" by anyone.

And for your information professional sports is one of the few professions where individual personality, nepotism, cronyism, favoritism and especially DISCRIMINATION are not a factor. Maybe so in the front office, but definitely not on the field.

Rewards are purely performance based.

Why do you think so many pro athletes risk their health with performance enhancing substances? if something can give them an edge physically, many are willing to take the risk.

If you are not a lib, do you not see the point I am making about the standard lib way of looking at "discrimination"?

Nope. Because you are attempting to, and epically failing at looking at professional sports PLAYERS in a sensible manner.

NFL players are judged and placed soley based upon performance, and stats, which validates their ABILITY, and thusly determines their value to the franchise.

Not a "Lib" or "conservative" issue.


LIberals never attempt to look at unequal outcomes in a sensible manner. That is the point.

Their rule is the unequal outcome is proof of discrimination and anyone that argues against it, is a "racist".

If you support that, as you seem to be doing....
This is not a "lib issue" or a "racial issue". You and the idiot OP are the ones who are race baiting and repeating yourselves and sounding absurd.

If there was actually anti white discrimination in the NFL, white people would not be turning out by the thousands to attend games, every year, and the highest paid players would not be white.

White players who did not make it and were good enough to make it would speak up as well.

In fact, your god, Trump tried to buy an NFL team once, and was rejected.

We are just holding you libs to your own standards.

There is unequal outcome. That means there had to be discrimination.

You aren't arguing that whites are racially inferior are you?

I am not a "Lib" and I do not live to politicize every life scenario as you do. I have no political loyalty to any party.

You cannot find any post in this forum or on the internet where I have ever stated that ANY race is inferior on ANY level.

There are white people in my family. A sister in law and two brothers in law, and they are cared for just as much as everyone else in my family.

And that being said, I will NOT quietly accept being categorized as "racially inferior" by anyone.

And for your information professional sports is one of the few professions where individual personality, nepotism, cronyism, favoritism and especially DISCRIMINATION are not a factor. Maybe so in the front office, but definitely not on the field.

Rewards are purely performance based.

Why do you think so many pro athletes risk their health with performance enhancing substances? if something can give them an edge physically, many are willing to take the risk.

If you are not a lib, do you not see the point I am making about the standard lib way of looking at "discrimination"?

Nope. Because you are attempting to, and epically failing at looking at professional sports PLAYERS in a sensible manner.

NFL players are judged and placed soley based upon performance, and stats, which validates their ABILITY, and thusly determines their value to the franchise.

Not a "Lib" or "conservative" issue.


LIberals never attempt to look at unequal outcomes in a sensible manner. That is the point.

Their rule is the unequal outcome is proof of discrimination and anyone that argues against it, is a "racist".

If you support that, as you seem to be doing....

That is your summation. Which is far from truth.
This is not a "lib issue" or a "racial issue". You and the idiot OP are the ones who are race baiting and repeating yourselves and sounding absurd.

If there was actually anti white discrimination in the NFL, white people would not be turning out by the thousands to attend games, every year, and the highest paid players would not be white.

White players who did not make it and were good enough to make it would speak up as well.

In fact, your god, Trump tried to buy an NFL team once, and was rejected.

We are just holding you libs to your own standards.

There is unequal outcome. That means there had to be discrimination.

You aren't arguing that whites are racially inferior are you?

I am not a "Lib" and I do not live to politicize every life scenario as you do. I have no political loyalty to any party.

You cannot find any post in this forum or on the internet where I have ever stated that ANY race is inferior on ANY level.

There are white people in my family. A sister in law and two brothers in law, and they are cared for just as much as everyone else in my family.

And that being said, I will NOT quietly accept being categorized as "racially inferior" by anyone.

And for your information professional sports is one of the few professions where individual personality, nepotism, cronyism, favoritism and especially DISCRIMINATION are not a factor. Maybe so in the front office, but definitely not on the field.

Rewards are purely performance based.

Why do you think so many pro athletes risk their health with performance enhancing substances? if something can give them an edge physically, many are willing to take the risk.

If you are not a lib, do you not see the point I am making about the standard lib way of looking at "discrimination"?

Nope. Because you are attempting to, and epically failing at looking at professional sports PLAYERS in a sensible manner.

NFL players are judged and placed soley based upon performance, and stats, which validates their ABILITY, and thusly determines their value to the franchise.

Not a "Lib" or "conservative" issue.


LIberals never attempt to look at unequal outcomes in a sensible manner. That is the point.

Their rule is the unequal outcome is proof of discrimination and anyone that argues against it, is a "racist".

If you support that, as you seem to be doing....

No I don't. Simply because everyone does not fit into a pre determined, compartmentalized political category as you imply.

There is no "standard lib response" or a "standard right response" to everything. Especially in professional sports.

You are, through YOUR OWN biases, attempting to categorize people in general, and categorize them based on your own personal disdain for those that you identify as "Liberals"....whice based on your history of posts, you detest.

So, please don't hijack this thread with bullshit politics.
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That one very outspoken player got punished, does not disprove the unequal outcome.

By liberals standards, unequal outcome is proof of discrimination.

That you deny that, by lib standards, is proof you are a racist. And stupid. And evul.

This is not a "lib issue" or a "racial issue". You and the idiot OP are the ones who are race baiting and repeating yourselves and sounding absurd.

If there was actually anti white discrimination in the NFL, white people would not be turning out by the thousands to attend games, every year, and the highest paid players would not be white.

White players who did not make it and were good enough to make it would speak up as well.

In fact, your god, Trump tried to buy an NFL team once, and was rejected.

We are just holding you libs to your own standards.

There is unequal outcome. That means there had to be discrimination.

You aren't arguing that whites are racially inferior are you?

I am not a "Lib" and I do not live to politicize every life scenario as you do. I have no political loyalty to any party.

You cannot find any post in this forum or on the internet where I have ever stated that ANY race is inferior on ANY level.

There are white people in my family. A sister in law and two brothers in law, and they are cared for just as much as everyone else in my family.

And that being said, I will NOT quietly accept being categorized as "racially inferior" by anyone.

And for your information professional sports is one of the few professions where individual personality, nepotism, cronyism, favoritism and especially DISCRIMINATION are not a factor. Maybe so in the front office, but definitely not on the field.

Rewards are purely performance based.

Why do you think so many pro athletes risk their health with performance enhancing substances? if something can give them an edge physically, many are willing to take the risk.

If you are not a lib, do you not see the point I am making about the standard lib way of looking at "discrimination"?

No I don't. Simply because everyone does not fit into a pre determined, compartmentalized political category as you imply.

There is no "standard lib response" or a "standard right response" to everything.

You are, through YOUR OWN biases, attempting to categorize people in general, and categorize them based on your own personal disdain for those that you identify as "Liberals"....whice based on your history of posts, you detest.

So, please don't highjack the thread with your political bullshit.

I've seen this type of behavior before.

Some people, seem to have problems understanding how to use the concept of "groups". or "general categories".

When you discuss a group, generally speaking, it is understood that the description of the GROUP, might very well be GENERALLY TRUE, of individuals in the group, but that some INDIVIDUALS may vary, to one degree or another.

This does not refute the usefulness of the concept of "Groups" or "general categories".

I made point about liberals, as a group. YOu claim to not be a part of that group. That is fine.

But my point about the behavior of that group, stands. Your inability to understand the concept a "group"

does not refute my point.
It seems to be very common to see NFL football fields and NBA courts with more blacks than all other races combined. There also has been a majority of blacks in professional boxing for many years. How does this come to be ? Since it is common for lesser qualified blacks to be hired to many types of jobs in industry generally, one might wonder if this isn't also the case with pro sports.

Are better talented, faster, stronger whites being denied opportunities, based on race ? How about Hispanics and Asians ? When is the last time you saw a Chinese, Japanese, or Korean guy on an NFL football field ? How about guys from India on a basketball court ? There are so few Asians in the most popular American sports that it's practically impossible to rate their performances.

This is not the case with Whites, however. In the top 4 pro US sports > baseball, football, basketball, and boxing, whites have proven to be as good or often better than blacks, yet still have smaller numbers there. This is despite the fact that blacks are only 13% of the US population, as compared to whites at 76%. Could affirmative action be at work here, putting blacks ahead of better qualified whites, et al races ?



You have to be the most ignorant ass on the planet. While it is true that the majority of the players in the NBA and NFL are black, it was not always that way. It was not until the middle of the 20th century that black players began to represent larger numbers in those sports.

"The Whitest Huddle of Any Team in the League"

Even now, the highest paid players in the NFL are white. And of course the owners are nearly 100% white, and the vast majority of front office positions are occupied by white males.
These are the only two owners of color in the NFL

The average NFL player has a career that lasts 4 years, and earns between 4.5 to 5.0 million per season, and while the NBA players have slightly longer careers and earn a little more,
it is the team owners who earn the most money. The upper echelon players earn more money over time in product endorsements than they earn playing the sport if they are fortunate enough to get a deal.

And in spite of the fact that it galls an idiot like you, the vast majority of the fans who purchase tickets are white males. Do you actually think that they pay for season tickets to see black players who are the beneficiaries of favoritism at the expense of other white males?

Are you actually stupid enough to believe that any team owner would risk THEIR own wealth in the name of favoring black players through Affirmative Action?

As far as professional boxing goes, black world champions in the heavyweight class were non existent until Jack Johnson became the first in history. Mainly due to cowardly white males who would not "cross the color line" and risk losing to a black opponent.

When he won the title, race riots ensued all over America over a "N*****" beating up a white man" and invalidating the so called physical superiority of the white race.

If you examine ALL of the weight classes in professional boxing today, black fighters are NOT the majority in the lighter weight classes below the welterweight division.

Boxing fans pay big money to see the best fighters fight, and they normally don't care what race the fighter is, as long as they get what they came to see.

You surpassed your own very high bar of idiocy with this stupid shit.

it was not always that way.
You surpassed your own very high bar of idiocy with this stupid shit.

If you have anything of substance, like a REAL fact to contribute for a change, feel free to post it.

I won't hold my breath.
....blacks less than 13% of the population but over 70% players are black = DISCRIMINATION against whites
hahahahhahahahahahaha THERE'S your facts
Bologna. Whites don't want to play football at that speed LOL
More white parents will not let their boys play football
You have to be the most ignorant ass on the planet. While it is true that the majority of the players in the NBA and NFL are black, it was not always that way. It was not until the middle of the 20th century that black players began to represent larger numbers in those sports.

"The Whitest Huddle of Any Team in the League"

Even now, the highest paid players in the NFL are white. And of course the owners are nearly 100% white, and the vast majority of front office positions are occupied by white males.
These are the only two owners of color in the NFL

The average NFL player has a career that lasts 4 years, and earns between 4.5 to 5.0 million per season, and while the NBA players have slightly longer careers and earn a little more,
it is the team owners who earn the most money. The upper echelon players earn more money over time in product endorsements than they earn playing the sport if they are fortunate enough to get a deal.

And in spite of the fact that it galls an idiot like you, the vast majority of the fans who purchase tickets are white males. Do you actually think that they pay for season tickets to see black players who are the beneficiaries of favoritism at the expense of other white males?

Are you actually stupid enough to believe that any team owner would risk THEIR own wealth in the name of favoring black players through Affirmative Action?

As far as professional boxing goes, black world champions in the heavyweight class were non existent until Jack Johnson became the first in history. Mainly due to cowardly white males who would not "cross the color line" and risk losing to a black opponent.

When he won the title, race riots ensued all over America over a "N*****" beating up a white man" and invalidating the so called physical superiority of the white race.

If you examine ALL of the weight classes in professional boxing today, black fighters are NOT the majority in the lighter weight classes below the welterweight division.

Boxing fans pay big money to see the best fighters fight, and they normally don't care what race the fighter is, as long as they get what they came to see.

You surpassed your own very high bar of idiocy with this stupid shit.

it was not always that way.
You surpassed your own very high bar of idiocy with this stupid shit.

If you have anything of substance, like a REAL fact to contribute for a change, feel free to post it.

I won't hold my breath.
....blacks less than 13% of the population but over 70% players are black = DISCRIMINATION against whites
hahahahhahahahahahaha THERE'S your facts
Bologna. Whites don't want to play football at that speed LOL
More white parents will not let their boys play football
They all want to play video games
You'd be sorely disappointed at what would happen to you on a baseball field. Not only did I play football, I played rugby at an all star level. You're a loser. That's why you are 92 and crying about affirmative action.
You couldn't play marbles. :cool:

You wouldn't have wanted to line up across from me, that's for certain.
Or down wind either

Nothing worse than a retard racist ho.

Go cook protectionists dinner and shut up.
By the standards that race baiters use in every field where blacks or browns are underrepresented,

the under representation of whites relative to their share of the population,

is defacto proof of racism, and discrimination, and any denial of that can only be motivated by evulness and racism.

So, by your own rules, you have demonstrated that you are evul and "racist".
A fair assessment. Finally, an objective perspective.

From one racist punk to another.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Said the racist.

It seems your obsession with me is still in effect.
Get therapy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dude. i like responded to you two or three times, and you're playing the "obsession" card?

LOL!!! You lose, lefty racist.

This obsession of yours is not a new thing. You have been up my ass since day one.
Get therapy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This is not a "lib issue" or a "racial issue". You and the idiot OP are the ones who are race baiting and repeating yourselves and sounding absurd.

If there was actually anti white discrimination in the NFL, white people would not be turning out by the thousands to attend games, every year, and the highest paid players would not be white.

White players who did not make it and were good enough to make it would speak up as well.

In fact, your god, Trump tried to buy an NFL team once, and was rejected.

We are just holding you libs to your own standards.

There is unequal outcome. That means there had to be discrimination.

You aren't arguing that whites are racially inferior are you?

I am not a "Lib" and I do not live to politicize every life scenario as you do. I have no political loyalty to any party.

You cannot find any post in this forum or on the internet where I have ever stated that ANY race is inferior on ANY level.

There are white people in my family. A sister in law and two brothers in law, and they are cared for just as much as everyone else in my family.

And that being said, I will NOT quietly accept being categorized as "racially inferior" by anyone.

And for your information professional sports is one of the few professions where individual personality, nepotism, cronyism, favoritism and especially DISCRIMINATION are not a factor. Maybe so in the front office, but definitely not on the field.

Rewards are purely performance based.

Why do you think so many pro athletes risk their health with performance enhancing substances? if something can give them an edge physically, many are willing to take the risk.

If you are not a lib, do you not see the point I am making about the standard lib way of looking at "discrimination"?

Nope. Because you are attempting to, and epically failing at looking at professional sports PLAYERS in a sensible manner.

NFL players are judged and placed soley based upon performance, and stats, which validates their ABILITY, and thusly determines their value to the franchise.

Not a "Lib" or "conservative" issue.


LIberals never attempt to look at unequal outcomes in a sensible manner. That is the point.

Their rule is the unequal outcome is proof of discrimination and anyone that argues against it, is a "racist".

If you support that, as you seem to be doing....
Well there are reasons that things work out the way they do. So you look behind the outcome to see how it happened. The OP asked a question based on the outcomes and suggested that AA might be the cause. It patently isnt. There is not one shred of evidence to support that.
So it just looks like the usual underclass whine.
You have to be the most ignorant ass on the planet. While it is true that the majority of the players in the NBA and NFL are black, it was not always that way. It was not until the middle of the 20th century that black players began to represent larger numbers in those sports.

"The Whitest Huddle of Any Team in the League"

Even now, the highest paid players in the NFL are white. And of course the owners are nearly 100% white, and the vast majority of front office positions are occupied by white males.
These are the only two owners of color in the NFL

The average NFL player has a career that lasts 4 years, and earns between 4.5 to 5.0 million per season, and while the NBA players have slightly longer careers and earn a little more,
it is the team owners who earn the most money. The upper echelon players earn more money over time in product endorsements than they earn playing the sport if they are fortunate enough to get a deal.

And in spite of the fact that it galls an idiot like you, the vast majority of the fans who purchase tickets are white males. Do you actually think that they pay for season tickets to see black players who are the beneficiaries of favoritism at the expense of other white males?

Are you actually stupid enough to believe that any team owner would risk THEIR own wealth in the name of favoring black players through Affirmative Action?

As far as professional boxing goes, black world champions in the heavyweight class were non existent until Jack Johnson became the first in history. Mainly due to cowardly white males who would not "cross the color line" and risk losing to a black opponent.

When he won the title, race riots ensued all over America over a "N*****" beating up a white man" and invalidating the so called physical superiority of the white race.

If you examine ALL of the weight classes in professional boxing today, black fighters are NOT the majority in the lighter weight classes below the welterweight division.

Boxing fans pay big money to see the best fighters fight, and they normally don't care what race the fighter is, as long as they get what they came to see.

You surpassed your own very high bar of idiocy with this stupid shit.

it was not always that way.
You surpassed your own very high bar of idiocy with this stupid shit.

If you have anything of substance, like a REAL fact to contribute for a change, feel free to post it.

I won't hold my breath.
....blacks less than 13% of the population but over 70% players are black = DISCRIMINATION against whites
hahahahhahahahahahaha THERE'S your facts
Bologna. Whites don't want to play football at that speed LOL
More white parents will not let their boys play football

That is a very recent development and considering the large size of the white population, that still does not explain the massively unequal outcome.

RW, YOU are a liberal. YOu see unequal outcome. If the races were reversed, anyone that tried to make excuses for the Employers, you would them call all kinds of racist.

Why the different rules for whites?

By your own standards, you are racist and evul.
A fair assessment. Finally, an objective perspective.

From one racist punk to another.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Said the racist.

It seems your obsession with me is still in effect.
Get therapy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dude. i like responded to you two or three times, and you're playing the "obsession" card?

LOL!!! You lose, lefty racist.

This obsession of yours is not a new thing. You have been up my ass since day one.
Get therapy.

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We are just holding you libs to your own standards.

There is unequal outcome. That means there had to be discrimination.

You aren't arguing that whites are racially inferior are you?

I am not a "Lib" and I do not live to politicize every life scenario as you do. I have no political loyalty to any party.

You cannot find any post in this forum or on the internet where I have ever stated that ANY race is inferior on ANY level.

There are white people in my family. A sister in law and two brothers in law, and they are cared for just as much as everyone else in my family.

And that being said, I will NOT quietly accept being categorized as "racially inferior" by anyone.

And for your information professional sports is one of the few professions where individual personality, nepotism, cronyism, favoritism and especially DISCRIMINATION are not a factor. Maybe so in the front office, but definitely not on the field.

Rewards are purely performance based.

Why do you think so many pro athletes risk their health with performance enhancing substances? if something can give them an edge physically, many are willing to take the risk.

If you are not a lib, do you not see the point I am making about the standard lib way of looking at "discrimination"?

Nope. Because you are attempting to, and epically failing at looking at professional sports PLAYERS in a sensible manner.

NFL players are judged and placed soley based upon performance, and stats, which validates their ABILITY, and thusly determines their value to the franchise.

Not a "Lib" or "conservative" issue.


LIberals never attempt to look at unequal outcomes in a sensible manner. That is the point.

Their rule is the unequal outcome is proof of discrimination and anyone that argues against it, is a "racist".

If you support that, as you seem to be doing....
Well there are reasons that things work out the way they do. So you look behind the outcome to see how it happened. The OP asked a question based on the outcomes and suggested that AA might be the cause. It patently isnt. There is not one shred of evidence to support that.
So it just looks like the usual underclass whine.

LIberals never attempt to look at unequal outcomes in a sensible manner. That is the point.

Their rule is the unequal outcome is proof of discrimination and anyone that argues against it, is a "racist".
From one racist punk to another.

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Said the racist.

It seems your obsession with me is still in effect.
Get therapy.

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Dude. i like responded to you two or three times, and you're playing the "obsession" card?

LOL!!! You lose, lefty racist.

This obsession of yours is not a new thing. You have been up my ass since day one.
Get therapy.

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He is silent for he has nothing to answer when the sun goes down.
Only a picture.
Get therapy.

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Said the racist.

It seems your obsession with me is still in effect.
Get therapy.

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Dude. i like responded to you two or three times, and you're playing the "obsession" card?

LOL!!! You lose, lefty racist.

This obsession of yours is not a new thing. You have been up my ass since day one.
Get therapy.

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He is silent for he has nothing to answer when the sun goes down.
Only a picture.
Get therapy.

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The picture made my point just fine. It is not credible that you did not understand it.

That part where you pretended that you did not understand it?

That was cowardice and lying.
It seems your obsession with me is still in effect.
Get therapy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dude. i like responded to you two or three times, and you're playing the "obsession" card?

LOL!!! You lose, lefty racist.

This obsession of yours is not a new thing. You have been up my ass since day one.
Get therapy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He is silent for he has nothing to answer when the sun goes down.
Only a picture.
Get therapy.

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The picture made my point just fine. It is not credible that you did not understand it.

That part where you pretended that you did not understand it?

That was cowardice and lying.

I never said I didn’t understand the picture, liar.

Get therapy.

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